Library of Economics and Liberty
The Library of Economics and Liberty (Econlib) is a free online library of economics books and articles of interest to libertarian views. It is sponsored by the private Liberty Fund.
Econlib supplies educational resources of economic thought and has been online since February 1999. It hosts several different resources including daily, weekly, and monthly articles, podcasts, and blog items, all by economists. The resources also include the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (CEE), which includes several articles and biographies by economists. The recently updated CEE was first published as the 1993 Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics.
On the site are classic books republished, including those by Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Thomas Malthus, John Stuart Mill, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, John Bates Clark, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Karl Marx, and Friedrich List. Books by authors such as James M. Buchanan are also available on Econlib.
Satellite resources