Dysophia – the many worlds of green anarchism


This is not a comprehensive list but stuff we’ve been reading and would recommend.

Ruth Kinna, “Anarchism
Bob Torres, “Making a Killing: The Political Economy of Animal Rights

Paul Mason, “Meltdown

Ecology, Climate Change & Peak Resources
Fred Pearce, “When the rivers run dry
Mark Lynas, “Six Degrees
Dale Pfeiffer Allen, “Eating Fossil Fuels
David Strahan, “The Last Oil Shock

Magazines & Newspapers
Freedom | Resistance | schNEWS | Black Flag | Principia Dialectica | Shift | Anarchism: a journal of desire armed | Turbulence | Mule

AK Press | Natterjack | Freedom | Crimethinc

London Coalition Against Poverty | Haringey Solidarity | Earth First | Anarchist Bookfair | Liberty & Solidiarity | Indymedia | Whitechapel Anarchist Group |
Antifa | Anarchist Federation

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