• mallikarjun
      • hello mallikarjun goud
      • Username: mallikarjun
      • In response to: "Who are you?" physiotherapist with lots of passion towards sports and fitness
  • mallikarjun's latest answers
    • Yawn!
      • with out work bores me and every one. but what bores me most is working with out joy and fun bores me a lot. do the routine work in a new way doesn't bores me. a day with out smile .. people with out smile on their faces. a day with out a musical tune .a day with out fitness work out. a day with out friends call. a day with out girl friends HELLO. a day with out parents blessings. a day with out traffic. a day with social networking. a day with any sport . a day with out helping any one BORES me ...

      • answered by mallikarjun on 08/25/2013
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