Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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Het eerste exemplaar van het boek Strafrechthervormers en hemelbestormers. Opkomst en teloorgang van de Coornhert-Liga zal door Hans Smits worden overhandigd aan L.H.C. (Louk) Hulsman,... [Event]
The tourist paradise and the police state may very well go hand and hand. A flourishing tourist sector adds to the economy and the international prestige of a country, political prisoners,... [Image gallery]
The collection In Search of Silenced Voices contains interviews with Indonesian exiles recorded by Hersri Setiawan and deposited at the IISH. Hersri (born in Yogyakarta in 1936) studied sociology at... [Image gallery]
IISH Staff member Eef Vermeij, co-ordinator of the Asia department, pictured various protest demonstrations in Thailand, Hongkong, Malaysia, Nepal, and the Philippines in the years 2004-2007.A... [Image gallery]
In connection with World Press Freedom Day, the IISH wishes to call attention to Jacob Andries Brandsteder's (1887-1986) forced departure from the Dutch East Indies in 1919. He had to leave the... [Image gallery]
...any citizen of any country should have under any circumstances at any time the possibility of expressing any opinion'. Karel van het Reve, 1969When censorship and repression made life for... [Image gallery]
“Taporal” is an extensive oral history project about former political prisoners (tapols) in Indonesia. After the 1965 coup in Indonesia, tens of thousands were imprisoned for communist or leftist... [Collection highlight]
In the first months of 2011 the IISH acquired the papers of the Amsterdam lawyer and judge Willem van Bennekom. Born in Amsterdam in 1941 Van Bennekom grew up in Middelburg, in the southwest of the... [Collection highlight]
Amnesty International was founded on 28 May 1961. On this day, the British lawyer Peter Benenson published an article called 'The Forgotten Prisoners' in The Observer.Benenson called attention to the... [Collection highlight]
On March 24, 1976, a military junta under General Jorge Rafael Videla took power in Argentina. It disbanded parliament, suppressed all political parties, and took control of the trade unions. One aim... [Collection highlight]
