Friday, September 27, 2013

Yer, sorry about all that ..

Am having trouble trying to understand (or overstand) Gurgle .. but that's a different discussion..

Yep, Spring is here, the trees are flowering, bees are buzzing. Will try to get some pics .. but only if i find a bee willing to sit still long enough to allow me to poke a camera up its nose. Do bees have noses?

Ok, focus on its proboscis.

[PS. 'clorec 75' is only one word - the other is a number]. Sheesh, is this post unduly "political"? Why can't i publish it?

Yer, sorry about all that ..

Am having trouble trying to understand (or overstand) Gurgle .. but that's a different discussion..

Yep, Spring is here, the trees are flowering, bees are buzzing. Will try to get some pics .. but only if i find a bee willing to sit still long enough to allow me to poke a camera up its nose. Do bees have noses?

Ok, focus on its proboscis.

[PS. 'clorec 75' is only one word - the other is a number]. Sheesh, is this post unduly "political"? Why can't i publish it?

Yer, sorry about all that ..

Am having trouble trying to understand (or overstand) Gurgle .. but that's a different discussion..

Yep, Spring is here, the trees are flowering, bees are buzzing. Will try to get some pics .. but only if i find a bee willing to sit still long enough to allow me to poke a camera up its nose. Do bees have noses?

Ok, focus on its proboscis.

[PS. 'clorec 75' is only one word - the other is a number]. Sheesh, is this post unduly "political"? Why can't i publish it?

An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again. Ignore warning

"Let them eat cake"

Lookit up ... perhaps a real quote, perhaps not. Belongs to a period in the history of what we now know as France.

Another quote - probably paraphrased. "those who refuse to understand history; are condemned to repeat it".


"Let them eat cake"

Lookit up ... perhaps a real quote, perhaps not. Belongs to a period in the history of what we now know as France.

Another quote - probably paraphrased. "those who refuse to understand history; are condemned to repeat it".


"Let them eat cake"

Lookit up ... perhaps a real quote, perhaps not. Belongs to a period in the history of what we now know as France.

Another quote - probably paraphrased. "those who refuse to understand history; are condemned to repeat it".


"Let them eat cake"

Lookit up ... perhaps a real quote, perhaps not. Belongs to a period in the history of what we now know as France.

Another quote - probably paraphrased. "those who refuse to understand history; are condemned to repeat it".


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I am who i AM

Recent actual images will appear ... when i figure out how to negotiate between mind, experience; keyboard, computer; satellite modem connection ... etc, et al.

Yep, full sized. Can't be bothered pissing around  with the restrictions on the chronically sly satellite ..

Piss orf.

Ya wanna know what am doing - or how i think? Live in my house 24/7 (to use americanised shorthand marketing jargon).

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hello ... testing 123

What has happened to all my recent posts??????

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

monitoring internet traffic

Yep, have 'feejit' and another, 'statcounter'[ - oddly enough, long before Gurgle inserted their algorithms into this blog.

Who knows, At this point am guessing that anyone with "nothing to hide" in 'internet' concepts has, basically, nothing to hide.

One (me) wonders why the "gummint" spends billions of dollars trying to find out if am a 'terrorist'.

i might be, but the last thing that i might put "online" is the the details of how i might achieve it.


And, whether anyone likes it or not - the Billions of dollars creating and supporting the NSA (National Security Authority)  in the experimental patch of territory between Mexico and Canada - has serious questions to ask of itself.

So far, there is a list of "security breaches" that the "Untied States of America" - failed to notice.

Nothing new here. Fuck orf.

Friday, June 07, 2013

Quick sentences.

OK, i did begin this with the intention of writing the question - which short sentences do you respond to ... but my thoughts then drifted off into the difficulty of trying to explain complex issues.

So, media bias (and this was found elsewhere, not 'original', and slightly rewritten)
 If Julia Gillard walked on water - 'Faux' news would trumpet "Gillard can't swim".

Political "lies". If Julia Gillard changes her mindset according to reality - it's a 'lie'. If Tony Abbot makes a decision, writes a letter to confirm his decision, signs it then - a few days later "changes his mind" and denies it - is it a 'lie'?

Is this Government 'dys.........l'? No, will not repeat that word in relation to the Australian Government, since the repetition almost inculcates a belief that it is true. It's not; as the Roman church well knows. (Repeat a mantra often enough, for long enough and the belief that "Jesus" was born on the 25th of December ... become "truth" - but won't go there in this post).
Looking at facts as am aware of them - the 'government' of Afghanistan IS dysfunctional; as is the 'government' of Libya, Syria and a few others. The current Australian Government is not. Laws are passed and upheld - by BOTH sides. The Australian bureaucracy continues, as a stable entity.

So, a few more short sentences (as perceived by me).
 Basic "Liberal" party beliefs as headed by Tony Abbot.
  "Maximise short term profit" (ie, short term gain; long term pain).
  "Command and control belongs to the elite".
  "The 'workforce' are only here to serve the masters."
  "There is only one God, Jesus and Holy Spirit". (?????)
 "Australia was founded by white Europeans, and we are the masters".
  "Mega rich media and mining barons rule".
... and a few other "basic" beliefs .....

It still fascinates me that the "Liberal" politicians still refer to themselves as "The Coalition" - and refuse to recognise that Julia Gillard put together a "coalition" of widely disparate 'sectional' politicians - and HELD IT TOGETHER for two terms of government. Tony Abbot DID 'have his chance' at the last election when Australian voters found themselves faced with a 'hung" parliament - in which neither side gained a "majority".
Says more for the negotiating skills, and strength of Julia Gillard than it does for Abbot; who was, apparently so "arrogant" that the three "Independents" chose to support the Gillard Administration.

So, let's look at the achievements of the Gillard Administration.

Faced with the "Global Financial Crisis" (created, by the way, by the same sort of 'conservative' American policies and politics that the Howard administration supported and applauded)  The "Labor" administration negotiated the best way to save the Australian economy from disaster. And yes, remains regarded by the rest of the European "pundits" (and supported by 'facts") one of the BEST MANAGED economies in the OECD(?).

"refugees? - it could be argued that without the "intervention", and 'destabilisation' by George W. Bush and 'allies' in the 'Middle East" there would not BE so many 'people fleeing';  but don't want to go there in this post, either. Would be interesting to compare the numbers of "before" and "after" the Iraq and Afghanistan 'intervention'; but that is beyond my expertise and resources.

Now, short summations of the Julia Gillard Administration and the "Labor" Party:
Not easy, they're a fractious and factional bunch - where even the 'backbench' parliamentarians are not afraid to 'front the media' and speak their mind. - surely this is what "democracy" is all about - as distinct from a 'wooden puppet' who parrots the strict "Party script" and refuses to let any of his 'minions' get caught with a 'gaffe'.

Best that i can say about the "Labor Party" is that they seem to be far more interested in "Social democracy", and preservation of what little natural environment that we have left - but can't figure out a way to actually 'spread the wealth' enough to pay for it.

Que sera sera ... as long as the Libs don't cut my pension ... heh.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

cognitive dissonance

Yer, i know, have several "gurgle linked" websites and 'blogs' - but not this one. Was created(?) before Gurgle got their grubby hands on it  .. buut, at some point may have to 'bend the knee' and succumb.

Until then .. who knows.

So, some observations of politics in Australia.

Tony Abbot claims to "turn back the boats". How?  Can anyone remember that it was the "Howard" gummint who created the "offshore processing" of refugees? Has anyone actually looked  at a map?

Christmas Island is only a couple of hundred sea miles away from the coast of Indonesia. Too easy.

IF i were a "people smuggler", all would need to do is pay some local Indonesian fisher folk with clapped out boats, and devastated fishing industry (don't get me started on that aspect) - a few dollars, cheap at half the price. And Gee, guess what, the caring, considerate Australian Navy comes to collect them and make sure that they're safe and sound. Howard gummint policy.

On the other hand - close Christmas Island 'detention' centre - make them travel the few thousand sea miles and see whether the clapped out boats have the crews and navigational skills,  seaworthy boats to actually arrive on Australian shore? Methinks that would be a bit more 'expensive' journey.

Is that what Tony Abbot wants? Either that, or 'ordering' the Australian Navy to 'sink on sight'. Doubt that that would be comfortable with the captains and crews. Especially since the local military is now the ADF.

Australian Defence Force - not the Australian ATTACK force. Subtle difference.

O, and have also read that Tony Abbott says that he wants to buy 'drones' to cope with the refugee problem. To do what, exactly? Surveillance? Won't stop any boats. Secret assassination?

Tony Abbot also claims "gummint waste". OK, does anyone remember the billions of taxpayer dollars spent by the Howard gummint on American fantasy aircraft? Probably not.

O, i forgot - that was back in the years when Wall Street and the cosy relationship with the "Liberals" in Australia were happily governing by paranoid delusion.

Not to worry .. someone will vote, some how. Who knows.

Monday, May 27, 2013

"Riverbend" is still alive

Oh, just had to post this. Easy to miss, since the link to "Bagdad Burning" on the sidebar hadn't 'updated' itself.