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Images of Resistance

Natalio Pérez: Images from Nepal’s Maoist Congress

These photos come to Kasama from Natalio Pérez, reporting for Winter Has Its End in Nepal. The Winter Has Its End team’s reporting will be coming shortly.


Nepal: seeds of a new people’s army

The first convention of the National People’s Volunteers (NPV), a mass fighting force and serve-the-people volunteer organization, has taken place, as thousands of revolutionaries marched through the streets of Kathmandu. The NPV was first formed by Comrade Biplab, a leading members of the Nepali Maoists who has been articulating a program for the continuation of the revolution in Nepal. At this meeting, the leadership of the NPV was transitioned from Biplab to Deepak Chalaune, a former Division Vice Commander of the People’s Liberation Army, an army that now has been dissolved by counter-revolutionary forces in Nepal.

Thousands of former People’s Liberation Army fighters are flocking to the new National People’s Volunteers. Kiran, Chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist declared at this meeting “this very team will hold up the weapons once again if needed,” and demanded that the ruling Bhattarai government of Nepal fulfill a 70 point demand list the Nepal’s revolutionaries have placed on this regime.

Thanks to Bikkil Sthapit for these photos

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