Lava Flow on the Big Island of Hawaii
Lava Flow on the Big Island of Hawaii. Photo by H. Staudigal.
Visualization of the Lake Tahoe region
Visualization of the Lake Tahoe region, which focuses on a swarm of deep earthquakes in the late 2003. Created by D. Kilb and G. Kent
Visualization of the 2010 Chile magnitude 8.8 earthquake
Visualization of the 2010 Chile magnitude 8.8 earthquake and initial aftershocks. Created by D. Kilb.
Aerial view of IGPP
Aerial view of IGPP. Photo by S. Green.
Earthscope Transportable Array station
An Earthscope Transportable Array station in Almira, Washington. Photo by F. Vernon.
Lava Flow on the Big Island of Hawaii. Photo by H. Staudigal.
Visualization of the Lake Tahoe region, which focuses on a swarm of deep earthquakes in the late 2003. Created by D. Kilb and G. Kent
Visualization of the 2010 Chile magnitude 8.8 earthquake and initial aftershocks. Created by D. Kilb.
Aerial view of IGPP. Photo by S. Green.
An Earthscope Transportable Array station in Almira, Washington. Photo by F. Vernon.
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The Cecil H. and Ida M. Green branch of the University of California Systemwide Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) is located in La Jolla, and is strongly linked to Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) through joint faculty appointments, research interests, and shared facilities. Other IGPP branches can be found at the Los Angeles, Irvine, Santa Cruz and Riverside campuses.

News and Events

Michael Hedlin, Catherine deGroot-Hedlin, Luciana Astiz and Gabi Laske have co-authored—with a larger group of researchers from other institutions—the 6 November 2013 Nature article, "A 500-kiloton airburst over Chelyabinsk and an enhanced hazard from small impactors," on the Chelyabinsk meteor and the probability of large asteroid strikes. 


IGPP congratulates Professor of Geophysics Cathy Constable  for her receipt of the 2013 William Gilbert Award.  Per nominator, Rick Blakely, this award recognizes Constable for  "…her fundamental contributions to our understanding of secular variation of the geomagnetic field and exemplary service to the geomagnetism and paleomagnetism community."

The Gilbert Award recognizes excellence in scientific rigor, originality, and impact; leadership and service to the GP research community; and development of cross-disciplinary research areas and methods.

Yehuda Bock, director of IGPP's California Spatial Reference Center, is among several Scripps researchers featured in the UT's article: The Machine Shop of Science.  Bock's seismic sensor and GPS sensor duo are designed to speed the relay of quake size and earth movement information.

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