Dem blowout? Nothing to do with us Aussies..!
Friday November 10th 2006, 8:54 am

image: Peter Nicholson for concedes Virginia Senate race to Webb. It’s official- Dems own the US Congress. Now, let’s see if they have the ‘nads to do the job that desperately needs doing.

Sadly, just because the Dems pounded a home-run into the cheap seats with the bases loaded doesn’t mean there were no instances of election irregularities. There was a 13% ‘undervote’ on touch-screen voting machines in evil cow Katherine ‘Hanging Chad’ Harris’ district, meaning that voters who did cast votes in some races did not record a vote in Harris’s failed bid for the US Senate, compared to a 1.8% undervote for paper ballot voters.

On this side of the pond, John Howard deliberately fails to get the message. Howard refuses to believe the illegal Iraq war had anything at all to do with US voters drubbing the GOP. However, Howard is probably right that the removal of Rummy is ‘gesture politics‘ in that the King’s strategies in Iraq will only change superficially… until forced to do otherwise by the Dem Congress. Given that the Short Chap isn’t a US voter and is clearly unfamiliar with the issues, I’d like to suggest that he use his bum more for sitting and less for speaking.

Rusty Bolt has the same problem. Minimise, minimise, minimise. Nope, that flukey, wacky, crazy, off-the-probability-scale Democrat blowout in the US don’t have nothing to do with us over here in far-away Straya.

Yeah. You just keep thinking that, OK?

See you at the 2007 polls.


AP, NBC call Virginia for Webb, Dems to control both House & Senate
Thursday November 09th 2006, 12:14 pm

TOTAL victory!

Democrats win control of Senate

NBC projects Webb victor in Va.; win solidifies Democratic power on Hill

NBC, MSNBC and news services
Updated: 8:51 p.m. ET Nov. 8, 2006

WASHINGTON - Democrats wrested control of the Senate from Republicans Wednesday with an upset victory in Virginia, giving the party complete domination of Capitol Hill for the first time since 1994, as NBC News projected Democrat Jim Webb as the winner.

Webb’s apparent squeaker win over incumbent Sen. George Allen gave Democrats their 51st seat in the Senate, an astonishing turnabout at the hands of voters unhappy with Republican scandal and unabated violence in Iraq. Allen was the sixth Republican incumbent senator defeated in Tuesday’s elections.

The Senate had teetered at 50 Democrats, 49 Republicans for most of Wednesday, with Virginia hanging in the balance. Webb’s victory ended Republican hopes of eking out a 50-50 split, with Vice President Dick Cheney wielding tie-breaking authority.

The presumed Democratic majority counts on the support of two independent senators who have declared that they will caucus with the Democrats.

NBC appear to have made their call following Associated Press making their announcement of a Webb win …

Dems Complete Election Sweep of Congress
AP Declares Webb the Winner in Va.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats completed an improbable double-barreled election sweep of Congress on Wednesday, taking control of the Senate with a victory in Virginia as they padded their day-old majority in the House.

Jim Webb’s victory over Sen. George Allen in Virginia assured Democrats of 51 seats when the Senate convenes in January. That marked a gain of six in midterm elections in which the war in Iraq and President Bush were major issues.

If I could dance… I would!


Madame President Pelosi?
Thursday November 09th 2006, 10:48 am

The next President and Vice President of the United States?

The US Constitition provides that if the President and Vice President are unable to serve their terms of office, the Speaker of the House is next in line for the Presidency.

The Vice President is the ex-officio President of the US Senate, so if both the US Prez and VP cannot serve, the Vice President’s office would go to the President pro tempore of the Senate. The President pro tempore is usually the most senior member of the ruling party.

Well… Nancy Pelosi is now the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

If Bush and Cheney are impeached, convicted and removed from office by Congress, California Representative Pelosi becomes President Pelosi.

If the Dems win Virginia, the Senate President pro tempore will probably be the legendary West Virginia Senator Robert C. Byrd.

Now there’s an outcome Karl Rove never planned on.


I’m AMERICAN again!
Thursday November 09th 2006, 7:33 am

now the King really has the shits....


For the last 3 years, when asked, I’ve been demurely admitting to being Canadian.

In 2003, when King George took my motherland to his illegal war against Iraq, I applied for and was granted Australian citizenship. I retained my US citizenship so I could (continue) to vote against His Highness. I had lived in Australia for 7 years at the time.

Americans don’t care when asked if they are Canadian, but Canadians take great offence when asked if they are American. I’ll never be able to shed my instantly recognisable American accent, but Australians are courteous enough to first ask anyone who sounds American if they are Canadian.

Well, today, I’m able to once again hold my head up and say that yes indeed… I’m an American.

The new Democratic leadership under SPEAKER PELOSI (chew on that, Karl fuckin’ Rove…) looks like it will have the political will to begin to hold King George accountable. With control of both houses of Congress, the Dems have the votes not only to impeach but to convict the King.





…and by the way, it was grassroots activists and BLOGGERS who won this election, not the Dem Leadership Committee.

Up yours, King George
Wednesday November 08th 2006, 1:38 pm

image: Sandy Huffaker for Cagle's Toons

Americans have had a gutful of His Highness.

It’s a Democratic blowout in the US Congressional elections. Democrats look set to wrest control of BOTH the Senate and House of Representatives as well as pick up some governorships from the Repuglicans.

Ohio has its first Democrat governor in 20 years. Dem Ted Strickland walloped Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, who is named in 16 voter lawsuits over election irregularities and fraud in the 2004 US Presidential election. Blackwell had promised to “deliver” Ohio to Bush- and did.

Extreme conservative Pennsylvania Republican Senator Rick Santorum is a cross between Fred Nile and remarkably, Santo Santoro. Santorum has lost his Pennsylvania Senate seat to Democrat Bob Casey.

Funniest quip of the election comes from the Daily Kos comments

i can’t wait to see Santorum go down.

by vancookie on Tue Nov 07, 2006 at 04:31:02 PM PST

The thought of Santorum “going down”…

…is disgusting!!

by jack rance on Tue Nov 07, 2006 at 04:32:55 PM PST


…on what the dog looks like.

by vancookie on Tue Nov 07, 2006 at 04:33:44 PM PST

With control of both houses of Congress, could the political will for impeachment be far behind? Even if articles of impeachment are not tabled, the days of the Bush rubber stamp in the US Congress are gone.


Parkin wins right to see ASIO assessment
Friday November 03rd 2006, 5:28 pm


Busy. No time to blog.

Look here

Another here

And listen to the ABC podcast here.

Will Phillip Ruddock finally conclusively and publicly prove that Australia is now a police state by denying Parkin and co-applicants access to the ‘adverse’ ASIO assessments?

And if he does… will voters in 2007 choose to retain a party which are reason #1 for a Bill of Rights in Australia in control of government?

Stay tuned…
