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Schon seit einigen Jahren planen wir an einem Film zu Space 1889 herum. Dieser Trailer bzw. Kurzfilm besteht aus Aufnahmen der letzten 5 Monate und ein wenig Archivmaterial. Wir haben Wert darauf gelegt, fast komplett auf CGI zu verzichten und an "Originalschauplätzen" zu drehen. Einige der Effekte sind dadurch natürlich etwas cheesy, das ist uns aber realtiv egal, denn wir glauben, das es besser zur Materie passt, wenn hier alles "anfassbar" und wie aus den 80ern wirkt. 2015 wollen wir den ganzen Film in Angriff nehmen und genau da ansetzen, wo dieser Kurzfilm aufhört. Natürlich auch teils mit den gleichen Darstellern.
When we released the new German version of Space: 1889 last year, we did a little promotional video for it. This is the English dubbed version :) THe Kicksta...
Hello! Today I'm talking about Space 1889 by Game Designer's Workshop. Look for videos every Weekend as well as RPG & game reviews. Previous Video (Paranoia): Next Video: You can find more detailed information on Ether RPG on my Social Media accounts: Twitter (@CwasEtherRPG) - Google+ (Ether RPG) - Facebook (Ether RPG) - Thanks for watching!
Erklärungen zum Hintergund und Regelsytems des neuen Rollenspiels Space: 1889 aus dem Uhrwerk Verlag.
Game Master Kurt Wiegel reviews and educates viewers on role playing games. This episode Space 1889 Red Sands, Deadlands :Players Manual and Deadlands: Marsh...
Ich sehe mir das Grundregelwerk von Space 1889 an.
Introduction and gameplay for Space 1889, dos PC game produced by Paragon Software in 1990. Download and play here: Watching the intro and exploring in this unusual sci-fi/fantasy adventure. Recorded with original sound.
A look at the new edition of Space:1889.
Space 1889 is a steampunk role-playing game which plays in a fictional Victorian era of the earth. With the help of steam-powered spaceships, human explorers...
Nachdem Patric und Uli ja bereits in der Redaktionsvorstellung ihr komödiantisches Talent bewiesen haben, sehen wir sie hier erneut im von Orkenspalter TV ge...
In dieser Ausgabe von Tsu´s Welt mache Ich ein kleines Review zu "Aether, Dampf & Stahlgiganten" für Space 1889 aus dem Uhrwerk Verlag. Auch wenn Ich ein Spa...
Im zweiten Teil der LNS 15 sind wir immer noch auf der Ratcon, wo Mháire mit Stefan Küppers über sein neues Produkt Space 1889 plaudert und es auch rezensier...
RAFM Miniatures video for the promotion of our Space: 1889 Miniatures funding program available at
Weiter geht es mit dem zweiten Teil der Late Nerd Show von der Spielemesse 2014 in Essen. Mháire spricht mit Patric und Uli von Uhrwerk, Chris von Modiphius und der kompletten Prometheus-Belegschaft über die jeweiligen Spiele und Neuheiten.
Stefan Küppers und Patric Götz berichten vom Steampunk-Rollenspiel Space 1889. Neu: Das Planetenprojekt von Dereglobus.
Im ersten Abenteuerband zu Space 1889 ist echt viel drin! Die 8 Abenteuer haben zwar etwas wechselhafte Qualität, aber insgesamt ein guter Band zu einen fair...
Patric Götz beschriebt auf der Heinzcon den Fahrplan für Space 1889 und Hollow Earth Expedition.
Video game intro for Space 1889 for Amiga.
[Space 1889] Meister der Magie - CONline Dieses Abenteuer für Space 1889 fand im Rahmen der CONline, der ersten deutschen RPG Convention im Netz statt. Danke an meine Spieler und vor allem...
In schicker Kulisse präsentiert Mháire eine recht kurze 63. Late Nerd Show. Aus dem Nautilus Hotel auf Rügen stellt sie den 3. Orgaband für DSA und eine Aben...
Savage Worlds is Fun, Fast, and Furious! So should building props for playing SW. This Desert Fortress was my proof of concept for this challenge. It will be...
NB: Expand it to 480p! This is a short gameplay video of fighting Jack the Ripper in the DOS version of Space 1889, a steampunk cRPG developed by Paragon Sof...
Nach dem großen Erfolg des Uhrwerk Adventskalender 2011 wird diese Koop zwischen Uhrwerk und Orkenspalter TV wiederholt - und mit einigen knackigen Rätseln g...
Auf der Spiel haben wir so dermaßen viel Material gesammelt, dass wir es euch gestückelt zeigen. Unser erstes Video enthält Interviews mit Ulisses (Granden, ...
A fairly detailed review of the mechanics for Ubiquity and an overview of the 4 major games currently in print for it: Hollow Earth Expedition, Desolation, A...
Ich blättere das Grundregelwerk zum "Pulp Adventure Rollenspiel" Hollow Earth Expedition durch. ▻ Die Seite des Uhrwerk Verlags
In a brief lapse of sanity, Armadacon regular Barry asks the audiance for suggestions for a custom written Radio Play to be performed at Armadacon 24. The of...
*Dinosaurier! Nazisbösewichte! Verrückte Wissenschaft! Vogelmenschen!* Hallo zusammen, wenn Ihr bei diesen 4 Begriffen schon denkt "Boah! Das muss Ich sehen!", dann könnte *HEX* genau das Richtige für Euch sein. Für diese Schnupperrunde werden vorgefertigte Charaktere verwendet, die Ihr im Eventkalender finden könnt. Gespielt wird ein kurzes One Shot Abenteuer, welches nicht das aus dem Grundbuch oder dem Schnellstarter ist. Das *Ubiquity Regelsystem* (auch verwendet von Space: 1889) ist sehr schnell erlernt und die Grundlagen bringe Ich Euch in 10 Minuten im hangout on-air bei. Link zum Eventkalender auf dem Pol: *Wo?* Hangout - On-Air *Vorwissen?* Keines benötigt, HEX Neulinge willkommen. PreGens in Deutsch *Tools?* Hangout + DiceStream + Google Drive *Setting?* HEX, Pulp Setting im Jahre 1936 *Was?* Kurzer OneShot + Erklärung (~ 3 Stunden), kein Charakterbau *Slots:* ------------- - SL: Tsu - Spieler: Purple - Spieler: Hegoat - Spieler: Azradamus - Spieler: Gordam
Taylor swift best songs 1989 FULL ALBUM 2014 [Download Full Album] Trackalist ********** [00:00] - 01 Welcome To New York [03:32] - 02 Blank Space [07:24] - 03 Style [11:15] - 04 Out of the Woods [15:11] - 05 All You Had To Do Was Stay [18:24] - 06 Shake It Off [22:04] - 07 I Wish You Would [25:31] - 08 Bad Blood [29:03] - 09 Wildest Dreams [32:44] - 10 How You Get the Girl [36:51] - 11 This Love [41:01] - 12 I Know Places [44:17] - 13 Clean [48:48] - 14 Wonderland [52:54] - 15 You Are In Love [57:21] - 16 New Romantics [01:01:12] - 17 I Know Places (Voice Memo) [01:04:48] - 18 I Wish You Would (Voice Memo) [01:06:35] - 19 Blank Space (Voice Memo) ********** Biography of Taylor Swift: Real Name: Taylor Alison Swift Birthday: 13/12/1989.Taylor Alison Swift is a singer, songwriter, actor American music. In 2008, her albums sold a total of 11 million copies in the US according to Billboard, and 13 million copies worldwide.In early 2010, Taylor recorded the song "Today Was A Fairytale" for the film Valentine's Day, the song broke the record for downloads in the first week of "Womanizier" with 325,000 views and debuted at # 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 and peaked at # 1 on the Canadian Hot 100.Taylor has finished recording most of the songs on her third album. Titled third album Speak Now has 14 songs have been released on 25/10/2010. All the songs on her third album are composed by Taylor and content about her life. ********** taylor swift, best songs,taylor swift mp3,taylor swift youtube,love story,shake it off,red,it off lyrics,i knew you were trouble,welcome to new york,Blank Space,Style,Out of the Woods,All You Had To Do Was Stay,I Wish You Would,Bad Blood,Wildest Dreams,How You Get the Girl,This Love,I Know Places,Clean,Wonderland,New Romantics
Rothschild Cartel behind the rise of Hitler also funding communism socialism and world war
Imagine delivering pizza by flying drone. Impossible Dream or Innovative Business Plan? Drones aren't just coming soon, they are already here. While military...
Portraits of Power - Hitler - The Road to Revenge Narrated by Henry Fonda Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 -- 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the Nazi Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP); National Socialist German Workers Party). He was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and dictator of Nazi Germany (as Führer und Reichskanzler) from 1934 to 1945. Hitler was at the centre of Nazi Germany, World War II in Europe, and the Holocaust. Text Wikipedia: Adlerhorst, Obersalzberg, Berlin in ruins, dictator of Germany, Drew Middleton, Correspondent for the New York Times, German might making German right, the treaty of Versailles must be avenged, Republic of Weimar, Hitler in prison, Mein Kampf, living space in the East, Jews target for any discontent, public humiliation of Jews, synagogues set on fire, Potsdamer Platz, national socialism was a mass movement, Hitler became chancellor, huge torchlight parade, brown shirts, propaganda, giant spectacles, re-arming of Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Mussolini, Sudeten-Germans, attack on Poland, beginning of the second world war, Blitzkrieg, Deutschlandlied, Arc de Triomphe, Second Armistice at Compiègne, signing of the French surrender, France, armistice wagon, General Charles Huntziger, Dunkerque Drew Middleton, narrated by Herny Fonda Symphonic Fantasies was met with considerable praise and feedback from attendants, causing the ann...
Halo, zbliżamy się do wielkiego zwrotu akcji? Kto zabił? Czy Polska jest mocarstwem? Zapraszam do wzruszającego seansu. Miłej zabawy, m. - to jest moje małe centrum sterowania światem. - to jest mój pejsbuk. - to mój intymny twitter - a to twitter, który informuje o tym kiedy i co dzieje się na strumieniu. Realnie to najlepiej działający powiadamiacz. Jeśli podoba Ci się to co robię - możesz zwyczajnie wyłączyć programy blokujące na reklamy na moich stronach czy zacząć subsrybować ten badziew (reklamo- i dealodawcy patrzą na te cyferki jak porąbani). Nie mam raczej natury żebraka i nie zbieram pieniędzy - więc to jedyna forma wsparcia jaką dopuszczam. Bardzo podoba mi się co prawda Patreon, ale póki co nie czuję się na niego gotowy.
I was involved recently in an online conversation where someone pointed out the vast difference in cost between the core rules for Savage Worlds and the various settings books. I understood his point but in text, without posting long paragraphs of explanation, I couldn't explain adequately what I thought he was missing. The video flip through is partly to show what the Space 1889 setting book ( is like but also why it's worth nearly four times what the rules cost. I say in the video that there this isn't a review of Savage Worlds (although I do love the system) or of Space 1889 if you're looking for those check out. Frank Frey's Video - Frank Frey's Blog - RPG Net review -
This short film/trailer is but a demo to show how our feature lenght Space 1889 filmmight look like. At the moment we are gathering support to make this happen with a very low budget. We are looking for actors, extras, model makers and steampunk fans in all of europe, as well as for fitting locations indoors and outdoors. We are a group of german video journalists and are writing or otherwise working for Clockwork Publishing, the label that revived Space 1889 via Kickstarter. Space 1889: The Movie is meant to contain no or almost no CGI effects but to be shot on location in real deserts, jungles or victorian cities. It is not a commercial product, but the head writers of the roleplaying game are involved. If you'd like to help, send a mail to: (REUPLOAD DUE TO PRONOUNCIATION MISTAKE)
Kaufen:;_rd_s=center-2&pf;_rd_r=04GV9STEG81DDR61N7RY&pf;_rd_t=101&pf;_rd_p=455353687&pf;_rd_i=301128 00:00 - 00:20 Äther 00:20 - 00:50 Eine gefährliche Entdeckung 00:50 - 01:21 Europa 01:21 - 01:55 La Grande Nation 01:55 - 02:28 Russland 02:28 - 03:02 Bei Hofe 03:02 - 03:40 Aufbruch in den Äther! 03:40 - 04:20 Luna 04:20 - 04:58 Zwischen den Sternen 04:58 - 05:37 Mars 05:37 - 06:20 Flugschiffe voraus! 06:20 - 06:58 Venus 06:58 - 07:40 Echsenmenschen 07:40 - 08:23 Merkur 08:23 - 09:05 Merkur - Die Glut der Sonne 09:05 - 09:48 Merkur - In ewiger Kälte 09:48 - 10:30 Uhrwerk 10:30 - 11:30 Ausklang
Der zweite Teil unseres Berichts von der Ratcon 2013. Jetzt kommen die anderen Verlage zu Wort. Bei Uhrwerk geht es um Splittermond, Myranor, Dungeonslayers ...
For more details click here: 420 5th Street Ouray, CO 81427 $625000, 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 1889 SF, MLS# 682117 T...
"Space: 1889 is a Sci-Fi RPG set in an alternate version of the Victorian era. It is a time, restless and curious, full of daring adventurers setting out to ...
Does the new generation have any interest in space science? ... Space science is a vast area.
The Times of India 2015-04-12The biggest challenge Henkel had to deal with was finding spaces for the works.
Lexington Herald-Leader 2015-04-12... to release satellites from the International Space Station (ISS) due to approaching space .
Big News Network 2015-04-12Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday visited the French National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) ...
Big News Network 2015-04-12Think Big moved into its new space at 1712 Main St ... membership to use Think Big's co-working space.
Big News Network 2015-04-12A private capsule is scheduled to fly to the International Space Station on a cargo mission on Oct.
Big News Network 2015-04-12The era of a space dominated by the U ... Even when they have preserved their leadership in space ...
Big News Network 2015-04-1211 (Xinhua) -- Russia must develop clear goals for its space program in order to pull its space ...
Big News Network 2015-04-12This photo provided by NASA shows space shuttle Endeavour atop NASA's Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, or ...
Big News Network 2015-04-12... to the International Space Station (ISS), a spokesman for the Russian space agency said Thursday.
Big News Network 2015-04-1219 (Xinhua) -- Thousands of space fans in the U ... city of Houston cheered space shuttle Endeavor ...
Big News Network 2015-04-12OFF TOPIC FROM A POSTED STORY!! Post it here! This space is reserved for reader sharing and ...
Big News Network 2015-04-12KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL – Now just a day away, all systems are "GO" for blastoff of the next SpaceX ...
Universe Today 2015-04-12Space: 1889 is a role-playing game of Victorian-era space-faring, created by Frank Chadwick and originally published by Game Designers' Workshop from 1988 to 1991 and later reprinted by Heliograph, Inc. in 2000 and 2001.
The name is both a parody of the television show Space: 1999 and a continuation of the GDW naming convention applied to two of its previous role-playing games, Twilight: 2000 and Traveller: 2300 (the latter of which was later renamed 2300 AD), though neither previous game had any connection to the Space: 1889 universe. The name Space: 1889 is a registered trademark belonging to Chadwick.
The game presented an alternate history in which certain discredited Victorian scientific theories were instead found to be true and have led to the existence of new technologies. In the setting, Thomas Edison invented an "ether propeller" which could propel ships through the "luminiferous aether" (the universal medium that permeates space, based on a now outdated scientific theory), and traveled to Mars in 1870 accompanied by Scottish soldier of fortune Jack Armstrong, where they discovered that the planet was inhabited. By the time of the game's setting in 1889, the great powers have used Edison’s invention to extend their colonies and interests to the inner planets of the solar system. Venus and Mars have been colonised by Great Britain, Germany, France, Russia, Belgium (Mars only), and Italy (Venus only), whilst Japan and the USA maintain economic and scientific enclaves on Mars. There are no colonies or bases on the Moon. Only Great Britain maintains a (scientific) base on Mercury.
"Jack the Ripper" is the best-known name given to an unidentified serial killer who was active in the largely impoverished areas in and around the Whitechapel district of London in 1888. The name originated in a letter, written by someone claiming to be the murderer, that was disseminated in the media. The letter is widely believed to have been a hoax, and may have been written by a journalist in a deliberate attempt to heighten interest in the story. Other nicknames used for the killer at the time were "The Whitechapel Murderer" and "Leather Apron".
Attacks ascribed to the Ripper typically involved female prostitutes from the slums whose throats were cut prior to abdominal mutilations. The removal of internal organs from at least three of the victims led to proposals that their killer possessed anatomical or surgical knowledge. Rumours that the murders were connected intensified in September and October 1888, and letters from a writer or writers purporting to be the murderer were received by media outlets and Scotland Yard. The "From Hell" letter, received by George Lusk of the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee, included half of a preserved human kidney, supposedly from one of the victims. Mainly because of the extraordinarily brutal character of the murders, and because of media treatment of the events, the public came increasingly to believe in a single serial killer known as "Jack the Ripper".
[Kool Keith:]
The introduction, format format
("I have a valid message, stand by to authenticate")
Robotic contract is my verbal attack
Verbal abstract, flexible choice, operation flexible voice
Orchestrated one, detonator son
Sci-fi numbers, the megabyte is a ton
Super Thelonious colossal apostle, organic feedback
Chart system, can scientists read that?
Fertilized growth or breed back clones for zones
Space 8000 circumfrence, a billion measure
The Earth caresser
Space 8000 circumfrence ability and measure
The Earth caresser
Space 8000!.. Space 8000!
("Again a man from the future attacks!")
Space 8000! ("Again a man from the future attacks!")
Space 8000! ("Again a man from the future attacks!")
("T minus 15, 14, 13..")
My forces of energy is hexagonal
Diagonal, outer lining the inner term from chemists
Redefine the vocab, go and do the research
A lot of rewinding devestation source
We speed ahead of light more, see elevations like Porsche
Gas electric beyond the oil lamp like a torch
Atmosphere four, through the corridor
That's right it splintered, parallel Western the seashore
Goretex extradition you ready for position
Space 8000 circumfrence
Space 8000 circumfrence ability and measure
The Earth caresser, yeah!
Space 8000!
Space 8000! ("Again a man from the future attacks!")
Space 8000! ("Again a man from the future attacks!")
Space 8000! ("Again a man from the future attacks!")
Space 8000!
With heavy symmetrical industrial and various impetuous construction
With adventurous introduction
Ears absorb the mechanisms like suction
E-force miles away, detour styles away
Cosmic energy, four million chromosomes on eBay
Ships on galaxies cruise the hemisphere on space delay
Brains record and play, elevation existance
Above sealevel, fibers and metal
Way above E-level
The underground right now's on C-level
Space 8000 circumfrence
Space 8000 circumfrence
Ability and measure, the Earth caresser
Space 8000!
Space 8000! ("Again a man from the future attacks!")
Space 8000! ("Again a man from the future attacks!")
Space 8000! ("Again a man from the future attacks!")
"Look at all that Jennifer, WHOAH~!
My missiles are headed for their targets"
"David this is neat but, I gotta get to my aerobics class"
"What? Awww nooo!"
"I have to! Can't we just stop for a while and play it later?"
"Huh? Oh, sure. I'll walk you out"