Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

About IISH

The IISH conducts advanced research on the global history of work, workers, and labour relations and to this end gathers data, which are made available to other researchers as well.


The IISH carries out and stimulates scholarly research. It is a respected meeting place for researchers from all over the world and organizes conferences, symposia and international research projects. The institute publishes research results through international academic publishers. The International Review of Social History is published for the institute by Cambridge University Press and appears three times a year, plus one supplement.


The institute holds over 3,000 archives, more than 1,000,000 printed volumes, and an equivalent number of audio-visual items, in total ca. 50 kilometer. The largest part of the collections is accessible without any restrictions.

Organization and staff members

The IISH is an Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) since 1979.

More about the IISH
