Act For Freedom Now!

October 21, 2013
by actforfreedom

On the Out – Zine about life after prison – uk

On the Out – Zine about life after prison

A new publication has recently been produced by Bristol ABC. On the Out is a collection of writings by ex-prisoners and their supporters on life after prison.
We hope that it will go some of the way to filling the gap in prisoner support literature for information on post-prison life.
The majority of prisoners in the UK only serve around 50-75% of their sentence in prison before being released. The remainder of their sentence will be spent on license. A limbo like state where you are neither in Prison nor free. The Prison system uses this as another tool of oppression, limiting people’s freedoms.
This pamphlet aims to tear down the walls surrounding licenses and probation for the world to see. In this zine we have collected several articles, interviews and discussions from former prisoners and their supporters about their experiences after prison.
Including pieces on social control through license conditions, tagging, the emotional affects of repression, how to support someone leaving prison and more. Click here to download: On The Out Zine

October 21, 2013
by actforfreedom


From RadioAzione
Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd
The court of Genoa is on via 4 Novembre
 Getting to the court by train: stop in Genova Brignole and walk to via XX September. From there catch a bus to Piazza De Ferrari.
 Getting to the court by car: if you come from the north take the Genova Ovest and drive to the centre; if you come from the south take the Genova Est and drive to the centre. Do not park near the stadium because of a match being played on the day.

With our heads held high – A call for debate and solidarity in anticipation of the trial against Nicola and Alfredo

 On July 5 the preliminary hearing of the trial against anarchists Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito, arrested on September 14 2012 and accused of being the perpetrators of the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare manager Roberto Adinolfi – designer and builder of nuclear power plants – will take place. The action was claimed by the Olga Nucleus of the Informal Anarchist Federation/FRI.
On that day the dates of the trial will be set, most likely starting in autumn.
 An early draft of this proposal has been circulating for the last two months. Starting from one single repressive episode – however serious and full of implications – we came to reflect on a larger scale on the deficiencies and perspectives of a certain anarchist area and on the necessity for debate – and not flattened positions – on some fundamental topics such as repression, solidarity, prospects of the struggle, dynamics and deficiencies of our communication.

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October 21, 2013
by actforfreedom

Italy – Comrade Francesco transferred to Rome

 By act for freedom now/Bpd

On Monday October 14 2013 comrade Francesco Carrieri was moved to the Rebibbia prison in Rome after he had been moved to Savona from Sanremo.
 To write to him:
Francesco Carrieri
C.C. Rebibbia
Via Raffaele Majetti 70
00156 Rome
 Solidarity is a weapon, let’s use it!

October 21, 2013
by actforfreedom

Rome, Italy – ATM sabotaged in solidarity with the comrades arrested following the revolt of October 15 2011

 Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd
We receive from anonymous mail and transmit:





October 19, 2013
by actforfreedom

Rio de Janeiro: Cops beat an 18-years-old boy to death

In the early hours of October 17th, 2013 Paulo Roberto Pinho de Menezes, 18, was beaten to death by officers of the ‘Police Pacification Unit’ (UPP) in the Manguinhos favela of Rio de Janeiro. The cops immobilized the teenager and took him in a dark back-alley, where they fiercely beat him to death. The exact circumstances of his assassination are not yet clarified. However, his mother and other residents have verified that Paulo Roberto was among a group of youths when cops of the local UPP conducted a control in the favela.
In the late afternoon of October 17th revolted youths attacked cops with stones, enraged by the assassination of Paulo Roberto. The brute violence of repression forces escalated even further, when cops used live ammunition causing injuries to various individuals. A 17-years-old girl was hit on her leg by police bullet and evacuated to the hospital. The pigs did not hesitate to threaten even the sister of Paulo Roberto, pointing a gun at her.
The funeral for the boy was scheduled for Friday the 18th of October, day when a morning protest was also called to denounce the umpteenth murder at the hands of police.
You may read some facts about the exact role of the ‘Police Pacification Unit’ in the cleansing of the favelas, in the name of Brazil’s preparations for the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics, here. A video with English subtitles concerning another killing in the Manguinhos favela, in March 2013, can be viewed here.




October 17, 2013
by actforfreedom

Chile – Comrade Victor Montoya on trial on October 15

From RadioAzione
Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd


On October 15 the obscure judiciary of the South will demand an extension of the period of investigation being carried out against comrade Victor Hugo Montoya, who has been charged under the antiterrorism act with placing a bomb outside a police station.
 The intention of the prosecutors is to extend the period of imprisonment of the comrade so as to convince him to accept the blackmail of an abbreviated trial procedure during which he pleads guilty to his offence under the antiterrorism act.

Solidarity with Victor Montoya!

October 17, 2013
by actforfreedom

Italy – ‘The figures don’t add up?’ Leaflet in solidarity with anarchist comrades Alfredo and Nicola

 From RadioAzione
Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd

 Two years have passed since the latest incident in a nuclear power plant, that of Fukushima: a never established and incalculable number of death, wounded and people contaminated by radioactivity, damages of huge proportions that the Japanese techno-scientific community, government and press awkwardly try to conceal, and last but not least the tragic farce of the Olympic Games in Japan, with which propaganda is glorifying a devastated, deadly and broken territory.
 In Italy, an unknown number of radioactive waste sites oozing death are scattered in the countryside of Saluggia and Trino Vercellese close to the Po basin, the heritage of the last nuclear power plant that operated in the Piedmont region.
 A regular passage of trains loaded with nuclear waste destined to re-processing (i.e. re-use) goes on between North Europe, Italy, the Susa Valley and France.
 An industrial giant, Finmeccanica, specialized in various sectors including nuclear power for civil use (maintenance of existing nuclear plants and construction of new ones), arms production and trade, and control systems (mainly concentrated on the new borders of expansion such as nuclear plants in Romania, arms trafficking with India, etc), also represents a typical example of racket, corruption and exploitation ingrained in all expressions of dominion and the capital.
 A planner of nuclear plants, a champion of a dramatically false and faulty sustainability of the civil use of nuclear power, a manger with Ansaldo Nucleare Gruppo Finmeccanica: Roberto Adinolfi was wounded by a gunshot outside his house on May 7 2012, an action claimed by the Olga nucleus of the Anarchist Informal Federation.
 Two comrades, anarchists Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito will go on trial on October 30 2013 after been charged with attack with purposes of terrorism following Adinolfi’s wounding.
 We greet with joy and anger anyone who opposes the devastations perpetrated by dominion, and with their heads held high they continue to claim the validity and force of real practices of struggle and critique.
 For anarchy.

October 14, 2013
by actforfreedom

Notre-Dame-des-Landes (France): Call for decentralised action for the first anniversary of ZAD evictions

- October 14th, 2013

19 October 2013: Protest anniversary of evictions. 14H instead Brittany, Nantes
The signatories of this statement calling for a big event October 19, 2013 at 14H, instead Bertagne in Nantes.This is part of the first anniversary against evictions last fall, the failed operation to demolish the ZAD called “Caesar” to those hard-housed occupying the space LU various places since then.
Evictions on ZAD
October 16, 2012 in the morning, the state kicked off the Caesar operation to remove and destroy the places occupied the ZAD of Notre Dame des Landes in opposition to the airport project.
At 10:30 on the field with his troops, the prefect of the Loire-Atlantique said that the operation was completed successfully and that the military occupation of the ZAD would last “a few days” to complete the destruction of homes. Given the resistance that is organized and developed, taking many forms there and everywhere, facing external solidarity ZAD who provided logistical, political and moral support, these “few days” have become months .. . ZAD is always busy!

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October 14, 2013
by actforfreedom

‘Operation Ardire’, Italy – Communiqué of Culmine


Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd

We receive and transmit:
Dear comrades,
as many of you already know the anarchist blog Culmine was released from prison on September 7 because the period of pre-trail detention had expired.
However it cannot be said that we were freed because they have inflicted restrictions on us: we can’t travel abroad, are compelled to live in our towns and have to report to the police station twice a day.
In order to justify this ‘freedom subjected to restrictions’ they pointed out that we have never disowned the work undertaken by Culmine and have always maintained the importance of the continuation of anarchist counter-information.
Taking ‘the personalities of the investigated individuals and their criminal activities’ into account they insist in inflicting another form of imprisonment on us simply because they have no other choice: the investigation, in fact, is still ongoing and they still have some work to do with us as we are ‘individuals who can easily gather support’ and who ‘have not renounced their anarchist and subversive purposes’.
 They state that their miserable prison bars are not sufficient to control a ‘crime’ such as that of instigation: they are perfectly right but they can’t accept the fact that actions of total liberation don’t need any instigation!
 We take this occasion to express our solidarity to all those who struggle as antiauthoritarians and to all dignified prisoners who don’t stop resisting and attacking with their heads held high.
 We also thank all the individuals in affinity who have never stopped expressing their solidarity and complicity with us.

 A strong rebel hug!

 Culmine, beginning of October 2013

Stefano Gabriele Fosco

Elisa Di Bernardo

October 14, 2013
by actforfreedom

Bologna, Italy – Friday October 11: Fuoriluogo on trial!

By the comrades on trial and others in solidarity

 Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd

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 On Friday October 11 2013 the first hearing of the trial for ‘Operation Outlaw’ will be held at the court of Bologna. 21 comrades are on trial charged of forming a ‘criminal organization aiming at the subversion of the democratic order’. During the hearing of October 11 the Digos chief Marotta, the actual leader of the investigation, will give evidence.
 It is an investigation carried out by the power of attorney of Bologna ‘against the anarcho-insurrectionalist threat’, an investigation which had led to arrests, expulsion orders and the closure of the anarchist place Fuoriluogo in April 2011.
 The operation cost 260 thousand euro (of which 17 thousands were spent to protect the premises of Forza Nuova), kicked off in the aftermath of a series of attacks on multinationals such as ENI and IBM, and was celebrated by the press as a great success achieved by the Digos against anarchist terrorism. To tell the truth, however, the investigation doesn’t mention any of these facts.
 What the prosecutors want actually to state is that the defendants in the trial, being engaged in the struggle (against migrants’ detention centres, prisons, nuclear power, TAV, war and exploitation) are the promoters or the participants in a criminal association. The evidence would be the many police reports against them: for roads blocks, unauthorized demos, resistance, daubing of public spaces, etc (a curriculum vitae that all those who are active in an ‘antagonist movement’ have in common); and some ideas shared by all the defendants (the refusal to consider the institutions as interlocutors, support to direct action, the urgency to concretely oppose fascists, etc).
 If on the one hand this fabrication can seem shaky from a reasonable point of view as it presents countless contradictions (anarchists who would organize themselves in a hierarchical way, premises in the centre of the city open to the public seen as secret hangouts, etc), on the other hand it is clear that it involves strong pressures (from the then minister Maroni to the security chief of ENI, from Cancellieri [current interior minister] to the power of attorney) aimed at keeping the theorem alive against all odds.
 What is at stake is clear: if the prosecutors succeed in affirming their thesis of the criminal association in order to strike anarchist struggles, such thesis will be used against anyone who struggles and decides to organize themselves.
 What is left of the ruling class, protected by the police apparatus, know very well that all they can offer is only a constant deterioration of everyone’s living conditions. Therefore it is not surprising that they are preparing to contain tomorrow’s revolts right now, revolts that could be very close in time.
 Perhaps they have the power to sentence comrades on the basis of nothing but their arguments are poor. Let’s be there in great numbers, let’s see what they have to say. A fuoriluogo [out of place] afternoon in a courtroom.
 In a city where expulsion orders, police stop-and-search, intimidations and charges are constantly used against those who decide to oppose power without mediations, it is necessary to re-launch solidarity.

October 14, 2013
by actforfreedom

Solidarity text for anarchist comrade Babis Tsilianidis from Thessaloniki (Greece)

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 We have received and postup!

“Those who live are those who fight, those whose soul and mind are obsessed with a constant planning. For them the abrupt ascension symbolises a huge destiny. Those who walk thoughtfully, absorbed by a great purpose.”
On Wednseday, 16 October in Thessaloniki’ s courts will be examined the request for an interruption of serving sentence of Babi’s Tsilianidis, concerning a robbery in Ahepa hospital.
The comrade, being imprisoned since January 2011 (for accuses that don’t burden him anymore) he “takes” a third-extra pretrial incarceration, and this time the only “evidence” was a handkerchief, in which, as cops says, DNA that “matches” with Babi’s genetic profile was found .
During his whole incarceration, he refuses any cooperation with the authorities, he doesn’t give his fingerprints and his DNA, he doesn’t apologise to the interrogators, he refuses to be present to the courtrooms. During the trial, on 22 January, 2013, the prosecutor proposed 10 years and 4 months imprisonment. Do not get used to fear We understand that DNA, nowadays , except of another chapter in the biology books, can also become a sufficient element to set up a conviction, which was based on a supposed scientific authority. Beyond the configuration that state, technology and science shakes once again their hands, DNA is an extra addition, among thermal cameras and surveillance cameras, alarms, databases, fingerprint-banks, cops’s and security’s patrols. It is another tool in the authoritarian’s arsenal, it is a part of the total strategic enhancement of the repression and it comes to complement the image of a regime of surveillance and control. The entrance of new repressive methods in the technological modernization of the state could only be implemented experimentally firstly.
So, we see new practices to be tested on more radical parts and then to be expanded on enlarged fighting communities. Recent examples (after the comrade’s conviction) are those of the imposed taking genetic material from the fighting residents in Halkidiki and their imprisonment (some of them), but also the EKAM’s (special police force)draft and not only for the transport of comrades accused for armed action, but also for the repression in demos, squats and strikes. In that way, on the one hand the domination tries to understand what is hapenning, and on the other hand to exemplary punish its enemies.
And if it aims once to establish the fear inside us, it aims a hundred times to make us get used to the adaptation in a city-prison. We do not speak, we do not give fingerprints and DNA to cops In a condition like this, where the control and the imposition of the modern repressive methods are implimented widely on our daily lives, the creation and the spread of struggle communities become more and more imperative. As well solidarity relations will promote our common choice for revolution and freedom. So by the connection of multiform ways of actions and thoughts, by building structures that will act compositively to each other, we will be able not only to stand collectively against the repressive moves, but mainly to create our own moments of attack. The fact that in the struggle a variety of means, actions, ways of speaking, and also of different viewpoints emerge, can’t be a drawback or act oppositively to the common attitude that we must have against the enemy.
And this happens, because the non-cooperation with the enemy is a part of a broader view of our own position in the warfare. So it becomes clear as well as necessary to put forth the refusal of giving DNA, the refusal of giving fingerprints, the refusal of the invasion of repression in our thoughts and our bodies. Clear and necessary to apply these denials, in practice and under any circumstances in order to conserve not only our personal freedom, but also to leave a collective collateral to the people who will stand in the same place with us, in the near and distant future. No law can define our actions The choice of refusing to give genetic material on a personal level is a conscious fight position in the war we take part in.
Of equal importance is that these refusals should be expressed through common struggles. Should become real through collective processes. The choice of denying the state’s experimentation on us, comes to confirm the refusal of reproducing judicial-legalist dipoles around innocence and guilt. It comes to demolish the dichotomy that the enemy structures to divide and absorb our action. It makes sense to be able to decode this dipole that the dominance has structured, but also to stop reproducing it through our struggle communities.
The non-collaboration with cops and judges gives prominence to the apparent power of the bourgeois legality. All these are seen through an immovable value, which says that we don’t give information to cops, which doesn’t accept the state’s omnipotence, which doesn’t wait anyone judge to condemn our action and our existence as guilty or innocent. “Besides, for our enemies we will always be guilty for our attempt to fulfil our desire to live free, to define our lives on our own at an individual as well as a collective level, in harmony with nature, away from webs of authority, control and mediation, from relations which reproduce hierarchies, oppression and exploitation, from the dependence on “experts”.(M.Tsilianidis)” The court’s decision was 10 years and 4 months of imprisonment. This decision was the first conviction of an anarchist captured on the basis of DNA.
This decision does not focus only on Babis himself, but also comes to open one more road for helping cops and judges to hold or prosecute fighters. This decision concerns all those who have chosen the road of struggle, reminding us that we should not give an inch of our space nor a drop of our saliva.
assembly of anarchists for the connection of the struggles inside the society-prison

October 8, 2013
by actforfreedom


Translated by the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

Edited by boubouras/actforfree




 Once again we meet in the Fire, with old and new comrades, determined to overthrow the police estimations which wanted us to be a closed chapter of an ended story. The Conspiracy Cells of Fire is a never-ending story. It is the inner flame that burns within us, it is the Phoenix which is born from its ashes again and again… it is the Fire of Refusal and Nihilism which cry “I cannot stop, I cannot be burnt, no one can put me out.”
About a month ago, both our brothers Andreas and Spiros were arrested in Thessaloniki accused of sending a parcel bomb to the former commander of the Anti-terrorist force. There is no need for many words. Brothers remember that the sun will continue to rise for all of us whose homeland is the New Anarchy. The Phoenix is born from it own ashes and continues to mock the silence of the cowards, providing Promethea’s fire to the eternal insurgents.
Thus, the sending of the trapped parcel bomb to inquisitor Mokkas is a first minimum and reflective response. It is the answer that for us the only way to escape is to set fire to the reformist defence positions and to proceed to attack first again.
Moreover, Damianos, Panagiotis, Theofilos, Christos, Haris, Giorgos.P, Giorgos, Michalis, Olga, Gerasimos, namely the ten brothers and sister of the CCF, all of who are already being held in captivity with double, triple and quadruple sentences that even surpasses the 36 months*, are now persecuted by the prosecuting circles with the charge of inciting.
Dimitris Mokkas is exclusively entrusted with cases related to “terrorism” on greek territory. Which means exclusively our organization. The career of this slimy object does not have any differences from that of any typical juridical officer. Faint hearted little people which evolved into justice officials in order to satisfy their own complexes. This specific clown did a bit better in than other worms of the appellate court in kissing his superiors ass. His vanity to get a higher position was satisfied. Now he is in charge of calls, interrogations and detentions, always with a vengeful smile on his mouth. The peak of his ridiculousness and cowardice was the postponement of the detention of our comrade of the CCF Gerasimos Tsakalos a few hours before the expiry date, above his bed, while he was also going through his 23rd day on hunger strike.
For all this that he has done we decided to also send him our own revenge gift. Of course, not to the glass tower of the appellate, where with the attitude of a thousand cardinals behind his office he signs the shitty legal papers against our brothers and sister, but sending our parcel to his personal residence, where he feels safe. We know that all these scumbags, such as Mokkas, after their sacred duty to hold captive the lives of dozens of people, go back to the warmth of their own home, pretending to be an honourable husband and parent. Thus, we followed the specific target, located his house and chose to send the parcel bomb there. In this way we sent him our performance signed the Conspiracy Cells of Fire.
It is a fact that there is an insolence in this sector in the previous years. Parody trials sentencing people to dozens of years in prison with no evidence. Repeated detentions deprive freedom from whoever the cops consider a problem. And we are not just talking about armed guerillas. It is a tactic founded with anti-terror laws and is now used openly in dozens of cases. For all this insolence are responsible also all those who are released from prison and forget the big words of revenge against judges and prosecutors. Prisons therefore are also full with people who although feel wronged from the decisions of this sector, never transform this dissatisfaction into rage and rage into action.
Let this attack become an invitation for such acts of revenge, to all, inside and out of the prison walls, who have experienced the rot of juridical authority. It is not something unattainable. There are hundreds of juridical workers. They do not guard themselves, and it is not that hard to find them. Lets all attack them with whatever everyone can. From beatings and arsons up to bombs and executions. Only in this way will they understand there is a war. And if they do not understand, surely we will feel better that we avenged these inquisitors of justice. As for those inside the walls, the only decent attitude towards these scumbags is the discrediting of this farce called a trial. Let alone, when we speak of hostage revolutionaries and special terror trials.
With this attack we want to send our friendship and respect to our imprisoned brothers and sisters in Latin America. To dignified comrades Freddy Fuentivilla, Marcelo Villaroel and Juan Vega, who are accused in “caso security”. The three comrades participated in the armed struggle against the state of Chile in the 80s and 90s. Now they are in prison accused of bank robberies and the execution of a cop during a shoot out.
We also dedicate it to unrepentant comrade Jose Miguel Sanchez Jimenez. An urban guerilla who continued his struggle after the fall of the junta in Chile, because as he wrote “i do not believe in their democracy”.
Also to anarchist vegan Braulio Arturo Duran Gonzalez, who is in prison in Mexico accused of attacks on ATMs.
To Hans Niemeyer who is accused of subversive action and attacks on symbols of authority. The chilean state bailed him under house arrest. Hans, broke his bail though, escaping into clandestinity. Unfortunately, a few months ago he was arrested and imprisoned.
To our brother Henry Zegarrando, who is accused by the Bolivian state for attacks of FAI-Bolivia which took place in the country’s territory a while ago. Henry, was transferred from prison to special regime of house arrest.
As well we send our warmest greetings to our recently released brothers Mario Lopez, Ivan and Carlo. And of course a big hug which will hide from the cops our wanted friend and comrade Felicity Ann Ryder, for whom an arrest warrant has been put out for her in Mexico.
The Black International of Anarchists of Praxis through the FAI-IRF, is everywhere. In the imprisoned comrades, the wanted anarchists, the anarchists fighters of the streets.
 This is why we want our voice and fires to travel to the other side of the globe, to far Indonesia, strengthening the actions of our brothers and sisters, in the FAI cells there. Recently, the cells of FAI-Indonesia, besides attacks against the system, carried out a campaign of counter-information concerning the execution of four prisoners by the special forces of the police. The four young prisoners were accused of a clash which took place in a bar and during which they killed a cop of the police special forces. A bit after their imprisonment there was a night time raid in the prisons where they executed the four prisoners in their cell, with kalashnikovs.
 The comrades in Indonesia are not alone… All together, anarcho-individualists, nihilists, chaotics, we meet there where the new anarchy becomes practice. We want to meet through our actions and experiment with the diffuse of the Informal Anarchist Federation FAI. To mock the police control, become more dangerous, support the international anarchist solidarity and attack for it. Thats why -just like fire unites us- we share the same joy for an anarchist attack as well as the sadness for a captivity or death of a comrade.
 Concluding, we would like to dedicate a few words to those who the echo of attack makes them feel the desire of action. We therefore send a guerilla signal of fire to the comrades of anarchist steki Nadir in Thessaloniki, which was once again the target of oppression. Towards a “movement” where the plague of reformism and communism is spreading constantly in order to completely take it over, anarchist steki Nadir, with all of its possible contradictions, remains an annoying reminder which says that “anarchy is not a product for sale on the ideological shelves of the supermarkets of the ‘veterans’ of the ‘movement’, but it is insurrectionist violence in the street… ”
Finally, we know that our comrades in Indonesia a few months ago dealt with a loss. Their, and our, brother Ryo, was stabbed to death in a clash. Their loss is our loss. This is why we decided to call the cell of the Conspiracy which sent the parcel bomb to the inquisitor, “Ryo” cell, as a token of honour and remembrance to the comrade who was killed…
 Today the Conspiracy Cells of Fire is reborn from its ashes, promoting The Phoenix Project. New cells of the Conspiracy are ready to unleash themselves into the new anarchist urban guerilla warfare. And to those reformist anarchists who slander us saying that our methods seem more more mafia-like, its only because they start to resemble leftist hippies…
 STRENGTH and SOLIDARITY to the new nihilists,
the anarchists of Praxis, the chaotics of Refusal, the armed minorities
of anarcho-individualists…
RYO Cell

October 8, 2013
by actforfreedom

About the recent repressive strikes against anarchists and anti-authoritarians in Belgium

 We have received and translated from French by Actforfree/sysiphus

Without a break

A short reminder about events
Anarchists and anti-authoritarians in Belgium have been hit by the repression a number of times over the past few years. The raids on five houses in Brussels, Ghent and Leuven in September 2013 are the latest episode. Three houses and the anarchist library Acrata had already been raided at the end of May. These initiatives of judge Isabelle Panou are within the framework of investigations concerning “terrorist organization, conspiracy and arson” opened in 2008. But the repressive forces did not limit themselves to raids. They have tried to recruit snitches to spy on the activities of anarchists and anti-authoritarians on several occasions.
They have used “extraordinary investigative methods”, including concealing a video-surveillance camera inside the flat of two Brussels anarchists. They also carry out surveillance, draw up reports on “the anarchist threat”, organize administrative harrassment to complicate comrades’ lives, pass on information about individuals to other police forces in the world, send out summons for interrogation, publish slander in the press etc. A number of comrades have also spent a few weeks behind bars. Anyway, putting all these things into a broader context, it is easy to see that the repression is seeking through various means to curb or paralyze the ideas and actions aimed at destroying the world of authority.
This however does not mean we are talking of a heavy repressive climate such as we see in other countries. Let’s be clear on this point: that’s far from the case. Anyway, there is nothing surprising or particular about the police having malicious intentions towards enemies of authority.
The investigations
Are aimed in all likelihood at a number of more or less intensive struggles, agitation and initiatives: the struggle against prison and solidarity with revolts inside them, that against the construction of the new detention-centre Steenokkerzeel and the machinery of deportation, initiatives and attacks against the veins of the prison-city (construction of new fast RER train lines around Brussels and public transport in general); agitation against  bailiffs, against NATO and its presence in Brussels, against the European institutions and the Eurocrats and the struggle against the construction of a maxi-prison in Brussels …

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October 7, 2013
by actforfreedom

Italy – USB bomb to the daily La Stampa


Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd

From the national press we learn that a parcel containing explosive material was delivered to the editing office of La Stampa. The parcel was addressed to one of the journalists who write on the NO TAV. The man had already been threatened on a number of times.
 The trigger of the explosive device was placed in a USB key. If it had been plugged it would have exploded. The ‘bomb’ was made of 120 grams of powder compressed in a hard disk and linked to a chip. According to experts it could have exploded. A message in the envelope, written on a computer and printed on an A4 piece of paper, said that the hard risk had some videos concerning NO TAV protest camping in Venaus and Chiomonte, Susa Valley.
As the envelope made the paper lads and the journalist himself suspicious police was called. The forensic squad analyzed its contents and established it was a bomb ready to explode in 5 seconds after being plugged in a computer. According to the forensic experts the powder was a mix of different explosive materials.
 A similar rudimental device had been sent to La Stampa on April 9. On that occasion it had not exploded owing to a malfunction of the trigger.

October 7, 2013
by actforfreedom

Athens: Letter of captive anarchist Spyros Mandylas from Koridallos men’s judicial prison


September 4, 2013
“Others unthinkingly followed the paths learned once and for all, to their work and their home, to their predictable future. For them duty had already become a habit, and habit a duty. They did not see the deficiency of their city. They thought the deficiency of their life was natural. We wanted to break out of this conditioning, (…) in search of new passions.”
Guy Debord
A short chronicle of my arrest
On Thursday night, July 11th, 2013 cops of the anti-terrorist force barged in the anarchist Andreas Tsavdaridis was also captured outside his home in the district of Stavroupoli, Thessaloniki. I was asked to give fingerprints, DNA sample and photographs but I refused to 1, 2, 3, 4). I refused to sign any police paper, or talk about anything. Six days later, I was able to communicate with Andreas, who told me the exact same things had happened to him. What’s more, the police announced that the ten imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire were also charged as instigators in the Phoenix Project case. Continue Reading →

October 7, 2013
by actforfreedom

Kazan, Russia: Arrested anarchists released court pending

In Thursday 3rd of October, local activists learned that four anarchist anti-fascists arrested in Kazan have been released court pending. According to one of the comrades, during the arrest everyone was heavily pressured to sign a confession during the period of arrest. Activists spent around half years in remand. Due to bad arrest conditions, some of them got health problems.    It is expected that court will begin approximately in one month. Comrades in Kazan are still in need of    Updates and previous news on the case:


October 7, 2013
by actforfreedom

Greek prisons: New hearing in the case of anarchist Babis Tsilianidis


October 6, 2013
by actforfreedom

Russia. ELF/FAI burn down sawmill at hunting resort as 7th part of Phoenix project. Some thoughts on recent issues with FAI/IRF

Брянск (Россия). ELF/FAI поджигают лесопилку у охотников. Проект Феникс, часть 7. Коммюнике и размышления о положении дел в НАФ-ИРФ / Bryansk,

from :fromrussiawithlove.



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On october the 2nd of 2013 2 incendiaries 1.5l of gasoline each were placed at the sawmill situated on the land of a hunting resort under Bryansk (western Russia). Tongues of flames rose up to lick the rags left by unfortunate woodcutters right on the device. A nearby hill offered awesome spot to enjoy the night scene: thick smoke was soon gathering under the roof and coiling around the compound in a mist-like fashion.
We suggest this action to count as our input in PHOENIX project (#7), a project for the revival of direct action acts and anarchist resistance after repressions of 2010-2012. We wholeheartedly support our mates from Moscow cells of CCF and ELF when they state the necessity to resume and widen our attacks on state and capital.
Some thoughts about the recent critique by anonymous comrades from Argentina.  Without any second thoughts of being self-referential or posting useless bravado:
Interior debates are not always worth it to publish them in English on international sites. Besides we thought that a series of attacks on similar targets still sparks debates in the anarchist community at least on the local level (we can name anti-police campaign of 2008-2011, Khimki and Butovsky forests, recent protests against mining project in Voronezh). Sometimes things go beyond debates.
We also considered it agreed upon that its very hard to coordinate timed hits at the similar structures on the international level (like fur farms, woodcutter industry, cops, prisons, military objects, industry, banks, gas and oil etc.) as this takes more time and we are communicating on a more or less public level here. So our enemies can get the better of us. It is debatable whether we should risk our freedom during next action for a chance to see a communique about similar action taking place 6 months later somewhere else. Besides, one cannot say we do not coordinate to some extent: notice the series of attacks at power supply lines and electricity industry objects in Belarus, Canada and Inodnesia, actions taken against banking institutions in the UK, Russia, Germany, Italy, Greece, numerous coordinated acts of hunger strikes performed by our imprisoned comrades throughout the planet.
For our collective the whole FAI-IRF thing is more important because of  the feeling of being part to some wider community. In the past that was the “social anarchist” organizations’ exclusive domain. Now anarchists of other inclinations can feel camaraderie and support across the globe. Just several years ago in our country if you wanted to get in touch with anarchists you’d have to suffer through established mainstream anarchists organizations. And if some shit happened they were the first to mumble about police provocateurs and stuff. Now people who feel the same, who are edging towards rebellion and actions as no less valid than anarchist theory, can link up outside the pacifist and reformist anarchist framework. And when we read about hundreds of cars burning in one part of the world, banks going in flames in another and construction vehicles sabotaged somewhere else – so much the better. A short trip in memory: recall the heated discussions over the FAI acronym just a little while ago (or early discussions over the support/denouncement of CCF). We believe it is the achievement every group from FAI-IRF  that things have changed.
We understand that your concern is lack of streamlined coordination in our attacks, but we have another issue to discuss as well: new groups to be formed, spreading of information, countermeasures against repressions. If one wants to coordinate her attacks more thoroughly, she needs only to read other people’s communiques better. But to fight the still ongoing repression aimed at direct action groups world wide – this is the task we believe should be addressed asap.
- ELF/ FAI, Nestor Makhno Commando

October 3, 2013
by actforfreedom

Bandung: ELF torch manufacturing plant of bulletproof vests for police and military (Indonesia)

The police are the enemy . This is our final statement that is not negotiable. Police are not born to be friends, as individuals and as an institution, and can not be excluded from the list of enemies that must be addressed by for our attacks. As an institution and as individuals, the police goal is to protect civilization and the exploitation it is doing to the earth.
The objective of the police -as well as the other repressive instruments- is to secure the money and investment interests for the sake of the anthropocentric way of life as it is today. The police are not for representing our interests. Instead, the police are one of the thousands of faces of outrage alive today. Police must be attacked, as hard as possible.
For their loyal services as guard dogs for the domestication of life, they are equipped with combat equipment that is used against free will and the aspirations of wildlife where the judiciary and the rule of law are totally absent. They are equipped with weapons, armor and bulletproof vests. The devices are manufactured so that the pigs can act with confidence in the face of the war that is addressed to their masters.
But they were wrong. The pigs have a totally wrong idea if they think that we are not brave enough to send our attack right to their essential sectors. As of this moment, when we put two jerry cans containing 5 liters of petrol and 5 liters of diesel equipped with an automatic trigger. Triggers that we have prepared so that we can move away from the scene of the attack and make them not be able to catch any of us. Which is more than enough time for us to let nature protects us by removing all traces of our feets.
We tried a new step to radicalize our attacks and extend the effects of the damage from any blows that we direct to the enemy. Incendiary devices placed at a factory during the early hours on Monday, September 23, located on Canal Street Suryani, Babakan Village, District Babakan Ciparay, Bandung, West Java.
The reason? This factory manufactures bulletproof vests for cops and army. This plant is one of the sources for the production of war equipment for these pigs. Bullet-proof vests to protect police and soldiers when they open fire on the enemy, open fire on us and on our brothers. That’s why, this place is burning, charred, and this is the purpose of this action.
Together with these actions, we send our respectful salute to the combatants in other parts of the world and other places who without hesitation attack as much as possible. Salute to the joint actions undertaken by CCF Russia and the Russian ELF. Also the relentless attack from combatants Amigo de la Tierra – FAI in Argentina. Also the multiple attacks by the brave ones of CCF and ICR in Project Phoenix.
This action also is our warm greetings and hugs to the brave individuals who were abducted by the state but continue to wage war whilst their physical movements are limited. To Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Marco Camenisch, Hans Niemeyer, Walter Bond, the combatants of CCF Imprisoned Members Cell and the prisoners in Greece, Italy and Chile that we can not mention one by one, but they are always in our hearts.
Bring down the civilization
Wild Life, now!
ELF Indonesian Fraction

October 2, 2013
by actforfreedom

Italy – Franceso sent back to prison

Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd

 We learn that Francesco, a comrade arrested following the revolt of 15th October 2011 in Rome, was accused of breaking his bail conditions and was sent back to jail. A dozen people went immediately outside the prison of Savona in solidarity with the comrade. 
 Address of the comrade:
Francesco Carrieri
C.C. di Savona
Piazza Monticello 14
17100 Savona
 Here follows the text of a leaflet distributed during a solidarity initiative in Savona, a place where some graffiti on the wall seem to upset the normal routine of a city that hosts a disgusting prison right in the middle of blocks of flats.
 Francesco had been detained under house arrest for almost a year waiting for the trial he has to face for participating in the revolt of 15th October 2011 in Rome. In those days we were struggling against governments and their politics, which have brought the whole country to a disastrous crisis. A crisis we are not responsible for but of which we pay the consequences every day as we are enduring living conditions increasingly difficult, and we continue to be exploited, alienated, intoxicated by false dreams and induced needs and divided in a war among the poor.
Yesterday afternoon Francesco was in company of a few friends in the house where he was compelled to serve his detention. All of a sudden the carabinieri stormed the house and for lack of competence or, worse, following some premeditated and devious cops’ revenge, they took Francesco to prison with the charge of not respecting certain restrictions that he actually hadn’t been subjected to.
 There are plenty of jokes on the carabinieri but it really sounds strange to us that the carabinieri chief of Varazze is so stupid that he can’t read his paperwork and orders the incarceration of someone under house arrest who was allowed to get visits at home, as the restrictions on visits had been removed in February.
Certainly it is a revenge of the carabinieri, faithful defenders of the institutions and of the State, always striking those who are hostile to the imposed social system.
 Clearly it’s an act of intimidation aiming at weakening the courage of someone who has always claimed his ideas and choices. Needless to say it won’t be imprisonment to discourage Francesco and put an end to our desire for freedom, which pushes us to struggle every day.
 In these days prisoners in many Italian jails are in struggle against prison conditions. Our solidarity goes also to them.