Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Browse website

Lancering website Agnes Jongerius (historica en voorzitter FNV) lanceerde de website Vakbeweging in de Oorlog.  Vakbeweging in de Oorlog is een websiteproject van het IISG en de Stichting Vrienden... [Event]
Studiedag Tussen 1999 en 2003 stelde het ministerie van VWS een niet onaanzienlijk bedrag beschikbaar voor historisch onderzoek naar de repressie van homoseksuelen tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. In... [Event]
Presentatie Website Op 27 april 2005 start het Digitaal Monument Joodse Gemeenschap in Nederland. Daarmee wordt een uniek monument op internet gelanceerd waarin gegevens zijn opgenomen van alle joden... [Event]
The conference explored the transnational dimensions of mutiny and maritime radicalism during the great cycle of war and revolution beginning in the mid-1750s, progressing through the eras of the... [Event]
The conference was convened jointly by the Center for Documents and Research Services of the Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Institute of Social History. Programme:First... [Event]
The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) has been called the first media-war in history. Idealistic film makers and photographers like Joris Ivens, Robert Capa, and Gerda Taro rushed to the battlefields.The... [Image gallery]
During the First World War, tens of thousands refugees poured into Holland. Russian prisoners of war, British marines, German deserters, and Belgian civilians were sheltered there.As a neutral... [Image gallery]
The Dutch journalist Louis Grondijs (1878-1961) was embedded in the army of the Russian czar in 1915. As soon as the First World War started, Grondijs, a schoolteacher in the provincial town of... [Image gallery]
During the more than four years of occupation of Belgium in the Second World War, there appeared hundreds of illegal publications in that country. Three of them were published by the 'Independent... [Image gallery]
The archive of publishing house Allert de Lange traversed the world, just as did the German language writers-in-exile who shaped it and make it such interesting reading now. In 1940 it was... [Image gallery]
