WordPress.tv Blog

Captioning and Subtitling WordPress.tv Videos

Looking for a way to contribute to WordPress.tv? We’re excited to announce that you can now help caption and subtitle WordPress.tv videos with Amara. If you don’t have an account, sign up at Amara.org – doing so allows you to save your subtitles in the middle of the process and resume later where you left off.

Steps to caption and subtitle videos:

Select a video’s download link.

 To the right of every video on WordPress.tv, you’ll see a list of details. Under Download, choose the Med link next to the MP4 option.

MED download link


State of the Word: A Retrospective

At the end of July, WordPress contributors and enthusiasts came together at WordCamp San Francisco to hear inspiring talks and resourceful presentations from WordPress core contributors, developers, designers, and users. Matt Mullenweg gave his much-anticipated State of the Word 2013 address, which is up now on WordPress.tv, along with the Q&A session that followed.

Since the buzz and excitement from WordCamp San Francisco and State of the Word 2013 are far from wearing off, we’ve compiled State of the Word addresses from recent years in case you just can’t get enough, and if you’re interested in seeing how WordPress has evolved, and how its community has grown, through the years.


Meet the Moderators: AJ Morris

In the last post, we introduced WordPress.tv moderator Ben Lobaugh. Today, we’re excited for you to meet another WordPress enthusiast behind the scenes, reviewing and publishing the best video content for WordPress.tv.

Everyone, meet AJ Morris.


Meet the Moderators: Ben Lobaugh

As mentioned in March, we’ve got a growing team of WordPress.tv moderators, who review and publish WordCamp and event videos. As we continue on with our Meet the Moderators Q&A series, we’ll learn more about these volunteers and how they got involved with WordPress, and their tips on submitting video content.

Please say hello to WordPress.tv moderator Ben Lobaugh, from the beautiful shores of Puget Sound.


Get Involved!

WordPress.tv is now open for video submissions from the WordPress community.

Do you record your WordPress meetup? Submit it to WordPress.tv! Do you record WordPress screencast tutorials? Submit them to WordPress.tv! Do you create some other form of WP video awesomesauce that would benefit the community? WordPress.tv might be just the place for it.

Fair warning: Our intrepid group of WordPress.tv event video moderators already works hard to review and publish WordCamp videos, and if WordPress.tv is suddenly flooded with video submissions, they may take a while to get around to reviewing and publishing your video. Please be patient as we iterate toward success… and if you’re interested in donating your time toward becoming a WordPress.tv moderator, please apply here. If this takes off like we think it might, we will definitely need some extra eyes!

Thanks in advance for helping to make WordPress.tv an even more fantastic resource. If you have questions about this, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Meet the Moderators: Phil Erb

In the last posts, we chatted with Chandra Maharzan and Jerry Bates, two moderators at WordPress.tv. We’d like to introduce a third volunteer on this team. Everyone, meet Phil Erb.


Meet the Moderators: Chandra Maharzan

In last week’s post, we talked to Jerry Bates, one of the moderators at WordPress.tv. Let’s continue our “Meet the Moderators” Q&A series with another member of this team, hailing all the way from Nepal: Chandra Maharzan.


Meet the Moderators: Jerry Bates

There are so many great videos created at WordCamps and WordPress meetups around the world. As mentioned in December, 441 WordCamp videos were published to WordPress.tv by the end of 2012! We want to ensure these talks, presentations, and tutorials are shared with as many people as possible.

So, we’re very excited about the new team of WordPress.tv moderators. We formed a team of volunteers to review and approve the video content uploaded to WordPress.tv to ensure accuracy and quality, and to moderate comments and engage with the community.

Here on the WordPress.tv blog, we’d like to introduce you to these moderators in a Q&A post series. These moderators are WordPress enthusiasts — just like many of you out there — and we want to share their stories about how they got involved with WordPress.

First up in our Q&A series? Jerry Bates.


An End-of-Year Look at WordCampTV

Since 2007, we’ve seen a steady increase in the number of WordCamp videos posted to WordPress.tv:

– 7 in 2007
– 75 in 2008
– 337 in 2009
– 180 in 2010
– 271 in 2011

By the end of 2012, 441 WordCamp videos will be published to WordPress.tv!


WordPress 3.0 Videos

It’s been an exciting week in WordPress news with the launch of WordPress 3.0. I’m sure many of you are just now getting around to upgrading your WordPress blogs to the newest version, making plans to upgrade your site, or even interested in using WordPress for the first time with all the upgrade buzz going around.

I’d like to direct you to some of the videos hosted here on WordPress.tv that contain information on WordPress 3.0 to help you out.

The first place to stop is—of course—the announcement video that went up last week, with a quick overview of the new features and changes in WordPress 3.0. Take a look (if you haven’t already) and learn what’s coming when you click that Upgrade button in your Dashboard.

Next, there are a pair of videos from a recent WordPressNYC meetup: one from Steve Bruner, discussing some of the new customization techniques available in WordPress 3.0 and specifically the new Twenty Ten theme, and another from Boone Gorges about the new Multisite functionality baked in to core WordPress starting with 3.0.

For another take on the changes occurring in WordPress 3.0, Jane Wells’ keynote from Orange County WordCamp covers some of the changes made in 3.0 from another perspective—but also includes some notes on how you can get involved contributing to the greater WordPress project, and the goals of the new WordPress Foundation.

Lastly, if you’d like a peek into the future of WordPress, as mentioned in the announcement video, Matt Mullenweg‘s keynote from WordCamp San Francisco on the State of the Word is a great look at where WordPress is now and where it’s headed.

Notice something missing? We’re in need of tutorial screencasts for WordPress 3.0 to help users new to WordPress or new to the features in 3.0 learn how to use them. If you’ve created a screencast to help users of WordPress 3.0, or are thinking about doing so, please contact us here at WordPress.tv! We’d be very happy to look at your tutorial and consider it for publication here on WordPress.tv with the best of the best.

Enjoy WordPress 3.0!


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