Showing posts with label Myanmar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Myanmar. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dissident Myanmar monk 'to face trial'

A leading dissident Buddhist monk who was among hundreds of political prisoners released last month is facing a fresh trial in Myanmar, state media said Sunday.

Gambira "will have to face the charges of squatting" in one monastery in Yangon and breaking into two others, which led to him being detained briefly by police earlier this month, according to the state-run New Light of Myanmar.

The newspaper said authorities "are taking legal steps to bring (him) to trial".

Gambira was freed in January, cutting short a 68-year jail term imposed for his key role in 2007 mass protests known as the "Saffron Revolution", which were brutally crushed by the former junta.

The monk, who goes by only one name, was taken away by authorities early on February 10 and released that night.

His detention drew sharp criticism from the United States.

State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said at the time that given the "government's stated commitment to reform and democratisation, we call on Burmese authorities to protect the fundamental freedoms of all its citizens, including all of those recently released from detention".

Myanmar's release of about 500 political prisoners since October has been hailed by Western countries, which have long demanded the freeing of such detainees before they would consider lifting sanctions.

Since being let out of prison in January, Gambira has breached regulations by breaking into monasteries closed by the government after the monk-led demonstrations, a government official told AFP on the day he was detained.

The New Light said that after questioning Gambira was taken to senior monks who reprimanded him for his behaviour and "wished for legal actions" against him after he admonished them for not helping jailed monks.

Gambira moved into Maggin monastery following a decision by senior monks to reopen the building after he broke open the locks.

The monastery's abbot, Ashin Eindaka, said Gambira had left on Friday and not returned.

"I do not know where he is now. But I have seen today's newspapers reports. When he left my monastery, it was still as a monk," he said.

Myanmar ostensibly civilian government, which came to power in March last year after almost half a century of outright military rule, has surprised critics with its apparent desire to reform and open up to the outside world.

A key sign of change has been the acceptance of democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy (NLD) party into the political mainstream after more than two decades of marginalisation.

The opposition leader, released from house arrest soon after a 2010 election, has been allowed to run for parliament in April 1 by-elections.

Observers and the international community are set to closely watch the polls after widespread criticism and accusations of cheating in 2010, and have called on the government to ensure they are free and fair.

The 2007 protests that landed Gambira in jail began as small rallies against the rising cost of living but escalated into huge anti-government demonstrations led by crowds of monks.

They posed the biggest challenge to military rule in nearly two decades, leading to a bloody crackdown by the authorities. At least 31 people were killed by security forces while hundreds were beaten and detained.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Crowds greet famous Myanmar activist after release

Jan. 14, 2012 Associated Press

PYAY, Myanmar (AP) — Few convicts leave prison with their heads held high.
Political detainees, like the several hundred released Friday under a
presidential pardon in Myanmar, are a different matter. Unrepentant for
the most part, they often leave jail toughened, if not energized.

Min Ko Naing is another case altogether.

His real name is Paw U Tun, but he is better known by his pseudonym, which
means "Conqueror of Kings."

Joyous crowds greeted the nearly legendary leader of a failed 1988
pro-democracy uprising after he was released from prison in Thayet, 345
miles (545 kilometers) north of Yangon, Myanmar's biggest city and former

At frequent stops during his journey back to his home in Yangon on Friday
and Saturday, Min Ko Naing rallied his supporters, saying he would not
give up the fight for democracy and freedom he launched 24 years ago.

A year ago, such scenes would have been unlikely. But Myanmar is a
different place now, with freedom starting to take root since the
installation of a military-backed but elected government that has embarked
on a series of reforms. An independent but censored press is flourishing,
and front pages of newspapers feature once-taboo news of the country's
democracy movement and its leader, Aung San Suu Kyi.

Calendars, T-shirts and other paraphernalia of Suu Kyi's National League
for Democracy party are sold openly on the streets of Yangon.

But the adoring reception Min Ko Naing received as he traveled to Yangon
was the kind one might encounter on a campaign trail of a sure winner,
with crowds of up to 1,000 people turning out along the route and tying up

After a ferry ride on the Irrawaddy River, he set out from Pyay, also
known as Prome, 180 miles (280 kilometers) north of Yangon, in a brown,
12-seat van with family and relatives. Serving as an escort was a pickup
truck carrying youths from Suu Kyi's party, flying the party flag of a
fighting peacock gazing at a white star. Nearly 50 horn-honking
motorcycles ran on ahead.

Along the route, many shouted "Good health" and "Long live Min Ko Naing."
They came out of their houses to give bouquets of flowers to the student
leader, with loud cheers and applause erupting whenever Min Ko Naing came
out of his van to greet the crowds.

Addressing a group of about 200 people near Shwe Myet Hman pagoda in Shwe
Taung town, about 170 miles (270 kilometers) north of Yangon, Min Ko Naing
shouted through a loudspeaker that the students who fought for democracy
and freedom in 1988 will continue their struggle, and asked for their

"I was given 65 years' imprisonment. If I have to serve all the 65 years,
I will have to continue to serve them in my next life," he said to the
cheering crowd. "I'm now free because of the support of the people."

Myint Kyi came on his bicycle to see Min Ko Naing paying respects at a
temple in Pyay.

"I have heard a lot of good things about Min Ko Naing and I want to see
him in person. I am very proud of him and I can call it my day after I've
seen him," said the 67-year old retired lawyer.

It is unlikely the generals who still are the ultimate arbiters of power
in Myanmar see things the same way. Elections and reforms notwithstanding,
they don't react well to their rivals' shows of popularity.

When Suu Kyi drew vast, enthusiastic crowds during a political tour of
central Myanmar in 2003, pro-government thugs ambushed her entourage,
killing several of her supporters, and she spent the next seven years
under house arrest.

Min Ko Naing rose to prominence when, as a university student majoring in
zoology, he was president of the clandestine Universities Student Union of
Burma (Myanmar), as students spearheaded the popular rebellion against the
26-year autocratic rule of strongman Gen. Ne Win.

His bold speeches fired up the public — but also assured that he would be
targeted by the military when it gained the upper hand. Arrested in March
1989, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for having delivered
anti-government speeches and agitating unrest. His sentence was later
commuted to 10 years under a general amnesty, but he was kept behind bars
anyway until 2004.

On his release, he and his comrades, collectively known as the "88
Generation Student Group," plunged right back into political organizing,
and in short order were sent back to prison in 2007 after he led a rare
protest against massive fuel price hikes and economic hardship. The small
protests helped spark the bigger — but failed — "Saffon Revolution"
demonstrations later that year. He was given a 65-year prison sentence.

Min Ko Naing doesn't have quite the prestige as Suu Kyi, the daughter of
independence hero Gen. Aung San and holder of the Nobel peace prize. But
he is only 49 years old, in a country led by much older men.

He and his comrades are the face of Myanmar's future — if the military is

Thein Sein, who took office last year, has initiated a series of reforms,
including the start of a dialogue with Suu Kyi, legalizing labor unions
and the signing of a cease-fire agreement in a long-running campaign
against Karen insurgents. Friday's prisoner release won them a
long-coveted prize: Washington's announcement that it would upgrade
diplomatic relations to posting an ambassador again in Myanmar. The last
U.S. envoy was withdrawn after the violent crushing of the 1988 uprising.

Myanmar still wants to see a lifting of economic and political sanctions
by the United States and other Western nations. Meanwhile, for all the
reform efforts, underlying Thein Sein's government is a constitution
ensuring that the military retains ultimate political power.

Suu Kyi has described the president as sincere, but in an interview with
The Associated Press last week, she acknowledged that the reforms are not
"unstoppable" and will succeed only if the powerful military accepts the

Min Ko Naing shares both Suu Kyi's optimism and her caution.

The reforms that are currently taking place in the country are
encouraging, but "there are elements that do not want reforms," he told
the AP in an interview Saturday morning in Pyay. "We are willing to work
with anyone for democracy, but there could also be challenges from those
who are keen to backtrack."

He said that the government has shown its eagerness to be accepted by the
international community, but that it still must free whatever political
prisoner remain behind bars and make further efforts for peace and
stability with the ethnic minorities who continue to struggle for greater


Associated Press writer Grant Peck in Bangkok contributed to this report.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Myanmar to release more than 14,000 convicts

May 17, 2011 Associated Press

YANGON, Myanmar – More than 14,600 prisoners in Myanmar are being released
under a clemency program that will include very few political prisoners.

Prison Department Director General Zaw Win says most of the convicts,
including 2,166 women, will be freed Tuesday from jails around the

The limited nature of the program — commuting death sentences to life
imprisonment and cutting one year from prison terms — has drawn criticism
from many who had expected more generous terms similar to broader
amnesties that had been applied in the past.

Most of the country's political prisoners, both from the pro-democracy
movement and undesirable factions in the government, are serving long
prison terms that will keep them locked up.