What’s the Best Apologetic Method?
View Dr. Groothuis' 30-Session course entitled Christian Apologetics 101 at http://www.credocourses.com/product-category/apologetics/
Apologetics: Luis Garcia- Why is the resurrection essential to the Christian faith?
May 16th, 2011. Preparing for an Open House for the Set Apart Speech and Debate club, here Luis practices for his favorite speech category--Apologetics...
TTA Podcast 168: Counter-Apologetics Part 1
SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: http://www.naturebox.com/thinkingatheist Merriam Webster defines the word apologetics as: 1) systematic argumentative discourse in defen...
TTA Podcast 169: Counter-Apologetics Part 2
Merriam Webster defines the word apologetics as: 1) systematic argumentative discourse in defense (as of a doctrine) 2) a branch of theology devoted to the d...
TTA Podcast 232: The Loose Screws (Apologetics Gone Wild)
SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: http://www.naturebox.com/thinkingatheist
This show is dedicated to the more unusual, bizarre, weird, wild, and often jaw-droppingly offensive apologetics defenses of religious beliefs. What's most surprising is that many making these claims aren't actually deviating very far from the edicts of their various religions and holy texts.
Steve Shives' YouTube page: https://w
From Protestant to Catholic
Coming home to the church.
Ravi Zacharias on the Christian View of Homosexuality #Apologetics
Q&A; session with Ravi Zacharias
Why Should We Trust the Bible?
View Dr. Groothuis' 30-Session course entitled Christian Apologetics 101 at http://www.credocourses.com/product-category/apologetics/
Apologetics Press 7 reasons to believe in God
Home School Apologetics Speech - Was Jesus God from the Beginning?
Learn how to give a speech: http://triviummastery.com
In this home school speech, the NCFCA apologetics speaker addresses a question from Category 5 (The Person of Christ): "Did Jesus attain deity by His sacrificial death or was He God from the beginning?"
[Permission to share for the purpose of demonstrating how to give a speech was obtained from the competitor.]
Nature of Apologetics (1 of 1)- Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D.
Douglas R. Groothuis Ph.D., professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary.
THE NATURE AND PURPOSE OF APOLOGETICS - part 1 (by Douglas Groothuis):
"Men despise religion. They hate it and are afraid it may be true. The cure for this is first to show that religion is not contrary to reason, but worthy of reverence and respect. Next make it attractive, make good men wish it were true, and then show tha
Tom Leeds, The Atheist Apologist... Don't Criticize Him
Somebody didn't like somebody else questioning there logic :`( so they made a video ( https://youtu.be/BaDja1b8Gwc ) about it where they continue to show there inability to logic, atheism, or display a minimum amount of reasoning.
I await your next reply!
LogicalBrainGaming - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGuT465gAzKxj9REXZsj-3Q
ElvenLovePro - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP2WU
Teaching Children Christian Apologetics
Presentation at an Apologetics Conference put on by Southern Evangelical Seminary T.E.A.M. event at Mount Moriah Baptist Church, North Carolina on April 27, ...
623. Is There A Need For Women In Apologetics?
Bobby sits down with apologist Dianna Newman as she explains the need for women in apologetics.
Home School Apologetics Speech - Does God Exist?
Teach your child how to give a speech: http://triviummastery.com
In this Christian apologetics speech delivered at 2010 NCFCA Nats, the competitor analyzes and responds to a statement by Voltaire from Category 1 (Existence and Nature of God): "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him."
[Permission to share for the purpose of demonstrating how to give a speech was obtained fr
Mining for God - Apologetics Documentary Trailer (miningforgod.com)
Order the DVD here: http://www.miningforgod.com
Stream and Download the movie here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/miningforgod
America has long been called a Christian nation. In fact, over 70% of adults in America identify themselves as Christian. Yet when filmmaker Brandon McGuire heads to the streets to ask a few clarifying questions about how Christianity is defined within our culture, he is sho
644. What Is Cultural Apologetics?
Bobby explains how we should approach our neighbors and the culture with apologetics.
The Explosion in Apologetics Education
Christians find their faith questioned more than ever before. That's one reason we are seeing an explosion in ways believers can learn to defend their faith with reason and precision. Here, Lenny sits down with Dr. Craig Hazen, who is the Founder and Director of M.A. Program in Christian Apologetics at Biola University to talk about the incredible growth of apologetics and the increasingly diverse
Home School Apologetics Speech - What is the Destiny of Man?
Learn how to give a speech: http://triviummastery.com/
In this apologetics home school speech, the competitor answers the following question from NCFCA Category 3 (The Nature, Purpose, and Destiny of Man): "What is the destiny of man?"
[Permission to share for the purpose of demonstrating how to give a speech was obtained from the competitor.]
Christian Apologetics - In Muslim Hands
This is a rather long reply to the rather long video 'Proving Islam Is True - I Dare Atheists To Watch This'. Needless to say, the continued use of christian apologetics by muslim producers is not helping there case. Considering it is these very apologetics that atheists find both mind-numbingly repetitive and hilariously laughable, no surprise there!
All material used under the 'Fair Us
647. How Should Apologetics Be Packaged Today?
Bobby looks at how we should approach the culture with our apologetics.
Reply to the Failure of Modern Apologetics
Reply to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSPmlwXJR_k To argue that something fails you must accurately understand its goal. Jordan has a distorted view of th...
Apologetics | Online Course
Apologetics is a three-credit online course about defending the Christian faith. Offered in Prairie's eLearning environment, it builds on the foundation laid in Thinking & Writing to expand your understanding of apologetic methods, their historical development, and their place in contemporary society. To learn more or to register, visit www.prairie.edu/apologetics.
What’s the Best Apologetic Method?
View Dr. Groothuis' 30-Session course entitled Christian Apologetics 101 at http://www.credocourses.com/product-category/apologetics/...
View Dr. Groothuis' 30-Session course entitled Christian Apologetics 101 at http://www.credocourses.com/product-category/apologetics/
wn.com/What’S The Best Apologetic Method
View Dr. Groothuis' 30-Session course entitled Christian Apologetics 101 at http://www.credocourses.com/product-category/apologetics/
- published: 02 Feb 2015
- views: 22
Apologetics: Luis Garcia- Why is the resurrection essential to the Christian faith?
May 16th, 2011. Preparing for an Open House for the Set Apart Speech and Debate club, here Luis practices for his favorite speech category--Apologetics......
May 16th, 2011. Preparing for an Open House for the Set Apart Speech and Debate club, here Luis practices for his favorite speech category--Apologetics...
wn.com/Apologetics Luis Garcia Why Is The Resurrection Essential To The Christian Faith
May 16th, 2011. Preparing for an Open House for the Set Apart Speech and Debate club, here Luis practices for his favorite speech category--Apologetics...
TTA Podcast 168: Counter-Apologetics Part 1
SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: http://www.naturebox.com/thinkingatheist Merriam Webster defines the word apologetics as: 1) systematic argumentative discourse in defen......
SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: http://www.naturebox.com/thinkingatheist Merriam Webster defines the word apologetics as: 1) systematic argumentative discourse in defen...
wn.com/Tta Podcast 168 Counter Apologetics Part 1
SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: http://www.naturebox.com/thinkingatheist Merriam Webster defines the word apologetics as: 1) systematic argumentative discourse in defen...
TTA Podcast 169: Counter-Apologetics Part 2
Merriam Webster defines the word apologetics as: 1) systematic argumentative discourse in defense (as of a doctrine) 2) a branch of theology devoted to the d......
Merriam Webster defines the word apologetics as: 1) systematic argumentative discourse in defense (as of a doctrine) 2) a branch of theology devoted to the d...
wn.com/Tta Podcast 169 Counter Apologetics Part 2
Merriam Webster defines the word apologetics as: 1) systematic argumentative discourse in defense (as of a doctrine) 2) a branch of theology devoted to the d...
TTA Podcast 232: The Loose Screws (Apologetics Gone Wild)
SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: http://www.naturebox.com/thinkingatheist
This show is dedicated to the more unusual, bizarre, weird, wild, and often jaw-droppingly offen...
SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: http://www.naturebox.com/thinkingatheist
This show is dedicated to the more unusual, bizarre, weird, wild, and often jaw-droppingly offensive apologetics defenses of religious beliefs. What's most surprising is that many making these claims aren't actually deviating very far from the edicts of their various religions and holy texts.
Steve Shives' YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/user/stevelikes2curse
Steve and Stuffy Burn In Hell: https://youtu.be/_wYzh7WGxCA
God of Evolution article: "Theory of Evolution Disproven by Video Posted on Facebook" http://www.godofevolution.com/theory-of-evolution-disproven-by-video-posted-on-facebook/
wn.com/Tta Podcast 232 The Loose Screws (Apologetics Gone Wild)
SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: http://www.naturebox.com/thinkingatheist
This show is dedicated to the more unusual, bizarre, weird, wild, and often jaw-droppingly offensive apologetics defenses of religious beliefs. What's most surprising is that many making these claims aren't actually deviating very far from the edicts of their various religions and holy texts.
Steve Shives' YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/user/stevelikes2curse
Steve and Stuffy Burn In Hell: https://youtu.be/_wYzh7WGxCA
God of Evolution article: "Theory of Evolution Disproven by Video Posted on Facebook" http://www.godofevolution.com/theory-of-evolution-disproven-by-video-posted-on-facebook/
- published: 05 Aug 2015
- views: 6392
From Protestant to Catholic
Coming home to the church....
Coming home to the church.
wn.com/From Protestant To Catholic
Coming home to the church.
- published: 02 Oct 2014
- views: 204
Ravi Zacharias on the Christian View of Homosexuality #Apologetics
Q&A; session with Ravi Zacharias
Q&A; session with Ravi Zacharias
wn.com/Ravi Zacharias On The Christian View Of Homosexuality Apologetics
Q&A; session with Ravi Zacharias
- published: 29 Apr 2015
- views: 2
Why Should We Trust the Bible?
View Dr. Groothuis' 30-Session course entitled Christian Apologetics 101 at http://www.credocourses.com/product-category/apologetics/...
View Dr. Groothuis' 30-Session course entitled Christian Apologetics 101 at http://www.credocourses.com/product-category/apologetics/
wn.com/Why Should We Trust The Bible
View Dr. Groothuis' 30-Session course entitled Christian Apologetics 101 at http://www.credocourses.com/product-category/apologetics/
- published: 01 Feb 2015
- views: 164
Apologetics Press 7 reasons to believe in God
wn.com/Apologetics Press 7 Reasons To Believe In God
- published: 11 Jul 2015
- views: 188
Home School Apologetics Speech - Was Jesus God from the Beginning?
Learn how to give a speech: http://triviummastery.com
In this home school speech, the NCFCA apologetics speaker addresses a question from Category 5 (The Pers...
Learn how to give a speech: http://triviummastery.com
In this home school speech, the NCFCA apologetics speaker addresses a question from Category 5 (The Person of Christ): "Did Jesus attain deity by His sacrificial death or was He God from the beginning?"
[Permission to share for the purpose of demonstrating how to give a speech was obtained from the competitor.]
wn.com/Home School Apologetics Speech Was Jesus God From The Beginning
Learn how to give a speech: http://triviummastery.com
In this home school speech, the NCFCA apologetics speaker addresses a question from Category 5 (The Person of Christ): "Did Jesus attain deity by His sacrificial death or was He God from the beginning?"
[Permission to share for the purpose of demonstrating how to give a speech was obtained from the competitor.]
- published: 19 Apr 2014
- views: 3
Nature of Apologetics (1 of 1)- Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D.
Douglas R. Groothuis Ph.D., professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary.
THE NATURE AND PURPOSE OF APOLOGETICS - part 1 (by Douglas Groothuis):
"Men despise re...
Douglas R. Groothuis Ph.D., professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary.
THE NATURE AND PURPOSE OF APOLOGETICS - part 1 (by Douglas Groothuis):
"Men despise religion. They hate it and are afraid it may be true. The cure for this is first to show that religion is not contrary to reason, but worthy of reverence and respect. Next make it attractive, make good men wish it were true, and then show that it is. Worthy of reverence because it really understands human nature. Attractive because it promises true good." —Blaise Pascal, Pensées, #12/187.
I. The Definition of Apologetics
A. The rational defense of the Christian worldview as objectively true and existentially or subjectively engaging. More generally, to commendation of Christianity in the face of unbelief or doubt.
B. Concerns defining Christian truth-claims that one must believe in order to be a Christian
1. Essentials of orthodoxy: Trinity, Incarnation, biblical authority, justification by faith, etc.
2. Truth-claim: propositions affirming the existence or nonexistence of certain states of affairs
a. Different than a sentence; many sentences affirm of declare the same proposition (More on this in D. Groothuis, Truth Decay, chapter four)
b. Truth-claims are different than questions, emotive utterances, commands, etc.
II. Relation of Apologetics to Theology
A. Apologetics is dependent on theology for its content (essential doctrines), which are defended as true
B. Theology's ideal is to systematically and coherently articulate what Scripture teaches
C. We need a theology of apologetics'
- Theological truths (such as human depravity, general revelation, divine transcendence and immanence) guide one's understanding and application of apologetics
III. Relation of Apologetics to Philosophy
A. Comes under one category of philosophy—philosophy of religion: the rational investigation of religious truth-claims
- But not all philosophy of religion is Christian apologetics; may be done in service of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, atheism, etc.
B. Attempts to rationally justify theological statements through philosophical means (theistic arguments, defending the coherence of doctrines, such as the Trinity or Incarnation, etc.)
- Need not be propaganda or proselytizing, but may be
C. Resurgence of Christians in philosophy in the last two-three decades. See James Kelly Clark, ed., Philosophers Who Believe (InterVarsity Press, 1993); Thomas Morris, God and the Philosophers, ed. (Oxford, 1995). Academic journals: Faith and Philosophy; Philosophia Christi
IV. Relation of Apologetics to Evangelism
A. Apologetics used when necessary to remove obstacles to evangelism: doubts, misunderstandings (Matthew 28:18 -- 20)
B. Evangelism declares Christian truth and invites unbelievers to embrace it; apologetics defends Christian truth and clarifies its meaning
C. Apologetics as pre-evangelism (Francis A. Schaeffer)
Playlist: Https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnT7si8scZpOLv68se0Yvg/playlists
wn.com/Nature Of Apologetics (1 Of 1) Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D.
Douglas R. Groothuis Ph.D., professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary.
THE NATURE AND PURPOSE OF APOLOGETICS - part 1 (by Douglas Groothuis):
"Men despise religion. They hate it and are afraid it may be true. The cure for this is first to show that religion is not contrary to reason, but worthy of reverence and respect. Next make it attractive, make good men wish it were true, and then show that it is. Worthy of reverence because it really understands human nature. Attractive because it promises true good." —Blaise Pascal, Pensées, #12/187.
I. The Definition of Apologetics
A. The rational defense of the Christian worldview as objectively true and existentially or subjectively engaging. More generally, to commendation of Christianity in the face of unbelief or doubt.
B. Concerns defining Christian truth-claims that one must believe in order to be a Christian
1. Essentials of orthodoxy: Trinity, Incarnation, biblical authority, justification by faith, etc.
2. Truth-claim: propositions affirming the existence or nonexistence of certain states of affairs
a. Different than a sentence; many sentences affirm of declare the same proposition (More on this in D. Groothuis, Truth Decay, chapter four)
b. Truth-claims are different than questions, emotive utterances, commands, etc.
II. Relation of Apologetics to Theology
A. Apologetics is dependent on theology for its content (essential doctrines), which are defended as true
B. Theology's ideal is to systematically and coherently articulate what Scripture teaches
C. We need a theology of apologetics'
- Theological truths (such as human depravity, general revelation, divine transcendence and immanence) guide one's understanding and application of apologetics
III. Relation of Apologetics to Philosophy
A. Comes under one category of philosophy—philosophy of religion: the rational investigation of religious truth-claims
- But not all philosophy of religion is Christian apologetics; may be done in service of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, atheism, etc.
B. Attempts to rationally justify theological statements through philosophical means (theistic arguments, defending the coherence of doctrines, such as the Trinity or Incarnation, etc.)
- Need not be propaganda or proselytizing, but may be
C. Resurgence of Christians in philosophy in the last two-three decades. See James Kelly Clark, ed., Philosophers Who Believe (InterVarsity Press, 1993); Thomas Morris, God and the Philosophers, ed. (Oxford, 1995). Academic journals: Faith and Philosophy; Philosophia Christi
IV. Relation of Apologetics to Evangelism
A. Apologetics used when necessary to remove obstacles to evangelism: doubts, misunderstandings (Matthew 28:18 -- 20)
B. Evangelism declares Christian truth and invites unbelievers to embrace it; apologetics defends Christian truth and clarifies its meaning
C. Apologetics as pre-evangelism (Francis A. Schaeffer)
Playlist: Https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnT7si8scZpOLv68se0Yvg/playlists
- published: 14 Sep 2014
- views: 0
Tom Leeds, The Atheist Apologist... Don't Criticize Him
Somebody didn't like somebody else questioning there logic :`( so they made a video ( https://youtu.be/BaDja1b8Gwc ) about it where they continue to show there...
Somebody didn't like somebody else questioning there logic :`( so they made a video ( https://youtu.be/BaDja1b8Gwc ) about it where they continue to show there inability to logic, atheism, or display a minimum amount of reasoning.
I await your next reply!
LogicalBrainGaming - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGuT465gAzKxj9REXZsj-3Q
ElvenLovePro - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP2WUi79sbZI3Uw9u1yP8Qw
All material used under the 'Fair Use' clause of the U.S. copyright law for *education*, *criticism*, parody, and reporting.
'Fire Breather' made available for use by Youtube in the 'Free-Use' category.
wn.com/Tom Leeds, The Atheist Apologist... Don't Criticize Him
Somebody didn't like somebody else questioning there logic :`( so they made a video ( https://youtu.be/BaDja1b8Gwc ) about it where they continue to show there inability to logic, atheism, or display a minimum amount of reasoning.
I await your next reply!
LogicalBrainGaming - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGuT465gAzKxj9REXZsj-3Q
ElvenLovePro - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP2WUi79sbZI3Uw9u1yP8Qw
All material used under the 'Fair Use' clause of the U.S. copyright law for *education*, *criticism*, parody, and reporting.
'Fire Breather' made available for use by Youtube in the 'Free-Use' category.
- published: 05 Dec 2015
- views: 31
Teaching Children Christian Apologetics
Presentation at an Apologetics Conference put on by Southern Evangelical Seminary T.E.A.M. event at Mount Moriah Baptist Church, North Carolina on April 27, ......
Presentation at an Apologetics Conference put on by Southern Evangelical Seminary T.E.A.M. event at Mount Moriah Baptist Church, North Carolina on April 27, ...
wn.com/Teaching Children Christian Apologetics
Presentation at an Apologetics Conference put on by Southern Evangelical Seminary T.E.A.M. event at Mount Moriah Baptist Church, North Carolina on April 27, ...
623. Is There A Need For Women In Apologetics?
Bobby sits down with apologist Dianna Newman as she explains the need for women in apologetics....
Bobby sits down with apologist Dianna Newman as she explains the need for women in apologetics.
wn.com/623. Is There A Need For Women In Apologetics
Bobby sits down with apologist Dianna Newman as she explains the need for women in apologetics.
- published: 04 Dec 2014
- views: 57
Home School Apologetics Speech - Does God Exist?
Teach your child how to give a speech: http://triviummastery.com
In this Christian apologetics speech delivered at 2010 NCFCA Nats, the competitor analyzes an...
Teach your child how to give a speech: http://triviummastery.com
In this Christian apologetics speech delivered at 2010 NCFCA Nats, the competitor analyzes and responds to a statement by Voltaire from Category 1 (Existence and Nature of God): "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him."
[Permission to share for the purpose of demonstrating how to give a speech was obtained from the competitor.]
wn.com/Home School Apologetics Speech Does God Exist
Teach your child how to give a speech: http://triviummastery.com
In this Christian apologetics speech delivered at 2010 NCFCA Nats, the competitor analyzes and responds to a statement by Voltaire from Category 1 (Existence and Nature of God): "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him."
[Permission to share for the purpose of demonstrating how to give a speech was obtained from the competitor.]
- published: 19 Apr 2014
- views: 1
Mining for God - Apologetics Documentary Trailer (miningforgod.com)
Order the DVD here: http://www.miningforgod.com
Stream and Download the movie here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/miningforgod
America has long been called a Chri...
Order the DVD here: http://www.miningforgod.com
Stream and Download the movie here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/miningforgod
America has long been called a Christian nation. In fact, over 70% of adults in America identify themselves as Christian. Yet when filmmaker Brandon McGuire heads to the streets to ask a few clarifying questions about how Christianity is defined within our culture, he is shocked by the answers he finds.
This provocative documentary takes us deep within the American mind and brings to the surface the big ideas that have influenced the way we think about ourselves and about God.
McGuire grew up with a middle class American view of Christianity. After college, though, he lived for three months in Africa, where he saw a very different kind of Christianity.
When he came back to America, he started to pay more attention to what people think about Christianity. As he asked questions, both online and on the street, it soon became apparent that people hold all manner of beliefs:
"Good people go to heaven; bad people end up in hell."
"All religions are basically the same."
"Christanity is just about rules."
"It’s about controlling people."
"No religion can be the only way to God or spirituality."
McGuire realized that this was an area of much confusion in America. So he set out to address it rationally. He asked such questions as:
"What is Christianity?"
"What are some of the ideas that have influenced the way people think about it?"
"Is there any evidence for God in the natural world?"
"If so, how can we know anything about who this God is?"
"Is there such a thing as objective truth, or is truth relative to cultures?"
McGuire then turns an eye to the central event in the Christian narrative – the resurrection of Jesus Christ. After all, this claim – that Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead – makes Christianity testable:
"Is there evidence for the resurrection?"
"And if so, how credible is it?"
He interviews a variety of people – people on the street, former atheists and former believers in other religions, along with some of the most seasoned Christian scholars making the case for Christianity today such as Lee Strobel, William Lane Craig, Gary Habermas, J Warner Wallace, Nabeel Qureshi, Paul Copan, and many more.
The result of all of this inquiry is Mining for God, a one hour long, expertly produced documentary that doesn’t preach at anyone. Rather, it raises good questions and respectfully offers intelligent food for thought.
Whether you would consider yourself a Christian or not - there is something of value for everyone in this film.
Westboro Baptist Church Protest: Mt Zion Baptist Church, Seattle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkT8o...
Westboro Baptist "Church" in Washington, DC (Part 1)
New York VisionColor Grain HD
Cry Hallelujah
wn.com/Mining For God Apologetics Documentary Trailer (Miningforgod.Com)
Order the DVD here: http://www.miningforgod.com
Stream and Download the movie here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/miningforgod
America has long been called a Christian nation. In fact, over 70% of adults in America identify themselves as Christian. Yet when filmmaker Brandon McGuire heads to the streets to ask a few clarifying questions about how Christianity is defined within our culture, he is shocked by the answers he finds.
This provocative documentary takes us deep within the American mind and brings to the surface the big ideas that have influenced the way we think about ourselves and about God.
McGuire grew up with a middle class American view of Christianity. After college, though, he lived for three months in Africa, where he saw a very different kind of Christianity.
When he came back to America, he started to pay more attention to what people think about Christianity. As he asked questions, both online and on the street, it soon became apparent that people hold all manner of beliefs:
"Good people go to heaven; bad people end up in hell."
"All religions are basically the same."
"Christanity is just about rules."
"It’s about controlling people."
"No religion can be the only way to God or spirituality."
McGuire realized that this was an area of much confusion in America. So he set out to address it rationally. He asked such questions as:
"What is Christianity?"
"What are some of the ideas that have influenced the way people think about it?"
"Is there any evidence for God in the natural world?"
"If so, how can we know anything about who this God is?"
"Is there such a thing as objective truth, or is truth relative to cultures?"
McGuire then turns an eye to the central event in the Christian narrative – the resurrection of Jesus Christ. After all, this claim – that Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead – makes Christianity testable:
"Is there evidence for the resurrection?"
"And if so, how credible is it?"
He interviews a variety of people – people on the street, former atheists and former believers in other religions, along with some of the most seasoned Christian scholars making the case for Christianity today such as Lee Strobel, William Lane Craig, Gary Habermas, J Warner Wallace, Nabeel Qureshi, Paul Copan, and many more.
The result of all of this inquiry is Mining for God, a one hour long, expertly produced documentary that doesn’t preach at anyone. Rather, it raises good questions and respectfully offers intelligent food for thought.
Whether you would consider yourself a Christian or not - there is something of value for everyone in this film.
Westboro Baptist Church Protest: Mt Zion Baptist Church, Seattle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkT8o...
Westboro Baptist "Church" in Washington, DC (Part 1)
New York VisionColor Grain HD
Cry Hallelujah
- published: 10 Aug 2015
- views: 67
644. What Is Cultural Apologetics?
Bobby explains how we should approach our neighbors and the culture with apologetics....
Bobby explains how we should approach our neighbors and the culture with apologetics.
wn.com/644. What Is Cultural Apologetics
Bobby explains how we should approach our neighbors and the culture with apologetics.
- published: 16 Jan 2015
- views: 802
The Explosion in Apologetics Education
Christians find their faith questioned more than ever before. That's one reason we are seeing an explosion in ways believers can learn to defend their faith wit...
Christians find their faith questioned more than ever before. That's one reason we are seeing an explosion in ways believers can learn to defend their faith with reason and precision. Here, Lenny sits down with Dr. Craig Hazen, who is the Founder and Director of M.A. Program in Christian Apologetics at Biola University to talk about the incredible growth of apologetics and the increasingly diverse programs available to those who wish to study apologetics at home or for a degree.
For more articles, podcasts, and teachings on this subject, follow us online:
wn.com/The Explosion In Apologetics Education
Christians find their faith questioned more than ever before. That's one reason we are seeing an explosion in ways believers can learn to defend their faith with reason and precision. Here, Lenny sits down with Dr. Craig Hazen, who is the Founder and Director of M.A. Program in Christian Apologetics at Biola University to talk about the incredible growth of apologetics and the increasingly diverse programs available to those who wish to study apologetics at home or for a degree.
For more articles, podcasts, and teachings on this subject, follow us online:
- published: 13 Oct 2014
- views: 56
Home School Apologetics Speech - What is the Destiny of Man?
Learn how to give a speech: http://triviummastery.com/
In this apologetics home school speech, the competitor answers the following question from NCFCA Categ...
Learn how to give a speech: http://triviummastery.com/
In this apologetics home school speech, the competitor answers the following question from NCFCA Category 3 (The Nature, Purpose, and Destiny of Man): "What is the destiny of man?"
[Permission to share for the purpose of demonstrating how to give a speech was obtained from the competitor.]
wn.com/Home School Apologetics Speech What Is The Destiny Of Man
Learn how to give a speech: http://triviummastery.com/
In this apologetics home school speech, the competitor answers the following question from NCFCA Category 3 (The Nature, Purpose, and Destiny of Man): "What is the destiny of man?"
[Permission to share for the purpose of demonstrating how to give a speech was obtained from the competitor.]
- published: 19 Apr 2014
- views: 1
Christian Apologetics - In Muslim Hands
This is a rather long reply to the rather long video 'Proving Islam Is True - I Dare Atheists To Watch This'. Needless to say, the continued use of christian ap...
This is a rather long reply to the rather long video 'Proving Islam Is True - I Dare Atheists To Watch This'. Needless to say, the continued use of christian apologetics by muslim producers is not helping there case. Considering it is these very apologetics that atheists find both mind-numbingly repetitive and hilariously laughable, no surprise there!
All material used under the 'Fair Use' clause of the U.S. copyright law for education, criticism, and reporting.
Intro - "Edge Of Design" by Severed Fifth available at https://archive.org/details/mgr109SeveredFifth-DeniedByReign under the following creative commons license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Outro - 'Don't Change A Thing' made available for use by Youtube in the 'Free-Use' category.
wn.com/Christian Apologetics In Muslim Hands
This is a rather long reply to the rather long video 'Proving Islam Is True - I Dare Atheists To Watch This'. Needless to say, the continued use of christian apologetics by muslim producers is not helping there case. Considering it is these very apologetics that atheists find both mind-numbingly repetitive and hilariously laughable, no surprise there!
All material used under the 'Fair Use' clause of the U.S. copyright law for education, criticism, and reporting.
Intro - "Edge Of Design" by Severed Fifth available at https://archive.org/details/mgr109SeveredFifth-DeniedByReign under the following creative commons license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Outro - 'Don't Change A Thing' made available for use by Youtube in the 'Free-Use' category.
- published: 10 Mar 2015
- views: 2
647. How Should Apologetics Be Packaged Today?
Bobby looks at how we should approach the culture with our apologetics....
Bobby looks at how we should approach the culture with our apologetics.
wn.com/647. How Should Apologetics Be Packaged Today
Bobby looks at how we should approach the culture with our apologetics.
- published: 21 Jan 2015
- views: 646
Reply to the Failure of Modern Apologetics
Reply to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSPmlwXJR_k To argue that something fails you must accurately understand its goal. Jordan has a distorted view of th......
Reply to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSPmlwXJR_k To argue that something fails you must accurately understand its goal. Jordan has a distorted view of th...
wn.com/Reply To The Failure Of Modern Apologetics
Reply to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSPmlwXJR_k To argue that something fails you must accurately understand its goal. Jordan has a distorted view of th...
Apologetics | Online Course
Apologetics is a three-credit online course about defending the Christian faith. Offered in Prairie's eLearning environment, it builds on the foundation laid in...
Apologetics is a three-credit online course about defending the Christian faith. Offered in Prairie's eLearning environment, it builds on the foundation laid in Thinking & Writing to expand your understanding of apologetic methods, their historical development, and their place in contemporary society. To learn more or to register, visit www.prairie.edu/apologetics.
wn.com/Apologetics | Online Course
Apologetics is a three-credit online course about defending the Christian faith. Offered in Prairie's eLearning environment, it builds on the foundation laid in Thinking & Writing to expand your understanding of apologetic methods, their historical development, and their place in contemporary society. To learn more or to register, visit www.prairie.edu/apologetics.
- published: 31 Mar 2015
- views: 92
Ehrman-Butt Debate Suffering & God's Existence
Bart Ehrman met with Kyle Butt at the campus of the University of North Alabama (UNA) on April 4, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. in the Norton Auditorium, which seats about 1,700 people. They were invited by the Christian Student Center on the campus. Gospel Broadcasting Network aired the event live on their television network, as well live streamed it on the Internet. Kyle wrote previous of the event explai
Oneway Podcast 7 - Answering Misconceptions about Presuppositional Apologetics
In this episode I am joined by two brothers in Christ to discuss common misconceptions and objections to presuppositional apologetics. Hopefully you found so...
Developing an Apologetic Mind (2 of 2)- Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D.
Douglas R. Groothuis Ph.D., professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary.
IV. Truth Decay: Understanding the Problem (D. Groothuis Truth Decay, introduction, chapter one)
A. The importance of truth
1. Truth: desired and feared by mortals east of Eden
2. Truth and integrity
3. People of truth; truth in jeopardy
Tasaver e Nijaat in Christianity or ISLAM - Complete Urdu Debate
Concept Salvation in Christianity or Islam, Urdu Munazarah between Islamic Scholar Mr. Khawar Rasheed Butt and Christian Scholar Mr. Metheo Suleman http://ww...
Hello, I'm a Scientist - Episode 5: Noah's Flood 1
It certainly does create a strong feeling of trust when someone on TV or in a video says "Hello, I'm a doctor" or "Hello, I'm a scientist". This is why we should automatically believe everything "Chemist"/"Scientist"/Auto Mechanic John Morris Pendleton says. This time, he makes a thoroughly convincing and honest case to prove that there was a global flood and that old-earthism = the dumb.
With sp
The New Apologetics Video Series With Dr. Lawrence Vescera. Episode #3
The New Apologetics Video Series With Dr. Lawrence Vescera.
Episode #3.
Vlog 1 for Online Apologetics, Summer 2015
This video is an introductory "vlog" (video blog) for the Online Apologetics course at Elim Bible Institute and College in Lima, NY. The short session introduces the course flow, assignments, and reading themes for week 1. (Please excuse the poor video angle, it was self-recorded and I failed to check positioning.)
This video is a self-recorded “vlog” for Online Apologetics students at Elim Bible
" James White's degrees are BOGUS !! " says Ergun Caner
イエス・キリスト 耶稣 Jésus 예수 기독교 يسوع Jesús христианском キリスト教 Христианство Cristianismo Christianisme 基督教 聖書 성경 Biblia Bibbia Misqouting Jesus debate Bart Ehrman Mi...
Divine Inspiration & Biblical Inerrancy: The Failed Hypothesis
Note - 00:00
Dedication - 00:14
Introduction - 00:21
The Claims: The Nature of God - 02:02
The Claims: Biblical Inerrancy - 03:16
The Claims: Inspiration - 05:57
The Claims: The Bible as the Word of God - 07:15
Nothing New Under the Sun - 08:22
What Should We Expect? - 10:21
Title Sequence - 15:21
What We Actually Find - 16:12
What Are Apologetics? - 24:06
What Motivates the Bi
Heretical Minds #21: Thermodynamics
Postponed from last week to this week, 4/23/15, Joseph and Chris will be starting from the apologetic's angle on the second law of thermodynamics. They will state the arguments and why it seems enticing to use the second law to argue in the positive for the supernatural and godly. To refute that Chris will use his mechanical engineering education in thermodynamics and collegiate physics to expla
ravi zacharias homosexuality,Ravi Zacharias at BYU
Frederick Antony Ravi Kumar Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of traditional evangelicalism,[1][2][3] Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live Without God? in the category "theology and doctrine" and bestsellers Light in the Shadow of Jihad and The Grand Weaver.H
ravi zacharias homosexuality,The End of Reason A Response to the New Atheists Ravi Zacharias
Frederick Antony Ravi Kumar Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of traditional evangelicalism,[1][2][3] Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live Without God? in the category "theology and doctrine" and bestsellers Light in the Shadow of Jihad and The Grand Weaver.H
The Great Debate: Is Jesus God? Sami Zaatari vs Sam Shamoun
Is Jesus God? Did Jesus ever claim to be God? Does the Bible teach that Jesus is God? On Sunday, April 9th, 2006, Muslim apologist Sami Zaatari and Christian...
Are Mormons Christians - Part 6
Issues addressed in this session include: • Introduction to Joseph Smith • The spiritual climate of the 1800s • The First Vision of Joseph Smith • Joseph Smi...
ravi zacharias homosexuality,The Modern World and The Word Of God Ravi Zacharias
Frederick Antony Ravi Kumar Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of traditional evangelicalism,[1][2][3] Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live Without God? in the category "theology and doctrine" and bestsellers Light in the Shadow of Jihad and The Grand Weaver.H
J. Warner Wallace on the Unseminary Podcast
J. Warner Wallace (author of Cold Case Christianity) was interviewed by Rich Birch of the Unseminary Podcast and talked about the role of Christian Case Maki...
Karl Barth (ST604) - Dr. John Frame
Ehrman-Butt Debate Suffering & God's Existence
Bart Ehrman met with Kyle Butt at the campus of the University of North Alabama (UNA) on April 4, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. in the Norton Auditorium, which seats about...
Bart Ehrman met with Kyle Butt at the campus of the University of North Alabama (UNA) on April 4, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. in the Norton Auditorium, which seats about 1,700 people. They were invited by the Christian Student Center on the campus. Gospel Broadcasting Network aired the event live on their television network, as well live streamed it on the Internet. Kyle wrote previous of the event explaining that, "He [Bart] is a self-avowed agnostic who claims that the pain and suffering he sees in the world make it impossible for him to believe that the Christian God exists. Thus, the debate will be on the subject of suffering and the existence of God. Ehrman will be affirming: “The pain and suffering in the world indicate that the Christian God does not exist.” I will be denying that proposition."
Program discussed on Bart Ehrman's Foundation Blog: http://ehrmanblog.org/?p=9131
Kyle Butt reflects: http://www.apologeticspress.org/APContent.aspx?category=12&article;=4844&topic;=95
Bart D. Ehrman is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He came to UNC in 1988, after four years of teaching at Rutgers University. At UNC he has served as both the Director of Graduate Studies and the Chair of the Department of Religious Studies. A graduate of Wheaton College (Illinois), Professor Ehrman received both his Masters of Divinity and Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary, where his 1985 doctoral dissertation was awarded magna cum laude.
Kyle Butt, M.A. is a graduate of Freed-Hardeman University, where he earned a B.A. with a double major in Bible and communications, and an M.A. in New Testament. Currently, he serves in the Bible department at Apologetics Press and as editor of Discovery magazine.
Copyright © Bart D. Ehrman and Apologetics Press, Inc.. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use, re-posting and/or duplication of this media without express and written permission from Bart D. Ehrman and Apologetics Press, Inc. is strictly prohibited. http://www.apologeticspress.org
wn.com/Ehrman Butt Debate Suffering God's Existence
Bart Ehrman met with Kyle Butt at the campus of the University of North Alabama (UNA) on April 4, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. in the Norton Auditorium, which seats about 1,700 people. They were invited by the Christian Student Center on the campus. Gospel Broadcasting Network aired the event live on their television network, as well live streamed it on the Internet. Kyle wrote previous of the event explaining that, "He [Bart] is a self-avowed agnostic who claims that the pain and suffering he sees in the world make it impossible for him to believe that the Christian God exists. Thus, the debate will be on the subject of suffering and the existence of God. Ehrman will be affirming: “The pain and suffering in the world indicate that the Christian God does not exist.” I will be denying that proposition."
Program discussed on Bart Ehrman's Foundation Blog: http://ehrmanblog.org/?p=9131
Kyle Butt reflects: http://www.apologeticspress.org/APContent.aspx?category=12&article;=4844&topic;=95
Bart D. Ehrman is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He came to UNC in 1988, after four years of teaching at Rutgers University. At UNC he has served as both the Director of Graduate Studies and the Chair of the Department of Religious Studies. A graduate of Wheaton College (Illinois), Professor Ehrman received both his Masters of Divinity and Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary, where his 1985 doctoral dissertation was awarded magna cum laude.
Kyle Butt, M.A. is a graduate of Freed-Hardeman University, where he earned a B.A. with a double major in Bible and communications, and an M.A. in New Testament. Currently, he serves in the Bible department at Apologetics Press and as editor of Discovery magazine.
Copyright © Bart D. Ehrman and Apologetics Press, Inc.. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use, re-posting and/or duplication of this media without express and written permission from Bart D. Ehrman and Apologetics Press, Inc. is strictly prohibited. http://www.apologeticspress.org
- published: 18 Sep 2015
- views: 156
Oneway Podcast 7 - Answering Misconceptions about Presuppositional Apologetics
In this episode I am joined by two brothers in Christ to discuss common misconceptions and objections to presuppositional apologetics. Hopefully you found so......
In this episode I am joined by two brothers in Christ to discuss common misconceptions and objections to presuppositional apologetics. Hopefully you found so...
wn.com/Oneway Podcast 7 Answering Misconceptions About Presuppositional Apologetics
In this episode I am joined by two brothers in Christ to discuss common misconceptions and objections to presuppositional apologetics. Hopefully you found so...
Developing an Apologetic Mind (2 of 2)- Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D.
Douglas R. Groothuis Ph.D., professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary.
Douglas R. Groothuis Ph.D., professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary.
IV. Truth Decay: Understanding the Problem (D. Groothuis Truth Decay, introduction, chapter one)
A. The importance of truth
1. Truth: desired and feared by mortals east of Eden
2. Truth and integrity
3. People of truth; truth in jeopardy
4. Screwtape's ploy: remove the very category of truth from the mind
B. The seven acids of truth decay
1. The end of the enlightenment vision/project
2. A unified world view is impossible today because of our cosmopolitan, media-saturated environment
3. A unified world-view is impossible today because of the great diversity of religious viewpoints available
4. Postmodernity does not allow for a fixed sense of personal identity
5. Language is contingent on human beings and cannot communicate objective truth
6. Written texts have no objective, determinative meaning or truth value (deconstruction)
7. "Truth" is a function of power relationships, not an objective reality
V. The Eighth Acid of Truth Decay: Television (See D. Groothuis, Truth Decay, appendix)
A. Understanding the nature of television and how it contributes to truth decay "The medium is the message" (Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media)
1. Moving image trumps or humiliates the written and spoken word (Exodus 20:1 -- 4; John 1:1)
a. Images are limited in their power to communicate truth: second commandment (Exodus 20). Jesus' appearance is never described in the Gospels
b. Power of deception through image manipulation: my TV interview about channeling. Malcolm Muggerridge: "The camera always lies." See his Christ and the Media
c. Prefabricated presentations: shrink events into sound bites and memorable images that may be false or misleading
d. Cannot watch the Bible on video. You must learn to master the written texts. Church librarian in Denver laments that parents check out "Christian videos" instead of books for children
2. Discontinuity, fragmentation: "a peek-a-boo world" (Neil Postman) (Luke 1:1 -- 4)
a. No continuity, coherence, development of ideas: "And now this..."
b. Leads to intellectual impatience, recklessness, distraction
c. ADD/ADHD: a national problem. Medical warnings about TV and infants. Pediatrics, Vol. 113 No. 4 (April 2004)
Conclusions: Early television exposure is associated with attentional problem at age 7. Efforts to limit television viewing in early childhood may be warranted..."
d. Biblically, the primacy of a coherent, orderly view of reality (Luke 1:1 -- 4)
3. Hypervelocities: video equivalent of caffeine (Psalm 46:10)—jump cuts, scene changes, special effects
a. Out of sync with God-given natures: pathology of velocity, plague of rapidity
b. Stimulation, agitation—not edification instruction (usually). Ken Burns programs are somewhat different, though
c. Decrease in attention spans: sermons, classes, conversations; but this may be challenged—through good preaching
d. Biblical importance of pacing, stillness. "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10)
4. Entertainment orientation—amusement dominates all other values (2 Timothy 3:4)
a. The demand of all areas of life: religion, politics, news, education; amuse means "no thought." "Laugh track is always running" (Jean Baudrillard, America)
b. Amusement is not appropriate for many things; loss of gravity, sobriety, rectitude; orienting our subjective response to the objective nature of what we experience
c. Biblically: don't be a lover of pleasure rather than a lover of God (2 Timothy 3:4). Get serious.
B. Conclusion (more on this in "Christian Ethics and Modern Culture" class)
1. Engage in television fasting
2. Decrease drastically television watching
3. Replace with thoughtful reading
Resources for growth and discernment
1. Douglas Groothuis, Truth Decay (InterVarsity, 2000). The appendix addresses the nature and effects television in the context of postmodernism.
2. Os Guinness, Fit Bodies, Fat Minds (Baker Books, 1994). Excellent Christian critique of anti-intellectualism in the church, which addresses television and other truth-decaying agents.
3. Arthur Hunt, III, The Vanishing Word: The Veneration of Imagery in the Postmodern World (Crossway, 2003). Christian perspective on a pervasive but often ignored problem.
4. Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death (Penguin, 1985). The best secular critique of the nature and effects of television; it is more insightful than most Christian books.
5. Douglas and Rebecca Merrill Groothuis web page: www.ivpress.com/groothuis/doug
Playlist: Https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnT7si8scZpOLv68se0Yvg/playlists
wn.com/Developing An Apologetic Mind (2 Of 2) Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D.
Douglas R. Groothuis Ph.D., professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary.
IV. Truth Decay: Understanding the Problem (D. Groothuis Truth Decay, introduction, chapter one)
A. The importance of truth
1. Truth: desired and feared by mortals east of Eden
2. Truth and integrity
3. People of truth; truth in jeopardy
4. Screwtape's ploy: remove the very category of truth from the mind
B. The seven acids of truth decay
1. The end of the enlightenment vision/project
2. A unified world view is impossible today because of our cosmopolitan, media-saturated environment
3. A unified world-view is impossible today because of the great diversity of religious viewpoints available
4. Postmodernity does not allow for a fixed sense of personal identity
5. Language is contingent on human beings and cannot communicate objective truth
6. Written texts have no objective, determinative meaning or truth value (deconstruction)
7. "Truth" is a function of power relationships, not an objective reality
V. The Eighth Acid of Truth Decay: Television (See D. Groothuis, Truth Decay, appendix)
A. Understanding the nature of television and how it contributes to truth decay "The medium is the message" (Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media)
1. Moving image trumps or humiliates the written and spoken word (Exodus 20:1 -- 4; John 1:1)
a. Images are limited in their power to communicate truth: second commandment (Exodus 20). Jesus' appearance is never described in the Gospels
b. Power of deception through image manipulation: my TV interview about channeling. Malcolm Muggerridge: "The camera always lies." See his Christ and the Media
c. Prefabricated presentations: shrink events into sound bites and memorable images that may be false or misleading
d. Cannot watch the Bible on video. You must learn to master the written texts. Church librarian in Denver laments that parents check out "Christian videos" instead of books for children
2. Discontinuity, fragmentation: "a peek-a-boo world" (Neil Postman) (Luke 1:1 -- 4)
a. No continuity, coherence, development of ideas: "And now this..."
b. Leads to intellectual impatience, recklessness, distraction
c. ADD/ADHD: a national problem. Medical warnings about TV and infants. Pediatrics, Vol. 113 No. 4 (April 2004)
Conclusions: Early television exposure is associated with attentional problem at age 7. Efforts to limit television viewing in early childhood may be warranted..."
d. Biblically, the primacy of a coherent, orderly view of reality (Luke 1:1 -- 4)
3. Hypervelocities: video equivalent of caffeine (Psalm 46:10)—jump cuts, scene changes, special effects
a. Out of sync with God-given natures: pathology of velocity, plague of rapidity
b. Stimulation, agitation—not edification instruction (usually). Ken Burns programs are somewhat different, though
c. Decrease in attention spans: sermons, classes, conversations; but this may be challenged—through good preaching
d. Biblical importance of pacing, stillness. "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10)
4. Entertainment orientation—amusement dominates all other values (2 Timothy 3:4)
a. The demand of all areas of life: religion, politics, news, education; amuse means "no thought." "Laugh track is always running" (Jean Baudrillard, America)
b. Amusement is not appropriate for many things; loss of gravity, sobriety, rectitude; orienting our subjective response to the objective nature of what we experience
c. Biblically: don't be a lover of pleasure rather than a lover of God (2 Timothy 3:4). Get serious.
B. Conclusion (more on this in "Christian Ethics and Modern Culture" class)
1. Engage in television fasting
2. Decrease drastically television watching
3. Replace with thoughtful reading
Resources for growth and discernment
1. Douglas Groothuis, Truth Decay (InterVarsity, 2000). The appendix addresses the nature and effects television in the context of postmodernism.
2. Os Guinness, Fit Bodies, Fat Minds (Baker Books, 1994). Excellent Christian critique of anti-intellectualism in the church, which addresses television and other truth-decaying agents.
3. Arthur Hunt, III, The Vanishing Word: The Veneration of Imagery in the Postmodern World (Crossway, 2003). Christian perspective on a pervasive but often ignored problem.
4. Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death (Penguin, 1985). The best secular critique of the nature and effects of television; it is more insightful than most Christian books.
5. Douglas and Rebecca Merrill Groothuis web page: www.ivpress.com/groothuis/doug
Playlist: Https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnT7si8scZpOLv68se0Yvg/playlists
- published: 14 Sep 2014
- views: 0
Tasaver e Nijaat in Christianity or ISLAM - Complete Urdu Debate
Concept Salvation in Christianity or Islam, Urdu Munazarah between Islamic Scholar Mr. Khawar Rasheed Butt and Christian Scholar Mr. Metheo Suleman http://ww......
Concept Salvation in Christianity or Islam, Urdu Munazarah between Islamic Scholar Mr. Khawar Rasheed Butt and Christian Scholar Mr. Metheo Suleman http://ww...
wn.com/Tasaver E Nijaat In Christianity Or Islam Complete Urdu Debate
Concept Salvation in Christianity or Islam, Urdu Munazarah between Islamic Scholar Mr. Khawar Rasheed Butt and Christian Scholar Mr. Metheo Suleman http://ww...
Hello, I'm a Scientist - Episode 5: Noah's Flood 1
It certainly does create a strong feeling of trust when someone on TV or in a video says "Hello, I'm a doctor" or "Hello, I'm a scientist". This is why we shoul...
It certainly does create a strong feeling of trust when someone on TV or in a video says "Hello, I'm a doctor" or "Hello, I'm a scientist". This is why we should automatically believe everything "Chemist"/"Scientist"/Auto Mechanic John Morris Pendleton says. This time, he makes a thoroughly convincing and honest case to prove that there was a global flood and that old-earthism = the dumb.
With special guest SchizophrenicQueen! http://www.youtube.com/user/SchizophrenicQueen
Apparently there are two more of these about the flood. Kill me.
Answers in Genesis on the greenhouse effect of the water canopy (last section): http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/tools/flood-waters.asp
Apologetics Press re: Flood: http://www.apologeticspress.org/apcontent.aspx?category=9&article;=64
Robert M. Schoch: http://www.robertschoch.com/
Bancroft - Native Races book (free): http://archive.org/details/nativerace03bancrich
Fernando Horcasitas - Cuban deluge account - http://books.google.ca/books?id=E__dnnQwGDwC&pg;=PA214&lpg;=PA214&dq;=cuban+flood+myth+boat&source;=bl&ots;=-kMqiX_3c4&sig;=lnC-0TRwfK6_YXi5UFwyNTtlRjs&hl;=en&sa;=X&ei;=WpmQUPbkK6WEygGS5IGoCg&ved;=0CEMQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q;=cuban%20flood%20myth%20boat&f;=false
Fray Juan de Torquemada - Monarquia Indiana (Cuban flood myth - See Volumen IV, Libro Catorce, Capitulo XIX (Donde se prosigue la materia del pasado y se prueba ser el color negro nacido de la maldición que Noé echó a su nieto Canaan), beginning "Verdad es que los de los indios de la isla de Cuba...") - http://www.historicas.unam.mx/publicaciones/publicadigital/monarquia/volumen/02/mi_vol02.html
Talk Origins - Fuhi flood story - http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/CG/CG202_2.html
Chinese flood myth - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Flood_(China)
NCSE paper on CEM - http://ncse.com/files/pub/library/Theses/Duncan_Julie-%20Faith%20Displayed%20as%20Science%20-%20The%20role%20of%20the.pdf
Original video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhGIHZ4rjAs
Intro Music: Dagon - Cut To The Heart
Bible-reading music: Wretched - Beyond the Gate
Outro Music: Dark Tranquillity - The Fatalist
wn.com/Hello, I'm A Scientist Episode 5 Noah's Flood 1
It certainly does create a strong feeling of trust when someone on TV or in a video says "Hello, I'm a doctor" or "Hello, I'm a scientist". This is why we should automatically believe everything "Chemist"/"Scientist"/Auto Mechanic John Morris Pendleton says. This time, he makes a thoroughly convincing and honest case to prove that there was a global flood and that old-earthism = the dumb.
With special guest SchizophrenicQueen! http://www.youtube.com/user/SchizophrenicQueen
Apparently there are two more of these about the flood. Kill me.
Answers in Genesis on the greenhouse effect of the water canopy (last section): http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/tools/flood-waters.asp
Apologetics Press re: Flood: http://www.apologeticspress.org/apcontent.aspx?category=9&article;=64
Robert M. Schoch: http://www.robertschoch.com/
Bancroft - Native Races book (free): http://archive.org/details/nativerace03bancrich
Fernando Horcasitas - Cuban deluge account - http://books.google.ca/books?id=E__dnnQwGDwC&pg;=PA214&lpg;=PA214&dq;=cuban+flood+myth+boat&source;=bl&ots;=-kMqiX_3c4&sig;=lnC-0TRwfK6_YXi5UFwyNTtlRjs&hl;=en&sa;=X&ei;=WpmQUPbkK6WEygGS5IGoCg&ved;=0CEMQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q;=cuban%20flood%20myth%20boat&f;=false
Fray Juan de Torquemada - Monarquia Indiana (Cuban flood myth - See Volumen IV, Libro Catorce, Capitulo XIX (Donde se prosigue la materia del pasado y se prueba ser el color negro nacido de la maldición que Noé echó a su nieto Canaan), beginning "Verdad es que los de los indios de la isla de Cuba...") - http://www.historicas.unam.mx/publicaciones/publicadigital/monarquia/volumen/02/mi_vol02.html
Talk Origins - Fuhi flood story - http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/CG/CG202_2.html
Chinese flood myth - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Flood_(China)
NCSE paper on CEM - http://ncse.com/files/pub/library/Theses/Duncan_Julie-%20Faith%20Displayed%20as%20Science%20-%20The%20role%20of%20the.pdf
Original video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhGIHZ4rjAs
Intro Music: Dagon - Cut To The Heart
Bible-reading music: Wretched - Beyond the Gate
Outro Music: Dark Tranquillity - The Fatalist
- published: 02 Nov 2012
- views: 57750
The New Apologetics Video Series With Dr. Lawrence Vescera. Episode #3
The New Apologetics Video Series With Dr. Lawrence Vescera.
Episode #3....
The New Apologetics Video Series With Dr. Lawrence Vescera.
Episode #3.
wn.com/The New Apologetics Video Series With Dr. Lawrence Vescera. Episode 3
The New Apologetics Video Series With Dr. Lawrence Vescera.
Episode #3.
- published: 28 Apr 2014
- views: 10
Vlog 1 for Online Apologetics, Summer 2015
This video is an introductory "vlog" (video blog) for the Online Apologetics course at Elim Bible Institute and College in Lima, NY. The short session introduce...
This video is an introductory "vlog" (video blog) for the Online Apologetics course at Elim Bible Institute and College in Lima, NY. The short session introduces the course flow, assignments, and reading themes for week 1. (Please excuse the poor video angle, it was self-recorded and I failed to check positioning.)
This video is a self-recorded “vlog” for Online Apologetics students at Elim Bible Institute and College in Lima, NY. *For more info on Elim, visit www.twitter.com/elimbible, or www.elim.edu.
wn.com/Vlog 1 For Online Apologetics, Summer 2015
This video is an introductory "vlog" (video blog) for the Online Apologetics course at Elim Bible Institute and College in Lima, NY. The short session introduces the course flow, assignments, and reading themes for week 1. (Please excuse the poor video angle, it was self-recorded and I failed to check positioning.)
This video is a self-recorded “vlog” for Online Apologetics students at Elim Bible Institute and College in Lima, NY. *For more info on Elim, visit www.twitter.com/elimbible, or www.elim.edu.
- published: 04 May 2015
- views: 22
" James White's degrees are BOGUS !! " says Ergun Caner
イエス・キリスト 耶稣 Jésus 예수 기독교 يسوع Jesús христианском キリスト教 Христианство Cristianismo Christianisme 基督教 聖書 성경 Biblia Bibbia Misqouting Jesus debate Bart Ehrman Mi......
イエス・キリスト 耶稣 Jésus 예수 기독교 يسوع Jesús христианском キリスト教 Христианство Cristianismo Christianisme 基督教 聖書 성경 Biblia Bibbia Misqouting Jesus debate Bart Ehrman Mi...
wn.com/James White's Degrees Are Bogus Says Ergun Caner
イエス・キリスト 耶稣 Jésus 예수 기독교 يسوع Jesús христианском キリスト教 Христианство Cristianismo Christianisme 基督教 聖書 성경 Biblia Bibbia Misqouting Jesus debate Bart Ehrman Mi...
Divine Inspiration & Biblical Inerrancy: The Failed Hypothesis
Note - 00:00
Dedication - 00:14
Introduction - 00:21
The Claims: The Nature of God - 02:02
The Claims: Biblical Inerrancy - 03:16
The Claims...
Note - 00:00
Dedication - 00:14
Introduction - 00:21
The Claims: The Nature of God - 02:02
The Claims: Biblical Inerrancy - 03:16
The Claims: Inspiration - 05:57
The Claims: The Bible as the Word of God - 07:15
Nothing New Under the Sun - 08:22
What Should We Expect? - 10:21
Title Sequence - 15:21
What We Actually Find - 16:12
What Are Apologetics? - 24:06
What Motivates the Biblical Apologist? - 25:30
Why Should the Bible Need Apologetics? - 26:18
Apologists Often Disagree - 28:00
Which to Believe? - 30:37
Inerrancy Only in the "Original" Manuscripts - 34:03
Phenomenological Language - 36:25
Equivocal Language - 41:40
Wordplay - 47:17
Discipleship - 49:51
Translation Problems - 56:35
Copyist Problems - 58:36
Speaking in Tongues - 1:04:11
An Error by Any Other Name - 1:06:08
Not With You in Mind - 1:08:20
Bibliolatry- 1:13:54
Inspired by God, Authored by Man - 1:19:48
Figuratively Speaking - 1:26:03
The Holy Spirit - 1:32:40
It's Sufficient - 1:35:31
Conclusion - 1:39:51
All photos, video, and sound original work of the producer or public domain unless otherwise noted in the following:
A very special "Thank You" to:
"Flying Joker" CGI provided by YouTuber: stiimuli
"House of Cards" CGI provided by Victor_erwich@hotmail.com
"Moon" and "Mars" CGI provided by Joe Laude www.joelaude.com
PHOTO CREDITS (where applicable):
Building Solomon's Temple by John Millar Watt
Nathan Williams from London, UK (Cinema Book Shop) [CC-BY-2.0]
Stack of Books by Judith P. Abrahamsen
Street Preacher by M_A_R_K
IASD Central Porto Alegre
Always Reading by mokra
Yellow Caution Light by Jonathan Hinkle
Archaeological Excavation in Svetlahorsk By Telman Masliukou
Mercury, Venus and the Moon Align By ESO/Y Beletsky
Magician By Lorenz Deconinck
Optische Illusion Piano German by Roger Zenner
Road to Nowhere - Stuart Anthony
Outer Space by Joan Dubo
Moses by Scott Yardley
Jonah-Whale by Scott Yardley
Estudo By Steelman
Math_lecture_at_TKK By Tungsten
Figures of Speech by Enokson
Clay head in hand by nilob
Louvre2004_134_cor Philippe-Laurent Roland [GFDL] or CC-BY-SA-3.0
Atalaya_horse_stalls By Doug Coldwell GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0
Paranthropus on Plains by Walter Voigt
National Archives Building By Mbell1975 [CC-BY-SA-3.0]
License Terms found at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted."
Youtuber: Bestgreenscreen
Brett Palmer
Egypt in 1976 Courtesy Collectie Filmcollectief
Stars Reflected in Crater Lake time lapse - Thunderf00t
State of Events - The Weekend Forecast
Atmosphere - Rick Clarke Music4YourVids.co.uk
Flight of Fantasy - Rick Clarke Music4YourVids.co.uk
Emotional Strings - Rick Clarke Music4YourVids.co.uk
Circus Bunnies - Alastair Cameron Cameronmusic.co.uk
OceanFloor - Audionautix
TheVoyage - Audionautix
The Experiment - Danosongs
Faith-Variation B - Sony
Grace-Variation A - Sony
Full Court Press-Variation A - Sony
Full Court Press-Variation C - Sony
Full Court Press-Variation D - Sony
Backlight Intrigue-Variation C - Sony
Powerhouse by Raymond Scott (MIDI version used)
Arcadia - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
The Other Side of the Door - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
Constancy Part Three - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
Unanswered Questions - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
Impact Lento - Kevin MacLeod Incompetech
Lightless Dawn - Kevin MacLeod Incompetech
Tabuk - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
Rising - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
Revival - Kevin MacLeod Incompetech
Hypnothis - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
Digya - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
Virtutes Vocis - Kevin MacLeod Incompetech
Virtutes Instrumenti - Kevin MacLeod Incompetech
Dama May - Kevin MacLeod Incompetech
*All Incompetech music: Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Production was uploaded in four separate parts and combined using YouTube Video Editor. Some breaks in the audio/video are due to this editing process.
wn.com/Divine Inspiration Biblical Inerrancy The Failed Hypothesis
Note - 00:00
Dedication - 00:14
Introduction - 00:21
The Claims: The Nature of God - 02:02
The Claims: Biblical Inerrancy - 03:16
The Claims: Inspiration - 05:57
The Claims: The Bible as the Word of God - 07:15
Nothing New Under the Sun - 08:22
What Should We Expect? - 10:21
Title Sequence - 15:21
What We Actually Find - 16:12
What Are Apologetics? - 24:06
What Motivates the Biblical Apologist? - 25:30
Why Should the Bible Need Apologetics? - 26:18
Apologists Often Disagree - 28:00
Which to Believe? - 30:37
Inerrancy Only in the "Original" Manuscripts - 34:03
Phenomenological Language - 36:25
Equivocal Language - 41:40
Wordplay - 47:17
Discipleship - 49:51
Translation Problems - 56:35
Copyist Problems - 58:36
Speaking in Tongues - 1:04:11
An Error by Any Other Name - 1:06:08
Not With You in Mind - 1:08:20
Bibliolatry- 1:13:54
Inspired by God, Authored by Man - 1:19:48
Figuratively Speaking - 1:26:03
The Holy Spirit - 1:32:40
It's Sufficient - 1:35:31
Conclusion - 1:39:51
All photos, video, and sound original work of the producer or public domain unless otherwise noted in the following:
A very special "Thank You" to:
"Flying Joker" CGI provided by YouTuber: stiimuli
"House of Cards" CGI provided by Victor_erwich@hotmail.com
"Moon" and "Mars" CGI provided by Joe Laude www.joelaude.com
PHOTO CREDITS (where applicable):
Building Solomon's Temple by John Millar Watt
Nathan Williams from London, UK (Cinema Book Shop) [CC-BY-2.0]
Stack of Books by Judith P. Abrahamsen
Street Preacher by M_A_R_K
IASD Central Porto Alegre
Always Reading by mokra
Yellow Caution Light by Jonathan Hinkle
Archaeological Excavation in Svetlahorsk By Telman Masliukou
Mercury, Venus and the Moon Align By ESO/Y Beletsky
Magician By Lorenz Deconinck
Optische Illusion Piano German by Roger Zenner
Road to Nowhere - Stuart Anthony
Outer Space by Joan Dubo
Moses by Scott Yardley
Jonah-Whale by Scott Yardley
Estudo By Steelman
Math_lecture_at_TKK By Tungsten
Figures of Speech by Enokson
Clay head in hand by nilob
Louvre2004_134_cor Philippe-Laurent Roland [GFDL] or CC-BY-SA-3.0
Atalaya_horse_stalls By Doug Coldwell GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0
Paranthropus on Plains by Walter Voigt
National Archives Building By Mbell1975 [CC-BY-SA-3.0]
License Terms found at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted."
Youtuber: Bestgreenscreen
Brett Palmer
Egypt in 1976 Courtesy Collectie Filmcollectief
Stars Reflected in Crater Lake time lapse - Thunderf00t
State of Events - The Weekend Forecast
Atmosphere - Rick Clarke Music4YourVids.co.uk
Flight of Fantasy - Rick Clarke Music4YourVids.co.uk
Emotional Strings - Rick Clarke Music4YourVids.co.uk
Circus Bunnies - Alastair Cameron Cameronmusic.co.uk
OceanFloor - Audionautix
TheVoyage - Audionautix
The Experiment - Danosongs
Faith-Variation B - Sony
Grace-Variation A - Sony
Full Court Press-Variation A - Sony
Full Court Press-Variation C - Sony
Full Court Press-Variation D - Sony
Backlight Intrigue-Variation C - Sony
Powerhouse by Raymond Scott (MIDI version used)
Arcadia - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
The Other Side of the Door - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
Constancy Part Three - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
Unanswered Questions - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
Impact Lento - Kevin MacLeod Incompetech
Lightless Dawn - Kevin MacLeod Incompetech
Tabuk - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
Rising - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
Revival - Kevin MacLeod Incompetech
Hypnothis - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
Digya - Kevin Macleod Incompetech
Virtutes Vocis - Kevin MacLeod Incompetech
Virtutes Instrumenti - Kevin MacLeod Incompetech
Dama May - Kevin MacLeod Incompetech
*All Incompetech music: Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Production was uploaded in four separate parts and combined using YouTube Video Editor. Some breaks in the audio/video are due to this editing process.
- published: 20 Oct 2012
- views: 87357
Heretical Minds #21: Thermodynamics
Postponed from last week to this week, 4/23/15, Joseph and Chris will be starting from the apologetic's angle on the second law of thermodynamics. They will st...
Postponed from last week to this week, 4/23/15, Joseph and Chris will be starting from the apologetic's angle on the second law of thermodynamics. They will state the arguments and why it seems enticing to use the second law to argue in the positive for the supernatural and godly. To refute that Chris will use his mechanical engineering education in thermodynamics and collegiate physics to explain what the laws of thermodynamics really represent, and the confusion that is entropy.
This is the newest series to be premiering on the Atheist Analysis Network and will be concentrating on psychological phenomena and their many biological implications, new or cutting edge scientific developments, and the political consequences of new scientific, psychological, and engineering discoveries. Joseph brings years of expertise as a practicing psychology major and former devotee of the church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints while Chris is a Mechanical Engineering entrepreneur and life long non believer.
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Series of Education Videos on Thermodynamics
Great Resource for the Layperson
The Apologetics Press Article that was dismantled
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wn.com/Heretical Minds 21 Thermodynamics
Postponed from last week to this week, 4/23/15, Joseph and Chris will be starting from the apologetic's angle on the second law of thermodynamics. They will state the arguments and why it seems enticing to use the second law to argue in the positive for the supernatural and godly. To refute that Chris will use his mechanical engineering education in thermodynamics and collegiate physics to explain what the laws of thermodynamics really represent, and the confusion that is entropy.
This is the newest series to be premiering on the Atheist Analysis Network and will be concentrating on psychological phenomena and their many biological implications, new or cutting edge scientific developments, and the political consequences of new scientific, psychological, and engineering discoveries. Joseph brings years of expertise as a practicing psychology major and former devotee of the church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints while Chris is a Mechanical Engineering entrepreneur and life long non believer.
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Series of Education Videos on Thermodynamics
Great Resource for the Layperson
The Apologetics Press Article that was dismantled
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- published: 24 Apr 2015
- views: 248
ravi zacharias homosexuality,Ravi Zacharias at BYU
Frederick Antony Ravi Kumar Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of traditional evangelicalism,[1]...
Frederick Antony Ravi Kumar Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of traditional evangelicalism,[1][2][3] Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live Without God? in the category "theology and doctrine" and bestsellers Light in the Shadow of Jihad and The Grand Weaver.He is the founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, host of the radio programs Let My People Think and Just Thinking, and presently honorary senior research scholar at Wycliffe Hall Oxford
ravi zacharias,ravi zacharias homosexuality,ravi zacharias debates richard dawkins,ravi zacharias 2015,ravi zacharias debate,ravi zacharias q&a;,ravi zacharias islam,ravi zacharias debates atheist,ravi zacharias sermons,ravi zacharias evolution
wn.com/Ravi Zacharias Homosexuality,Ravi Zacharias At Byu
Frederick Antony Ravi Kumar Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of traditional evangelicalism,[1][2][3] Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live Without God? in the category "theology and doctrine" and bestsellers Light in the Shadow of Jihad and The Grand Weaver.He is the founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, host of the radio programs Let My People Think and Just Thinking, and presently honorary senior research scholar at Wycliffe Hall Oxford
ravi zacharias,ravi zacharias homosexuality,ravi zacharias debates richard dawkins,ravi zacharias 2015,ravi zacharias debate,ravi zacharias q&a;,ravi zacharias islam,ravi zacharias debates atheist,ravi zacharias sermons,ravi zacharias evolution
- published: 18 Aug 2015
- views: 4
ravi zacharias homosexuality,The End of Reason A Response to the New Atheists Ravi Zacharias
Frederick Antony Ravi Kumar Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of traditional evangelicalism,[1]...
Frederick Antony Ravi Kumar Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of traditional evangelicalism,[1][2][3] Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live Without God? in the category "theology and doctrine" and bestsellers Light in the Shadow of Jihad and The Grand Weaver.He is the founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, host of the radio programs Let My People Think and Just Thinking, and presently honorary senior research scholar at Wycliffe Hall Oxford
ravi zacharias,ravi zacharias homosexuality,ravi zacharias debates richard dawkins,ravi zacharias 2015,ravi zacharias debate,ravi zacharias q&a;,ravi zacharias islam,ravi zacharias debates atheist,ravi zacharias sermons,ravi zacharias evolution
wn.com/Ravi Zacharias Homosexuality,The End Of Reason A Response To The New Atheists Ravi Zacharias
Frederick Antony Ravi Kumar Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of traditional evangelicalism,[1][2][3] Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live Without God? in the category "theology and doctrine" and bestsellers Light in the Shadow of Jihad and The Grand Weaver.He is the founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, host of the radio programs Let My People Think and Just Thinking, and presently honorary senior research scholar at Wycliffe Hall Oxford
ravi zacharias,ravi zacharias homosexuality,ravi zacharias debates richard dawkins,ravi zacharias 2015,ravi zacharias debate,ravi zacharias q&a;,ravi zacharias islam,ravi zacharias debates atheist,ravi zacharias sermons,ravi zacharias evolution
- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 17
The Great Debate: Is Jesus God? Sami Zaatari vs Sam Shamoun
Is Jesus God? Did Jesus ever claim to be God? Does the Bible teach that Jesus is God? On Sunday, April 9th, 2006, Muslim apologist Sami Zaatari and Christian......
Is Jesus God? Did Jesus ever claim to be God? Does the Bible teach that Jesus is God? On Sunday, April 9th, 2006, Muslim apologist Sami Zaatari and Christian...
wn.com/The Great Debate Is Jesus God Sami Zaatari Vs Sam Shamoun
Is Jesus God? Did Jesus ever claim to be God? Does the Bible teach that Jesus is God? On Sunday, April 9th, 2006, Muslim apologist Sami Zaatari and Christian...
Are Mormons Christians - Part 6
Issues addressed in this session include: • Introduction to Joseph Smith • The spiritual climate of the 1800s • The First Vision of Joseph Smith • Joseph Smi......
Issues addressed in this session include: • Introduction to Joseph Smith • The spiritual climate of the 1800s • The First Vision of Joseph Smith • Joseph Smi...
wn.com/Are Mormons Christians Part 6
Issues addressed in this session include: • Introduction to Joseph Smith • The spiritual climate of the 1800s • The First Vision of Joseph Smith • Joseph Smi...
ravi zacharias homosexuality,The Modern World and The Word Of God Ravi Zacharias
Frederick Antony Ravi Kumar Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of traditional evangelicalism,[1]...
Frederick Antony Ravi Kumar Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of traditional evangelicalism,[1][2][3] Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live Without God? in the category "theology and doctrine" and bestsellers Light in the Shadow of Jihad and The Grand Weaver.He is the founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, host of the radio programs Let My People Think and Just Thinking, and presently honorary senior research scholar at Wycliffe Hall Oxford
ravi zacharias,ravi zacharias homosexuality,ravi zacharias debates richard dawkins,ravi zacharias 2015,ravi zacharias debate,ravi zacharias q&a;,ravi zacharias islam,ravi zacharias debates atheist,ravi zacharias sermons,ravi zacharias evolution
wn.com/Ravi Zacharias Homosexuality,The Modern World And The Word Of God Ravi Zacharias
Frederick Antony Ravi Kumar Zacharias (born 26 March 1946) is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of traditional evangelicalism,[1][2][3] Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including the Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live Without God? in the category "theology and doctrine" and bestsellers Light in the Shadow of Jihad and The Grand Weaver.He is the founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, host of the radio programs Let My People Think and Just Thinking, and presently honorary senior research scholar at Wycliffe Hall Oxford
ravi zacharias,ravi zacharias homosexuality,ravi zacharias debates richard dawkins,ravi zacharias 2015,ravi zacharias debate,ravi zacharias q&a;,ravi zacharias islam,ravi zacharias debates atheist,ravi zacharias sermons,ravi zacharias evolution
- published: 21 Aug 2015
- views: 3
J. Warner Wallace on the Unseminary Podcast
J. Warner Wallace (author of Cold Case Christianity) was interviewed by Rich Birch of the Unseminary Podcast and talked about the role of Christian Case Maki......
J. Warner Wallace (author of Cold Case Christianity) was interviewed by Rich Birch of the Unseminary Podcast and talked about the role of Christian Case Maki...
wn.com/J. Warner Wallace On The Unseminary Podcast
J. Warner Wallace (author of Cold Case Christianity) was interviewed by Rich Birch of the Unseminary Podcast and talked about the role of Christian Case Maki...