Lori Gard
Lori Gard is a teacher, parent to four children, life-partner to her husband Brian, community volunteer and expert in multi-tasking, all of which can be combined simultaneously in any random order in her current passion, blogging. She has found each facet of her life to provide endless writing material for her blog. Lori was born and raised in the Maritimes, and has lived “up West” in P.E.I. since graduating with a degree in Education from the Island’s only university in 1999. Although she will never be a born and bred Islander, she still tries to embrace life the Island way.

Entries by Lori Gard

Why the Light in the Gable Matters to Me

(0) Comments | Posted September 22, 2013 | 11:16 PM

The lights are on again tonight. They burn, soft glowing light inside our house, as is the usual way, of course. When darkness comes, lamps are lit. But our lights -- they are different. They speak of comfort, of home. When the lights come alive, something happens here inside our...

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Start Where You Are: A Teacher's Story

(1) Comments | Posted September 15, 2013 | 1:16 AM

Sometimes one just needs to start where they are.

A few years ago, I was dealing with some mysterious health issues. I was having trouble with my stomach. Having trouble with my skin. My respiratory system. My mental health. I was having trouble, and thus feeling in general like I...

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Why I Choose Not to Judge My Former Teenaged Self

(1) Comments | Posted September 10, 2013 | 11:53 AM

I just finished reading two blog posts on the matter of being a teenaged girl, and all that this entails. Matters concerning image and reputation and sexuality.

My own response is forthcoming. But first things first.

In light of the two opposing perspectives I hold...

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Inclusive Education Isn't What I Thought It Was: It's Something Better

(2) Comments | Posted September 9, 2013 | 12:20 AM

I was asked recently whether having children with learning disabilities as wholly included members of a regular classroom environment, detracts in any way from the learning of other mainstream children in the room. That is, whether or not it detracts from the education of those without disabilities.

Normally these kinds...

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To Teach Is To Touch Lives

(1) Comments | Posted September 2, 2013 | 2:40 PM

She fills up a bucket with warm water, bubbles rising to the surface. And she carries it back to her classroom where she will then take tubs full of toys off the shelf and painstakingly wash out these containers, soiled from a previous year's group of children.

These toys...

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What I Won't Miss About Summer

(2) Comments | Posted August 30, 2013 | 11:44 AM

Some otherwise rational and intelligent people that I know are erroneously suggesting that autumn, with its return to school and routine, is the MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR. These good people are sadly mistaken. Fall's not that awesome. It's not as rad as summer by any stretch of the...

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When Teachers Teach to Reach

(1) Comments | Posted August 28, 2013 | 4:27 PM

There are two times a year when P.E.I. teachers feel like celebrities. Once during the Annual Provincial Teacher's Convention when rubbing shoulders with various Muckety-Mucks from across the continent at the famed Delta Prince Edward hotel. Two glorious days to sit (and yes, learn) while relaxing on thinly cushioned chairs,...

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What Miley Cyrus Needs Is a Good Teacher

(4) Comments | Posted August 27, 2013 | 5:42 PM

Since all the blogging world is in a tailspin over Miley Cyrus and her antics on MTV's VMAs, antics which have incidentally been the talk of the town (if you consider Facebook to be a town), it might be a great time to shift the focus away from...

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Why Home Renovations Bring Out the Best in Me

(0) Comments | Posted August 20, 2013 | 9:41 PM

Last week, I went away on a six-day excursion, some of which was spent without the company of Husband. Which is to say, I took the two youngest and flew the coop. I left with the understanding that Husband might do a few "projects" while I was gone. Which is...

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Lowering Expectations: Why the Glass is Half Full

(0) Comments | Posted August 10, 2013 | 11:44 AM

This is not about lowering standards, convictions or expectations that I have made for myself. It is about lowering the expectations I have placed on others. And in the process, allowing people to be the marvelous and wonderful creation they were meant to be.

Not long ago, I was at...

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All Moms and Dads Must Know About 'The Casserole Card'

(0) Comments | Posted July 31, 2013 | 5:37 PM

So...let's talk about one of the best kept secrets that the parenting advice books will never touch on in their slick columns, and that is the art of pulling "the casserole card."

One of the greatest weapons in my arsenal of combat tactics, tricks and other such knick-knacks is this...

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Thirteen Things I Know Because I'm the Mother of a Teenager

(4) Comments | Posted July 29, 2013 | 5:44 PM

My son is celebrating his thirteenth birthday this month. I can hear him up in his room right now playing Risk with two of his cousins. And my heart vacillates between swelling with love and sighing with relief. The former is the obvious one- the latter is due to the...

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So You Think You've Had a Bad Day?

(0) Comments | Posted July 19, 2013 | 3:37 PM

On those days you are having a bad day take comfort. There is always someone else having one just a wee bit worse than you.

Humor me for a moment as I prove my point.

When I left the house early this morning, there was some leftover pizza in...

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I Don't Love My Children Like My Husband Does

(5) Comments | Posted July 12, 2013 | 12:17 PM

I realized something today as I silently watched from that safe distance afforded one when the other is unaware. I watched as my husband tickled our daughter, her infectious giggles urging him to do more of the same. And as I watched, I knew for sure what I'd never known...

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Summertime Camping: Beats Having A Root Canal

(1) Comments | Posted July 3, 2013 | 12:22 PM

I am clearly in no shape to write glowingly or positively about camping, having come through a partial emergency root canal the afternoon we checked out from our campsite. The pain meds are certainly doing most of the talking, people. But let me say, toothache aside: I swear, everything you...

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39 Ways to Live A Beautiful Life

(8) Comments | Posted June 28, 2013 | 12:34 PM

When I was about nine years old, a beloved aunt on my mother's side was involved in a serious, life-altering car accident. The accident left her severely brain-damaged and wheel-chair bound, a condition in which she will remain for the rest of her life. Unable to speak or communicate clearly...

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How to be Awesome: 10 Easy Tricks of the Trade

(0) Comments | Posted June 14, 2013 | 9:53 PM

There are endless ways in which to be awesome. Endless books, videos, and articles written on the subject. What an awe-inspiring topic on which to reflect. Or rather, on which to gloat. Awesome-ness. Because when you've got it -- you've got it, baby. And...

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Perspectives: How This Teacher Is Learning to Handle Recess Meltdowns

(0) Comments | Posted June 8, 2013 | 8:38 AM

I can feel the stress creeping up my back, into my shoulders, and down my spine.

Everywhere I turn, I hear what seem to be hundreds of little voices calling me. Calling me to "come" and "look!," to intervene and facilitate, to watch and guide. Happy voices. Tattling voices. Whining...

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Proof I'm a Parent

(0) Comments | Posted June 4, 2013 | 3:43 PM

A recent tweet caused me to reflectively ponder my parenting skills (or lack thereof), and to ask myself: What evidence is there to prove my adequacy for this profound responsibility we call parenting?

True. I know I am a dedicated mother and parent to our four vivacious...

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Why Teachers Need Classes Too

(5) Comments | Posted May 30, 2013 | 5:54 PM

The P.E.I. Department of Education has made a recommendation to the province to "up" the number of days for teacher professional development. This means that teachers in my province will be given more days during the school calendar year than in times prior, during which they will engage in learning...

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