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11:54am: MN Supreme Court Finds DUI Blood Draws Aren't 'Coerced,' Despite Refusal Resulting In Criminal Charges (51)
10:55am: NSA Defender Argues That Too Much Transparency Defeats The Purpose Of Democracy (33)
9:54am: Tweeted 'Terroristic Threat' Lands Another Teen In Trouble (24)
8:48am: How The Legacy Entertainment Industry Poisoned The Well For The Innovation It Desperately Needs (45)
7:29am: Keith Alexander Says The US Gov't Needs To Figure Out A Way To Stop Journalists From Reporting On Snowden Leaks (62)
5:30am: Snowden Rebuts Sen. Feinstein's Claims That The NSA's Metadata Collection Is 'Not Surveillance' (35)
3:25am: Tables Turned On Former NSA Boss Michael Hayden, As 'Off-The-Record' Call Is Live Tweeted By Train Passenger (33)
12:22am: Trade Agreements Are Designed To Give Companies Corporate Sovereignty (25)


8:15pm: What Little Transparency The US Trade Rep Used To Have Is Going Away (9)
5:00pm: DailyDirt: Journalism 2.0 Owned By Billionaires? (7)
3:45pm: This Weekend's Rally Against NSA Surveillance Gaining Steam (57)
2:41pm: Wikipedia Fights Back Against Socking (26)
1:38pm: Sports Radio Blowhard Blowhards After Parody Twitter Account (7)
12:30pm: NSA Urged US Officials To 'Share Their Rolodexes' So NSA Knew Phone Numbers Of World Leaders To Track (24)
11:36am: Trademark Bully Jenzabar Ordered To Pay $500,000 In Attorney Fees Over Its Unrelenting Attack On Documentary Filmmakers (4)
10:35am: Labels Use Questionable Ruling On Pre-1972 Recordings To Sue United Airlines For Streaming In Flight Music (47)
9:29am: The Real 'Danger' Of Snowden And Manning: The US Can't Get Away With Its Powerful Hypocrisy Anymore (34)
8:25am: Infamous Viral 'Goblin Toppler' Video Taken Down In Copyright Claim (42)
7:19am: Texas Judge Forced To Resign After Being Caught Texting Instructions To Assistant DA During Trial (52)
5:13am: Contractors Who Built Website Blame Each Other For All The Problems (55)
3:16am: FBI Director Uses Appearance At International Police Convention To Complain About FBI Budget Cuts (17)


11:57pm: EU Data Protection Proposal Gets Stronger, But With Big Loopholes (4)
7:52pm: New Anti-Patent Trolling Bill Released (26)
5:00pm: DailyDirt: Growing Biofuels For Sustainable Energy (7)
3:44pm: Important Survey On Fair Use Practices And Understanding (11)
2:38pm: Claim Of '54 Terrorist Attacks Thwarted' By NSA Continues To Spread Despite Lack Of Evidence (23)
1:35pm: Bank Calls Customer Over Detected Bitcoin Transactions, Asking What They Were For (39)
12:35pm: White House Assures German Chancellor It Is Not And Will Not Monitor Her Calls... Won't Comment On The Past (29)
11:45am: James Clapper Plays More Word Games In The Official Denial Of French Phone Data Collection Leak (26)
10:44am: India Wants Students And Researchers To Have The Right To Photocopy Books (20)
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