
The Hungarian National Anthem!A Magyar Himnusz!
English: ˙(Nem jó a fordítás!!!) O, my God, the Hungaryan bless ...
published: 14 Feb 2009
The Hungarian National Anthem!A Magyar Himnusz!
English: ˙(Nem jó a fordítás!!!) O, my God, the Hungaryan bless With Thy plenty and good cheer! With Thine aid his just cause press, Where his foes to fight appear. Fate, who for so long didst frown, Bring him happy times and ways; Atoning sorrow hath weighed down Sins of past...
published: 14 Feb 2009
author: XBattlefieldstunterX

Himnusz - Hungary National Anthem Vocal
"Himnusz" (in English: Hymn) a song beginning with the words Isten, áldd ...
published: 05 May 2010
Himnusz - Hungary National Anthem Vocal
"Himnusz" (in English: Hymn) a song beginning with the words Isten, áldd meg a magyart About this sound listen (help·info) (God, bless the Hungarians) is a musical poetic prayer that serves as the official national anthem of Hungary. It was adopted in 1844 and the first stanza is sung at official ceremonies. The words were written by Ferenc Kölcsey, a nationally renowned poet in 1823, and its currently official musical setting was composed by the romantic composer Ferenc Erkel, although other less-known musical versions exist. The poem bore the subtitle "A magyar nép zivataros századaiból" ("From the rough centuries of the Hungarian people"); it is often argued that this subtitle by emphasizing past rather than contemporary national troubles was added expressly to enable the poem to pass Habsburg censorship. The full meaning of the poem's text is evident only to those well acquainted with Hungarian history. Hungary Himnusz Lyrics: Isten, aldd meg a magyart Jo kedvvel, boseggel, Nyujts feleje vedo kart, Ha kuzd ellenseggel; Balsors, akit regen tep, Hozz ra vig esztendot, Megbunhodte mar e nep A multat s jovendot! English Translation: God Bless the Hungarians With good cheer and propriety Extend a protective arm If they fight the enemy. Torn by misfortune for long, Give them happy years. These people have expiated The past and the future.
published: 05 May 2010
author: VocalNationalAnthems

Mr.Busta - Utca Himnusz (Official Music Video)
Fellépés:06703035799 Operatőr,Vágó:Dorcsák G&aacut...;
published: 08 Jul 2012
Mr.Busta - Utca Himnusz (Official Music Video)
Fellépés:06703035799 Operatőr,Vágó:Dorcsák Gábor,Karácsonyi Bence Rendező: Mr.Busta Zene: Minimal Beat Mix/Master: Hibrid Extra Köszönet:T-Boy Customs,Demény Team(www.demenyteam.com),Ez Wash,My Car Hungary,Wolfrace Hungary,Vst's Knl,Francia Zoltán,Pinapple Team,Kakas Arnold,Huszka...
published: 08 Jul 2012
author: trubusta

Min izāmō - Livonian national anthem
Composed by Fredrik Pacius, Lyrics by Kōrli Stalte Lyrics in livonian: Min izām&...
published: 23 Oct 2009
Min izāmō - Livonian national anthem
Composed by Fredrik Pacius, Lyrics by Kōrli Stalte Lyrics in livonian: Min izāmō, min sindimō, ūod ārmaz rānda sa, kus rāndanaigās kazābõd vel vanād, vizād piedāgõd. Min ārmaz īlmas ūod set sa, min tõurõz izāmō! Min izāmō, min sindimō, ūod ārmaz rānda sa, kus lāinõd mierstõ vīerõbõd un rāndan sūdõ āndabõd. Min ārmaz īlmas ūod set sa, min tõurõz izāmō! Min izāmō, min sindimō, ūod ārmaz rānda sa, kus jelābõd īd kalāmīed, kis mīer pääl ātõ päävad īed. Min ārmaz īlmas ūod set sa, min tõurõz izāmō! Min izāmō, min sindimō, ūod ārmaz rānda sa, kus kūltõb um vel pivā ēļ - min amā ārmaz rāndakēļ. Min ārmaz īlmas ūod set sa, min tõurõz izāmō!
published: 23 Oct 2009
author: Yksiaani
Youtube results:

306 - Magyar Himnusz (Hungarian national anthem on church organ)
The titular organist of the cathedral Eszergom (Hungary) is performing the Hungarian Natio...
published: 09 Jul 2009
306 - Magyar Himnusz (Hungarian national anthem on church organ)
The titular organist of the cathedral Eszergom (Hungary) is performing the Hungarian National Anthem at the eastern church service. This is my favorite performance of the Hungarian Anthem even that is composed originally not for organ.
published: 09 Jul 2009
author: md2z34

Hungarian National Anthem - "Himnusz" (HU/EN)
National Anthem of Hungary - "Himnusz" (Hymn) Includes lyrics in both Hungarian ...
published: 16 Jan 2012
Hungarian National Anthem - "Himnusz" (HU/EN)
National Anthem of Hungary - "Himnusz" (Hymn) Includes lyrics in both Hungarian and English.
published: 16 Jan 2012
author: jamesblitz90