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  • NSA Surveillance Techniques 'Require Imposing Extraordinary Trust in Executive Branch' 'This Week'...20:30
  • Video: EU US trade TTIP G8 Summit 2013 Obama, Barroso, Van Rompuy and Cameron...2:13
  • Car bomb targets mosque in Damascus suburb...1:40
  • JPMorgan paying $5.1 billion to Fannie, Freddie over mortgages...1:34
  • 'US pressures EU to list Hezbollah's military wing as terrorists'...6:17
  • Merkel and Hollande want a "no spy" deal with Washington...1:33
  • Raw Video: William Ruto and Joshua Sang Trial Part 1 10.06.2013...1:25:45
  • Merkel phone tapping: Germany summons US ambassador...1:13
  • 'End drone strikes', Pakistan's PM Sharif tells Obama...1:13
  • Police killings and political paralysis trigger Tunisia protests...1:07
  • Syria disarmament on track: watchdog...0:27
  • How American spies monitored calls of THIRTY-FIVE world leaders after government official .....2:16
add video playlist George Will, Matthew Dowd, Paul Krugman, Greta Van Susteren, and Rep. Keith Ellison.
George Will, Matthew Dowd, Paul Krugman, Greta Van Susteren, and Rep. Keith Ellison.
NSA Surveil­lance Tech­niques 'Re­quire Im­pos­ing Ex­traor­di­nary Trust in Ex­ec­u­tive Branch' 'This Week'
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ( TTIP ) launch with President Obama \
Video: EU US trade TTIP G8 Sum­mit 2013 Obama, Bar­roso, Van Rompuy and Cameron
At least 40 people killed in attack outside a mosque in rebel-controlled area near the Syrian capital, activists say.
A car bomb explosion has killed at least 40 people and wounded dozens more near a mosque in the Damascus province town of Suq Wadi Barada, a monitor said.

Car bomb tar­gets mosque in Dam­as­cus sub­urb
JPMorgan has agreed to pay $5.1 billion to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to resolve claims stemming from the housing bubble, federal housing regulators announced Friday.

The bank has also been in talks with the Justice Department and other government officials over another potential settlement based on similar claims. That settlement will likely be even more expensive for JPMorgan. 

 The claims relate to conduct at JPMorgan and at Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual, which JPMorgan purchased in 2008. At issue are allegations that the firms sold risky mortgages and mortgage securities while misrepresenting their quality.

Among the purchasers were Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-backed housing finance giants that required a massive bailout in 2008 when their housing investments soured.

The deal was announced by the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which has overseen Fannie and Freddie since their 2008 rescue.

Agency head Edward DeMarco said the accord \
JP­Mor­gan pay­ing $5.1 bil­lion to Fan­nie, Fred­die over mort­gages
The EU has agreed to put the armed wing of the Lebanese group Hezbollah on its terrorism blacklist - at a meeting of Foreign Ministers in Brussels. London in...
'US pres­sures EU to list Hezbol­lah's mil­i­tary wing as ter­ror­ists'
At an EU summit dominated by allegations the US spied on Anglea Merkel  the German chancellor has...

euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe
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At an EU summit dominated by allegations the US spied on Anglea Merkel  the German chancellor has demanded the US stops its alleged espionage on its closest allies.

Merkel and her French counterpart Francois Hollande called on President Obama to initiate a \
Merkel and Hol­lande want a "no spy" deal with Wash­ing­ton
Raw Video: William Ruto and Joshua Sang Trial Part 1 10 06 2013
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Raw Video: William Ruto and Joshua Sang Trial Part 1 10.06.2013
The US\'s ambassador to Germany has been summoned to discuss the possible tapping of Chancellor...

euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe
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The US\'s ambassador to Germany has been summoned to discuss the possible tapping of Chancellor Angela Merkel\'s phone.

German magazine Der Spiegel reported the \
Merkel phone tap­ping: Ger­many sum­mons US am­bas­sador
Court re­jects Bo Xilai ap­peal
Pakistan\'s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was in Washington to meet US President Barack Obama for the...

euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe
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Pakistan\'s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was in Washington to meet US President Barack Obama for the first time since taking office. 

Amongst the discussions between the two leaders was the issue of drone strikes which has strained relations between the two countries.

'End drone strikes', Pak­istan's PM Sharif tells Obama
The US\'s ambassador to Germany has been summoned to discuss the possible tapping of Chancellor...

euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe
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The US\'s ambassador to Germany has been summoned to discuss the possible tapping of Chancellor Angela Merkel\'s phone.

German magazine Der Spiegel reported the \
Merkel phone tap­ping: Ger­many sum­mons US am­bas­sador
Police killings and political paralysis trigger Tunisia protests
Police killings and political paralysis trigger Tunisia protests

The killing of seven policemen and political paralysis have brought thousands of Tunisians onto the

euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe
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The killing of seven policemen and political paralysis have brought thousands of Tunisians onto the streets in protest.

Many marched on Thursday in Sidi Bouzid, the birthplace of the uprising in the country where the Arab Spring revolts began. But those taking part have not seen the changes they had hoped for. Many blame the government, urging it to step down as it has promised to do.

Po­lice killings and po­lit­i­cal paral­y­sis trig­ger Tunisia protests
Syria is set to hand over a detailed plan for destroying its chemical arsenal Thursday, the international watchdog said, as a rebel attack near Damascus triggered widespread power outages. Duration: 00:26
Syria dis­ar­ma­ment on track: watch­dog
How American spies monitored calls of THIRTY-FIVE world leaders after government official handed agency rolodexes of numbers

The National Security Agency has monitored the phone conversations of at least 35 world leaders after being given their numbers by an official in another government department, according to a classified document leaked by whistle-blower Edward Snowden.
The confidential memo reveals that senior officials in \'customer\' departments such the White House and the Pentagon were encouraged to share their \'Rolodexes\' of contact details with the NSA.
The agency then added the phone numbers of the foreign politicians to their surveillance systems and started to monitor them.

According to the leaked document handed over to The Guardian, one unnamed official handed over 200 numbers - including those of at least 35 world leaders - none of whom were named. 
The revelation comes amid mounting diplomatic tensions between the US and its allies, after the German chancellor Angela Merkel accused the American government on Wednesday of tapping her mobile phone.

The White House has denied that it is currently listening in on Merkel\'s phone calls.
Spokesman Jay Carney said on Wednesday that \'the United States is not monitoring and will not monitor the communications of the chancellor.\'

But German newspaper Der Spiegel noted that the White House spokesperson \'did not wish to specify\' whether the U.S. denied monitoring Merkel\'s communications in the past.
European leaders united in anger Thursday as they attended a summit overshadowed by reports of widespread U.S. spying on its allies.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the allegations had shattered trust in the Obama administration and undermined the crucial trans-Atlantic relationship.
Merkel\'s unusually stern remarks as she arrived at the European Union gathering indicated she wasn\'t placated by a phone conversation she had Wednesday with President Barack Obama, or his personal assurances that the U.S. is not listening in on her calls now.
\'We need trust among allies and partners,\' Merkel told reporters in Brussels. \'Such trust now has to be built anew. This is what we have to think about.\'
\'The United States of America and Europe face common challenges. We are allies,\' the German leader said. \'But such an alliance can only be built on trust. That\'s why I repeat again: spying among friends, that cannot be.\'
How Amer­i­can spies mon­i­tored calls of THIR­TY-FIVE world lead­ers after gov­ern­ment of­fi­cial ..
The AMISOM Frontline series tells the story of African Union troops as they undertake a stabilization mission in Somalia. These films depict the range of challenges faced by the AMISOM soldiers on a daily basis, and covey the message that this mission is a much more diverse undertaking than many understand it to be.
AMI­SOM Front­line: Tak­ing Mo­gadishu

updated 09 Jun 2013; published 09 Jun 2013
NSA Surveil­lance Tech­niques 'Re­quire Im­pos­ing Ex­traor­di­nary Trust in Ex­ec­u­tive Branch' 'This Week' 26 Oct 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling In Kenya, popular Muslim clerics were just gunned down by fundamental Islamists. In Somalia and Sudan, Al-Shabab, consisting of young Muslim jihadists, are battling other Muslims while trying to impose Islamic Law. Islamic sects like al-Qaeda, and many others opposing the destabilizing affects of...
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updated 07 Jul 2013; published 17 Jun 2013
Video: EU US trade TTIP G8 Sum­mit 2013 Obama, Bar­roso, Van Rompuy and Cameron
The Siasat Daily 26 Oct 2013, Brussels, October 25: Top leaders of the European Union (EU) mainly focused on the US spying scandal and growing immigration concerns in the Mediterranean during a two-day summit that ended here Friday. The digital market as well as jobs and growth had been scheduled as the main topics for the summit. Instead, EU leaders spent rather limited time...
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updated 26 Oct 2013; published 26 Oct 2013
Car bomb tar­gets mosque in Dam­as­cus sub­urb
New Straits/Business Times 26 Oct 2013, DAMASCUS: A car bomb outside a mosque near Damascus killed at least 40 people on Friday, an NGO said, as a top UN official expressed mounting concern over hundreds of thousands of trapped civilians. Dozens of people were wounded in the car bombing in the town of Suq Wadi Barada, said the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights,...
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updated 25 Oct 2013; published 25 Oct 2013
JP­Mor­gan pay­ing $5.1 bil­lion to Fan­nie, Fred­die over mort­gages
The Guardian 26 Oct 2013, Deal settles lawsuit brought by Federal Housing Finance Agency – but has still to agree on bond sales fine The JP Morgan headquarters in New York. Photograph: Eduardo Munoz/Reuters JP Morgan reached a $5.1bn (£3.2bn) settlement with the US mortgage company regulator on Friday as the bank continues to negotiate with the justice department over what...
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updated 17 Aug 2013; published 22 Jul 2013
'US pres­sures EU to list Hezbol­lah's mil­i­tary wing as ter­ror­ists'
CNET 25 Oct 2013, Following reported revelations of the US spying on allies, some European officials say it's now more difficult to trust the US. by (Credit: Declan McCullagh/CNET) The US continues to be browbeaten by European leaders upset over the latest leaks about NSA snooping. On Monday, a story from French paper Le Monde said that the in a one-month period....
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updated 25 Oct 2013; published 25 Oct 2013
Merkel and Hol­lande want a "no spy" deal with Wash­ing­ton
London Evening Standard 25 Oct 2013, In a strongly worded statement the leaders said they had “deep concerns” after it emerged the mobile phone of German chancellor Angela Merkel may have been tapped. It came as Germany and France demanded talks with President Obama to set out new rules for intelligence gathering by the end of the year. But the row over US snooping was set to worsen...
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updated 10 Sep 2013; published 10 Sep 2013
Raw Video: William Ruto and Joshua Sang Trial Part 1 10.06.2013
BBC News 25 Oct 2013, Deputy Kenyan President William Ruto is soon to find out whether he will be allowed to miss large portions of his trial for crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court (ICC). Mr Ruto is accused of being responsible for post-election violence in 2007 and 2008 - charges he denies. His lawyers argue that he cannot leave Kenya in the...
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updated 24 Oct 2013; published 24 Oct 2013
Merkel phone tap­ping: Ger­many sum­mons US am­bas­sador
Deccan Herald 25 Oct 2013, European leaders united in anger as they attended a summit overshadowed by reports of widespread US spying on its allies...
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updated 25 Oct 2013; published 25 Oct 2013
Court re­jects Bo Xilai ap­peal
The Associated Press 25 Oct 2013, JINAN, China (AP) -- A court on Friday dismissed ousted Chinese politician Bo Xilai's appeal against his conviction and life sentence for corruption and abuse of power in one of the country's most politically charged trials in decades. The ruling by the...
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updated 24 Oct 2013; published 24 Oct 2013
'End drone strikes', Pak­istan's PM Sharif tells Obama
France24 24 Oct 2013, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif pressed US President Barack Obama on Wednesday to stop drone strikes in his country, as the two leaders sought to strengthen ties after years of strained relations. By Catherine VIETTE (video) News Wires (text) Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif urged U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday to end...
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updated 24 Oct 2013; published 24 Oct 2013
Merkel phone tap­ping: Ger­many sum­mons US am­bas­sador
Dawn 24 Oct 2013, WASHINGTON, Oct 23: President Barack Obama assured German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday the United States is not monitoring her communications, but the White House did not deny reports US spies eavesdropped on her cellphone in the past....
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updated 25 Oct 2013; published 25 Oct 2013
Po­lice killings and po­lit­i­cal paral­y­sis trig­ger Tunisia protests
CNN 24 Oct 2013, October 23, 2013 -- Updated 1731 GMT (0131 HKT) (CNN) -- Six Tunisian national guard officers and two militants were killed Wednesday in clashes between government forces and an "armed terrorist group" in the turbulent North African nation, a state-run news outlet reported. The violence happened in a village near the city of Sidi Bouzid, where the...
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updated 25 Oct 2013; published 25 Oct 2013
Syria dis­ar­ma­ment on track: watch­dog
New Straits/Business Times 24 Oct 2013, Syria is set to hand over a detailed plan for the destruction of its chemical arsenal by Thursday, days ahead of a UN deadline, the international watchdog said. But prospects for a peace conference, which the world body is trying to convene in parallel with the disarmament process, looked dim after key opposition leaders spurned efforts by Western...
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updated 25 Oct 2013; published 25 Oct 2013
How Amer­i­can spies mon­i­tored calls of THIR­TY-FIVE world lead­ers after gov­ern­ment of­fi­cial ..
New Straits/Business Times 23 Oct 2013, German Chancellor Angela Merkel demanded answers from President Barack Obama on Wednesday after learning US spies may have monitored her phone, warning this would be "breach of trust" between allies. The White House, rattled by the latest exposure based on leaks from intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, said it is not now listening in on Merkel,...
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'Accurate' Social Mapping of Islam and Americans Could Reap Benefits
Full Article
26 Oct 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling In Kenya, popular Muslim clerics were just gunned down by fundamental Islamists. In Somalia and Sudan, Al-Shabab, consisting of young Muslim jihadists, are battling other Muslims while trying to impose Islamic Law. Islamic sects like al-Qaeda, and many others opposing the destabilizing affects of... Obama Spying Surveillance
File - President Barack Obama talks with Michael Froman at the Working Dinner at the G8 Summit at the Deerhurst Resort in Muskoka, Canada, June 25, 2010.
photo: White House / Pete Souza

US spying, immigration dominate EU summit
Full Article The Siasat Daily
26 Oct 2013

Brussels, October 25: Top leaders of the European Union (EU) mainly focused on the US spying scandal and growing immigration concerns in the Mediterranean during a two-day summit that ended here Friday. The digital market as well as jobs and growth had been scheduled as the main topics for the summit. Instead, EU leaders spent rather limited time... Summit
US spying, immigration dominate EU summit
photo: European Community / EC

Car bomb kills 40 as fears mount for trapped Syrians
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
26 Oct 2013

DAMASCUS: A car bomb outside a mosque near Damascus killed at least 40 people on Friday, an NGO said, as a top UN official expressed mounting concern over hundreds of thousands of trapped civilians. Dozens of people were wounded in the car bombing in the town of Suq Wadi Barada, said the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights,... Blasts In Syria War - Syria Violence
Car bomb kills 40 as fears mount for trapped Syrians
photo: AP / SANA

JP Morgan agrees to $5.1bn fine with mortgage regulator
Full Article The Guardian
26 Oct 2013

Deal settles lawsuit brought by Federal Housing Finance Agency – but has still to agree on bond sales fine The JP Morgan headquarters in New York. Photograph: Eduardo Munoz/Reuters JP Morgan reached a $5.1bn (£3.2bn) settlement with the US mortgage company regulator on Friday as the bank continues to negotiate with the justice department over what... Housing Finance Agency Morgan Morgan Chase Trading Loss
JP Morgan Chase
photo: Creative Commons / Steve Rhodes

European leaders lash out at US over data snooping
Full Article CNET
25 Oct 2013

Following reported revelations of the US spying on allies, some European officials say it's now more difficult to trust the US. by (Credit: Declan McCullagh/CNET) The US continues to be browbeaten by European leaders upset over the latest leaks about NSA snooping. On Monday, a story from French paper Le Monde said that the in a one-month period.... Union
European leaders lash out at US over data snooping
photo: European Community / EC

US warned that spying on allies could harm fight against terror
Full Article London Evening Standard
25 Oct 2013

In a strongly worded statement the leaders said they had “deep concerns” after it emerged the mobile phone of German chancellor Angela Merkel may have been tapped. It came as Germany and France demanded talks with President Obama to set out new rules for intelligence gathering by the end of the year. But the row over US snooping was set to worsen... Merkel Security Agency Spying
Germany and France demanded talks with President Obama to set out new rules for intelligence gathering by the end of the year.
photo: AP / Patrick Kovarik, Pool

Kenya's William Ruto awaits key ICC ruling
Full Article BBC News
25 Oct 2013

Deputy Kenyan President William Ruto is soon to find out whether he will be allowed to miss large portions of his trial for crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court (ICC). Mr Ruto is accused of being responsible for post-election violence in 2007 and 2008 - charges he denies. His lawyers argue that he cannot leave Kenya in the... Rights Criminal Court Violence
File - Kenya's Deputy President William Ruto, right, awaits the start of his trial in the courtroom of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, Netherlands, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2013.
photo: AP / Michael Kooren

US spying has shattered allies' trust: Merkel
Full Article Deccan Herald
25 Oct 2013

European leaders united in anger as they attended a summit overshadowed by reports of widespread US spying on its allies... Merkel Security Agency Spying
German Chancellor Angela Merkel gestures during her speech at the German Federal Parliament in Berlin, Germany, Wednesday, May 5, 2010.
photo: AP / Michael Sohn

China rejects ousted politician Bo Xilai's appeal
Full Article The Associated Press
25 Oct 2013

JINAN, China (AP) -- A court on Friday dismissed ousted Chinese politician Bo Xilai's appeal against his conviction and life sentence for corruption and abuse of power in one of the country's most politically charged trials in decades. The ruling by the... Xilai Trial Gang Trials In China
In this photo released by the Jinan Intermediate People's Court, Bo Xilai, center, stands on trial at the court in eastern China's Shandong province on Thursday Aug. 22, 2013.
photo: AP / Jinan Intermediate People's Court

Pakistan’s PM Sharif urges Obama to stop drone strikes
Full Article France24
24 Oct 2013

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif pressed US President Barack Obama on Wednesday to stop drone strikes in his country, as the two leaders sought to strengthen ties after years of strained relations. By Catherine VIETTE (video) News Wires (text) Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif urged U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday to end... Qaida Rights On Terror
President Barack Obama greets Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan in the Oval Office prior to their bilateral meeting, Oct. 23, 2013.
photo: White House / Pete Souza

Obama tells Merkel US not monitoring her phones
Full Article Dawn
24 Oct 2013

WASHINGTON, Oct 23: President Barack Obama assured German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday the United States is not monitoring her communications, but the White House did not deny reports US spies eavesdropped on her cellphone in the past.... Merkel Spying
Obama tells Merkel US not monitoring her phones
photo: AP / Gero Breloer

Clashes in Tunisia; 8 dead
Full Article CNN
24 Oct 2013

October 23, 2013 -- Updated 1731 GMT (0131 HKT) (CNN) -- Six Tunisian national guard officers and two militants were killed Wednesday in clashes between government forces and an "armed terrorist group" in the turbulent North African nation, a state-run news outlet reported. The violence happened in a village near the city of Sidi Bouzid, where the... Spring Uprising Turmoil - Tunisia Violence
A man shouts during a protest in Tunis, Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013, calling for the resignation of the government.
photo: AP / Hassene Dridi

Syria chemical disarmament on track but peace talks in doubt
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
24 Oct 2013

Syria is set to hand over a detailed plan for the destruction of its chemical arsenal by Thursday, days ahead of a UN deadline, the international watchdog said. But prospects for a peace conference, which the world body is trying to convene in parallel with the disarmament process, looked dim after key opposition leaders spurned efforts by Western... Weapons In Syria Syria Crisis
In this photo provided by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Syrian security agents carry a body following a huge explosion that shook central Damascus, Syria, Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013.
photo: AP / SANA

Merkel quizzes Obama on reports US spied on her phone
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
23 Oct 2013

German Chancellor Angela Merkel demanded answers from President Barack Obama on Wednesday after learning US spies may have monitored her phone, warning this would be "breach of trust" between allies. The White House, rattled by the latest exposure based on leaks from intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, said it is not now listening in on Merkel,... Tapping Us Spying
Merkel quizzes Obama on reports US spied on her phone spying
photo: AP / Gero Breloer

Vettel continues to dominate
Full Article Orange News
26 Oct 2013

Sebastian Vettel took his Red Bull to the top of the timesheets once again in Saturday's third and final practice session for the Indian GP. After leading a Red Bull one-two in each of Friday's 90-minute sessions, Vettel was once again the class of the field, posting a time of one minute 25.332 seconds on his first flying lap on the soft compound...
Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel, of Germany, breaks during a free practice at the Interlagos race track in Sao Paulo, Brazil
photo: AP / Andre Penner

Ricky Ponting with Brad Haddin (left) and Nathan Hauritz (right) in the Third and final Test against South Africa in Sydney, January 2009
photo: Creative Commons / Aaroncrick

Alex Ferguson revived my career: David Beckham
Full Article The Times of India
26 Oct 2013

LONDON: David Beckham hailed Alex Ferguson for helping get his career back on track after his infamous 1998 World Cup sending-off made him a hate figure in England. In an interview with The Times newspaper, Beckham said the Manchester United manager was a tower of strength as he dealt with national vilification. The comments came after Ferguson...
Paris Saint Germain's midfielder David Beckham from England, waves as he leaves the field, during his French League One soccer match against Brest, at the Parc des Princes stadium, in Paris
photo: AP / Thibault Camus

Evans to ride in Australia's Tour Down Under
Full Article The Times of India
26 Oct 2013

SYDNEY: Cadel Evans will take part in Australia's Tour Down Under in Adelaide for the first time in four years in January, race organisers said on Saturday. It will be the first time Evans, 36, has competed in his home tour and UCI World Tour event since...
Cadel Evans of Australia waits to take the start of the 13th stage of the Tour de France cycling race over 200 kilometers (124.3 miles) with start in Vittel and finish in Colmar, central France, Friday July 17, 2009.
photo: AP / Christophe Ena

I'm no bloodsucking parasite: Sepp Blatter
Full Article The Times of India
26 Oct 2013

LONDON: FIFA president Sepp Blatter has hit out at portrayals of world football's governing body as a corrupt cabal of ruthless parasites. In a speech on Friday to the Oxford Union debating society at Britain's prestigious Oxford University, the 77-year-old said FIFA was more Robin Hood than Bond villain. "Perhaps you think I am a ruthless parasite...
FIFA President Joseph Sepp Blatter speaks during a news conference in Moscow, Russia, Sunday, Sept. 30, 2012. Two stadiums in Moscow will host some 2018 World Cup games, among the dozen arenas finalized by FIFA on Saturday for the first cup in Russia.
photo: AP / Ivan Sekretarev

Karthikeyan was really fast, says ex-teammate Ricciardo
Full Article Newstrack India
25 Oct 2013

Tweet Greater Noida, Oct 25 (IANS) Australian driver Daniel Ricciardo, who will drive for Red Bull in the 2014 Formula 1 season, has spoken highly of his former teammate Narain Karthikeyan. "It was good working with Narain. He was really fast over a lap and he looked to push all the time. While you are doing that you are bound to make some...
Daniel Ricciardo drove during the first free practice session for Toro Rosso. In the first free practice session, Sebastian Vettel and Jenson Button suffered mechanical issues, it was a bad session for both Red Bull and McLaren whilst Mercedes and Ferrari were consistently quicker.
photo: Creative Commons / Mark McArdle

'One-shot' Luiten causes Donald outburst at Tour
Full Article The Times of India
25 Oct 2013

SHANGHAI: Former world number one Luke Donald took aim at the European Tour's new rules after his partner played just one shot on the opening day of the BMW Masters on Thursday. Dutch Joost Luiten pulled out after his first shot due to a shoulder injury sustained during gym work earlier in the week. He had decided not to withdraw beforehand due to...
Luke Donald  RBC Heritage Practice Round April 10, 2012 in Hilton Head, SC
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Indian Grand Prix 2013: Sebastian Vettel leads Red Bull one-two in practice
Full Article Indian Express
25 Oct 2013

Sebastian Vettel led a Red Bull one-two in Friday's first free practice for an Indian Grand Prix that looks sure to secure the German a fourth successive Formula One title. The 26-year-old German lapped the hazy Buddh International Circuit near New Delhi with a best lap of one minute...
Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel, of Germany, steers his car during the Formula One U.S. Grand Prix auto race at the Circuit of the Americas
photo: AP / Eric Gay

US music producer Quincy Jones sues Jackson estate
Full Article BBC News
26 Oct 2013

US music producer Quincy Jones is suing the estate of the late Michael Jackson for millions of dollars. He says the singer's estate and Sony Music Entertainment improperly... Jackson
Grammy award winning producer Quincy Jones makes remarks at the GRAMMYs on the Hill Gala Dinner and performances, jsa1
photo: AP / J. Scott Applewhite

Blunt: Being sensitive isn't weak
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
26 Oct 2013

James Blunt has said he doesn't mind being seen as a sensitive soul and doesn't think it means he is weak. The Beautiful singer said with his new album, Moon Landing, he wants to get back to being a singer-songwriter and doesn't see why that should be a negative thing. He said: "If I'm out filling an arena, it's easy to forget you once wanted to...
James Blunt in concert July 19 at the Cornwall Film Festival 2011
photo: Creative Commons / Thesupermat

Blake Shelton Fires Back At Miranda Lambert Cheating/Divorce Rumors
Full Article Entertainment Wise
25 Oct 2013

Blake Shelton wants to assure fans and critics that he and wife Miranda Lambert are just fine. The victim of recent rumors concerning his relationship took to Twitter to address those so-called problems. “I just read back to back...
Blake Shelton performs during the H2O Tour 2 at the Cruzan Amphitheatre West Palm Beach, FL September 10, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Thicke: I won’t twerk on Snoop
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
25 Oct 2013

Robin Thicke is unlikely to include any form of twerk dancing in his upcoming EMAs performance. The 36-year-old Blurred Lines singer and rapper Snoop Dogg were some of the latest acts to be added to next month’s 2013 MTV EMAs lineup. And while he is happy Snoop is a fellow performer, Robin jokes he won’t be dancing with the hip-hop star onstage. "I...
Robin Thicke
photo: Creative Commons / Michelle Uthoff

Y Viva Espana singer dies aged 82
Full Article BBC News
25 Oct 2013

Singer Manolo Escobar, whose best-selling track Y Viva Espana became part of Spain's cultural identity in the 1970s, has died aged 82. Escobar died at home in the town of Benidorm surrounded by his family, after a long fight against cancer. He was "a symbol who lived in the musical landscape of Spaniards for half a...
Manolo Escobar during a performance in Barcelona in December 2010
photo: Creative Commons / Pereandreo

Noel Gallagher: 'Ed Balls can quite frankly lick mine'
Full Article Digital Spy
24 Oct 2013

Noel Gallagher has hit out at several politicians during an interview with the New Statesman. The musician was interviewed by the weekly magazine for the current issue guest-edited by his friend Russell Brand. © PA Images / Ian West/PA Wire Noel Gallagher Russell Brand vs Jeremy Paxman on 'Newsnight': The best bits Gallagher said the current...
Noel Gallagher  2012/10/31 Roy Wilkins Auditorium Saint Paul, Minnesota
photo: Creative Commons / nullrend

Mariah Carey on music video set injury: 'I downplayed the seriousness'
Full Article Digital Spy
24 Oct 2013

Mariah Carey has said that she publicly "downplayed" the seriousness of her recent injury. The singer cracked a rib and chipped her shoulder in a tumble on the set of her latest music video in August. © WENN Mariah Carey at the Butler premiere Her husband Nick Cannon quickly spoke out to insist that his wife was on the mend, but Carey later...
Singer Mariah Carey arrives at the TeenNick HALO Awards at the Hollywood Palladium on Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Joe Kohen/Invision

Leona Lewis new Christmas song 'One More Sleep' - listen
Full Article Digital Spy
24 Oct 2013

Leona Lewis has unveiled a new song from her upcoming Christmas album. The singer has recorded 'One More Sleep' for her first festive collection, which is due out later this year and is thought be titled Christmas, With Love. The star was pictured filming a music video for her new Christmas single earlier this week, but the track has yet to be...
Leona Lewis - Turnê Labirinto XII
photo: Creative Commons / David Skinner

Charmed Reboot: Alyssa Milano Not Happy About Remake, Fans Hesitant
Full Article The Inquisitr
26 Oct 2013

After news broke Friday that the long-running show about three magical sisters would be returning as a CBS pilot, longtime star Alyssa Milano took to Twitter, expressing a lack of enthusiasm in the project. Milano, who played Phoebe Halliwell in the series, said it seemed to early for a Charmed reboot. “The thing about them doing a #charmed...
Alyssa Milano MLB
photo: Public Domain / Rob39

Dafoe: I don't always play bad guys
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
26 Oct 2013

Willem Dafoe says its wrong to typecast him as an actor who tends to play bad guys. The star, best known for his roles in Spider-Man, Platoon and The Last Temptation of Christ, is now venturing into the world of video gaming by appearing in BEYOND: Two Souls. "I think actors are protective of the characters they play, so they don't judge them. But...
 U.S. actor Willem Dafoe answers questions during a press conference at the 59th International nf2
photo: APphoto

Kingsley fine with facial tattoos
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
26 Oct 2013

Sir Ben Kingsley has revealed that he had no reservations about sporting facial tattoos for Ender's Game. The 69-year-old had his entire face covered in the Maori inkings for his portrayal of New Zealand warrior Mazer Rackham in Gavin Hood's big-screen adaptation of Orson Scott Card's sci-fi novel. The ritual facial artwork represents Mazer's...
In this July 15, 2008, file photo, British actor Ben Kingsley attends a screening for his film "Wackness" in London.
photo: AP / Joel Ryan, file

Faris: I forgot my meatballs voice
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
26 Oct 2013

Anna Faris has revealed she forgot how to do the voice for Sam Sparks when she returned to make Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2. The 36-year-old actress returns as the voice of perky weather intern Sam Sparks in the sequel to the hit animated movie about inventor Flint Lockwood, who made a machine that turns water into food, causing...
Anna Faris speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Celebrity Philanthropists: Oprah Winfrey auctions personal belongings for chairty
Full Article Celebrity Café
26 Oct 2013

Oprah Winfrey will auction off some of her personal possessions next week in order to raise money for the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Foundation College Fund. Several items from her trainer and friend Bob Green will also be up for auction. Winfrey announced the event on Twitter earlier this month....
Oprah Winfrey in Strøget, Denmark on 30 September 2009
photo: Creative Commons / Bill Ebbesen

Mendes' romance woes
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
25 Oct 2013

Eva Mendes has reportedly turned to her ex-boyfriend amid rumours of a rocky patch with Ryan Gosling. The American actress’ relationship with her The Place Beyond the Pines co-star Ryan Gosling is reportedly going through a rocky patch. Amid rumours they are on a different page when it comes to their future Eva, is said to have turned to her former...
photo: Creative Commons / Fabriukze

Vivek Oberoi says 'Krrish 3' visual effects are international standard
Full Article Digital Spy
25 Oct 2013

Vivek Oberoi has claimed that Krrish 3 is comparable to an international film. The actor plays Krrish's nemesis, super-villain Kaal, in the movie. © PA Images / Tsering Topgyal/AP Vivek Oberoi Speaking to The Times of India, the actor said: "The most important thing is that it's made in India and if you see the VFX and compare it to an...
 Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi
photo: AP Photo/Aijaz Rahi / bholanath

I’m the kind of person people look at anyway: Priyanka
Full Article The Times of India
25 Oct 2013

Priyanka Chopra, recently, during a visit to the TOI office, told us that she goes to New York and Los Angeles like people go to Panvel. She shared her travel tips and her formula for beating jet lag. Excerpts: Normally, the effect of jet lag remains for 10-15 days. How do you beat jet lag when you go to the US for one day's work? 1) Tune yourself...
Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra at the site for the shooting of the film 'Saat Khoon Maaf' at Shalimar Gardens on the banks of Dal Lake in Srinagar on 27, March 2010.
photo: WN / Imran Nissar

Justin Trudeau shares 'steadfast' Keystone XL support in D.C
Full Article Yahoo Daily News
26 Oct 2013

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau concluded his first visit to the U.S. capital on Friday after a series of meetings with White House officials and others and following a panel discussion a day earlier where he touted the benefits of building the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. Trudeau appeared Thursday on a panel with Madeleine Albright, former U.S....
Justin Trudeau speaks during We Day at Air Canada Centre on Friday, Sept. 28, 2012, in Toronto.
photo: AP / Arthur Mola/Invision

Sarah Palin Denies Piers Morgan’s ‘Shambolic Show’ Of An Interview
Full Article The Inquisitr
26 Oct 2013

In what seems to be the most passive aggressive behavior Sarah Palin has participated in, in a few months, Palin addressed Piers through her Facebook page. In regards to Piers’ invitation for Palin to come to his CNN show, she posted photo of her holding a dead bear and a gun with a caption that reads...
Former Governor Sarah Palin speaking at the 2012 CPAC in Washington, D.C.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Nasdaq close to Finra agreement over Facebook IPO glitches
Full Article New York Post Online
26 Oct 2013

After 17 months, Bob Greifeld’s Nasdaq OMX is one step closer to moving past its Facebook IPO nightmare. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority has determined that broker-dealers claiming sizeable losses related to the botched May 18, 2012, public stock sale of Facebook are...
Nasdaq close to Finra agreement over Facebook IPO glitches
photo: UN / Mark Garten

EC backs Cameron's call on red tape
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
25 Oct 2013

The European Commission has backed David Cameron's call to slash more red tape which is hampering businesses across the EU. In a display of unity, the Prime Minister and Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso jointly chaired talks with seven EU leaders on the sidelines of a summit in Brussels, with Mr Cameron acknowledging the Commission's... Commission
EC backs Cameron's call on red tape
photo: European Community / EC

Dick Cheney: Obama Lost Some Opportunities With His Handling Of Osama Bin Laden Raid
Full Article Huffington Post
25 Oct 2013

If former Vice President Dick Cheney was at the helm when Osama bin Laden was killed, some things would have been done differently. In a Thursday radio interview with conservative host Hugh Hewitt, Cheney was asked whether he would have advised president Barack Obama to "allow the victory dance that occurred and the operational details to come...
Former Vice President of the United States Dick Cheney, presenting former United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, at CPAC 2011 in Washington, D.C, the "Defender of the Constitution Award."
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Rahul Gandhi is marketing poverty: Rajnath Singh
Full Article Newstrack India
25 Oct 2013

Tweet Jhansi, Oct. 25 (ANI): Bharatiya Janata Party President Rajnath Singh on Friday alleged that Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi is marketing poverty and playing with the emotions of the Indian public at his political rallies in the lead-up to...
India BJP President Rajnath Singh garlanded by his party worker during Panchayat Samelan in Kolkata on Monday 11 march 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

2014 Budget: Measures to stabilise house prices, control speculators
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
25 Oct 2013

KUALA LUMPUR: The government is revising the real property gains tax (RPGT) to ensure stable house prices and control speculative activities. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said for gains on properties disposed of within the holding period of up to three years, the RPGT rate was...
Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak attends the Foreign Correspondents' Association gala dinner where he delivered a keynote speech as the guest of honor on Tuesday, April 6, 2010 in Singapore.
photo: AP / Wong Maye-E

NSA Surveillance Techniques 'Require Imposing Extraordinary Trust in Executive Branch' 'This Week'
NSA Surveillance Techniques 'Require Imposing Extraordinary Trust in Executive Branch' 'This Week'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 20:30
  • Updated: 09 Jun 2013
George Will, Matthew Dowd, Paul Krugman, Greta Van Susteren, and Rep. Keith Ellison.
  • published: 09 Jun 2013
  • views: 15219'Require_Imposing_Extraordinary_Trust_in_Executive_Branch'_'This_Week'

Video: EU US trade TTIP G8 Summit  2013 Obama, Barroso, Van Rompuy and Cameron
Video: EU US trade TTIP G8 Summit 2013 Obama, Barroso, Van Rompuy and Cameron
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  • Duration: 2:13
  • Updated: 07 Jul 2013
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ( TTIP ) launch with President Obama "A powerful demonstration of our determination to shape an open and rules...,_Barroso,_Van_Rompuy_and_Cameron

Car bomb targets mosque in Damascus suburb
Car bomb targets mosque in Damascus suburb
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:40
  • Updated: 26 Oct 2013
At least 40 people killed in attack outside a mosque in rebel-controlled area near the Syrian capital, activists say. A car bomb explosion has killed at least 40 people and wounded dozens more near a mosque in the Damascus province town of Suq Wadi Barada, a monitor said. "At least three of the dead were children," said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman on Friday. The town is under rebel control, but troops loyal to the regime of President Bashar al-Assad were positioned right outside it, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. State news agency SANA also reported the blast, and blamed "terrorists," the term the Assad regime uses for forces fighting to oust it. "The car exploded while the terrorists were packing it with explosives near the Osama Bin Zeid mosque. Terrorists and civilians were killed," said the agency. "Two bodies have arrived at the Moassat hospital, including a seven-year-old child's. There are also 30 wounded people, most of them critically." But anti-regime activists blamed loyalists for the blast. Amateur video shot after the explosion showed clouds of smoke rising above a burning car, while cries of men and women could be heard amid the chaos that followed the blast. The footage also showed people carrying away casualties of the explosion. A second video showed the bodies of the dead, some of them covered with blankets. Among the bodies shown in the footage was that of a child. Car bombings have plagued Syria in recent months, killing scores across the country. Syria's 31-month conflict has killed more than 115,000 people, according to the Observatory.
  • published: 26 Oct 2013
  • views: 0

JPMorgan paying $5.1 billion to Fannie, Freddie over mortgages
JPMorgan paying $5.1 billion to Fannie, Freddie over mortgages
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:34
  • Updated: 25 Oct 2013
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) JPMorgan has agreed to pay $5.1 billion to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to resolve claims stemming from the housing bubble, federal housing regulators announced Friday. The bank has also been in talks with the Justice Department and other government officials over another potential settlement based on similar claims. That settlement will likely be even more expensive for JPMorgan. The claims relate to conduct at JPMorgan and at Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual, which JPMorgan purchased in 2008. At issue are allegations that the firms sold risky mortgages and mortgage securities while misrepresenting their quality. Among the purchasers were Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-backed housing finance giants that required a massive bailout in 2008 when their housing investments soured. The deal was announced by the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which has overseen Fannie and Freddie since their 2008 rescue. Agency head Edward DeMarco said the accord "provides greater certainty in the marketplace and is in line with our responsibility for preserving and conserving Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's assets on behalf of taxpayers." "This is a significant step as the government and JPMorgan Chase move to address outstanding mortgage-related issues," DeMarco said. The firm reached the agreement without admitting or denying wrongdoing. Related: More banks in crosshairs JPMorgan will pay $4 billion to resolve claims related to the alleged misrepresentation of mortgage-backed securities -- investment products created by bundling payments from individual loans. It will also repurchase $1.1 billion worth of mortgages sold to Fannie and Freddie between 2000 and 2008 that the firms say do not meet their quality standards. JPMorgan (JPM, Fortune 500)said the settlements "are an important step towards a broader resolution of the firm's [mortgage-backed-securities]-related matters with governmental entities, and reflect significant efforts by the Department of Justice and other federal and state governmental agencies." Investors initially shrugged off the news, which has been rumored for weeks. JPMorgan shares were up slightly in after-hours trading Friday, and have gained 20% so far this year. JPMorgan is just one of 18 banks sued by the FHFA back in 2011 over the alleged misrepresentation of mortgage-backed securities, and is only the fourth to reach a settlement. UBS (UBS) agreed to a settlement with the FHFA in July for $885 million. The agency has also settled with Citigroup (C, Fortune 500) and General Electric (GE, Fortune 500) for undisclosed sums. JPMorgan is large enough to easily absorb the settlement costs. It's the biggest bank in the nation, with assets of $2.5 trillion and net income of $21.3 billion in 2012. The bank has been buffeted by legal problems in the past few months, however. It has paid over $1 billion in fines in connection with last year's "London Whale" trading debacle, and $80 million more over its allegedly unfair credit card billing practices. In July, the bank agreed to pay $410 million to settle charges that it manipulated electricity prices in California and the Midwest. It is also facing scrutiny over its hiring practices in China and its alleged involvement in the Libor rate-fixing scandal. read more:
  • published: 25 Oct 2013
  • views: 0,_Freddie_over_mortgages

'US pressures EU to list Hezbollah's military wing as terrorists'
'US pressures EU to list Hezbollah's military wing as terrorists'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:17
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013
The EU has agreed to put the armed wing of the Lebanese group Hezbollah on its terrorism blacklist - at a meeting of Foreign Ministers in Brussels. London in...
  • published: 22 Jul 2013
  • views: 10069
  • author: RussiaToday'US_pressures_EU_to_list_Hezbollah's_military_wing_as_terrorists'

Merkel and Hollande want a
Merkel and Hollande want a "no spy" deal with Washington
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:33
  • Updated: 25 Oct 2013
At an EU summit dominated by allegations the US spied on Anglea Merkel the German chancellor has... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: At an EU summit dominated by allegations the US spied on Anglea Merkel the German chancellor has demanded the US stops its alleged espionage on its closest allies. Merkel and her French counterpart Francois Hollande called on President Obama to initiate a "no-spying agreement" with Berlin and Paris. Merkel made it clear she is not amused: "I think the most important thing is to find a basis for the future on which we can operate and as I said today trust needs to be rebuilt, which implies that trust has been severely shaken.Obviously words will not be sufficient. True change is necessary." French President Francois Hollande expressed his concerns about just how widespread spying is in the new age of connectivity:" The problem is not which leader has been spied on, but it is the extent of this network. Because it doesn't only concern heads of state, but also companies and citizens. So it goes much further than just relations between states and leaders, It is a major problem". Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 25 Oct 2013
  • views: 411

Raw Video: William Ruto and Joshua Sang Trial Part 1 10.06.2013
Raw Video: William Ruto and Joshua Sang Trial Part 1 10.06.2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 85:45
  • Updated: 10 Sep 2013
Raw Video: William Ruto and Joshua Sang Trial Part 1 10 06 2013 Watch KTN Streaming LIVE from Kenya 24/7 on Follow us on Like us on
  • published: 10 Sep 2013
  • views: 9581

Merkel phone tapping: Germany summons US ambassador
Merkel phone tapping: Germany summons US ambassador
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:13
  • Updated: 24 Oct 2013
The US's ambassador to Germany has been summoned to discuss the possible tapping of Chancellor... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: The US's ambassador to Germany has been summoned to discuss the possible tapping of Chancellor Angela Merkel's phone. German magazine Der Spiegel reported the "NSA (National Security Agency)": had been spying on Merkel for years - an allegation German intelligence services have been quoted as saying was plausible. Germany's foreign minister has now summoned ambassador John Emerson to discuss the issue. It comes after "Merkel called President Barack Obama": to demand immediate clarification over the allegations. Meanwhile the leader of Germany's Social Democrats (SPD), Sigmar Gabriel, said it would be hard to imagine agreeing a "free trade deal with the United States": if the US was infringing citizen's rights and privacy. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 24 Oct 2013
  • views: 3391

Court rejects Bo Xilai appeal
Court rejects Bo Xilai appeal
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:14
  • Updated: 25 Oct 2013
  • published: 25 Oct 2013
  • views: 0

'End drone strikes', Pakistan's PM Sharif tells Obama
'End drone strikes', Pakistan's PM Sharif tells Obama
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:13
  • Updated: 24 Oct 2013
Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was in Washington to meet US President Barack Obama for the... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was in Washington to meet US President Barack Obama for the first time since taking office. Amongst the discussions between the two leaders was the issue of drone strikes which has strained relations between the two countries. "Pakistan and the United States have a strong ongoing counter-terrorism cooperation," noted Mr Sharif continuing, "we have agreed to further strengthen this cooperation. I also brought up the issue of drones in our meeting, emphasizing the need for an end to such strikes." President Obama noted that tensions existed between the two countries, but hoped they could work out their differences. "I'm optimistic we can continue to make important strides in moving forward because both the Pakistani people and the American people have suffered terribly from terrorism in the past." In an effort to bolster relations, Obama has called on Congress to release 1.1 billion euros in aid for Pakistan. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 24 Oct 2013
  • views: 3991'End_drone_strikes',_Pakistan's_PM_Sharif_tells_Obama

Merkel phone tapping: Germany summons US ambassador
Merkel phone tapping: Germany summons US ambassador
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:13
  • Updated: 24 Oct 2013
The US's ambassador to Germany has been summoned to discuss the possible tapping of Chancellor... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: The US's ambassador to Germany has been summoned to discuss the possible tapping of Chancellor Angela Merkel's phone. German magazine Der Spiegel reported the "NSA (National Security Agency)": had been spying on Merkel for years - an allegation German intelligence services have been quoted as saying was plausible. Germany's foreign minister has now summoned ambassador John Emerson to discuss the issue. It comes after "Merkel called President Barack Obama": to demand immediate clarification over the allegations. Meanwhile the leader of Germany's Social Democrats (SPD), Sigmar Gabriel, said it would be hard to imagine agreeing a "free trade deal with the United States": if the US was infringing citizen's rights and privacy. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 24 Oct 2013
  • views: 3391

Police killings and political paralysis trigger Tunisia protests
Police killings and political paralysis trigger Tunisia protests
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:07
  • Updated: 25 Oct 2013
Police killings and political paralysis trigger Tunisia protests Police killings and political paralysis trigger Tunisia protests The killing of seven policemen and political paralysis have brought thousands of Tunisians onto the euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: The killing of seven policemen and political paralysis have brought thousands of Tunisians onto the streets in protest. Many marched on Thursday in Sidi Bouzid, the birthplace of the uprising in the country where the Arab Spring revolts began. But those taking part have not seen the changes they had hoped for. Many blame the government, urging it to step down as it has promised to do. "These people can no longer bear this situation," said one man in the central region. "What else can we do but demonstrate like this? If the government stays, this movement will get stronger." Tears and clashes have followed the policemens murder by militants on Wednesday in Sidi Bouzid province. Critics claim the moderate Islamist-led government has failed to rein in hardliners. The ruling Ennahda party has pledged to resign in a power-transfer deal but only when certain conditions are met. It insists on the completion of the countrys new constitution, the establishment of an electoral commission and a clear election date. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 25 Oct 2013
  • views: 0

Syria disarmament on track: watchdog
Syria disarmament on track: watchdog
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  • Duration: 0:27
  • Updated: 25 Oct 2013
Syria is set to hand over a detailed plan for destroying its chemical arsenal Thursday, the international watchdog said, as a rebel attack near Damascus triggered widespread power outages. Duration: 00:26
  • published: 25 Oct 2013
  • views: 0

How American spies monitored calls of THIRTY-FIVE world leaders after government official ..
How American spies monitored calls of THIRTY-FIVE world leaders after government official ..
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:16
  • Updated: 25 Oct 2013
How American spies monitored calls of THIRTY-FIVE world leaders after government official handed agency rolodexes of numbers The National Security Agency has monitored the phone conversations of at least 35 world leaders after being given their numbers by an official in another government department, according to a classified document leaked by whistle-blower Edward Snowden. The confidential memo reveals that senior officials in 'customer' departments such the White House and the Pentagon were encouraged to share their 'Rolodexes' of contact details with the NSA. The agency then added the phone numbers of the foreign politicians to their surveillance systems and started to monitor them. According to the leaked document handed over to The Guardian, one unnamed official handed over 200 numbers - including those of at least 35 world leaders - none of whom were named. The revelation comes amid mounting diplomatic tensions between the US and its allies, after the German chancellor Angela Merkel accused the American government on Wednesday of tapping her mobile phone. The White House has denied that it is currently listening in on Merkel's phone calls. Spokesman Jay Carney said on Wednesday that 'the United States is not monitoring and will not monitor the communications of the chancellor.' But German newspaper Der Spiegel noted that the White House spokesperson 'did not wish to specify' whether the U.S. denied monitoring Merkel's communications in the past. European leaders united in anger Thursday as they attended a summit overshadowed by reports of widespread U.S. spying on its allies. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the allegations had shattered trust in the Obama administration and undermined the crucial trans-Atlantic relationship. Merkel's unusually stern remarks as she arrived at the European Union gathering indicated she wasn't placated by a phone conversation she had Wednesday with President Barack Obama, or his personal assurances that the U.S. is not listening in on her calls now. 'We need trust among allies and partners,' Merkel told reporters in Brussels. 'Such trust now has to be built anew. This is what we have to think about.' 'The United States of America and Europe face common challenges. We are allies,' the German leader said. 'But such an alliance can only be built on trust. That's why I repeat again: spying among friends, that cannot be.'
  • published: 25 Oct 2013
  • views: 0

AMISOM Frontline: Taking Mogadishu
AMISOM Frontline: Taking Mogadishu
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:36
  • Updated: 11 Nov 2011
The AMISOM Frontline series tells the story of African Union troops as they undertake a stabilization mission in Somalia. These films depict the range of challenges faced by the AMISOM soldiers on a daily basis, and covey the message that this mission is a much more diverse undertaking than many understand it to be.
  • published: 11 Nov 2011
  • views: 66809

 Britain´s Conservative opposition leader David Cameron arrives at a refuse depot during a local election tour of Brentwood, England, Tuesday April 18, 2006. Britain has local council elections in May, and it will be the first test of Cameron´ Manchester City's Yaya Toure celebrates after he scores the first goal of the game for his side during their English Premier League soccer match against Chelsea at the Etihad stadium in Manchester, England, Sunday Feb. 24, 2013. German Chancellor Angela Merkel sings the national anthym during an election campaign in Frankfurt, Germany, Friday, Aug.30, 2013. File - Women in Sharga, North Darfur, Sudan, prepare food at the village’s SAFE Centre during a visit from a delegation of European Union ambassadors, 18 October, 2012.

President Barack Obama speaks during a campaign stop in Sioux City, Iowa, Saturday, Sept. 1, 2012. Boston Red Sox starting pitcher Jon Lester delivers against the Los Angeles Angels during the second inning of a baseball game, Friday, April 22, 2011, in Anaheim, Calif. Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., leads a round of applause for physicians that attended a town hall meeting on health care in Tavares, Fla., Monday, Oct. 12, 2009. Starbucks

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton talks with South Africa's Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi, after attending a PEPFAR (U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) Transition Signing, Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2012, at the Delft South Clinic in Delft South, a suburb of Cape Town, South Africa. In this photo of Monday Nov 8, 2010, President Yoweri Museveni  of Uganda Sing his popular song at Otwal primary school in Lira District, Uganda. He's 65, he's been president for two decades, and he's Uganda's newest rap star. Facing a February election, President Yoweri Museveni  has released a rap song and video that's become a sensation in this East African nation. Supporters at a rally in northern Uganda last week called for Museveni to peform the hit. Museveni chuckled, then cleared his throat and started to rap. "You want another rap?" Museveni sang, quoting the chorus and the song's name. Supporters danced wildly. Bahaa El-Din, Ashton Discuss Economic, Political Conditions in Egypt Wikipedia

File - President Barack Obama, looks up at the ceiling of the Cabanas Cultural Center before a trilateral meeting with Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Mexico's President Felipe Calderon at the North American Leaders' Summit in Guadalajara, Mexico, on Aug. 10, 2009. Manchester United's manager Sir Alex Ferguson walks from the touchline during his team's 1-0 loss to Manchester City in their English Premier League soccer match at The Etihad Stadium, Manchester, England New Land Rover Freelander vehicles are seen stockpiled outside the Jaguar and Land Rover factory in Halewood, Liverpool, England, Tuesday Oct. 28, 2008.  Employees of Samsung Electronics Co. walk by their company logo at the headquarters of Samsung Electronics Co. in Seoul Friday, Jan. 14, 2005. Samsung Electronics Co. said Friday its net profit topped US$10 billion last year, reaching a new landmark in i

Israel's hard-line former Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, arrives at a Jerusalem court for the opening hearing of his trial on charges of fraud and breach of trust This image made from citizen journalist video posted by the Shaam News Network, which is consistent with other AP reporting, shows the aftermath of a car bomb attack on a market in the town of Darkoush in Idlib province, Monday, Oct. 14, 2013. A masked Egyptian protester part of the Black Bloc, flashes the victory sign during clashes with riot police, background, near Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt, Monday, Jan. 28, 2013. File - A man looks at an image of Yasser Arafat during a rally in Gaza, marking the third anniversary of his death,10 November 2007.

Enrique Pena Nieto, candidate of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and apparent winner of Mexico's presidential election, speaks during a news conference in Mexico City, Monday, July 2, 2012. INDIA-BCCI-PRESIDENT-JAGMOHAN-DALMIYAIndia BCCI President Jagmohan Dalmiya during the Press Meet at Kolkata  in Eastern India City ------ WN/BHASKAR MALLICK Men and Women Laurent Salvador Lamothe, Prime Minister of Haiti, addresses the general debate of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott gestures as he speaks to the press after laying a wreath at the memorial of the 2002 Bali bombing that killed 202 people during his visit at the site in Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013. Australia suffered more deaths in the attacks than any other country, with 88 of its citizens dead. Australia' Michael Clarke is bowled by India's Umesh Yadav during their One Day International series cricket match in Adelaide, Australia, Sunday, Feb. 12, 2012. Vodafone - Vodafone, the  mobile operator company India's Rohit Sharma smiles during practice session in Dambulla, Sri Lanka, Monday, Aug. 23, 2010. India, Sri Lanka and New Zealand are currently playing the tri nation cricket series.

The Independent
The Muslim world’s historic – and deeply tragic – chasm between Sunni and Shia Islam is having worldwide repercussions. Syria’s civil war, America’s craven alliance with the Sunni...
Sacramento Bee
Here is a short list of things that, according to Gallup, are less popular with Americans than the idea of legalizing pot: Congress. The U.S. Supreme Court. The president. In a...
Yahoo Daily News
When it comes to Rupert Murdoch's media empire, there are some aspects of its business strategies that are well known. For example, you know the New York Post is going to bring you...

Angela Merkel demands progress on no-spy deal between Europe and the US
Chancellor Angela Merkel is still using the mobile reportedly tapped by US intelligence: a standard, unencrypted device paid for by her party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). The German leader declined to back calls at today’s Brussels summit...
photo: European Community / EC
EU vows to tackle immigration in Mediterranean
BRUSSELS, Oct. 25 (Xinhua) -- Top leaders of the European Union (EU) on Friday vowed to tackle immigration issues in the Mediterranean with a task force, following a shipwreck off an Italian island that had killed hundreds in early October. "Leaders...
photo: European Community / EC
Major anti-terrorist operation underway in northern Mali
BAMAKO, MaliFrench, Malian and UN forces have launched a major operation to root out insurgent elements in northern Mali, a day after two UN peacekeepers were killed in a suicide attack, the French Defence Ministry announced Thursday. "We...
photo: UN / Marco Dormino
'People, not climate' blamed for natural disasters
THE Australian scientist who had a lead role in writing a UN report on managing extreme events associated with climate change says human settlement patterns are more important than global warming in driving losses from natural disasters. To continue...
photo: UN / Eskinder Debebe
Italian coast guards rescue 700 migrants as EU leaders debate action
October 25, 2013 -- Updated 1231 GMT (2031 HKT) An Italian Coast Guard boat carries rescued migrants into the port of Lampedusa on Thursday, October 3. According to the nation's coast guard, a boat carrying as many as 500 people capsized and caught...
photo: European Community / EC
Syria polio outbreak 'spreads'
At least 22 people - most of them babies and toddlers - are now believed to have contracted polio in Syria, the World Health Organization has reported. If confirmed, it would be the first outbreak of the disease there in 14 years. Syria's Health...
photo: UN / Ryan Brown
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., left, walks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel after they posed for photos in Berlin, Thursday, July 24, 2008.
Reuters PARIS / FRANKKFURT — As a diplomatic row rages between the United States and Europe over spying accusations, state-backed Deutsche Telekom wants German communications companies to cooperate to shield local Internet traffic from foreign...
photo: AP / Jae C. Hong