Sunday, 20 October 2013


From Atilio Boron (translated from spanish)

Interesting debate in the framework of the First Conference of Strategic Studies, "Rethinking a world in crisis and transformation", organised by Cuba's Centre of International Politics. One of the topics of the afternoon session was about the BRICS countries.

There was an interesting presentation about China and its process of gradual reorientation towards the interior, fomenting the internal market, promoting a redistribution of income and strongly expanding its investment in infrastructure and education. A very significant fact: according to OECD projections for the 2030s, the Chinese economy will be equivalent to 29% of the global GDP, while that of the US will decline until it levels out at around 17%, and the EU and the other countries of the OECD will constitute a combined 14%. By that time the Indian economy will have a GDP roughly equal to that of the US.

In summary, in a little more than a decade and a half, the global economic structure will undergo a radical transformation and if Latin America and the Caribbean don't join together, if they don't integrate, it will be very difficult for our countries to compete in that new international economic scenario. Effective union, not rhetoric, of the South American countries would combine exceptional natural resources that don't exist in any other continent: abundant petrol (Venezuela, Brazil etc), gas, large mineral resources, exceptional water resources, half of the world's biodiversity, potential to feed a billion people, and an important industrial sector. Therefore the empire works day and night to abort the unity of our America.

A very interesting contribution from a council minister of the Russian Federation, Vadim Temnikov, with a stark analysis of the international situation. Referring to Washington he said, literally: "They deceived us with Iraq, they deceived us again with Libya. No more!"

And he added that his country, together with China, would conclusively oppose any aggression against Syria. The path is diplomatic and the non-interference in internal affairs is a fundamental principle of the UN charter.

The dismantling of Syria's chemical weapons arsenal is only the beginning; there are other countries in the region (Israel, for example, although not explicitly mentioned) which have many chemical weapons and weapons of mass destruction that must also disarm. He also spoke about what he called 'geopolitical transition', in reference to the changes in the global economy outlined above but also to the irresistible configuration of a multipolar system that no longer accepts the messianic and interventionist role of the United States.

He also spoke of the strategic alliance of Russia with China, India and Vietnam, and rescuing the role the Soviet Union had played in supporting the national liberation movements in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The implosion of the USSR was a terrible blow for Russia but, he said, now we are in conditions of returning to play an important role in the global geopolitical equilibrium. The recent Russian intervention in the Syria crisis attests to this. Something to think about, no?



The Assata-Tupac Liberation School and Soas2 (School of Occidental and Aryan Studies) are partnering up with the co-operation of the Islamic Human Rights Commission to deliver a unique and educational service.
We are running a free and one year-long course on counter-white supremacy (racism) conducted by brother Syed Mustafa Ali (*short bio below) using Dr Neely Fuller's seminal work on the subject. 

Places are severely limited with only 30 places and the course will start on Tues 22 Oct 630-9pm at the IHRC Bookshop 202 Preston Road Wembley HA9 8PA (many thanks to IHRC for the kind cooperation). Subsequent classes will take place every fortnight Tuesdays at the same time and place until July 2014. 

There are only 30 places for students in total on the course. You can enquire about enrolling as a student by emailing 

If it so happens that you are unable to attend this course, there are other anti/counter-racist, and decolonizing activities going on which we can sign post you to. Furthermore, the Assata-Tupac Liberation School will be running another course from Sept 2014 onwards.
*Dr Syed Mustafa Ali is a lecturer in the Computing Department of The Open University (UK) whose academic research focuses on investigating issues at the intersection of critical race theory / decolonial studies and computing / ICT. His most recent publication is "Race: The Difference That Makes a Difference" which explores information from a racial perspective and race from an informational perspective and appears in the online peer-reviewed journal tripleC: communication, capitalism & critique. Dr Ali has been investigating race as a systemic phenomenon for almost a decade and has facilitated a number of workshops and other events in this regard. He is affiliated with the BANDUNG2 movement, hosts the BANDUNG2 blog and is one of the directors of the SOAS2 (School of Occidental and Aryan Studies) initiative.


Hafsa Kara: " The Prophet (SAW)said: "The body should not be abused, the face should not be disfigured and it should be given a dignified burial."

- "Two years ago today, during the Nato led war on Libya, French helicopter gunships identified Gadaffi's convoy and stopped him leaving Sirte which had been flattened by planes since the beginning of the conflict in March 2011. (No figures for civilians killed were ever made public). The Libyan leader was consequently offered to a lynch mob. After killing him, the new and supposedly more civilised order, exposed his corpse for FIVE DAYS in a makeshift morgue where thousands queued up to witness the horrific scene. In violation of every human decent value, his remains were left to rot in full view of men, women and even children, garishly dressed up to witness the scene.

Swiss reporters present were throwing up and visitors had to wear masks to enter the cold room.
This depraved act clearly ushered in a new era for Libya. An era where lawlessness is rife, where women's rights have gone backwards, where Libya's black citizens are continuously the target of racist mobs, where the nation's sovereignty has all but disappeared and with two provinces now threatening with secession. Welcome to the NEW-WESTERN LIBERATED- LIBYA..we so didn't see this coming after the inspiring example that was Iraq."

Muammar Gaddafi never dies. He lives on in every man and woman and child who fights imperialism and white supremacy.