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Millenia Music Head Talks About the Music of 2050

According to John La Grou, the head of Millenia Music and Media Systems, the world of music will shift from actual to virtual 40 years from now. La Grou said that through Moore’s law, a great future for music, gaming and even film production and making will cut costs while delivering efficient and aesthetic results.

The CEO said that by 2050, gesture-based controls for music interfaces will have greatly improved. In 2050, he also said that most instruments will be virtual and majority electronic.

He also speculated that audio companies will highly likely true 360 audio immersion systems over headphones or speakers. The 360 audio will allow users to be locked inside a “sound bubble” wherein spherical audio will make for actual replication of the audio as it is heard in real life.

However, according to Steve Guttenberg of CNET, the idea was too idealistic and people are passive as using music-listening as an active activity instead of the passive nature people place it as a background soundtrack to their daily activities. Full immersion could completely cut the multi-tasking capabilities of many people.

Guttenberg was also concerned about where acoustic musicians will fit in the 2050 envisioned by La Grou. La Grou said that future technologies could emulate acoustic space with possible realistic precision.


Yoko Ono Says John Lennon Would’ve Loved the “Computer Age”

Today’s generation grows more close-knit because of the Internet and modern devices that allow for communication at any time. John Lennon would have loved to have lived in this era, according to lover Yoko Ono.

The 80-year old musician had just released her recent album with her Plastic Ono Band “Take Me to the Land of Hell”, said that Lennon would have been so excited living in the computer age. She said that in the past, he and her would talk about technologies beyond their time, closely resembled by today’s technology.

Her talks with John Lennon included the Smile Project, where Yoko Ono intends to film capturing the smiles of everyone in the world.

Currently, she fronts the Plastic Ono Band. Her son Sean Lennon, along with Nels Cline, Yuka Honda and Yuko Araki forms the entire band that had just finished playing at London’s Meltdown Festival.

When asked about her current album, Yoko Ono said that it was a mix of light-heartedness. Critics pointed out the darker songs in her album where she explained that people in the same age as hers “forgot” about idealism during the time they themselves were defending against a system and government they did not want.



Critics Say Miley Cyrus’ VMA 2013 Performance Was “An Act of Desperation”

Netizens all over the world and the audience of the 2013 VMA were shocked at the raunchy and gritty performance of Miley Cyrus, the former Disney flag-girl. Critics also said that she tried “way too hard” to impress her new persona of killing her child-like appeal during her dance number with singer Robin Thicke.

According to Hannah Montana’s Mom actress Brooke Shields, Miley was trying a bit too hard to become the mature girl she thinks she is. Shields expressed that she didn’t like where Miley Cyrus’ image was heading.

Shields commented on Miley’s performance at the VMAs, especially her suggestive sexual gestures, dance moves and annoying tongue sticking out of her face.

Critics also said that it was very disturbing to see her in fresh-colored underwear and allegedly kissing the buttocks of a dancer and pecking the neck of Robin Thicke onstage.

Brooke Shields also expressed her dismay at Miley Cyrus’ advisers and the reason she has to do “everything she did onstage to win over her audience. Shields expressed that she could not let her children watch the show.

Some critics note that Miley Cyrus’ performance was mimicry of Lady Gaga’s unique performances. However, the only difference is that Lady Gaga’s performance genius is a genius indeed.


Best Audio Converters for Windows Users

Ensuring that your Internet radio loads properly is more than just changing the physical factors of your website; your media files will most likely take up bandwidth and take the longest time to load. Fortunately, you could stream lower-grade media if you convert your files to smaller or more lossy formats for your listeners. Here are a few of the best audio converters available for Windows users.

1. Free Audio Converter
This freeware application allows you to convert single files or batches. Designed for beginners, it has an intuitive interface and converts to different file formats including AIFF, AAc, AC3, FLAC, M4A, M4B, APE, MP3, MKA, OGG, TTA, RA, WAV and WMA. It also allows you to create new format presets for one-click conversions later.

2. Helium
Another intuitive audio converter, it allows you to convert an audio file into AAC, MP3, MP4, M4A, M4B, MPC, Ogg Vorbis, WAVPack and WMA files. Its drag and drop feature allows users to just drag and drop files without having to enter the file addresses. Its conversion speed tops other audio conversion programs available today. You might only need to pay a meagre sum for this converter

3. Fre:AC
Fre:AC only takes less than a minute to download and is a flexible audio converter and CD ripping software. Supporting formats such as MP3, MP4, WMA, FLACK, AAC, WAV, Bonk and AAC, you’ll have no trouble for lowering the audio quality of your files. It also supports CDDB online CD database and can convert entire music libraries.


DJ Tips: Improving your Voice Charisma

As your own Internet radio disc jockey, your voice is your investment. People want to listen to an attractive, active and entertaining voice. If you’re starting your own Internet radio, it is important you know how to talk and here are a few tips how.

1. Attitude
People like to listen to a voice with a strong characteristic. You could sound mesmerizing and hypnotic, angry and energetic or even operatic or melodic. Whichever voice you have, it should have attitude and a unique characteristic.

2. Breathing
Radio DJs speak directly to the microphone and people can hear every single thing that passes through your mouth. They’ll hear you sip coffee, eat anything and every nuance and sibilance your mouth produces. Breathing is one thing they can hear clearly from you and to have a voice with charisma, you need to develop proper vocal breathing techniques.

3. Speed and Pacing
People want to understand what you’re trying to say, but if you speak too quickly, they can’t actually guess what you’re saying. Always take note of the speed and pace you talk. When talking, bring expression to your speech by altering your pitch and taking a pause to emphasize the importance of your last statement.

4. Accent
Never fake your accent because listeners can easily detect if you are trying to imitate any kind of local accent. Improving your vocabulary for your public is possible, but your accent could only be improved but never faked. Stick with your first accent and focus on improving your enunciations and rhythmic passages instead.


PPI Claims Delays Primarily Caused by UK’s Big Banks

Inevitable as it may be, banks who are solely responsible for mis selling PPI to millions of UK customers are now the ones primarily causing the delays in the PPI claims process. Financial Ombudsman Chief Natalie Ceeney pointed out banks were fair to their customers during the early days of compensation provision, but today, as their resources continue to drain out, they imposed new “claims guidelines” that enable them to weed out several hundreds of PPI claims.

Ceeney elaborated that these bank tactics are actually causing delays in the PPI claims process with UK big banks actually passing many claims to the FOS. Today, the Financial Ombudsman deals with 2,000 PPI claims on a daily basis and had helped address over 381,000 claims. The FOS rules 86% of most PPI disputes in the favour of customers.

The British Bankers Association points out that even though it might delay the PPI claims process, the BBA is only protecting its banks from fraudulent PPI claims. Banks blamed claims management companies for the increasing number of PPI claims from invalid customers.

However, the Claims Standards Council, which represents some claims management companies, said that CMCs are actually there to help people find out if they have a mis sold PPI or not. The CSC said that this was the reason why CMCs were on a no win no fee basis; once customers find they have no mis sold PPI because they aren’t sure in the first place, they do not need to pay the CMCs.

Observers said that CMCs filled in the role of banks when the FSA tasked them to call on customers that may be mis sold PPI, which the former also delayed.


Sidechain Compression and Its Different Applications

Compression allowed many existing tracks today to actually sound louder as the e’rs’ perception of sound dimensions bend louder because of the compressor’s effect. Compressors are also effective in allowing tracks not to distort or destroy commercial radio speakers. However, if you want your tracks to become louder, you could actually make use of sidechain compression.

Sidechain compression is allowing the signal of a prominent track to “bounce” over an existing track by means of allowing the signal of the prominent track to compress over the background track. For example, if a mixer sidechains a bass drum track over a bass instrument, the bass instrument sounds as if it is bouncing, allowing the bass drum more space to sound louder.

This technique is also useful for DJs who do not want to pull down the master volume of the tracks from time to time as he talks. The signal of his voice would bounce over the tracks, allowing his voice to be heard very clearly while the tracks are still playing.

With sufficient audio headroom and proper sound dimensions, a sidechain can energize a track efficiently. However, the only problem with sidechains is that the sound may be a bit louder or one instrument being emphasized over the other, which could be a big problem in any case.


Recording Preparations are More Important Than Post Editing

In photography, it takes great composition, lighting and timing to take a great photo. With proper environmental factors, a photo can become a memorable and a professional shot. In making music, this is also an important part. Professionals know that a good product relies on good and strenuous preparation, not just on its execution.

Recording preparations include having new strings on guitars and basses, both acoustic and electric, ensuring that the dynamics and velocities of a keyboard are nearest to the human and actual feel of the player and that all drum instruments have fresh skins that sound crisp and lively to the ear.

The most important part of recording instruments is the mic positioning. Microphones are like ears that capture audio, and the sound of the instruments depend on their position. Finding the right angle to capture the sound of the instrument takes much time and is a process of trial and error, but once you find the right position, you can guarantee that the sound of your song will be consistent.

Most modern audio and recording engineers believe that post editing is more important than the recording process in itself. Modern technology allows the replacement of drum hits using pre-recorded samples from other studios. However, dependence on this kind of practice cannot expand the ability of the audio engineer to experiment with actual sound and capturing them. Also, the sound of samples compared to proper recording preparations differ in an actual setting.


Making Your Internet Radio Website Load Faster

If you have an Internet radio website, you know you have to get a moderately high bandwidth to stream songs and add your own applications. However, if there is too much information requested from your servers, your website might suffer severe downtimes, which could cost you. Here are a few tips to ensure your website loads faster and avoids downtimes at all costs.

1. Optimize your Image and Compress Text Files
Your website will contain all your design codes and text files. Even if they might seem smaller, you could still compress your text files to half their size. Using the “optimize for web” option in Photoshop may not completely optimize your images for your website. It is best that you export these files in compressed jpeg, png and jpg formats for quicker loading.

2. Physical Distance
A webhost that is more than 40 miles away from your current IP address or is hosted abroad could make it difficult for your local visitors to find your website. If you determine the market audience location targeted for your Internet campaign, it would be wise to have a webhost near their location. It can guarantee faster loading times and consistent speed when it comes to loading pages.

3. Stylesheets and Javascripts
Design is everything in today’s websites because they attract audiences from everywhere and Stylesheets and Javascripts make everything look more sleek, advanced and innovative. However, they take up huge space from your bandwidth. Make sure to find pieces of code that you don’t need for your website and make your codes simple. If there is a way to shorten a code, do so.


Accident Claims: Effective Work Ethics With Claims Experts

Claims management companies and personal injury lawyers promise you that they will handle all the work your claim requires, but still, they need input from you to ensure the success of your accident claim. Working with an accident claims specialist solicitor will help you increase your chances of earning complete compensation. Here are a few things you should remember.


1. Meet Personally Regularly
It is important that you meet personally with your claims expert on a regular basis and the best way to do this is to choose a claims company that is near your location. Claims experts need to brief you on the progress of your claim, how well your claim is doing and what further improvements do you need for your clam.

2. Provide All Details
Your claims expert is not a mind reader; they will need all information and details about your claim. But, before you do so, ensure that the Ministry of Justice regulates them. You can validate this by asking for their Claims Regulation number, the number you could use if you have any complaints about your CMC. The claim’s logical inclination is based on the details you provide, so mind these items as soon as possible.

3. Patience
Any professional knows the value of time but sometimes, they will also need time to make your claim progress faster. Sometimes, it could take time for a claims expert to achieve progress on your claim. Insurance companies and the new Ministry of Justice accident claim guidelines are not making it easier for anybody, even to your claims expert.