An RCA Presentation: Television (1939)
Early promotional film introducing TV to the American public, probably coordinated with th...
published: 14 Jun 2008
An RCA Presentation: Television (1939)
Early promotional film introducing TV to the American public, probably coordinated with the rollout of scheduled broadcasting at the 1939 New York World's Fair. Shows scenes of television production at the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) studios at Rockefeller Center, New York City, using equipment manufactured by NBC's corporate parent RCA. Producer: Radio Corporation of America (RCA) Audio/Visual: Sd, B&W;
published: 14 Jun 2008
author: CharacterControl
สงกรานต์140454 RCA Songkran khow san road , sirom road , RCA by www.moohin.com
www.moohin.com สงกรานต์140454 สีลม RCA by สงกรานต์140454 สีลม RCA by www.moohin.com...
published: 15 Apr 2011
สงกรานต์140454 RCA Songkran khow san road , sirom road , RCA by www.moohin.com
www.moohin.com สงกรานต์140454 สีลม RCA by สงกรานต์140454 สีลม RCA by www.moohin.com
published: 15 Apr 2011
author: moohinvideo moohin
songkran festival @ RCA 2012
foam party @ diva rca .....happy songkran festival 13-15 april 2010...
published: 13 Apr 2012
songkran festival @ RCA 2012
foam party @ diva rca .....happy songkran festival 13-15 april 2010
published: 13 Apr 2012
author: sassy moly
Vimeo results:
Graduation film from the Royal College of Art, 2007.
An investigative and exploratory han...
published: 18 Feb 2010
Author: Johnny Kelly
Graduation film from the Royal College of Art, 2007.
An investigative and exploratory hands-on gloves-off study into the practice of putting things 'off''. Sometimes the only way to get something done is to do two dozen other things first.
Story, Animation, Direction: Johnny Kelly
Voice Over: Bryan Quinn
Sound Supervision: Mike Wyeld
Foley Artist: Sue Harding
Foley Engineer: John Mark
Foley recorded at Fonic Studios, London
The film is distributed by Dazzle Films
Markus Kayser - Solar Sinter Project
In a world increasingly concerned with questions of energy production and raw material sho...
published: 21 Jun 2011
Author: Markus Kayser
Markus Kayser - Solar Sinter Project
In a world increasingly concerned with questions of energy production and raw material shortages, this project explores the potential of desert manufacturing, where energy and material occur in abundance.
In this experiment sunlight and sand are used as raw energy and material to produce glass objects using a 3D printing process, that combines natural energy and material with high-tech production technology.
Solar-sintering aims to raise questions about the future of manufacturing and trigger dreams of the full utilisation of the production potential of the world’s most efficient energy resource - the sun. Whilst not providing definitive answers this experiment aims to provide a point of departure for fresh thinking.
This project was developed at the Royal College of Art during my MA studies in Design Products on Platform 13.
Seeing in circles
Looking at the different ways to shoot videos. Part of a workshop at the RCA led by Rosari...
published: 28 May 2010
Author: Oscar Lhermitte
Seeing in circles
Looking at the different ways to shoot videos. Part of a workshop at the RCA led by Rosario Hurtado and Quique Corrales. May 2010.
Instead of making a normal movie, I am trying to get a colour gradient of what the camera is shooting. There is no postproduction involved, the effect is achieved by connecting the lens of the camera to a drilling machine. The video is taking 15 frames per second, whereas the drill is spinning at more than 20 turn per second.
Stair Rover by Po-Chih Lai at Show RCA 2012
Royal College of Art graduate Po-Chih Lai has designed a rugged eight-wheeled skateboard t...
published: 21 Jun 2012
Author: Dezeen
Stair Rover by Po-Chih Lai at Show RCA 2012
Royal College of Art graduate Po-Chih Lai has designed a rugged eight-wheeled skateboard that can roll down stairs.
Youtube results:
Club Athletic de Casablanca (RCA) - Conquete continentale
Rajawi fooort magana anti 3assima voter pour la video c'est magnifique...
published: 04 Mar 2010
Club Athletic de Casablanca (RCA) - Conquete continentale
Rajawi fooort magana anti 3assima voter pour la video c'est magnifique
published: 04 Mar 2010
author: UltraAbdouCl
20091111 RCA毒害案三十載 罹癌員工首次出庭
published: 23 Apr 2011
20091111 RCA毒害案三十載 罹癌員工首次出庭
本世紀台灣最大的環保工殤案件?「RCA桃園工廠污染案」將於09年11月11日第一次傳喚受害者。本次開庭也是在RCA公司以各種程序問題拖延審理進度後,法院第一次傳喚證人到庭作證,同時也是法扶在承接RCA環保工殤案件後,司法機構開始實質調查本案相關事實。 法律扶助基金會於2007年1月至12月經RCA自救會請求提供協助後,即成立義務律師團協助自救會進行本件集體訴訟。並經調查證據後,追加美商奇異公司及湯姆遜集團為本案被告。然而在RCA公司於訴訟過程中,不斷以程序問題拖延案件審理程序程序,於是歷經八次開庭之後,法院終於決定在11月11日早上10點30分開庭傳喚第一位受害者出庭作證,以查明RCA公司的違法事實。 本次傳喚證人「阿窕」及其它受害者,現場控訴RCA公司如何草菅人命,漠視員工權利,而相關社福團體如:台灣人權促進會、工殤協會也至現場聲援。 RCA職業災害--大事記1970年美國無線電(RCA)公司在桃園及竹北設廠。 1986年桃園及竹北廠被美國奇異公司合併。 1988年湯姆笙公司併購桃園及竹北廠。 1992年湯姆笙出售桃園廠給宏德、竹北廠給中國電器優志旺公司。RCA正式關廠。 1994年6月環保署長趙少康召開記者會檢舉此污染事件。污染案首度被揭發。 1998年6月RCA廠區受污染之地下水證實無法整治。 1998年RCA職業性癌症員工自救會正式成立(以下簡稱「自救會」)。 行政院成立「RCA跨部會專案小組」。 2001年1月行政院專案小組解散。自救會在工傷協會成員陪同下,至行政院抗議、至立法院陳情、至外交部陳情。第一次代理律師會議,義務律師團正式成立。 2002年2月義務律師團取得勞委會之保證書後,向法院聲請對RCA公司之資產為假扣押。但經查詢RCA營利事業所得申報資料後,得知RCA公司已於民國87年間將公司近二十八億元之存款資產匯出海外。RCA公司於台灣形同脫產。 2004年4月自救會委任張靜怡律師向台灣 ...
published: 23 Apr 2011
author: civimediatw