Donate to fund Guardian advert

We want to run an advert in the Guardian newspaper, with our statement 'Don't let the EDL divide our communities' and a list of key signatories. Help us raise £7,000 to fund the advert.

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news and action

11 Oct 2013 >> Action, News, Top story

Letter published in today’s Guardian

8 Oct 2013 >> Action, News, Top story

Vindication for anti-fascist movement

3 Oct 2013 >> Action, News

Saturday 5 October, Croydon

30 Sep 2013 >> News

Please note our new number is 0208 971 7426. Please amend your records accordingly.

20 Sep 2013 >> Action, News, Top story

The following call has been issued by Syriza London.

1pm Saturday 21 September
The Greek Embassy is located at
1a Holland Park,
W11 3TP.

Around midnight on 17 September in …

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