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Andy Carruthers, Sam Moginie, Pam Brown & Chris Edwards with Michael Farrell's latest book open sesame (at gleebooks, Sydney, on the occasion of a Vagabond Press chapbook launch of six other new books) Sunday, 29th July. Vagabond poet Adrian Wiggins took the photo.

See this link for the Vagabond Press launch.

open sesame - cover detail from Wilderness by Juan Davila.

For information click here.

The fourth instalment of Pam Brown’s feature Fifty-one contemporary poets from Australia (ordered, “[i]n the interest of objectivity” by “a recently invented ‘downunder’ method — the reverse alphabet”) includes work from Jane Gibian, Claire Gaskin, Angela Gardner, Liam Ferney, Michael Farrell, Kate Fagan, Chris Edwards, Laurie Duggan, Anna Couani, and Stuart Cooke, along with artwork by Angela Gardner and Chris Edwards. It has just been published in Jacket2. You can read the poems and see the artwork here.

Book launch - end of July

The indefatigable Vagabond Press is launching six Rare Objects:

beheld by Niobe Syme
Chooks by Adrian Wiggins
Don Juan Variations by S.K. Kelen
green thought - green shade by Kit Kelen
Imitation Era by James Stuart
under rats by Nicolette Stasko

49 Glebe Point Rd
Glebe, Sydney

on Sunday July 29th
at 4pm

For brief descriptions of the books and futher information click here

Can't help BUT be FUN with that many poets celebrating.

Everybody welcome.

Photo by Eve Arnold, from the dust jacket of fragments : Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters by Marilyn Monroe (Farrar, Strous and Giroux, 2010). Read Jacqueline Rose on Marilyn here.