
January 6th, 2009

Contact Juli & John with questions, stories or technical glitches:

info [at] kitka [dot] ca

If you are looking for our shop, mjölk, visit our website here. We are located in The Junction neighborhood of Toronto, at 2959 Dundas Street West. Email the shop at info [at] mjolk [dot] ca or call us at 416-551-9853. See you soon!

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14 Responses to 'Contact'

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  1. Do you have The classic oak and walnut business card case $98 ?


    30 Jan 13 at 12:56 am

  2. Hi, we are going to visit TORONTO from montreal. Is store open all next week?(I know monday is close.) Let me know.


    16 Feb 13 at 9:29 pm

  3. Do you have an email address for Prof. Noritsugu Oda, I would like to contact him , sincerely David Masury

    David Masury

    19 Feb 13 at 3:37 pm

  4. Hi David – no sorry we have no contact info for Prof. Oda. We were brought to him as a guest.

    Hi Eriko – sorry for the delay in responding. The shop is open except Mondays, unless otherwise noted on the mjolk website.

    John & Juli

    25 Feb 13 at 10:55 am

  5. Hi Ashton – I think we’re out of stock. Still haven’t recovered post Christmas! Sorry!

    John & Juli

    25 Feb 13 at 2:31 pm

  6. Hi John! When I was in your shop on Sunday, I mentioned that I would be in Copenhagen and Stockholm in May/June, and you kindly offered to give me some suggestions for Stockholm. That would be fantastic! I’d appreciate any tips you might have. Regards, Louis


    26 Feb 13 at 10:21 pm

  7. Hi there,
    I really admire your Cottage Renos. I’m planning on adding a Birch Plywood countertop to my cottage this summer and I was wondering what the process entailed. Mostly wondering what you used to seal the counter and how many times?
    Any help is appreciated. Looking forward to more inspirational posts!



    3 Jun 13 at 10:21 am

  8. Hi Antin,
    Thanks so much! I think we just sealed it with Bona Traffic – a lot of coats. A plywood counter only works in a low use space and you absolutely have to keep it clean, like mop up water asap and don’t leave food that stains on it.
    Best of luck!

    John & Juli

    3 Jun 13 at 11:45 am

  9. Is The hackman barbecue set for sale


    15 Jun 13 at 3:59 pm

  10. Hi Brian, sorry no the Hackman bbq set is not for sale. It’s discontinued as far as I know. Too bad as it’s actually really great!

    John & Juli

    15 Jun 13 at 7:46 pm

  11. Apologies John…I was rushing out for the Salvage Wood Tour ( in your area curiously enough! ) and mistakenly spelled your name as Jon.


    4 Jul 13 at 12:04 am

  12. Dear John.
    Do the family at the Tanno studio speak English? I would love to visit their workshop some time.

    Bedst regards


    8 Aug 13 at 4:31 am

  13. we loved your store!We came yesterday close to closing(we had few hours before heading to Winnipeg). We are hoping we could order some pieces from you in the future.


    8 Aug 13 at 1:28 pm

  14. Hi Milena,

    Thank you so much for making us a stop in your travels. I am glad you were able to make a visit. Looking forward to hearing from/seeing you again soon!

    John & Juli

    15 Aug 13 at 1:43 pm

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