Spoleto, Italy: About the death of the anarchist comrade Damiano Corrias

With these few lines, we announce the horrible news of the death on September 26th, 2013 of Damiano Corrias, at the age of 31; he was one of the kids from Spoleto arrested on October 23rd, 2007 during the so called Operation Brushwood, accused of terrorism.

Now is not the time for conspiracy theories, or, even worse, esotericisms (it is the second death, after that of Fabrizio Reali*, out of the five young men arrested). Despite being the day of his death and, what’s more, during these terrible hours, we raise our curse to the sky against his pursuers; against the carabinieri of the ROS, under the leadership of the chief general Giampaolo Ganzer, who used to sell guns and drugs. Against the ex-president of Umbria, Maria Rita Lorenzetti, who spent a couple of weeks under house arrest due to charges of corruption.

Against the foppish dandy of Perugia, the public prosecutor who signs anything that the ROS command, typographical errors such as: “the doctoress Comodi.” The beast of Perugia, who requested 6 years of imprisonment for Damiano, for painting a wall!

And, even so, he did not surrender.

He DJ’d all the mountain parties organized by the anarchists in Spoleto, along with many other more or less political raves.

The last time he hit the streets was on June 23rd, 2012, during the demo in solidarity with the anarchists arrested in Operation Boldness (Ardire), writing wonderful slogans on the walls throughout that night. In the face of Comodi. We are sure that, from his tomb, he’s raising his middle finger at her.


Ciao Daschia – They’re going to pay for all of this

Damiano and Fabrizio assassinated; in what sense?

Of course we do not yet have evidence of an assassination, at least in the sense that is understood by the bosses of repression and their expert technicians. But it’s obviously a voluntary murder by those who would destroy a life only because someone dared to protest with paint against a representative of the regime. We’d like to reflect on the very beautiful words of Damiano’s brother at his funeral: “I want to believe that your heart stopped because of too much joy, and not because of all the pain that you’ve experienced throughout your life.” But let’s not forget “the lies of a justice that is strong before the weak, and weak before the strong.” The same justice, in our words, which on the same day as Damiano’s funeral released Lorenzetti after a couple of weeks under house arrest. You are convicted of corruption = a few days under house arrest; you write on a wall against those corrupt politicians = 6 years imprisoned. This is your justice!

This is why, wanting to believe that his heart stopped because of too much joy and not because of too much pain, we cannot help considering all those thugs as murderers, those who arrested him just because of protesting with paint against the established power. Damiano’s and Fabrizio’s deaths were political homicides in the highest sense of the word “political,” the sense that Comodi has spent years putting into practice her intent to destroy the whole anarchist movement. To kill it.

We’ll stop here, for now. We’ll leave it to the readers’ intelligence to assess whether Manuela Comodi fights only “crimes” and, in reality, she really does love some aspects of the anarchist philosophy –as she claims–, or is she rather a war machine that wants to destroy anyone who rebels against the evil State, even if just with a spray can.

In any case…
May Comodi let the dead rest in peace.

los amigos de Damiano y Fabrizio

* Three weeks after his arrest, Fabrizio was released. Comodi did not have any evidence to request a trial. That said, she did not file it away into the archives and, for many years, the lawyers requested the formalization of the filing in order to ask the bastards of the public prosecutor’s office in Perugia for compensation. Nevertheless, there were no results. Finally, Fabrizio died on June 23rd, 2010. He loved alcohol and, at the age of 40, an intestinal complication took his life.

sources: i, ii

Perugia – Operation Shadow: Sergio Maria Stefani sentenced to 3 years and 3 months

On the 22nd of October 2013 the court of Perugia issued the first-instance judgment in the so-called operation “Shadow”. The accusatory construct collapsed entirely. However, comrade Sergio Maria Stefani was sentenced to 3 years and 3 months for car theft. All other accused comrades were acquitted because the alleged facts had never occurred.

This time the public prosecutor of Perugia, Manuela Comodi—who distinguished herself as usual with her deliria in the courtroom, that were readily thwarted by Sergio, who participated in the proceeding (instantly denounced by her for contempt)—has 90 days to challenge the decision and lodge appeal.

Sergio remains a prisoner in Ferrara on charges relative to the operation “Ardire (Boldness)”—again, brought forth by the public prosecutor Comodi. Meanwhile, the Ardire investigation has been split in two accusatory instruments: a nationwide section assigned to the Milan prosecutor’s office, and another part of Umbria/Perugia. The preliminary hearing concerning the Perugia section of the Ardire operation will take place on the 6th of November 2013, as always at the court of Perugia.

Solidarity with all prosecuted comrades!

Germany: Updates related to refugee protest in Hamburg

Since the winter of 2012/2013, approximately 300 African refugees live in Hamburg. They managed to escape from Libya, migrated to Italy and then reached the German border. In May 2013 fighters of the group “Lampedusa in Hamburg,” recognized in Italy as refugees from the NATO-war in Libya, publicly stepped into action for the first time in Germany, in their struggle for free access to the labour market, housing, medical and social care, education and free choice of their residence within the European Union—legal rights which can always be granted, in contrast to the claims made by the Hamburg state minister of the Interior and the mayor. The Senate is only eager to provide temporary accommodation ahead of the cold winter if the refugees hand over their documents and agree to be deported. Recently, mayor Olaf Scholz of the SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) even stated that Hamburg have the most modern refugee-politics in the country… In this very moment—while the agony for the latest deaths of migrants on Italy’s southernmost island Lampedusa is still fresh—the Hamburg government has unleashed a large-scale police operation also against these refugees, who survived the war and the flight to Lampedusa some time ago.

from the streets of Hamburg on the 15th of October 2013

As reported earlier, in mid-October 2013 activists gave an ultimatum to the Senate of Hamburg to stop the racial profiling, but naturally there was no positive sign from the side of authorities. However, the city of Hamburg has not seen one quiet day ever since. The local forces were unable to cope with all of the actions over the past few days, thus police deployments have moved to Hamburg from other regions to their aid. There have been numerous activities and demonstrations in Hamburg and several other cities across Germany, and beyond. Below are some updates.

October 16:
The group “Lampedusa in Hamburg” held their weekly march in the city, this time counting with the presence of 1,000 participants (next demo scheduled for Wednesday the 23rd of October). Another open letter of the refugees was addressed to the Senate of Hamburg —you may read it here.

October 17:
- Small groups of activists blocked traffic along streets in the port area of Hamburg, while hundreds of cops conducted anti-refugee checks, mainly on the Reeperbahn; people in solidarity tried to resist and shouted slogans. A demonstration from Gänsemarkt square started at 7pm with 600 people (video). In addition, 300 other protesters took part in several demonstrations in Hamburg that night through Mönckebergstraße or the Karstadt mall. A few hundred people took to the streets also at Millerntor square, Schanze area and Eimsbüttel, where clashes with the police occurred. At 8pm, nearly 100 people blocked the Kennedy bridge. Repression forces were over-challenged by activities throughout the day.
- An anti-nationalist action was claimed in Frankfurt in solidarity with the “Lampedusa in Hamburg.”
- In Bielefeld almost 20 activists attacked several capitalist targets, such as profiteers from Europe war politics. Cops were unable to stop the action.
- An unauthorized demonstration of nearly 50 people took place in Vienna, Austria.

October 18:
- Nearly 1,200 people participated in a demonstration that started from the Hamburg university. Several spontaneous demonstrations were held in the Schanze neighbourhood and around the Altona railway station. Members of the “Gezi Park Fiction” group, in St. Pauli, expressed their solidarity with the message: “Love real boat people – Hate maritime marketing” connecting the refugee protest with the anti-gentrification struggle. They also stated: “People from Lampedusa have enriched our lives for a few months now. They gave back to St. Pauli a sense of community and a sense of knowing that our right to the city doesn’t know nations or property; and surely no skin colour.”
- Some 10th grade pupils from a school in St. Pauli released an open petition to make their gym available for the refugees in winter.
- In the evening, around 80 people participated in an uncontrolled stroll from St. Pauli to the Schanze neighbourhood, passing fliers out to pedestrians, spraying graffiti and attacking banks and shops with stones and hammers. The stroll dispersed when cops arrived on the scene.
- A night dance-demonstration for affordable housing also showed solidarity with the refugees’ struggle (video).

October 19:
- Racial profiling and migration controls were significantly reduced due to the fact that the police did not have enough forces to conduct those. Yet another round of small, spontaneous demonstrations took place allover Hamburg.
- Rostock saw the largest demonstration since the anti-G8 protest in 2007. More than 1,500 people hit the streets in solidarity with refugee fights.
- Nearly 200 people marched through the Rheinhausen area in Duisburg, where racial tensions against Roma accommodated in a shelter have existed for months.

- Approximately 500 people participated in a demonstration in Büren against the biggest German migrant prison. It’s been a long time since this annual demonstration had attracted so many participants.
- Some 50 people in solidarity with refugees held a spontaneous demonstration in Bamberg.
- A solidarity demonstration took place in Flensburg, too, with a total of 80 activists.

October 20:
Repression practices increased rapidly in Hamburg on Sunday. A spontaneous demonstration of 200 people at Dammtor was kettled on different points of the route, and the crowd was forcibly evicted from the area. Cops detained demonstrators, and several participants were singled out and filmed by the police.

October 21:
- People in solidarity with the refugees in Hamburg gathered in downtown Wuppertal. Approximately 70 participants carried out a spontaneous demonstration to the local office of the SPD. An open letter from this solidarity initiative was read and given to the SPD. Cops didn’t attempt to attack the demo.

- In the south of Leipzig nearly 60 people held an unauthorized march using fireworks and building barricades. Comrades tried to destroy an infamous surveillance camera at the Connewitzer Kreuz by placing burning trash bins underneath it.
- Spontaneous demonstrations took place in Hamburg once again, counting with a large presence of people. Streets were blocked by protesters, and oftentimes cops were too slow to intervene.

October 22:
- There was an evening critical mass ride of 500 bicyclists in solidarity with Lampedusa refugees in Hamburg (video). Police vehicles drove after the bike demo. Shortly afterwards, Hamburg’s mayor Olaf Scholz (primarily responsible for the escalation of repression) gave a public speech to his loyal voters. Anti-racists mobilized to effectively disrupt the meeting. People inside the hall started to chant “No human being is illegal – A right to stay for everyone.” Few activists were reportedly detained during the action. Outside, their 500 supporters were blocking the traffic.
- Nearly 100 people held an evening solidarity demonstration at Frankfurt airport area.

Sadly fascist scum have been busy for the last few weeks, too. There have been arson attacks on houses for refugees in Gemünden and Wehr, while similar attacks occurred in Luckenwalde, Premnitz, Güstrow and Duisburg. Recently, the neo-Nazi party NPD (National Democratic Party of Germany) initiated a march with torches in Schneeberg with 1,500 participants. This presence also demonstrates the fact that parts of the middle class engage in openly racist activity. The situation brings back horrifying memories of pogroms against migrants in various parts of Germany in the early 90s.

Meanwhile, on the 20th of October, “activists against racism and deportations” released a call to action, stating among others that the right to stay for refugees will be decided in the streets, from all the people who practice their own forms of resistance, those who are blocking the deportation operation and disturb the repressive controls, those who open up new spaces for protest, all those who publicly declare their resistance again or for the first time…

banner at the Altona railway station: “Refugees stay here! Deport the Senate!”

Upcoming protest dates:

Friday, 25.10: Call for demonstration in Hamburg (after the football match St. Pauli vs Sandhausen) by fans of the FC St. Pauli and district initiatives in solidarity with Lampedusa refugees

Saturday, 26.10: Demonstration from Rote Flora against police arbitrariness and racist controls in Hamburg / Demonstration against Frontex on the same day in Munich, under the slogan “Learn from Lampedusa – open migration routes!”

Saturday, 2.11: Solidarity demonstration for Lampedusa refugees in Hamburg —see flyer

Saturday, 21.12: Nationwide demonstration to Hamburg in solidarity with the Rote Flora squat, the Esso houses initiative, and the right to permanence for refugees and everyone

İstanbul: Painted slogans in Turkish and Greek on the walls of Şişli by anarchists

A group of anarchists painted slogans on walls and billboards around Mecidiyeköy–Şişli area, in İstanbul, about the murder of Pavlos Fyssas in Greece, antifascism, anarchy, rebellion, animal massacre in Romania, animal liberation, and the Gezi uprising.

With this action, which reflects on the ongoing struggle in Athens, İstanbul and every other city in the world, it is reminded that the fight against fascism, against the State and the Capital, should be intensified and expanded.

source/more photos: sosyal savas (social war)

Barcelona: Communiqué of the Kasa de la Muntanya squat about dismantled CCTV camera

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
by Edward Everett Hale

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In words of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, “kill the exception to confirm the rule”, and so, keep the smooth functioning of the system. The new society of control is here. It is not us who have discovered it, we’ve just suffered it, as everyone else.

A few days ago, the group Stop Control detected a police CCTV camera in the Esperança hospital looking at us, at the Kasa de la Muntanya squat. This group has made a step forward and has decided to go where this vigilance, dominance and espionage device was located. They rendered it useless and, not considering it enough, they made their action public.

We know what it means to confront this system of singular thinking with which they want to impose their power on us, silence us and leave us seething. We also know what its consequences are; we’ve suffered them in first person in the form of repression. But we also know the way that our dignity is taken from us and the manner in which our ideas are invalidated is a cruel way of coercing and oppressing us. This is why we are still taking the streets and fighting, because we are not for sale. Currently, all the signs and everything that we have managed discover indicate that the CCTV camera was installed by the coercive force of Mossos d’Esquadra (Catalonian cops). We know their information bureau and additionally, we know that the technocrat of Espadaler (the new regional minister of the Interior) has some nerve. Their silence and the silence of their media are not only suspicious, but also enlightening.

So, from here, from this small antagonist space, we want to thank the group Stop Control, not only for removing a CCTV camera that was continuously recording us and providing the enemy with biometric information, but also and above all we want to thank them forever for having demonstrated with facts that the only path is not to complain and refuse, to feel tired and fed up and disenchanted. On the contrary, there is an alternative to this life of submission: refute and attack.

Let’s organize ourselves and hit back. Let’s get into action, just like other comrades have done before, let’s pass from protest to resistance.

As we once said we are not angels, but this is certainly not paradise.


Kasa de la Muntanya, October 16th, 2013


Germany: Uncontrolled stroll in Hamburg

In the evening of the 18th of October 2013, an uncontrolled stroll from St. Pauli to the Schanze neighbourhood took place.

With a banner, chants, posters, fliers, graffiti, stones and hammers, nearly 80 people took their anger against the “danger zones”, the racist controls, the machinery of deportation and these reality conditions out on the streets.

Some banks and shops got their windows smashed, and walls were painted with slogans against the deportation machinery and the State. The walk came to an end when the cops arrived.

Against the authorities and their city!
For an uncontrollable life without Domination, for all!

Rio de Janeiro: Cops beat to death an 18 year old boy

In the early hours of October 17th, 2013 Paulo Roberto Pinho de Menezes, 18, was beaten to death by officers of the ‘Police Pacification Unit’ (UPP) in the Manguinhos favela of Rio de Janeiro. The cops immobilized the teenager and took him in a dark back-alley, where they fiercely beat him to death. The exact circumstances of his assassination are not yet clarified. However, his mother and other residents have verified that Paulo Roberto was among a group of youths when cops of the local UPP conducted a control in the favela.

In the late afternoon of October 17th revolted youths attacked cops with stones, enraged by the assassination of Paulo Roberto. The brute violence of repression forces escalated even further, when cops used live ammunition causing injuries to various individuals. A 17-years-old girl was hit on her leg by police bullet and evacuated to the hospital. The pigs did not hesitate to threaten even the sister of Paulo Roberto, pointing a gun at her.

The funeral for the boy was scheduled for Friday the 18th of October, day when a morning protest was also called to denounce the umpteenth murder at the hands of police.

You may read some facts about the exact role of the ‘Police Pacification Unit’ in the cleansing of the favelas, in the name of Brazil’s preparations for the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics, here. A video with English subtitles concerning another killing in the Manguinhos favela, in March 2013, can be viewed here.

Athens: Antifascist event in Victoria Square


Frankfurt: Solidarity action for “Lampedusa in Hamburg”

Solidarity with refugees

During the night from Wednesday to Thursday 17.10.2013 we attacked an office of the SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) in the Nordend district of Frankfrut, and destroyed its windows and doors.

Party functionaries like the SPD mayor Olaf Scholz are responsible for the policy against refugees in Hamburg, a policy that excludes and criminalizes people because of their background, history or skin colour. We know that, as far as these matters are concerned, the SPD in Hamburg is no different than Frankfurt’s SPD. Therefore, this attack does not apply to the SPD in Frankfurt alone; it is instead directed against the entire party and anyone who supports this policy.

Refugees’ passage to Europe is the consequence of a capitalist word order, which make it impossible for a large part of humanity to lead self-determined lives. A flight to the affluent ghettos of Europe seems to be the last chance to escape from persecution and threat of economic existence. The political elites respond with discriminatory laws; the European Union with military foreclosure. In Germany, the ever-present resentments increasingly express themselves with active opposition to the refugees.

We stand up against such an exploitative system, against this policy, and against everyday racism of the societal “middle,” and instead promote our solidarity with refugees and our fight against capital, state and nation.

With this action we show solidarity with illegalized humans in Hamburg and everywhere. We support the claim for a right to stay for all.

We also send solidarity greetings to all activists who, in Hamburg and elsewhere, put up a fight against this racist policy.

No Border, No Nation!


Athens: Responsibility claim for arson on diplomatic corps vehicle

In the early hours of Friday, October 11, 2013 we torched a diplomatic corps van, with vehicle registration plates DC 93-3, at the intersection of Pyrras and Delacroix streets in the area of Neos Kosmos, Athens.

This action is dedicated wholeheartedly to our comrades who are prosecuted for the double robbery in Velventos, Kozani, and will stand trial in late November* and also in memory of the murdered antifascist Pavlos Fyssas.

We should not get used to the idea of fear and death. We should resist the contemporary totalitarianism by all means available.

We create our own structures, we strengthen and extend our comradely relationships, and we set the stage for anarchy and communism. Social revolution, the only solution…

Arsonists with a conscience

* The trial for the double robbery in Velventos is scheduled to take place on November 29, 2013 in the Court of Appeals on Loukareos street in Athens. Accused comrades are Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, Dimitris Politis, Nikos Romanos, Yannis Michailidis, Fivos Harisis-Poulos, and Argyris Ntalios.

Germany: Stop the racial profiling in Hamburg – Raw updates from protests (ongoing)

Ultimatum given to the Senate of Hamburg

The Hamburg Senate is responsible for racial profiling as part of a manhunt against Libyan refugees. It affects people who managed to get from Italy’s southernmost island Lampedusa to Hamburg, and are now facing state persecution. Governors have pushed the escalation to a higher level, and forced refugees to report themselves at authorities until Wednesday, October 16th. This step is in fact a preparation for their deportation, because the German law and the “Fortress Europe” treaty (the Dublin II Regulation, which the local authorities are able to put into place) do not allow them to stay in Germany.

After an ultimatum from the Senate to refugees, “activists for the right to stay, instead of repression and racial profiling” responded with their own ultimatum to the Senate to stop the manhunt against refugees. The plan was to hit the streets and gather in the Achidi-John-Square (near the Rote Flora squat) when the ultimatum would end on Tuesday the 15th at 8pm.

The sacrifice of resistance which doesn’t include militant forms of action has become obsolete in view of the latest developments. The activist proclamation reads that “a point is reached where, in the future, every kind of protest needs to take to the streets… Every protest is fair and useful to stop the power politics of the Senate.” People in solidarity with migrants reassured the Senate that “there won’t be quiet days,” in the hope that more people would get active. Furthermore, they have urged people to make spontaneous demonstrations and take own initiatives.

Let’s show solidarity! No more quiet days for racism and repression. Stop the racial profiling. Right to stay for everyone!

You may also follow what happens in Hamburg through the FSK radio program.

Due to further control checks by authorities, a demonstration was called from different sides for the 15th of October to begin by 8pm from the Rote Flora squat. Already the previous day, it was confirmed that the position of the Senate is to hold onto racist controls and maintain the line that refugees from Lampedusa stand no chance of getting any help or roof over their head. The checks will continue to take place with the aim to deport as many refugees as soon as possible… Meanwhile, some months ago, the Church provided one single local “church asylum” for 80 refugees.

Footage from October 15th, 2013 at circa 18.25 (local time):

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In short:

- The Senate of Hamburg doesn’t move back. A “political solution” for refugees seems impossible.

- Cops raided a safe-place of refugees in the St. Georg district of Hamburg. The refugees weren’t allowed to have access to their belongings.

- The police increased their presence at several points in Hamburg all day long, controlling people who looked “suspicious.”

- The large evening demonstration was massively attacked after five minutes by the cops (with water cannons, tear gases, cavalry division, brutal kicking and beatings). A lot of people were encircled. Protesters had to move into back-streets, where they were attacked by even more repression forces. The demo was split in two parts. As a result, many smaller activities developed.

- It was estimated that 2,000 people participated in street protests. Until late hours of October 15th, several spontaneous demonstrations took place throughout Hamburg. A march of few hundred people at Weidenallee was later formed; cops unleashed attack with batons and pepper spray. Water cannons and cops on horses appeared in the back of the protest. At the same time, the German Press did not miss out on the chance to portray demonstrators as “criminals,” and reported nothing about police violence.

- While some of the spontaneous marches were also blocked and kettled by the police after few meters, the heavy police presence did not manage to stop protest everywhere in the city. Plenty of activists confronted cops directly in the streets; fireworks were used; during clashes on a crossroad, materials of a construction site were placed all over the street, etc.

- Nearly 250 people moved successfully in Altona neighbourhood for several hours; this protest ended by 11pm in front of Rote Flora. While demonstrators walked through the Schanzenviertel and Altona, solidarity was also expressed at the opening of the Hamburg International Queer Film Festival, where participants stated that fighting for lesbian-gay-transgender-queer rights always requires solidarity with other victims of repression. Additionally, a banner was unfurled there, which read: “Lampedusa in Hamburg – They are here to stay – No human being is illegal!”

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On the 16th of October:

- In the early hours of Wednesday, the district court in Flensburg was attacked with paint, and the slogan “Stop racial profiling” was sprayed on the building.

- An evening demonstration of the Lampedusa group in Hamburg was planned for the 16th; more than a thousand joined this call. Meanwhile, more racist controls were conducted in St. Pauli and St. Georg districts and at least one refugee got arrested on Reeperbahn (in the red light district of Hamburg).

- Unauthorized evening demonstration of nearly 500 people in Berlin was held in solidarity with refugees in Hamburg. Two police cars were smashed and several roads blocked with construction materials.

- Around 40 people participated in a spontaneous evening march in the streets of Hannover. Flyers reading “Lampedusa is everywhere!” were shared out to passers-by with information about the struggle in Hamburg. The demonstration dispersed shortly after repression forces arrived.

- During the night of Wednesday to Thursday, activists attacked a local office of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) in Frankfurt am Main, in solidarity with sans papiers in Hamburg and everywhere. Windows and doors were destroyed. In the responsibility claim it is also mentioned that party officials like the Hamburg SPD mayor Olaf Scholz are responsible for the current policy against refugees, a policy that segregates and incriminates people because of their background, history or skin colour. As far as these matters are concerned, the SPD in Hamburg is no different than the Frankfurt SPD; hence their attack was directed against the entire party and anyone who supports this racist policy.

Upcoming protest dates:

Friday, 18.10: Supporters of the war refugees from Libya call for an afternoon rally in Bielefeld, “for borderless solidarity instead of confined nationalism”

Saturday, 19.10: Demonstrations in solidarity with refugees, and against deportation prisons, in the cities of Rostock (“Refugees Welcome!”) and Büren, and across Germany – Antiracist protest on the same day in Duisburg, against mental burning and exclusion

Saturday, 26.10: Demonstration from Rote Flora against police arbitrariness and racist controls in Hamburg

Saturday, 2.11: Nationwide solidarity demonstration for Lampedusa refugees in Hamburg

Fire and flames to the deportation authorities!

Greece: Open letter from ex-prisoner Chrisovalantis Pouziaritis ahead of his appeal trial on 18.10.2013

My name is Chrisovalantis Pouziaritis, and I’m one of those arrested on December 6th, 2009—sad first anniversary of the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos.

I was caught while walking out of the Thessaloniki university campus. Even though I had nothing incriminating on me (backpack, hood, etc.), two anti-riot squadrons pounced on me and started to beat me. Once they took all their hatred out on me, they transferred me to the Thessaloniki police headquarters, where I was charged with the well-known tactics of the Greek police—we all recall fabricated charges such as ‘shampoos turned into Molotovs’ (case of Marios Zervas), the ‘student in pajamas’ (detained after police planted on him a backpack containing Molotovs), the suspect taken into custody only for wearing ‘green shoes,’ or the ‘zardiniera case’ (when cops beat up Avgoustinos Dimitriou and later claimed he fell on his own on a flower stand)…

After my treatment by the police, the Greek Justice was next. In my trial, I was sentenced to 9 years and 3 months imprisonment and, naturally, once again the court felt that my own defense witnesses were less trustworthy than the cops who constructed a false indictment against me and dubbed me the ‘leader of anarchists’!

I stayed in prison for more than 18 months, until my request for interruption of serving sentence was finally granted, and so I was released under restrictive conditions in the summer of 2011.

Those who have seen firsthand the violence of these mechanisms, those who have experienced the cruelty of prison cells, those who resist the judicial arbitrariness and its horror are the ones who can understand me and stand by my side. I thank them in advance.

Chrisovalantis Pouziaritis

The appeal trial will take place on Friday, October 18th, 2013 at 9am in the court of Thessaloniki.


Thessaloniki, Greece: Update on the case of imprisoned anarchist Babis Tsilianidis

On October 16th, 2013 the judges denied the request of anarchist prisoner Babis Tsilianidis for an interruption of serving sentence. Approximately 30 comrades held a gathering at the Thessaloniki courthouse.

Babis is held in Koridallos prison:

Charalambos Tsilianidis
Dikastiki Filaki Koridallou, A Pteryga, 18110 Koridallos, Athens, Greece


Athens: Attack on fascists’ lair in Peristeri

I’d really like us to hunt fascists together…

On October 13th, late at night, the gym-fascist lair that Apergis owns on Thivon street in the area of Peristeri was attacked with paints and stones. Apergis, Golden Dawn organized member since a lot of years, has been the right hand of Golden Dawn MP Panagiotaros, and trainer of the patriotic militia.

Militant antifascism in all neighbourhoods!


Serres, Northern Greece: Solidarity gathering for antifascists on second trial

“To chase fascists out our neighbourhoods” –antifascists.

In August 2012, two antifascists got arrested shortly after the offices of the Golden Dawn party in Serres were attacked—flags were removed from the building and a slogan was spray-painted on its facade. The first trial turned into farce as the prosecution attacked verbally, which is to say vomited fascist comments against both defendants. They now stand trial for a second time, on Thursday, October 17th, 2013 in the First Three-Member Misdemeanor Court of Serres.

We call for a solidarity gathering at the courthouse on October 17th by 8.30am.

Antifascism is an integral part of the generalized fight against the State and Capital. We won’t leave any fighter alone in this battle… until total social liberation.

Resistance, dignity, solidarity

Self-managed Hangout inside the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Serres

Notre-Dame-des-Landes, France: First anniversary of evictions in the ZAD

October 14–20, 2013: Decentralized action week

Saturday, October 19, 2013
Demonstration at 14.00, starting from Place Bretagne (Brittany Square) in the city of Nantes
Benefit gig by 19.00, in La Wardine at the ZAD

More info: zad.nadir.org

Thessaloniki, Greece: Stand with anarchist prisoner Babis Tsilianidis

Solidarity with anarchist Babis Tsilianidis! The war rages on…

Below is a text in solidarity with Babis Tsilianidis that was spread in early September 2013, by the Anarchists assembly for the connection of struggles within the prison-society (“Sasta”) in Thessaloniki, Greece:

“Those who live are those who fight; those whose soul and forehead are possessed of a firm design; those who ascend the sharp peak towards a high destiny; those who walk pensive, engrossed by a goal sublime.” (Victor Hugo)

Anarchist Babis Tsilianidis has had a date set for the hearing of his motion for an interruption of serving sentence on September 18th in the court of Thessaloniki, in the case concerning an armed burglary at the accounting department of AHEPA hospital.

Already imprisoned since January 2011 (on charges that he is no longer accused of), the comrade “received” an extra, third, pretrial incarceration. In this case, the only incriminating evidence presented against Babis was a handkerchief on which, as the cops claim, a DNA sample was found that allegedly matched his genetic profile.

During his entire incarceration, he has refused to cooperate in any way with authorities, he has never given fingerprints or DNA samples with his consent, he has never made statements of apologia to his interrogators, and has always refused to attend court proceedings.

In the trial, on January 22nd, 2013 the prosecutor proposed 10 years and 4 months imprisonment.

We should not get used to fear

It is our understanding that these days DNA, apart from being another chapter in Biology books, may also constitute a sufficient means for setting up a conviction on the basis of assumed scientific authority. Beyond asserting that the State, technology and science give each other a firm handshake once again, DNA profiling is just one additional tool next to thermal imaging cameras and CCTVs, security alarms, database systems, fingerprint storage, and patrols of cops and private security guards in the streets. DNA profiling is yet another tool in the arsenal of authoritarians, part of the overall strategic upgrade of repression, which is enforced, additionally, to draw a picture of the complete establishment of surveillance and control.

New repressive methods in technological modernization of the Greek State can only be introduced with a pilot implementation phase. Thus we can see how new practices are tested against more radical elements, and then extended out, to cover wider communities in struggle. Recent examples of this (after the comrade’s conviction) are the ongoing investigation against villagers resisting gold mining in Halkidiki, who have been forced to give samples of their genetic material, while some of them are held on remand,* as well as the use of the EKAM antiterrorist force, and not only, for transferring comrades accused for armed action but also for suppressing demonstrations, squatting projects, and labour strikes. More »

Brazil: Announcing the 4th Anarchist Bookfair of Porto Alegre

From 15 to 17 November 2013 – 4th Anarchist Bookfair in Porto Alegre – “There are books that incarcerate minds and others that liberate them”

On the 15th, 16th and 17th of November 2013, the 4th Anarchist Bookfair of Porto Alegre will take place along with the 1st Anarchist Video Screening in the city. On this fourth occasion of the fair, we once again invite all interested persons and collectives to engage themselves in the event, bring their material and participate in the organization, with the aim of strengthening and spreading anarchist practices and ideas.

In times of storm in which revolt took to the streets, strong gusts of actions and ideas can disrupt normalcy. These spaces are increasingly important for the sharing of materials such as books, films and zines, and carrying out interventions, workshops and discussions. It’s time to continue feeding the libertarian ideals, clearly defined by the values of freedom, solidarity, self-management, mutuality and autonomy.

We invite everyone to get to know anarchist ideas and the various different fronts of anarchist activity, in a struggle to overcome prejudices and forms of alienation that are disseminated by means of mass distraction.

To propose activities for the bookfair, or to submit your material for the film exhibition, please contact us via email, flapoa(at)libertar.se, or through we.riseup.net (group 4flapoa). As a practical matter, those interested to send their proposals should mail us until the 20th of October 2013.

Check this site for updates in Portuguese (the exact location of the 4th Anarchist Bookfair in Porto Alegre will be confirmed very soon).

For our lives! Health and anarchy!

Mexico City: Demonstration in memory of the Tlatelolco massacre

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Every October 2nd, Mexico City commemorates the massacre of students in diverse levels of education in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas (“Square of the Three Cultures”) of Tlatelolco neighbourhood, ten days before the 1968 Summer Olympics. This year’s march took place against the backdrop of several recent anarchist interventions in a variety of social protests; this occasion was no exception.

First reports from the streets were as follows:

The march was composed of various different movements, but mainly by blocs of students, workers and academics from the most representative universities in the territory controlled by the Mexican State (such as UNAM, IPN and UAM, among others). It is worth noting that along the whole route as of several years ago are hundreds of surveillance cameras put there “for the citizen’s security,” and as always these situations are proof of the use of CCTV as a means to fulfill their biopolitics of discipline and punish. The demonstration was “going well” from the starting point in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas at Tlatelolco, until it reached the top of the Reforma Avenue and Bucarelli Street, where the police began to divide the immense contingent. This was done at the exact point where the presence of anarchist comrades terminated; the police attack was carried out by anti-riot squadrons backed up by the mounted police (who usually force the horses to rush and attack the crowds). Among others gas-bombs were detonated by the police, and fire-bombs were thrown by protesters. For the most part, anarchists and other rebels went on the offensive, while anti-riot cops also carried long-range weapons. The Reforma Avenue, which is a main arterial street, was totally packed by cops, particularly at the intersection with Bucarelli Street (considering this is a roundabout, in order to realize such a repression operation the police presence must have been for far more than what was officially mentioned by the Mexico City police chief).

Once the march was divided, those who came from behind paused as the police advanced to kettle the anarchist contingent (along with others who were on that side of the activity) at the Monument to the Revolution, in Republic Square. The streets surrounding the square were closed in order to prevent the main part of the march from reaching the area in potential aid of the people there. In the head of this split of the rally (not where the anarchists were) the police also closed the road to the Zócalo, main square of the historic centre, and also put drones with in the air to film and take photos of protesters in that part of the demo, focusing to those who had covered their faces (and some hooded ones who were split from rest of the black bloc, but weren’t captured by the cops). This part of the crowd tried to enter the Republic Square, but the routes were blocked. Meanwhile, as some comrades reported, many detentions and injuries occurred in the clash, and they still continued to be attacked by cops at the Monument.

Then, the section of the demonstration relegated to the Reforma Avenue tried to gain access to the Monument to the Revolution, but the organizers themselves insisted that there were too many cops to allow the march to enter the area (the reformists never thought to counterattack, and comrades who were still spread amongst the diverse crowd were too few to break the police lines on their own), and therefore decided to continue the route along the Reforma Avenue to arrive at the “Angel of Independence”, leaving the anarchist comrades in the hands of repression nearby the Monument to the Revolution. All this happened around 6pm local time and in approximately 45 minutes to one hour.

At 7.15pm, people in solidarity reported that the black bloc weren’t seen on the way to the “Angel of Independence,” and that all the routes of entry to the Monument to the Revolution continued to be blocked; given this, they understood repression continued and the police intended to detain all of the comrades who were trapped in that area. At 8pm, it was estimated that approximately 50 protesters were detained as they were transported in police bus. Comrades from the Anarchist Black Cross were already on their way to a police station in search and aid of detainees. At approximately 10.30pm, solidarians reported that several comrades who were in the University City (UNAM’s main campus) were taken by the police and that their whereabouts were still unknown. So the ABC continued to search for detainees at various police stations, and solidarity actions were immediately planned for the next days, demanding the liberation of all hostages.

Some of the captives of October 2nd have been released on bail, but there are still people behind bars. Constant updates on arrested comrades here by Mexico ABC.

Switzerland: Mural in Zurich

The mural reads:

“We are growing old among men and women without dreams, strangers in a present time which leaves us no room for outbursts of generosity. The best this society can offer us (a career, a reputation, a sudden, big win, ‘love’) simply doesn’t interest us. Giving orders disgusts us just as much as obedience. What we are and what we want begins with a no. We are exploited like everyone else and want to put an end to exploitation right away. For us, revolt needs no other justification. Our life is escaping us, and any class discourse that fails to start from this is simply a lie. Revolt needs everything—papers and books, arms and explosives, reflection and blasphemy, poisons, daggers and arsons. The only interesting question is how to combine them.”


On the night of blah blah blah to blah blah blah, we sprayed the blurb for the text at daggers drawn on a wall in a park in Zurich.

Sometimes one does not necessarily need a poster to convey long-form content.

Against the construction of the new police and justice centre (PJZ) in Zurich!

For a world without authority and prisons!

In German. Related references: i, ii, ii.

Germany: Recent events in Hamburg

Here is an article from the anarchist newssheet “Wut im Bauch” (distributed only in paper form) about recent events in Hamburg. Additionally, there is a short report-back from a further “wild stroll” against control, which occurred recently. The texts in German here.

Out of Control

For the last few months, in Hamburg, there has been a broad based campaign of state repression and control. Some of these events deserve a closer examination. The few examples provided here are only a small selection of everyday repression, but they provide a precise picture of recent developments, and should be understood as experiments by the guardians of order. They want to create an environment of permanent fear and unbroken respect for their order, so as to assure its smooth functioning.

Unmasking and compromising the “danger zones”
What is for a long time already the reality in St. Georg around the Hansaplatz, and in St. Pauli (around the Reeperbahn, the red light district of Hamburg) has, since the first of June 2013, reached the Schanzenviertel. A “permanent danger zone” has been established, and the cops have been authorized to carry out controls at any time at any place. The related scenarios and their effects can be clearly seen in the St. Georg district. Large groups of cops are specifically controlling and harassing those who are undesirables, for example those not able to pay for things or those who are excluded on the basis of racist thinking. What is taking place here, under the guise of security, is easy to reveal.

In St. Georg the sex workers should be disposed of, and socially, which is to say financially weaker people should be displaced in order to develop the area and make it more profitable. In the case of the Schanzenviertel the goals are the same, however the “danger zone” here is primarily directed at the drug scene, and against those who are “migrant looking” and therefore, on racist grounds, automatically associated with it. Let us be clear: the cops do not need any special justification for controls. If there is any doubt, their law is on their side. Danger zones are auxiliary to larger demonstrations of power and targeted campaigns of repression through permanent bullying and control. More »

Athens: Letter of captive anarchist Spyros Mandylas from Koridallos men’s judicial prison

September 4, 2013

“Others unthinkingly followed the paths learned once and for all, to their work and their home, to their predictable future. For them duty had already become a habit, and habit a duty. They did not see the deficiency of their city. They thought the deficiency of their life was natural. We wanted to break out of this conditioning, (…) in search of new passions.”
Guy Debord

A short chronicle of my arrest

On Thursday night, July 11th, 2013 cops of the anti-terrorist force barged in the anarchist hangout Nadir, in Thessaloniki, once again. I was arrested and immediately transferred to the anti-terrorism headquarters in Athens where I got the news that, three hours prior to my arrest, my comrade and friend Andreas Tsavdaridis was also captured outside his home in the district of Stavroupoli, Thessaloniki. I was asked to give fingerprints, DNA sample and photographs but I refused to collaborate, and they took those by force. Shortly afterwards, they notified me I was being charged with all of the attacks that had occurred in the context of the Phoenix Project until that point (Acts 1, 2, 3, 4). I refused to sign any police paper, or talk about anything. Six days later, I was able to communicate with Andreas, who told me the exact same things had happened to him. What’s more, the police announced that the ten imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire were also charged as instigators in the Phoenix Project case.

Operation “Armed Joy”

From the moment I was transferred in Athens until the early hours of the next day, cops were conducting a search in Nadir… They confiscated the squat’s server, among other items. However, they focused their attention on the library, as they “discovered” the book Armed Joy with a gun holster depicted on its front cover (a Greek edition of La gioia armata by Alfredo M. Bonanno was published by Nadir squat in June 2013, and the proceeds will go to support imprisoned anarchists). That’s when a large house search began, both in the library and the rest of the squat. They collected fingerprints, cigarette butts for DNA analysis, empty beer bottles and other small objects from the entire library space, in an attempt to find the pistol itself which is depicted on the book cover…

“Covert surveillance”

The Phoenix Project was initiated on June 7th, 2013. It was a call of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire/Consciousness Gangs/Sole–Baleno Cell/FAI-IRF for the regeneration and dynamic resurgence of urban guerrilla warfare. From that day to the 12th of July (the day of my formal indictment), various cells of the FAI-IRF network claimed four attacks. More »

Attica, Greece: Revolt in Amygdaleza concentration camp – A brief chronicle

Click image to read the text of “no lager initiative” (August 2013)
Greek original here.

Greek prisons: New hearing in the case of anarchist Babis Tsilianidis

On Friday, October 4, 2013 the defense lawyer of Babis Tsilianidis was informed, completely by chance, that the comrade’s request for an interruption of serving sentence will be examined on October 16 at Thessaloniki courts.

We will take anarchist captives back where they belong: to the streets!

Solidarity to anarchist Babis Tsilianidis
Solidarity to all imprisoned anarchists
Rage and consciousness

Zaragoza, Spanish State: Responsibility claim for explosive attack at El Pilar cathedral

Besides, I have the right to leave the theatre when the comedy becomes odious to me and even to slam the door while leaving, at the risk of disturbing the tranquility of those who are satisfied with it.
Émile Henry

Authority, a basic principle of the society, exercises its dominion through various different institutions; the Church is one of the most important because of its historical complicity with the State-Capital, taking charge of laying the foundations of and perpetuating the current state of patriarchal and heteronormative oppression. The Basilica of the Pillar, in Zaragoza, is one of the most significant temples for the holders of Power. Visited by Franco on several occasions and by Pope John Paul II in 1982 and 1984, this cathedral stands as one of the main symbols and a meeting point of fascism. The Virgin Mary of the Pillar is considered the patroness and queen of Hispanishness; flags of all the States that dominate the Latin-American territory are hung inside the temple as real trophies. The Pillar Square is situated on side of the basilica and features the Hispanishness fountain, which draws the map of Central and South-American continent, taking a great deal of pride in the extermination caused by civilization.

Coupled with all of the above, the Virgin Mary of the Pillar was declared patroness of the college of young guards (the Guardia Civil cadet academy) in September of 1864, and she was proclaimed a patron saint of the gendarmerie assassins on Guardia Civil payroll in 1913. The order was signed by Alfonso XIII, the same one who was targeted by the anarchist that gave name to our group—whose memory we revived in another attack on a symbol of Power in February this year. The comrades killed in action live only through action.

After the triumph of fascism in 1939, the Basilica of the Pillar was declared national temple and sanctuary of the race. It became a prime location for Franco and his entourage, who gave central importance to it in the takeover of Zaragoza and their victory against the Aragon front. This is the temple where the corpse of Juan Soldevila lays, entrepreneur and cardinal killed by the anarchist group Los Solidarios in 1923 for being one of the financiers of the pistoleros hired by bosses. This noxious personage pertains to the history of this location, and he is remembered in every celebration which is emblematic of Power, such as the annual Hispanic Day, on October 12th, when our enemies arrogantly celebrate their colonialist expansion making prayers and pilgrimages in this space of intimacy, passing through its area in total tranquility.

However the habitual calmness was lost on October 2nd, 2013. At approximately 1.15pm, we installed an explosive device consisting of one butane gas bottle filled with two kilos of black powder, including a clockwork mechanism for its activation. This action did not intend to harm any parishioners or tourists, that is why we gave advance warning—ten minutes prior to detonation—to the newspapers El Periódico (Zaragoza) and El Heraldo as well as to the Basilica of the Pillar, so that they could evacuate the temple.

This action is intended to warn their attendees that fascist standards like this one are not and will never be secure locations.

Insurrectional Commando Mateo Morral