Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Payment Methods

When you order photocopies or reproductions of documents from our collections, we will send you an invoice. This invoice includes the costs for shipping and handling.
Payment should be made in Euro only.

Please note :
for payments from non-EU countries we have to add € 15.00 to cover international bank charges.

There are several methods of payment:

a.   by cheque payable to Int. Inst. voor Sociale Geschiedenis

b.   by transfer to St. Int. Inst. voor Sociale Geschiedenis,
our account no. at ABN.AMRO Bank, De Entree, P.O. Box 90, 1000 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

c.   by credit card (Visa or Euro/MasterCard) *
send the full details of your credit card (also CVC code mentioned on the back of the card, i.e. 3 digits) by email to or by fax + 31 20 665 4181

* for payments from non-EU countries you may deduct € 12.50 when paying by method c.