
Gary Younge | The Nation

Gary Younge

Author Bios

Gary Younge


Gary Younge, the Alfred Knobler Journalism Fellow at The Nation Institute, is the New York correspondent for the Guardian and the author of The Speech: The Story Behind Dr Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dream (Haymarket). His previous books include Who Are We—And Should it Matter in the 21st Century? (Nation Books), Stranger in a Strange Land: Travels in the Disunited States (New Press), and No Place Like Home: A Black Briton's Journey Through the Deep South (Mississippi).


News and Features

Instead of focusing on the psychology of Trayvon Martin’s killer, we should be examining the meaning of his actions.

Fifty years after the March on Washington, Dr. King’s most famous speech, like his own political legacy, is widely misunderstood.

South Africans of all races have reason to celebrate the life of the country’s first post-apartheid president.

The recent victories of the right-wing, anti-immigrant United Kingdom Independence Party says more about our scapegoats than about its long-term prospects.

The recent victories of the right-wing, anti-immigrant United Kingdom Independence Party says more about our scapegoats than about its long-term prospects.

In every way, her agenda opposed the interests of ordinary working people. How did she get so many of them to vote against their own economic interests again and again?

Whatever reform passes in Washington, poverty in the global South will continue to drive migration.

Obama’s re-election inspired residents of states like Louisiana and Alabama to push for independence from the rest of the country. They should be careful what they wish for.

The disaffection across the country goes way beyond an “enthusiasm gap.”


The process of the handover from Prime Minister Tony Blair toChancellor Gordon Brown has long been scripted. Act I began with the...
So much for freedom of speech, let alone thought. The play My Name Is Rachel Corrie, directed in London by actor Alan Rickman anddue to...