Working for International Dialogue and Peace

Remove all sanctions against Iranian people!

(source: CASMII) October 12, 2013

The comprehensive US/EU sanctions attacking the lifeline of Iranian economy is a criminal war of choice against the Iranian population. Far from the claims of sanctions as diplomacy aimed at the resolution of the conflict over Iran’s nuclear programme, sanctions are inflicting, both by design and default, unendurable pain and destruction on Iranian people, Iran’s infrastructure and civil society institutions. ››read more

        Editor's note: This statement has been issued ahead of the new round of the 5+1 group with Iran jointly by the following NGO's: Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran, Organization for Defending Victims of Violence, Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support, Tehran Peace Museum

America’s Lead Iran Negotiator Misrepresents U.S. Policy (and International Law) to Congress

by Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett (source: Going to Tehran) November 4, 2013

Last month, while testifying to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,—Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and the senior U.S. representative in the P5+1 nuclear talks with Iran—said, with reference to Iranians, “We know that deception is part of the DNA.” This statement goes beyond orientalist stereotyping; it is, in the most literal sense, racist. ››read more

Iran's Diplomatic Offensive Is Making Netanyahu More Nervous

by Arshin Adib-Moghaddam (interview with Javad Heiraninia) (source: Tehran Times) November 2, 2013

“President Rouhani pre-empted further movement towards confrontation with his diplomatic offensive.The result is heightened nervousness amongst Netanyahu and his followers,” Arshin Adib- Moghaddam told the Tehran Times. ››read more

What a Surprise: U.S.-Based Iran “Experts” Promoting Israeli Policy

by Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett (source: Going to Tehran) October 29, 2013

As the new round of nuclear diplomacy between the Islamic Republic and the P5+1 unfolds, an informal coalition of forces is coalescing in the West to oppose any prospective deal in which the United States would “accept” safeguarded uranium enrichment in Iran. Of course, Israel and the pro-Israel lobby are at the heart of this coalition. ››read more

Mahmoud Ostad Mohammad dies of shortage of cancer medicines

(source: Press TV) October 26, 2013

On Thursday, one of the most renowned Iranian playwrights and directors passed away after fighting with liver cancer for more than two years. Mahmud Ostad Mohammad is very well known for his creative plays during decades of working in theater. ››read more

Crying Wolf Over Iran

by Philip Giraldi (source: October 25, 2013

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been trying to convince the audience in both the United States and Europe that new Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is a "wolf in sheep’s clothing" intent on beguiling the west with empty promises while proceeding full speed with a nuclear weapons program. Unfortunately for Netanyahu, few are interested in hearing an argument that has been repeated over and over again for more than twenty years in one form or another regarding the imminence of a "Mullah nuke." If there is a true predatory beast tale intrinsic to the oft repeated narrative, it perhaps should be the story of the boy who cried wolf. ››read more

With Good Will and Determination, Iran-US Rapprochement is Possible: Thomas Pickering

by Ambassador Thomas Pickering (interview with Kourosh Ziabari) (source: Iran Review) October 22, 2013

"My message is that the American people have paid attention to, and look on with great interest, the changes that are taking place in Iran and I believe and try to respond in ways that are positive that the American government is certainly discouraging any more sanctions being applied while this delicate opening period is going through, and my hope is that there will be support in Iran as it has been reflected in the election of President Rouhani for a process that may take a little time and will require some hard working on both sides. That will require, as we have said to each other, a course of conversations and compromises that may not be always endorsed by all elements in the society." ››read more

The road to finalizing a nuclear deal with Iran

by Seyed Hossein Mousavian (source: Aljazeera) October 19, 2013

Potential for historic agreement depends on Obama's will to resist pro-Israel hawks and end sanctions ››read more

J O I N T S T A T E M E N T : following the Geneva talks

by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mohammad Zarif (source: EU External Action) October 18, 2013

The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Catherine Ashton and Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif made today the following statement:
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Will Obama Blow His Diplomatic Opportunity with Iran?

by Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett (source: Going to Tehran) October 17, 2013

President Rohani and Dr. Zarif have articulated a model for resolving the nuclear issue whereby the United States and the West would recognize Iran’s nuclear rights in exchange for greater transparency surrounding Iran’s nuclear activities (e.g., the Islamic Republic could ratify and implement the Additional Protocol to the NPT and accept stricter notification requirements regarding new nuclear initiatives). But Obama administration officials and many pundits are arguing, in effect, that “transparency is not enough.” ››read more

Don't Get Your Hopes Up: Obama’s duplicitous and reactionary Iran policy

by Gareth Porter (interview) (source: Scott Horton) October 6, 2013

Gareth Porter, an independent investigative journalist and historian, discusses the Obama administration’s duplicitous and reactionary Iran policy; why even Netanyahu’s biggest fans are getting tired of his inflammatory rhetoric; and the great opportunity for US-Iran reconciliation while Rouhani is president. ››read more

West May Drop Demand for Iran to Halt Civilian Enrichment

by Jason Ditz (source: October 4, 2013

US officials have repeatedly presented ending civilian enrichment as a primary demand, but Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius says that his understanding is that Iran can continue the program if they agree to some other concessions that will convince western nations of the program’s continued civilian nature. ››read more

The Other Lobby: Newspapers of Persian Gulf Oil Monarchies Condemn US-Iran Rapprochement

by Juan Cole (source: Informed Comment) October 3, 2013

Juan ColeWebsite of independent, pro-government daily on 29 September carries a commentary saying that the Gulf states “are going to pay the price” for the US-Iranian relations. The commentary says that the United States “will steadily adopt the Iran’s stances toward the region,” referring to President Obama’s recent description of the situation in Bahrain as “sectarian tension.” The commentary says that Iran agreed to work with the United States on its nuclear program and Washington “will not hesitate to give up the head of the GCC” in return. ››read more

U.S. Has to Be Prepared to Make Real Concessions to Iran

by DANIEL LARISON (source: American Conservative) October 1, 2013

Pledging not to overthrow the Iranian government is the bare minimum required to encourage trust that the U.S. is willing to accept a deal on the nuclear issue, but it is still a very small, boilerplate commitment. It would be a more meaningful gesture, and a real shift in policy, if Obama had said that the U.S. will not wage preventive war against Iran. Once again, that isn’t much of a concession in that it simply commits the U.S. to adhere to international law, but it would be an indication that the U.S. wants to reduce tensions with Iran. ››read more

After Rohani’s Visit to New York: Flynt Leverett on Prospects for U.S.-Iranian Nuclear Diplomacy

by Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett (source: Going to Tehran) September 30, 2013

As Flynt points out on the Newshour, the core idea animating President Rohani’s approach to nuclear diplomacy—recognition of Iran’s nuclear rights, as a sovereign state and as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (including the right to enrich uranium under international safeguards) in exchange for greater transparency surrounding the Islamic Republic’s nuclear activities—is not new. It has, in fact, been on the table from the Iranian side for years; Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei publicly endorsed it well before Rohani was elected. ››read more

Obama holds historic phone call with Rouhani and hints at end to sanctions

by Dan Roberts in Washington and Julian Borger in New York (source: The Guardian) September 28, 2013

Barack Obama and Hassan Rouhani held the first direct talks between American and Iranian leaders since the 1979 Islamic revolution, exchanging pleasantries in a 15-minute telephone call on Friday that raised the prospect of relief for Tehran from crippling economic sanctions. ››read more

CNN’s ‘Open Mic’ in Tehran: Iranians Tell It Like It Is

by Nima Shirazi (source: Wide Sleep in America) September 28, 2013

This week in New York City, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani spoke before the United Nations General Assembly, addressed a UN nuclear disarmament conference, and was interviewed by Christiane Amanpour, David Ignatius, and Charlie Rose, while his foreign minister, former UN Ambassador Mohammad Javad Zarif, had a closed-door one-on-one meeting Thursday with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry – the first such direct contact between senior Iranian and American officials in thirty-four years.

Meanwhile, CNN correspondent Reza Sayah has been reporting from Tehran, filing stories rarely seen in the mainstream Western media. He is letting Iranians speak for themselves. ››read more

John Humphrys' ignorance about Iran is par for the course in all Western media

by Peter Osborne (source: The Daily Telegraph) September 27, 2013

I have long regarded John Humphrys of the BBC's Today programme as one of the Britain’s most professional, fearless and impartial interviewers. But I am wondering whether to reconsider this opinion following his interview with Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesman Mark Regev at 7.36am this morning. ››read more

The BBC is at it again

(source: CASMII) September 27, 2013

In Today's programme today John Humphreys referred to Iran's "nuclear weapons programme", something that BBC does now and again. ››read more

Iranian President Hassan Rohani's address to the UN General Assembly

by President Hassan Rohani (source: United Nations) September 25, 2013

In recent years, a dominant voice has been repeatedly heard: "The military option is on the table." Against the backdrop of this illegal and ineffective contention, let me say loud and clear that "peace is within reach." So, in the name of the Islamic Republic oflran I propose, as a starting step, the consideration by the United Nations of the project: "the World Against Violence and Extremism." (WAVE) Let us all join this "WAVE." ››read more