Counter rally against Golden Dawn

category indonesia / philippines / australia | anti-fascism | press release author Tuesday October 22, 2013 19:54author by Dmitri (republishing) - MACG (personal capacity)

at community gathering in Melbourne

The Oakleigh Greek Glendi on Sunday 27 October will include the annual parade to commemorate Ochi Day. This type of event has a history of attracting fascists, such as members of the neo-Nazi party, Golden Dawn.


Counter rally against Golden Dawn at community gathering

The Oakleigh Greek Glendi on Sunday 27 October will include the annual parade to commemorate Ochi Day. This type of event has a history of attracting fascists, such as members of the neo-Nazi party, Golden Dawn.

The festival will run from midday-9pm, with the parade at 12 noon, commencing from Oakleigh Grammar, down Willesden Road and through Eaton Mall to Warrawee Park, where a wreath will be laid to commemorate Ochi Day (28th October).

As it is likely there will be some unwelcome guests from the neo-nazi party, Golden Dawn, at this event, let's go and let them know that their hatred and violence is not appreciated at a community gathering. Meet us at Hughesdale Station at 11:30am, where we will gather to go and meet the parade at 12pm.
The Monash City Council events page says: "While celebrating the Greek heritage of many Monash residents, the festival will also bring together various cultures in celebration, unity and harmony. There will be traditional Greek music, folkloric dance, and a multicultural program celebrating the performance traditions of many cultures".

In this multicultural context and within a migrant community, Golden Dawn's ideas are incomprehensible. So if they are there we will be prepared to confront them. If they don't show up, we will be there to raise awareness about their local activities.

When: Sunday 27 October, 11:30am

Where: Meet at Hughesdale Station at 11:30 for a 12pm start at Oakleigh Grammar

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