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October 23, 2013


Adam Roberts

Whatever, Martha

Writer, The Amateur Gourmet

It's the pact with readers that make bloggers such a powerful force. We may not be experts by your definition, but if an expert is someone that audiences trust to guide them in the right direction, we meet that criteria handily.

Dean Hamer and Joe Wilson

A Transgender Teacher in Hawai'i Makes a Place for Every Student (VIDEO)

Emmy-winning directors of 'Out in the Silence' and the upcoming 'Kumu Hina'

2013-10-21-Screenshot20131021at7.22.14PM.pngIn Kumu Hina's school, a young student who decides to wear both male and female leis at a school performance is not sent to the principal or the guidance counselor, nor are the other students derisive or hostile, much less violent.

Michael F. Jacobson

Halloween Warning: Watch Out for Neurotoxic Artificial Food Dyes in M&M's Candies

Executive Director, Center for Science in the Public Interest

Mars is one of many companies that use natural colorings in products they market in Europe but artificial dyes to color the same products in the United States. M&M;'s candies contain mostly natural dyes in Europe but feature Red 40, Yellow 5 and 6, and Blue 1 and 2 in the U.S. version.

Lilly Barels

Why I'm Mad at Yoga -- Confessions of a Yoga Instructor

Yoga instructor

Yoga is like everything else that goes mainstream. It changed from its humble beginnings and evolved into marketing propaganda. You can only do yoga correctly if you wear these black pants.

Brandon Suyeoka

7 Tips for Small Business Owners Looking to Jump Into Social Media

Marketing Manager, simplicityHR

Like a marriage or any relationship that you want to work, social media marketing is most effective when you're committed to it. You either give it your all or don't bother turning the switch on. You'll do more harm than good if you go into it half-heartedly.

Andy Bellatti

Watch Out For These 'Healthwashing' Pitfalls

Registered dietitian; Creator of Small Bites

Truly unprocessed food doesn't need to toot its own horn with meaningless call outs and claims, nor is it composed of a litany of ingredients, including artificial flavoring and neon-bright dyes. Above all, remember: The front of a product's packaging is pure marketing -- ingredient lists tell the true tale.

Laura Jungreis

Hey Government, You Open? When Do We Move to Hawaii?


There it was, next to his new unit patch. His jaw dropped. My heart raced remembering all the possibilities, desirable and not. Suddenly he started laughing and looked me in the eyes. 'Hawaii,' he said. Now my jaw was on the floor. 'Are you sure?'

Brad Morehead

Common Social Media Shares That Put Home Security at Risk

CEO, LiveWatch Security

When users post updates on social media, especially those that are less selective in accepting friend requests, they may unintentionally be sharing important and private information with some unsavory characters in addition to their real-life friends.

Candace Calloway Whiting

Eating Raw Whale Meat While Dishing up Baloney -- How Industry is Imperiling the Oceans While We Aren't Looking

Marine mammal biologist

It is serious, deadly, and frightening -- both in what is going on under the ocean surface, and the lack of laws and controls to protect whales, dolphins, and other animals.

Neda Najibi

Papers Please

Author, poet and journalist

Papers? What are they? They have none. They live in the shadows of the Pyramids. They walk through the ancient bazaars filled with familiar aromas: fresh baked bread, herb-scented clothing, and spice-filled air.

Kait Sawyer

Foodie Perspective: Azul

Public Relations and Social Media Professional

The atmosphere is one that's quiet, with an intimate setting -- not the hustle and bustle of a standard resort restaurant and soft lighting from candles and outdoor tiki torches allow you to feel the island vibe without the overkill of kitschy leis or Hawaiian placements.

Richard Ha

Arianna Huffington & Pierre Omidyar Visit the Farm

Farmer on the Big Island's Hamakua Coast

We had a great visit to the farm earlier this month from a couple very interesting people.

Dawn Morais

Same-sex Marriage: 10 Reasons to Pray the Rosary From Bishop Silva

Communications consultant and issue advocate

I respectfully dedicate my rosary, not to his goal of stopping same sex marriage but to a purpose central to the Gospels: the alleviation of the pain of all who suffer the indignity and injustice of economic and social discrimination in all its forms.

Mylen Fe Yamamoto

Glee's Harry Shum Jr. Receives the 2013 EuroCinema Hawaii Rising Star Award

New Media Producer, University Lecturer

"Hawaii's a state where people's eyes light up when you say 'Hawaii.' I'm thankful and looking forward to have the opportunity to go out there."

Kelly Mitchell

It's All About the Power, Baby! Getting Juiced With Kickstarter

Founder, &

Tim Lussier

Interview: Charles Djou on Legacy, Serving in Congress and Afghanistan

Executive Director, Grassroot Institute of Hawaii

Gwen Edwards

Food Sustainability With Justin Yu

Food blogger on the Big Island of Hawaii

Did you know that pastrami comes from only about a five-pound cut of an entire cow? It's time to think about where meat comes from. It's time to decrease waste. It's time that all of us, not just chefs, make those tough food choices everyday.

Justin Housman

My Favorite 'Encyclopedia of Surfing' Entries

Contributing Editor, Surfer magazine, Encyclopedia of Surfing


Gay Marriage Debates Flare Up

Why Is Oahu's Top Tourist Spot The Number 1 Place For Drowning?

Face Down In Ocean

Majority Disapproval Rating For Hawaii Governor

Neil Abercrombie

Biologist Creates Android App To Save Disappearing 'Fish Of Death'


Hawaii Charter School Principal Arrested For Stealing Over $100,000 From School

Jeff Piontek

More People Than Ever Support Legalizing Weed, Gallup Poll Says


Move Over Toms: This Bali Shoe Company Is Doing Everything Right


Surfer Punches Shark, Escapes Imminent Attack

Tiger Shark

Schatz Barely Ahead Of Hanabusa In Democratic Primary Poll

Hanabusa Schatz

Thousands Likely Lost In Local Charity Donations During Government Shutdown

Empty Wallet

Climate Change Has A New Enemy: Super Corals

Great Barrier Reef

At The Mercy Of Nature: Two Famous Hawaii Beaches See Unprecedented Erosion


Hawaii Poll Shows Support For Same Sex Marriage Rising

Split Vote

Seven Reasons Kauai Should Be Your Next Hawaii Destination

Kauai Rainbows

Why Won't 5,000 Hawaii Children Get To Go To Kindergarten Next Year?

Sad Child

Dems Could Take Back The House, Thanks To The Shutdown: Poll

Nancy Pelosi

Another 'Sea Serpent' Washes Ashore

Wikimedia Commons

12 Times Liz Lemon Said Exactly What You Were Thinking

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The Coolest Jobs In Hawaii Might Make You Reconsider Your Career Choice

Laptop Hawaii

If These People Can Finish A Marathon, So Can You

Marathon Records

Big Island House Built On A Lava Flow

Big Island House
Dwell Magazine

Lei'd Back: Taking A Pre-Holiday Breather (PHOTOS)


'Office' Star Will Join Star-Studded Cast In Cameron Crowe's Hawaii Project

John Krasinski

Let The Ocean Set You Free: #AlohaHuffPost Roundup


Table Talk: What Exactly Are GMOs?

Kid Eating Corn

This Seal Is Literally Rolling With Laughter, And Now We Are Too

Laughing Seal 3
Veronica Craft / Caters News

7 Reasons To Take A Texting Sabbath Today

Texting And Drinking Coffee

WATCH: Elusive & Creepy Deep Sea Shark Caught On Camera


Why Did This Woman Want To Win The World Title In Surfing? She Wanted A Puppy

Carissa Moore

Shawn Ryan Heads Back To Hawaii For Fox Pilot

Hawaii 1950s

5 Ways To Practice Living In The Moment

Living In The Moment