
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
duffy lebreton

Mike Duffy may be asked to table expenses memo in Senate

Oct 24 2013 —

The former Senate leader for the Conservatives says she will demand Senator Mike Duffy table a memo he claims gave him assurance his housing expense claims were in accordance with Senate rules. Majory LeBreton told Anna Maria Tremonti of CBC Radio’s The Current that she intends to ask Duffy to table the memo (email) he […]

Oct 24 2013 —

The Harper government’s most recent attempt at Senate reform has been declared unconstitutional. The Quebec Court of Appeal has ruled that the federal government had no right, under Bill C-7, to create Senate elections and set term limits without consulting the provinces.

Oct 24 2013 — Leslie Young

A new poll is suggesting that support for the federal NDP and Conservative party is eroding, with many former supporters switching to the Liberals – enough that if these results held, it could mean a Liberal government, maybe even a majority. The poll, conducted by Forum Research, says that one third of people who voted […]

Oct 24 2013 — Susan Delacourt

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau spoke out in favour of the Keystone XL pipeline on Thursday, in front of a Washington audience largely opposed to the controversial proposal to ship oil from Canada to the United States. At a conference organized by the Centre for American Progress, which has long been a staunch opponent of Keystone, […]

Oct 24 2013 — Stephen Maher

MPs have until the end of the month to submit a form to House of Commons administrators listing all of their paid speaking engagements, which may eventually pose a challenge for Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau. Conservatives and New Democrats have been critical of Trudeau for taking money from schools and charities for speaking engagements. In […]


Canada failing to meet 2020 emissions targets

Oct 24 2013 — Kathleen Harris

Canada will fail to meet its 2020 greenhouse gas reductions targets under the Copenhagen Accord even with more regulation of the oil and gas sector, according to a new report and internal government analysis obtained by CBC News.

mulcair harper trudeau

Liberal support in polls highest since 2009: Nanos Number

Oct 24 2013 —

Harper and Trudeau tied when Canadians asked who has the qualities of a good leader. Liberal support is the highest it has been since the summer of 2009, when Michael Ignatieff took over the leadership, according to the latest tracking numbers by Nanos Research. The research was done before Senator Mike Duffy made some extraordinary […]


Senior Conservative senator ready to take on Mike Duffy allegations

Oct 24 2013 — Jordan Press

The Senate Thursday entered a third day of heated debate about the political futures of three senators, with a top Tory in the upper chamber preparing to defend herself against serious allegations levelled by Sen. Mike Duffy. Duffy accused Sen. Marjory LeBreton of involvement in an alleged scheme, orchestrated out of the Prime Minister’s Office, […]

Oct 24 2013 —

A retired Liberal senator from Manitoba believes Prime Minister Stephen Harper has no one to blame but himself for the Senate expense scandal. Sharon Carstairs said when she entered the Senate almost 20 years ago, no clear information was given on how senators were expected to file claims if they were appointed from other provinces.

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Oct 24 2013 — Tom Perry

In the tsunami of media coverage of Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin and Patrick Brazeau, Canadians may have missed the other Senate story unfolding this week. Long-time Liberal Senator Colin Kenny came under scrutiny when a former aide went public with claims that, when she worked for Kenny, she spent half her time taking care of […]

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Oct 24 2013 —

A Liberal private member’s bill has been tabled in the House of Commons that, if passed, could limit both the partisan tenor and volume of federal government advertising. Ottawa MP David McGuinty says the legislation is modelled on a decade-old Ontario provincial law that ensures all government ads are vetted by the auditor general’s office […]

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Oct 24 2013 — Jayme Poisson

The bungalow where Mayor Rob Ford was photographed with three alleged gang members is described as a “drug house” in an official Toronto Police Services document. Detectives from the organized crime enforcement unit, working on the gangs and gun probe Project Traveller, were watching the house on April 9 “for the purpose of intelligence gathering,” […]

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Oct 24 2013 —

Statistics Canada says 511,900 people were getting regular employment insurance benefits in August, up 1.5 per cent, or 7,800, from July. However, the agency says the number of beneficiaries was down 7.8 per cent compared with August 2012.

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Featured Ink


How the Liberals and NDP could win or lose the Duffy affair

Oct 24 2013 — Adam Goldenberg

Remember the Throne Speech? That was eight days ago. The Canada-EU trade deal? Six. “A week is a long time in politics,” quipped British prime minister Harold Wilson in the mid-1960s, and truer words were never spoken. Ask Stephen Harper: his Conservatives are now grasping for the end of this one.


Tory government becoming less and less adept at managing itself

Oct 24 2013 — Chantal Hébert

Out of the wreckage of the Senate spending showdown, Stephen Harper found the planks of a reconstructed Conservative narrative on Wednesday. It goes like this: yes former Conservative senator Mike Duffy is being truthful when he says the prime minister ordered him to repay the housing allowance he had received for a P.E.I. cottage he […]


Why would anyone risk so much over a senator’s expenses?

Oct 24 2013 — Andrew Coyne

I bought a newspaper this morning. The lady at the counter asked if I wanted a receipt. I said no, but it occurred to me: there must be people who expense these things. That’s why she asked. A newspaper! The kind of people who think it fit to claim a newspaper, or a stick of […]


The Duffy affair: The record speaks volumes

Oct 24 2013 — Lawrence Martin

The prime minister’s shop and a fellow called Truth have had a very interesting relationship over the years. It hasn’t always been an easy one. Truth has been taken out to the woodshed on more than a few occasions. The relationship between the two is being closely examined now on account of the sordid portrait […]


More union-bashing as Stephen Harper tries to deflect attention from Senate

Oct 24 2013 — Tom Walkom

Stephen Harper has a tried and true formula to placate his political base: When in trouble, attack either sex offenders or unions. This month, it was Canada’s federal public sector unions who drew the short straw. Under the gun for his handling of the Senate expense scandal, the prime minister has come up with yet […]


Wallin paints a toxic picture of the Tories in her Senate speech

Oct 24 2013 — John Ivison

“This is what happens when you are too mean, to too many people, for too long,” said one Conservative. He was speaking with a sense of foreboding, ahead of Pamela Wallin’s speech in the Senate, which was expected to add to the party’s woes. In a sense it did. Ms. Wallin was as elegant as […]


Why Harper will fight Duffy to the bitter end

Oct 24 2013 — Tasha Kheiriddin

Senator Mike Duffy had better watch his back. For the federal Conservatives, he has become Public Enemy Number One, a threat to their integrity, electability, and, for some in the Prime Minister’s Office, even their personal liberty. If pursued by the RCMP, Mr. Duffy’s blustery allegations of bribery and extortion (assuming they have any substance) […]

Tales of blackmail and betrayal on the Rideau

Oct 24 2013 — Margaret Wente

If you ever doubted that the Canadian Senate is a toxic institution, doubt no more. Pamela Wallin, now on the verge of expulsion, got up Wednesday and made an impassioned argument that she is being railroaded without due process. Which is absolutely correct. She went on to accuse two diehard Conservative party loyalists, Marjory LeBreton […]

Senate circus a farcical sideshow

Oct 24 2013 —

Last week Prime Minister Stephen Harper scored his greatest victory to date with the Canada — EU trade deal. This week he’s dragged down into the gutter of Canadian politics by the Senate expense scandal. Or perhaps he dragged himself down. That’s what Sen. Mike Duffy’s incendiary allegations against the prime minister and his office […]

Questions about Senate’s rush to expel

Oct 24 2013 —

Senators Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin and Patrick Brazeau are not exactly figures of public sympathy, to say the least. All were ordered by the Senate to repay tens of thousands of dollars in expenses judged ineligible by independent audits. But the Senate’s move this week — still being debated — to suspend all three without […]

Oct 24 2013 — Barbara Yaffe

British Columbians can either make their peace with oil pipelines or learn to tolerate even riskier options, watching as crude moves to the coast by railcar and truck. That was the message contained in a recent Fraser Institute report, titled Intermodal Safety in the Transport of Oil. Ironically, the report was issued last week, just […]

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Oct 24 2013 — Eric Duhaime

By joining the court challenge last week of the democratic rule of 50% plus one in a referendum on Quebec’s secession, Stephen Harper’s government opened up a can of worms it won’t be able to close anytime soon. Nobody is talking about Quebec’s independence anymore in La Belle Province.

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Oct 24 2013 — Terence Corcoran

Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz changed the direction of Canadian central banking Wednesday, back to what it once was — an international bellwether of cautious common sense focused on inflation. It can also be said that in his first personally stamped Monetary Policy Report since his appointment, Mr. Poloz looked uncannily like the unCarney, […]

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Oct 24 2013 — Bob Hepburn

Sometimes accused of political dithering, John Tory has finally made a decision about entering the 2014 Toronto mayoral race. In classic Tory style, though, what he’s decided is to wait until next February before making a final decision on whether to challenge Mayor Rob Ford and NDP MP Olivia Chow in the next election.

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