1. WATCH LIVE: Kathleen Sebelius testifying at Congressional hearing on Obamacare website:

  2. Sebelius to testify on Capitol Hill in 10 minutes. Here are the questions on Obamacare that she's sure to face.

  3. Questions about innovation and technology on the Forbes' list for ? Tweet to and watch later on

  4. . could win the governor's race by putting together a cross-racial coalition (with lots of women).

  5. Good morning! Start your day by visiting for the latest news and more. Explore. Watch. Join In. Speak Out .

  6. Nearly 49 million Americans suffer from food insecurity. After this week, it will get much worse. Read more:

  7. Betrayed, frustrated, disappointed: How GOP immigration reformers feel about Marco Rubio's defection.

  8. NYPD chief Ray Kelly couldn't give a planned speech at Brown: student protests shut him down. More:

  9. These lawmakers said "no" to aid for Sandy storm recovery--and then come to NY for fundraising. WATCH:

  10. Consumers may lose their low-cost insurance plans but they'll be able to get real coverage instead.

  11. Canceling cut-rate health insurance: Obama messed up the messaging, but consumers will still come out ahead. ...

  12. Mitch McConnell is getting hit from both sides in the aftermath of the government shutdown

  13. Today marks one year since Superstorm Sandy. Take a look at how survivors are recovering

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