• The lessons of Grangemouth: labour movement needs fighting leadership!

    Rob Sewell looks at the climb down by Unite, which has serious implications for the future of the labour movement. Read More +
  • Labour and the Tories: are the battle lines being drawn?

    Rob Sewell discusses the political implications of the verbal exchanges between Cameron and Ed Miliband over the past few weeks. Read More +
  • Join the Marxist student federation: help build the forces of Marxism!

    Visit www.marxiststudent.com for more details. Get involved with your local Marxist society and join the Marxist Student Federation today! Read More +
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Mon 4 Nov 18:00 - 19:30

Sheffield Marxists: The Miners Strike of 1984-5


Thu 7 Nov 18:30 - 20:30

UCLU Marxists: Lenin - The Man and his Ideas


Thu 7 Nov 19:00 - 21:00

Soton Marxists: Marxism & the Media


Thu 7 Nov 19:00 - 21:00

Glasgow Marxists: Where Next for the Arab Spring?


19:00 Fri 8 Nov - 00:00 Sat 9 Nov

UCLU Marxists: SOCIAL - The Communist Party

Latest news

  • Postal workers and the Royal Mail: the issues at stake

    Postal workers in the CWU trade union were due to take strike action next Monday, 4th November, over attacks on terms and conditions. Following negotiations between the CWU and Royal Mail, and the acceptance of an improved offer, the strike action has been postponed. We publish here an article, written before these latest developments, by a postal worker, which outlines the issues involved in the strike - issues that have still not been resolved with the - now privatised - Royal Mail.

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  • Reports from the picket lines: Marxist students support the strikes

    Following on from yesterday's reports of the joint strike action by UCU, Unite, and Unison, we publish here a further set of reports from across the country, highlighting the support and solidarity given by Socialist Appeal student supporters in the Marxist societies towards striking workers in the universities. The reports highlight the real militancy, anger, and radicalisation that exists amongst workers.

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  • Marxist students show solidarity to striking lecturers and university workers

    Up and down the country, Socialist Appeal student activists in the university Marxist societies have been showing their support for university staff taking strike action. We provide here a few reports that provide a great example of the solidarity actions that Marxist students have been taking in support of UCU, Unite, and Unison members on strike in universities across the country.

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  • Support your striking staff!

    In an article originally published in the independent Cambridge University student newspaper "Varsity", Ben Gliniecki - Socialist Appeal supporter and member of the Marxist Student Federation - explains why students in Cambridge, and in all universities, should support their staff - members of the UCU, Unite, and Unison - who are taking strike action today.

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  • HE unions to strike, whilst FE members ballot for action

    Tomorrow, on October 31st, an historic event will take place in Higher Education (HE). For the first time ever, three trade unions are going on strike at the same time – UCU (University and College Union), Unison and Unite. Socialist Appeal supporters will be visiting the picket lines in universities across the country, along with delegations from the Marxist societies, and we encourage our readers to go along and show your support too!

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Educate Yourself

  • Educate Yourself
  • The Fundamentals of Marxism
  • Dialectical Materialism and Science
  • Historical Materialism
  • Marxist Economics
  • The State
  • Russia, Lenin, Trotsky and Stalinism
  • Anarchism
  • Feminism
  • Fascism
  • The National Question
  • Revolutionary Strategy
  • Revolutionary History

Socialist Appeal are proud to publish this basic guide to help focus your studies of Marxist theory and practice. Visit the various tabs to find links to introductory articles, classic texts, and audio talks for different topics. We also invite our readers to become acquainted with the more basic ideas of Marxism by starting with the recommended short reading list, going through the FAQ section, and listening to the following audios:

Why Marx Was Right - Alan Woods

What is Marxism? - Alan Woods

What Will Socialism Look Like? - Fred Weston

What is Socialism? - Rob Sewell

We will be expanding and developing this section over time. Please contact us if you have any questions, or if you'd like any suggestions on what to read next.

Reading the classics of Marxism is the best way to understand these ideas.  At first it may seem difficult, but every worker and young person knows that things worth having are worth working hard for!  Patient and persistent study, discussion, and ultimately, the day to day application of these ideas over a lifetime are the key.

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Marxist theory is the basis upon which our analysis, perspectives, program, and participation in the movement are based. It is our "guide to action." This why Socialist Appeal and IMT place so much emphasis on political education. To this end, we have created an extensive Education Plan to assist comrades in their political development. This is an important resource.

However, it's length and scope may seem daunting to new comrades. With this in mind, Socialist Appeal has compiled a shorter list of classic works and other important writings we think will serve to lay a strong foundation in the ideas and methods of Marxism. We would like to encourage all our supporters and those interested in learning more about Marxism to read (or re-read!) through the works on this list.

This selection of writings is an excellent introduction to many of the fundamentals of Marxist theory. There are many other writings that could be added, but this selection provides a strong basis for those wishing to equip themselves with the necessary ideas for the daily work of fighting for socialism.

Many of these are smaller books or pamphlets; some are more lengthy books; and others are just short articles. This

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Dialectical Materialism is the philosophy or methodology of Marxism. Every political movement, party, or even statement of any kind bases itself, consciously or unconsciously, on some sort of philosophy or world outlook. Marxism is concerned with effecting a radical change in society, and therefore requires an exceptionally clear, thoroughgoing, and systemic set of philosophical principles.

The ideas of Dialectical Materialism, based on the best traditions of philosophical thought, are not a fixed dogma but a system of tools and general principles for analysing the world materialistically and scientifically.

If we are to understand society in order to change it, this cannot be done arbitrarily, since the human will is not master of nature; rather, our ideas and thoughts are reflections of necessary material laws. Instead, we must seek to understand the laws of how human society changes. By following our education plan for Dialectical Materialism, the reader will familiarise themselves with this way of looking at the world so that they too can begin to apply Marxist ideas.

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Historical Materialism is the result of Dialectical Materialism applied to human society and history. It encompasses the general theory of how and why society develops in the way it does. A deeper, more concrete understanding of these principles in combination with a study of real, living history of class struggles enables us to come to a general understanding of where capitalist society is headed and what political strategy is required to successfully influence the course of events.

The basic principles of Historical Materialism are that human society has inherent laws guiding it - its developments are by no means arbitrary or accidental, nor the mere subject of the will of great men and ideas. Human individuals can and do influence society according to their ideas, but only ever within definite material constraints and conditions. Above all, the law determining historical development is that of the development of the means of production - meaning economically productive technology, science, technique etc. The extent of the development of the productive forces determines the social relations of production - i.e. the structure of society, class relations etc. Each social system has its inherent laws of motion. If we want to overthrow capitalist society, we must understand how

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Marxist economics is the study of the laws of motion of capitalist society. Why does capitalism perpetually go into crisis? Why does mass unemployment exist? Are commodity production, the domination of the market, and rich and poor natural, immutable states of being for humanity? Or are they merely the products of this specific mode of production - capitalism? If so, is there any way capitalism can exist without these problems, or by minimising them?

Marxist economics is a “holistic” way of analysing capitalist economy. It starts out by placing it in its real historical context (rather than dreaming up abstract idealisations of capitalism to justify it, as bourgeois economics does), studying all its interconnections and contradictions, rather than artificially isolating one aspect of it. In doing so, Marxist economics lays bare the functioning of capitalism; the exploitation and injustice inherent within it. Those who want to get to the essence of why, in the 21st Century, despite having a more advanced understanding of the world than ever before, humanity seems plunged into perpetual crisis it cannot get to grips with, should look no further than Marxist economics, beginning with the writings of Marx himself.

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Like money, the state is something we are all very familiar with and take for granted, but its real essence tends to elude us. The ideologists of capitalism have tried, in various ways, to justify the capitalist state as supremely rational; a neutral arbiter for society, and the embodiment of justice. For Marxists, the state is not at all neutral, nor just. It is certainly anything but rational. We must strip the vale of mysticism away and reveal the state’s real basis. To do that, we have to treat the state historically - taking in its origins, rise, and eventual fall.

The state has not always existed. It is inseparable from class society. Ultimately, it is the instrument for the ruling class to oppress and hold down the masses, guaranteeing the status quo and the sanctity of property. Although the modern state performs many other functions, these are secondary to its real basis - the protection of a set of property relations. To do this, it needs “armed bodies of men” and a monopoly on the use of violence. To establish socialism, it will not be possible for the working class to use the state as it currently exists - that is, with

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The Russian Revolution is the greatest event in world history for Marxists. For the first time, the working class successfully took and held power. The slaves fought back and won. For these reasons, the name of Lenin and Trotsky, and the entire 1917 episode, has been deliberately dragged through the mud by the bourgeoisie ever since.

Naturally they are aided in this task by the degeneration of the revolution and by the existence of Stalin’s monstrous dictatorship. However, Stalinism represents the opposite of Bolshevism’s real traditions, which readers can read about in this section, as well as the Marxist explanation for why Stalinism took place and what this means for our movement.

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Radicalised youth, seeking to understand how to change modern society, naturally tend to look to both Marxism and Anarchism in equal measure. The question as to which philosophy, or which combination of the two, has the best answers, has long been at the forefront of the minds of revolutionaries.

Anarchism is naturally attractive to all those correctly alienated by bureaucracy in the revolutionary movement. Anarchists are certainly correct to reject Stalinism and careerism. However, it is not sufficient simply to reject these phenomena. We need to understand why bureaucracy and oppression exist and what role they play, in order to understand how to avoid them. We believe that, for all its opposition, Anarchism has little to say about the alternative to bureaucracy. Instead, it is Marxism’s historical materialist method that allows us to understand these problems. In this section the reader will find a series of articles dealing with anarchism and the issues that anarchism raises.

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The discrimination and oppression of women is integral to class society, such that Engels even referred to it as the “first class oppression”. Along with the class system itself, the oppression of women often takes on the appearance of being natural, immutable and eternal, since it has been with us for so long.

But Marxism is a historical science, concerned with understanding the fundamental changes that society goes through. It cannot be satisfied with comfortable prejudices. A study of the origins of human society, as Engels famously conducted in his book The Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State, reveals that the oppression of women is by no means natural and was not even known for much of our history. As Engels explains, the oppression of women arose with the emergence of class society and private property; it will fall with it.

Marxists are fully in solidarity with feminists: we are irreconcilably opposed to the oppression of women and fully support the struggle for their emancipation. We believe this will be achieved through the class struggle, since that is the basic locomotive of history in a class society such as ours. However, Marxism represents a distinct set of

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Fascism is something of a bogeyman in modern British society, and has an almost mythical character in bourgeois public opinion. But despite constant talk of it, very little is said about why it happened and how it may or may not happen again.

Fascism is really the death agony of capitalism and the “distilled essence of imperialism”. The fascists in Germany, Italy, Spain and other countries were only able to come to power on the back of defeats of the working class. Ultimately, the madness of fascism expresses the historic crisis and dead-end of capitalism that had arrived by the early 20th Century, alongside the inability of the working class to take power and replace capitalism with a workers’ state, due to the corruption of their leadership, in the form of both reformism and Stalinism. Fascism could and should have easily been avoided had the working class possessed a militant and united leadership prepared to take power.

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The question of nationalities - that is, the oppression of nations and national minorities, which has characterised capitalism from its birth till the present time - has always occupied a central position in Marxist theory. Once again, the historical materialist approach of Marxism dissolves the apparent “natural” role of the nation as a necessary expression of human society. Nations have by no means always existed, nor will they always exist in the future.

The nation as we know it today is a product of the development of capitalism and its need to unify peoples into units of a certain size (depending on the level of the system’s development – e.g. more recently formed nations tend to be much bigger) to consolidate the market. The contradictions and tensions between nations are a result of capitalism’s “combined and uneven” development. The contradictions of the capitalist mode of production itself force each ruling class to expand outwards, developing a global market and imperialism in the process.

The violent tensions that this process breeds in turn give rise to nationalism, racism and wars. There is no way a successful world revolution, abolishing the global capitalist system, can take place without a careful and nuanced understanding of the

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Socialist Appeal is the British section of the International Marxist Tendency, which is active in around 40 countries. Our aim is to spread the ideas of Marxism, in an organised fashion, in the labour and youth movement. Only the British working class has the ability to change British society, because of the central role they play in production and their shared interest in establishing socialism.

However, we must carefully study the history and traditions of the British working class in order for Marxist ideas to connect with them. There are all too many groups who simply declare themselves the vanguard of the British working class, and have a dismissive attitude to the class’ real traditions.

In this section readers will find a series of articles explaining our position on the class struggle in Britain, the key points in the history of the British working class and the lessons to be learnt from them, and the strategy of the Marxists in relation to the movements of the masses.

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The ideas of Marxism and the need for a revolutionary party are not the result simply of a single individual, but arise from the study of history - the history of class struggle. In this respect, the revolutionary party is often referred to as being the memory of the working class, and our task is to learn the lessons from history in order to prepare for the revolutionary events taking place today and in the future.

In this section we present a series of articles and audios covering the key revolutionary struggles in history - from the early class struggles in Rome to the tremendous movements of the working class in the 20th Century. By reading and listening to these, our readers should gain a good overview of the history of the revolutionary movement and the main lessons to be learnt from these.

For analysis of 21st Century revolutionary movements, check out the News and Analysis sections of the website!

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What is Capitalism? What is Socialism?

Over 70 attended the freshers' week meeting of the UCLU Marxists, where Fred Weston - editor of www.marxist.com - spoke on the topic "What is Capitalism? What is Socialism?", analysing why there is crisis today, and outlining the potential alternative under a socialist society.




Origins of the family, private property, and the state

One of the great classics of Marxism is the book by Frederick Engels entitled "The Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State". In this book Engels applies the Marxist method of historical materialism to the earliest periods of pre-history to analyse the past and uncover the origins of the institutions we see today. Rob Sewell, editor of Socialist Appeal, gives an introduction to the book and explains how class society came into existence.



Marx walk - the life of Karl Marx in London

At the International Marxist Tendency winter school 2013, hosted in London by the UCLU Marxist Society with a theme of "130 years since the death of Marx: the life and ideas of Karl Marx", Rob Sewell - editor of Socialist Appeal - gave a tour of London from the viewpoint of Marx's life, highlighting the places where this great philosopher, economist, and political theorist, lived, worked, and socialised.



Theory & History



  • Golden Dawn, Bonapartism, and the Greek ruling class
    Stamatis Karayannopoulos ; Tuesday,22 October 2013

    We publish here an article by Stamatis Karayannopoulos, member of the Communist Tendency in SYRIZA in Greece and member of the SYRIZA Central Committee. This article was written before the arrests of the leadership of Golden Dawn. However, the...


  • The lessons of Washington's near-meltdown
    John Peterson, Socialist Appeal USA ; Monday,21 October 2013

    For 16 days, the world waited with bated breath as the US government was shut down and teetered on the brink of default. At the eleventh hour, a deal was rammed through both the Senate and the House and signed by Obama, thus averting the immediate...


Labour movement

  • Postal workers and the Royal Mail: the issues at stake
    Roy Baggs ; Friday,1 November 2013

    Postal workers in the CWU trade union were due to take strike action next Monday, 4th November, over attacks on terms and conditions. Following negotiations between the CWU and Royal Mail, and the acceptance of an improved offer, the strike action...


  • HE unions to strike, whilst FE members ballot for action
    Darrall Cozens, UCU West Midlands ; Wednesday,30 October 2013

    Tomorrow, on October 31st, an historic event will take place in Higher Education (HE). For the first time ever, three trade unions are going on strike at the same time – UCU (University and College Union), Unison and Unite. Socialist Appeal...

