- published: 18 Mar 2010
- views: 66382
- author: simha12
kaurava.dat-Hudugirandre Dangerappo
Superb song from the movie kaurava, i like this song very much, hope you guys will enjoy i...
published: 18 Mar 2010
author: simha12
kaurava.dat-Hudugirandre Dangerappo
Superb song from the movie kaurava, i like this song very much, hope you guys will enjoy it !!!!!
- published: 18 Mar 2010
- views: 66382
- author: simha12
Kaurava-Khu Khu Khoo
Kaurava Kannada Movie Songs HAMSALEKHA HITS....
published: 23 Apr 2013
author: mukesh kumar
Kaurava-Khu Khu Khoo
Kaurava Kannada Movie Songs HAMSALEKHA HITS.
- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 1059
- author: mukesh kumar
Firestorm Over Kaurava - War40kgames
Firestorm Over Kaurava - Campagne W40kG: http://war40kgames.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=92&...
published: 25 Feb 2013
author: W40kG
Firestorm Over Kaurava - War40kgames
Firestorm Over Kaurava - Campagne W40kG: http://war40kgames.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=92&t;=861.
- published: 25 Feb 2013
- views: 1083
- author: W40kG
Purgation Of Kaurava - War40kgames - Dawn Of War
Purgation Of Kaurava - Warhammer 40000 - Dawn Of War http://www.moddb.com/mods/purgation-o...
published: 21 Jan 2013
author: W40kG
Purgation Of Kaurava - War40kgames - Dawn Of War
Purgation Of Kaurava - Warhammer 40000 - Dawn Of War http://www.moddb.com/mods/purgation-of-kaurava.
- published: 21 Jan 2013
- views: 1056
- author: W40kG
Indrick Boreale destroys Kaurava
Indrick Boreale and his voice destroys the defenders of Kaurava in the name of the empra A...
published: 19 Nov 2011
author: RarendtheBlack
Indrick Boreale destroys Kaurava
Indrick Boreale and his voice destroys the defenders of Kaurava in the name of the empra Audio from BigDickCheney.
- published: 19 Nov 2011
- views: 25245
- author: RarendtheBlack
Kaurava Kannada Movie Songs dont miss to watch
Kaurava Kannada Movie Songs HAMSALEKHA HITS....
published: 01 Aug 2013
author: mukicherag
Kaurava Kannada Movie Songs dont miss to watch
Kaurava Kannada Movie Songs HAMSALEKHA HITS.
- published: 01 Aug 2013
- views: 100
- author: mukicherag
Kaurava Kannada Movie dont miss to watch
Kaurava Cast B.C.Patil, Prema....
published: 09 Jan 2013
author: mukicherag
Kaurava Kannada Movie dont miss to watch
Kaurava Cast B.C.Patil, Prema.
- published: 09 Jan 2013
- views: 1310
- author: mukicherag
Kaurava - Tau vs Chaos
Présentation côté Tau du mod Firestorm Over Kaurava et sera intégré au mod Purgation Over ...
published: 12 Feb 2013
author: ARNO Shas\'o
Kaurava - Tau vs Chaos
Présentation côté Tau du mod Firestorm Over Kaurava et sera intégré au mod Purgation Over Kaurava.
- published: 12 Feb 2013
- views: 455
- author: ARNO Shas\'o
Kaurava 1998: Full Length Kannada Movie
"Watch Full Length Kannada Movie Kaurava released in the year 1998. Directed by S Mahender...
published: 03 Sep 2013
Kaurava 1998: Full Length Kannada Movie
"Watch Full Length Kannada Movie Kaurava released in the year 1998. Directed by S Mahender, music by Hamsalekha, written by B A Madhu and starring B C Patil, Prema, Loknath, Pramodini, Tennis Krishna, Bank Janardhan.
- published: 03 Sep 2013
- views: 221
Purgation over Kaurava gamepaly
A mod for Dawn of War: Soulstorm The PDF stationed on the planet received reports of large...
published: 13 Jun 2013
author: viliboy
Purgation over Kaurava gamepaly
A mod for Dawn of War: Soulstorm The PDF stationed on the planet received reports of large xeno's activity and immediately starts defence preparations. Mere ...
- published: 13 Jun 2013
- views: 57
- author: viliboy
Kaurava Shinji - Moisha [HD]
Release 23 May 2012 on Velcro City Records ©, Available to Download •Buy• http://www.beatp...
published: 21 Jun 2012
author: DeadlyDNB
Kaurava Shinji - Moisha [HD]
Release 23 May 2012 on Velcro City Records ©, Available to Download •Buy• http://www.beatport.com/release/moisha/916284 http://www.junodownload.com/artists/K...
- published: 21 Jun 2012
- views: 1373
- author: DeadlyDNB
Mod review #1 Pyrgation of Kaurava
rate comment and subscribe....
published: 28 Apr 2012
author: Eagleeye1192
Mod review #1 Pyrgation of Kaurava
rate comment and subscribe.
- published: 28 Apr 2012
- views: 101
- author: Eagleeye1192
Chittani As Kaurava
Chittani as Kaurava....
published: 19 Jan 2008
author: yakshabhimani
Chittani As Kaurava
Chittani as Kaurava.
- published: 19 Jan 2008
- views: 12121
- author: yakshabhimani
Kaurava Kannad Movie Climax dont miss to watch
Kaurava Kannad Movie Cast B.C.Patil, Prema, Loknath, Pramodini Music-Lyrics Hamsalekha....
published: 30 Nov 2012
author: mukicherag
Kaurava Kannad Movie Climax dont miss to watch
Kaurava Kannad Movie Cast B.C.Patil, Prema, Loknath, Pramodini Music-Lyrics Hamsalekha.
- published: 30 Nov 2012
- views: 753
- author: mukicherag
Vimeo results:
Intellect Vs Dharma & wisdom (French Subtitles)
Excerpt of a talk by Shri Mataji on the intellect
At the time of Mahabharata, the 5 Pandav...
published: 27 Mar 2010
author: Bernard Cuvellier
Intellect Vs Dharma & wisdom (French Subtitles)
Excerpt of a talk by Shri Mataji on the intellect
At the time of Mahabharata, the 5 Pandavas had to fight 100 Kauravas. Now the Kauravas are our defects. The intellect finds always the way to justify every position.
Kr.Puja 1994-0828 FrSt
Krishna Mensajero de Paz - Obra Teatral de los Estudiantes de Sri Sathya Sai Baba en Su Divina Presencia
((This Subtitled Version is Absolutely Non-Comercial and strictly for Devotional purposes ...
published: 06 Dec 2010
author: Premamrita
Krishna Mensajero de Paz - Obra Teatral de los Estudiantes de Sri Sathya Sai Baba en Su Divina Presencia
((This Subtitled Version is Absolutely Non-Comercial and strictly for Devotional purposes only))
¡¡Mahaprasadam!! ¡Una Obra Teatral presentada frente a Swami completamente traducida al Español!! Presentada por los Estudiantes de la Universidad Sathya Sai de Prashanti Nilayam, el 15 de Enero del 2007, ¡en frente del Mismísimo Avatar!
Esta Obra Teatral retrata los momentos anteriores a la gran guerra del Mahabharata cuando ambos bandos (Pandavas y Kauravas) deliberaban las últimas cuestiones antes de la inminente guerra y Krishna, la Encarnación del Señor, decide ir a la Corte de los Kauravas a hacer un último intento por la Paz.
Esta Obra está cargada de Enseñanzas profundas de Sathya Sai Baba y retrata los sucesos narrados en la gran Épica del Mahabharata. La peculiaridad de las Obras que presentan los Estudiantes frente a Sai no es sólo el impresionante despliegue escenográfico, sino también la riqueza lingüística utilizada, ya que la Obra no sólo transcurre en Inglés sino también en Sánscrito y Telugu (¡y tambien hay una canción en Braj Bashi (lenguaje de Vrindavana)!! Por tal razón, con la Bendición del Señor Sai, hemos tomado gran cuidado al preparar este Mahaprasadam y hemos traducido el Inglés, el Sánscrito, el Telugu y el Braj Bashi.
Esperamos que disfruten este MahaSatsang como un Regalo de Aquel que los Ama Incondicionalmente.
Jey Sai Ram!!!
Jey Sai Krishna!!!
Pequeña Introducción (Para aquellos que no están familiarizados):
Esta Obra se ambienta 5148 años atrás (Sai dijo que la guerra del Mahabharata sucedió en el año 3138 A.C, es decir, 5148 años atrás –Fuente: Lluvias de Verano 1976) y retrata los momentos anteriores a la gran guerra del Mahabharata (la guerra en la cual el Señor Krishna dio a Arjuna el Inmortal Bhagavad Gita, el ‘Canto del Señor’).
Los Pandavas (los 5 hermanos “buenos”) eran hijos del Rey Pandu y los Kauravas (los 100 hermanos “malos”) eran hijos del Rey ciego Dhritarashtra (Pandu, Dhritarashtra y Vidura eran hermanos). Cuando el Rey Pandu murió a edad joven, el ciego Dhritarashtra asumió el Trono de Hastinapura.
Los Kauravas siempre estuvieron celosos de los Pandavas y los sometieron a incontables sufrimientos, pero el Señor Krishna los protegió y salvó de todo peligro una y otra vez, ya que los Pandavas eran repositorios de todas las Virtudes y Grandes Devotos.
Una vez, Duryodana (el mayor de los Kauravas) y su tío Shakuni invitaron a los Pandavas a jugar a los dados. En el transcurso del juego, y debido a las oscuras trampas de los Kauravas, los Pandavas perdieron su Reino (Indraprastha) y tuvieron que exiliarse por 13 años, tal como habían apostado en el transcurso del juego.
Cuando el período del exilio se cumplió, los Pandavas regresaron a pedir que se les regrese su Reino, pero los envidiosos y malvados Kauravas se negaron a regresárselos, y el Rey ciego Dhritarashtra, como un patético títere en las manos de su hijo Duryodana, no pudo hacer justicia y todos tuvieron que sufrir las consecuencias.
El Abuelo Bhishma era un ser muy virtuoso y, de hecho, él reconoció la Encarnación de Krishna, pero dado que en el pasado había tomado el voto de proteger al Rey de Hastinapura, tuvo que pelear del lado de los Kauravas contra su voluntad.
The Moorthi Staphana of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on the 45th Anniversary of Dharmakshetra
The Moorthi Staphana of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on the 45th Anniversary of Dharmakshe...
published: 13 May 2012
author: Dharmakshetra
The Moorthi Staphana of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on the 45th Anniversary of Dharmakshetra
The Moorthi Staphana of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on the 45th Anniversary of Dharmakshetra.
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Lively Statue unveiled at Dharmakshetra on 12th May, 2012 by Shri Indulal Shah & Smt Sarla Shah.
The Formless, Infinite, Paratpar Parabrahma (Supreme Consciousness) mercifully assumed a Formful, Finite Human Body in the name of Sathyana rayan Raju, later applauded as Sri Sathya Sai Baba with profound Compassion and Love to protect mankind from being victimized by satanic forces during this Kaliyug. This incarnation incessantly endeavoured from 1926 to 2011 to transform and reform the human mind and to elevate the human consciousness to recognise and practice the five fundamental Human Values (Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence) so as to outcaste the evil tendencies affecting human life at Vyashti (Personal) and Samashti (Society) levels. But after a long 85 years' motherly care to humankind, He willed to merge His Divine Consciousness into Supreme consciousness, certainly with an intention to continue His Mission at astral and subtle levels.
We, His trusted and loyal devotees, therefore, should never entertain such thoughts that He is gone, He has left us orphans, He is no more among us, and He has stopped blessing us. He is as much with us and among us now, as before; because He is fully merged in and therefore actively working through the five fundamental elements. We are breathing Him, seeing Him, sensing Him, tasting Him, hearing Him...... the only thing is that we are not aware of these experiences. That is because we are gross, we are accustomed for gross, we think in gross, we work in gross and we expect results also in gross.
Therefore, the Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Swami must manifest before us as a Formful, Illuminating Radiating, Divine Grace-bestowing Lively Idol at a place sanctified by Truth i.e., at SATYADEEP in the abode of Righteousness i.e., DHARMAKSHETRA, Mumbai. In keeping with the Idols of His earlier manifestations as Lord Ram in Tretayug, Lord Krishna in Dwaparyug, Lord Dattatreya in the first half of Kaliyug, the present Idol of Swami as Lord Sathya Sai during the second half of Kaliyug characterised by different religions and faiths is the Embodiment of Sarvadevatas and Sarvateerthas of this Age. This is in justification of the fact that Lord Sai is worshipped and adorned by devotees of all castes, creeds, religions and faiths in the world.
The Idol of Lord Sri Sathya Sai will help a long way for all the visitors to have His Darshan and receive Divine Grace virtually believing that Swami is physically present and mercifully looking at them. The importance of Guru's Idol is highlighted in Gurugeeta as
I Dhyanamoolam Gurormurtihi Poojamoolam Gurohapadam I
II Mantramoolam Gurorvakyam Mokshamoolam Gurohakrupa II
[Meaning: The idol of Guru is the centre of Meditation; The lotus feet are the objects of Worship; The saying of Guru is the Mantra itself; The Guru's grace is the Key for Liberation]
The importance of Guru's Idol as a source of Learning is highlighted by the classical example of Eklavya. Eklavya was rejected to be a disciple by Guru Dronacharya for learning archery just because he was hailed from a low caste. Guru Dronacharya was the Guru of the royal family of Kauravas and Pandavas. But Eklavya did not lose his courage. He prepared an Idol of Guru Dronacharya and with sincere prayer, total surrender and strong resolve became totally integrated with Guru Dronacharya mentally, emotionally and spiritually. As a result, he could draw the energy (Vidya) of Guru Dronacharya in full measure so much so that he learnt certain techniques which Arjun also could not learn from personal guidance of Guru Dronacharya because even Guru Dronacharya did not know about them. This is a proof that subtle energy or vibrations are more effective than the gross ones. If Ekalavya, a person rejected by a Human Guru, could extract so much Vidya from the idol of his "assumed" Guru (more than his Guru's stock of Vidya), one cannot imagine how much Vidya can a devotee of Swami would receive from Lord Sri Sathya Sai's Idol-an Idol of Divine Guru! What is required is our ability to integrate in Body, Mind, Intellect and Spirit with the Idol with a strong determined faith that It is not Swami's Idol, but SWAMI HIMSELF GRACIOUSLY BLESSING US all the time. Ekalavya did not look at his Guru's Idol at all but concentrated on his Guru in the Idol. It is only when we look Swami in His Idol and recall His Advice, His Teachings and the moments of experiences with Him, that we will experience SWAMI LIVELY WHISPERING TO US, SHARPLY LOOKING IN OUR EYES, GUIDING US AS BEFORE IN ALL MANNERS, MATERIAL AS WELL AS SPIRITUAL.
Below-mentioned are the links containing the photos
Krishna Mensajero de Paz Parte 1 de 2 -Obra Teatral de los Estudiantes de Sri Sathya Sai Baba en Su Divina Presencia
¡¡Un regalo sorpresa para todos!! ¡¡Mahaprasadam!! ¡Una Obra Teatral presentada frente a S...
published: 05 Sep 2010
author: Sai Videos
Krishna Mensajero de Paz Parte 1 de 2 -Obra Teatral de los Estudiantes de Sri Sathya Sai Baba en Su Divina Presencia
¡¡Un regalo sorpresa para todos!! ¡¡Mahaprasadam!! ¡Una Obra Teatral presentada frente a Swami completamente traducida al Español!! ¡Esta Obra fue presentada por los Estudiantes de Sai, el 15 de Enero del 2007, en frente del Mismísimo Avatar!
Esta Obra Teatral retrata los momentos anteriores a la gran guerra del Mahabharata cuando ambos bandos (Pandavas y Kauravas) deliberaban las últimas cuestiones antes de la inminente guerra y Krishna, la Encarnación del Señor, decide ir a la Corte de los Kauravas a hacer un último intento por la Paz.
Esta Obra está cargada de Enseñanzas profundas de Sathya Sai Baba y retrata los sucesos narrados en la gran Épica del Mahabharata. La peculiaridad de las Obras que presentan los Estudiantes frente a Sai no es sólo el impresionante despliegue escenográfico, sino también la riqueza lingüística utilizada, ya que la Obra no sólo transcurre en Inglés sino también en Sánscrito y Telugu (¡y tambien hay una canción en Braj Bashi (lenguaje de Vrindavana)!! Por tal razón, con la Bendición del Señor Sai, hemos tomado gran cuidado al preparar este Mahaprasadam y hemos traducido el Inglés, el Sánscrito, el Telugu y el Braj Bashi.
Esperamos que disfruten este MahaSatsang como un Regalo de Aquel que los Ama Incondicionalmente.
[Fíjense como se ríe Swami en 10m,27s de la primera parte]
Jey Sai Ram!!!
Jey Sai Krishna!!!
Pequeña Introducción (Para aquellos que no están familiarizados):
Esta Obra se ambienta 5148 años atrás (Sai dijo que la guerra del Mahabharata sucedió en el año 3138 A.C, es decir, 5148 años atrás –Fuente: Lluvias de Verano 1976) y retrata los momentos anteriores a la gran guerra del Mahabharata (la guerra en la cual el Señor Krishna dio a Arjuna el Inmortal Bhagavad Gita, el ‘Canto del Señor’).
Los Pandavas (los 5 hermanos “buenos”) eran hijos del Rey Pandu y los Kauravas (los 100 hermanos “malos”) eran hijos del Rey ciego Dhritarashtra (Pandu, Dhritarashtra y Vidura eran hermanos). Cuando el Rey Pandu murió a edad joven, el ciego Dhritarashtra asumió el Trono de Hastinapura.
Los Kauravas siempre estuvieron celosos de los Pandavas y los sometieron a incontables sufrimientos, pero el Señor Krishna los protegió y salvó de todo peligro una y otra vez, ya que los Pandavas eran repositorios de todas las Virtudes y Grandes Devotos.
Una vez, Duryodana (el mayor de los Kauravas) y su tío Shakuni invitaron a los Pandavas a jugar a los dados. En el transcurso del juego, y debido a las oscuras trampas de los Kauravas, los Pandavas perdieron su Reino (Indraprastha) y tuvieron que exiliarse por 13 años, tal como habían apostado en el transcurso del juego.
Cuando el período del exilio se cumplió, los Pandavas regresaron a pedir que se les regrese su Reino, pero los envidiosos y malvados Kauravas se negaron a regresárselos, y el Rey ciego Dhritarashtra, como un patético títere en las manos de su hijo Duryodana, no pudo hacer justicia y todos tuvieron que sufrir las consecuencias.
El Abuelo Bhishma era un ser muy virtuoso y, de hecho, él reconoció la Encarnación de Krishna, pero dado que en el pasado había tomado el voto de proteger al Rey de Hastinapura, tuvo que pelear del lado de los Kauravas contra su voluntad.
Youtube results:
Conquest of the self is the greatest conquest.The victory is everlasting.When self is conq...
published: 19 Jan 2012
author: hinduism glance
Conquest of the self is the greatest conquest.The victory is everlasting.When self is conquered,there remains no external enemies. The genealogy of the Kaura...
- published: 19 Jan 2012
- views: 1684
- author: hinduism glance
Black Templars: Kaurava Crusade mod trailer
Finally, the legendary chapter of Adeptus Astartes reaches beta 5. http://www.moddb.com/mo...
published: 28 Oct 2012
author: jxzk7yrsdu
Black Templars: Kaurava Crusade mod trailer
Finally, the legendary chapter of Adeptus Astartes reaches beta 5. http://www.moddb.com/mods/black-templars-kaurava-crusade http://forums.revora.net/forum/24...
- published: 28 Oct 2012
- views: 2447
- author: jxzk7yrsdu
Kaurava-Hudugirandre Dangerappo
Kaurava Kannada Movie Songs HAMSALEKHA HITS....
published: 23 Apr 2013
author: mukesh kumar
Kaurava-Hudugirandre Dangerappo
Kaurava Kannada Movie Songs HAMSALEKHA HITS.
- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 508
- author: mukesh kumar
Kaurava Kannada Movie dont miss to watch
Kaurava Cast B.C.Patil, Prema....
published: 09 Jan 2013
author: mukicherag
Kaurava Kannada Movie dont miss to watch
Kaurava Cast B.C.Patil, Prema.
- published: 09 Jan 2013
- views: 718
- author: mukicherag