
  1. Yep, that’s 100+ is definitely a winnah. With some luck, it’ll dent the sales of the odd detox woowoo. :)

  2. I gotta run up the back & sort out the fan dipole, VSWR looking crappy on 40m/15m, bet the wind has twisted it up again. CUL OM

  3. I don't know the guy or anything about him beyond the fact he's got a crazy contest stn & has boatloads of $ to chuck at ham radio.

  4. Cripes, I've never even heard of Amsterdam Is before, glad they put a map on the website. Lotta $ to DXpedition there, for sure

  5. hmm, trying to think of where I saw K9CT's presence in Perth mentioned on Twitter, might've been DXCoffee, looking

  6. Net time I have a million bucks to spend on a ham station, I'm doing what Craig did...

  7. Working a BG4 in China right now, he sends a -20 for a 60W signal. Still pretty ordinary but at least usable.

  8. After sunset, things picked up around here, but during the day, 15m was dead as a doornail. Only made 1 JT65 QSO & was a VK

  9. 15m band seems to be recovering after recent days' bad condx due to solar storm, still need a lot of power compared to good days

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