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Official Transfer of the Doğan Özgüden Collection. Doğan Özgüden is a Turkish journalist.In the 50s and 60s, Doğan Özgüden was a renowned left-wing journalist in Turkey, always fighting for freedom... [Event]
Untold storiesWereldwijd doen journalisten en activisten hun uiterste best om verhalen boven tafel te krijgen die anderen uit alle macht proberen stil te houden. Wat weten wij over de gebeurtenissen... [Event]
Tentoonstelling: #55Topstukken! - ter gelegenheid van het 10-jarig jubileum van het Persmuseum [Event]
PresentatieTijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis Het nieuwe TSEG verenigt al het goede van zijn voorgangers (TvSG, Neha-Jaarboek en Neha-Bulletin). Het verschijnt vier keer per jaar,... [Event]
Op zaterdagmiddag 3 mei 2003 werd in het IISG / Persmuseum te Amsterdam een aantal inleidingen gehouden in het kader van de Dag van de Persvrijheid. In samenwerking met de NVJ, NUV, WEF, IISG, SCO... [Event]
The IISH has brought together a large collection of Russian periodicals from the late eighties of the twentieth century.The collection contains "neformal'nye" (unofficial) publications (newspapers,... [Image gallery]
The first political piece that Karl Marx (age 24) wrote after his dissertation was a polemic against censorship in the spring of 1841. The Zensurinstruktion proclaimed by the Prussian government on... [Image gallery]
The Dutch journalist Louis Grondijs (1878-1961) was embedded in the army of the Russian czar in 1915. As soon as the First World War started, Grondijs, a schoolteacher in the provincial town of... [Image gallery]
A selection of nine prints from the collections of IISH and Press Museum from the birth of the heir to the throne to the threats of the monarchy.  View the selection of the nine prints. [Image gallery]
In November 1944 the police raided the London offices of Freedom Press, the centre of the anarchist press in England. The police confiscated a typewriter, printed material, including a circular... [Image gallery]
