Tuesday, February 9, 2010


This Thursday night (2/11/10) Daryle Lamont Jenkins will join Nicole Nichols on a Special Edition of Cold Shot at 8:00 Eastern Time.

Last week, Daryle broke the story placing ACORN foe James O'Keefe squarely in the midst of the white nationalist crowd. Major news outlets picked up the story and the rest is history. This was on the heels of O'Keefe's arrest for tampering with the phones of Senator Mary Landrieu.

Of course, Mr. Jenkins will fill us in on all the juicy details as well as discussing the upcoming American Reniassance Conference. American Reniassance (Jared Taylor's group) has been labeled a terrorist group by Virginia State Police. You can read about it here.

Take part in the discussion on Blogtalk radio:
CALL NUMBER: (347) 857-3972

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Yeah...What Keith Said


Yeah...What Keith Said

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's a new year and we are going in some new directions here at The Lunatic Fringe. We will continue to air Cold Shot on Sunday evenings, but you might be hearing some new voices and some fresh ideas.

As many of the hate groups are struggling with membership and the usual infighting, many of those who claimed affiliation have moved into other areas and endeavors. We will continue to showcase those individuals and shine a very bright light on them. At the same time - we're gonna go after some much bigger fish in the ocean of right-wing insanity. So...stay tuned in for some updates and surprises soon to come.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


This Sunday, November 1, 2009, Cold Shot will host an interview between Daryle Lamont Jenkins of One People's Project and white supremacist Steve Holten at 7:00 PM Eastern Time.

Holten was once a major player in Richard Butler's Aryan Nations. In 2004, he was arrested for making terrorist threats against employees of the Reno Gazette-Journal and the San Francisco Chronicle and several state government officials. In his threats, Holten stated, "Our violent terrorist actions will be a shock to the citizens of Reno and San Francisco. It will be gruesome, and something that has never been seen ever." He added, "We of Aryan Nations are angry, and we hate and we kill."

In court it was disclosed that Holten was HIV Positive, immediately placing him in a negative light with others in the white supremacsit movement and causing a severance of his relationship with other Aryan Nations members.

Shortly after his release from prison it was reported that Holten was again under arrest for soliciting sex acts from an undercover officer in a park where homosexuals meet. It was asserted that Holten had been advertising via fliers that particularly sought out Hispanic men for sexual encounters. According to reports, Holten was dressed in full Nazi regalia and sported many Nazi tattoos at the time of his arrest.

Today, Holten claims that he was set-up and that he is still being targeted by law-enforcement. As the interview progresses, Holten speaks of these things, his previous relationship with Pastor Richard Butler, as well as his continued devotion to the movement. He and Jenkins also discuss the right-wing talking heads and the role that they play. Holten suggests that another Oklahoma City type event is imminent.

Join Daryle Lamont Jenkins and Nikki Nichols after the interview for an on-air discussion.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Join me on Sunday, October 18th, 2009, as I take some really cold shots at those right-wing extremists who just have to be called out for their actions. It's usually a lot of fun and you just never know what's going to happen. So...as the weekend winds down, why not pull up a chair, kick your shoes off, cop a squat and tune in. And...if you're so inclined...the phone lines will open about an hour into the show - so give a holler!


Republican leader John Boehner objected to the expansion of hate crimes legislation claiming that the protection of homosexuals under the bill is not based upon immutable characteristics and called it 'thought crimes legislation.' What do you think about hate crimes legislation in general and the expanded version in particular? Necessary or Not?

Pastor Marc Grizzard of the Amazing Grace Baptist Church, along with his congregation, are going to celebrate Halloween by "Burning Perversions of God's Word." That means that they are burning all Bibles that are not of the King James Version. They also plan to burn Satan's music - which includes almost everything - as well as any works from various authors such as Mother Teresa, Oral Roberts, Jimmy Swaggart, and the Pope. They also plan on serving fried and Bar-B-Qued chicken along with all the sides. They didn't say if they plan on cooking the chicken over the open flames.

Frank Schaeffer, author of Crazy For God, says "Anyone can be killed." He also says...

"The bestselling status of the Left Behind novels proves that, not unlike Islamist terrorists who behead their enemies, many evangelical/fundamentalist readers relish the prospect of God doing lots of messy killing for them as they watch in comfort from on high," he added. "They want revenge on all people not like them -- forever."

The former religious right leader also says he's worried President Obama could be assassinated -- or that extremists might launch another "Oklahoma" type bombing

Add your two-cents to this discussion...

And speaking of the extremes...it looks like Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church just wasn't get enough attention picketing the funerals of our dead soldiers or demonstrating their supreme ignorance and hate across from high-school campuses. They have broadened their targets to include Jews. They do this cloaked in the mantra of free-speech. Well...I have free speech rights too - and I'll be exercising those rights right here on BlogTalk Radio.

At first, he was criticized for trying to do too much, too soon. Now he is being called the "do-nothing" President by his detractors. Are his gloves really coming off with the health insurance industry or is he bluffing?

Politico credits Obama with rewriting the history of race relations in this country. What does that mean to us at this juncture - and what will it say to future generations? Have we really come a long way, baby?

The wild and whacky case of neo-Nazi Frank Spisak. This wannabe Hitler killed three people in 1983, was sentenced to death, had the sentence overturned and that is being reviewed again.

Ohio Attorney General, Richard Cordray, a former state solicitor, made his seventh appearance before the justices, but his first as attorney general. Cordray told the justices that the case is "one of the most infamous in Ohio history." Spisak wore a Hitler-style mustache at trial, gave the Nazi salute and boasted of his hatred of African-Americans and Jews. Spisak also has sued state officials because prison officials refuse to refer to him as a woman, as he prefers. Cordray wants the death penalty reinstated for Spisak. What do you think should be done?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Nikki to the Left & Floyd to the Right: TONIGHT Thursday

Nikki to the Left & Floyd to the Right: TONIGHT Thursday August 20, AT 9:00 pm EASTERN TIME NIKKI & FLOYD WILL TAKE TO THE AIRWAVES
Listen Live Call-in , click on the link

ALSO - TUNE IN TO NEWSGUY TONIGHT AT 8:OOpm, HEAR FLOYD'S TAKE ON HAL TURNER - http://www.blogtalkradio.com/TheNewsGuy