- published: 25 Jul 2013
- views: 12625
- author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Remote Viewing Warnings
All Videos Will Be Posted At http://jetnews.us/forum/ So Thanks To All That Have Sub To Us...
published: 25 Jul 2013
author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Remote Viewing Warnings
Remote Viewing Warnings
All Videos Will Be Posted At http://jetnews.us/forum/ So Thanks To All That Have Sub To Us - Thanks To All Of Are Jet Team For Making This Happen. Japan Quak...- published: 25 Jul 2013
- views: 12625
- author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Mysterious Disappearances ( NEW )
Dave Paulides holds two degrees from the University of San Francisco, and has a profession...
published: 22 May 2013
author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Mysterious Disappearances ( NEW )
Mysterious Disappearances ( NEW )
Dave Paulides holds two degrees from the University of San Francisco, and has a professional background that includes twenty years in law enforcement and sen...- published: 22 May 2013
- views: 12702
- author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Mothman Sightings & Theories
Filmmaker and paranormal researcher Charlie McCracken discussed his comprehensive research...
published: 30 Jun 2013
author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Mothman Sightings & Theories
Mothman Sightings & Theories
Filmmaker and paranormal researcher Charlie McCracken discussed his comprehensive research on the Mothman sightings, including little known witness accounts....- published: 30 Jun 2013
- views: 56
- author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Ancient Cultures Tracked Patterns Based On Astronomical Cycle
Date: 07-2013
Jason Martell is a researcher and lecturer specializing in the a...
published: 23 Sep 2013
Ancient Cultures Tracked Patterns Based On Astronomical Cycle
Ancient Cultures Tracked Patterns Based On Astronomical Cycle
Date: 07-2013 Biography: Jason Martell is a researcher and lecturer specializing in the ancient Sumerian culture, Sumer's advanced technology, and how it relates to Planet X. Backed by leading scientists from the mainstream scientific community, Martell has been a guest on numerous television shows & radio programs and has given lectures throughout the world.He has also researched NASA data of possible artificial structures on Mars, as well as the theory of Ancient Astronauts. Jason Martell discussed ancient technologies, and why many ancient cultures tracked patterns based on astronomical cycles, and used megalithic monuments in association with this. He also talked about the Anunnaki, and how other ancient cultures besides the Sumerians, may have interacted with them, as they have similar depictions of the "Shining Ones." At some of the stone structures at Gobekli Tepe, dating back around 13,000 years, and the monolithic statues at Easter Island, the bodies look remarkably similar, he noted. "I think there's a lost epic of our culture here on Earth, in a larger cycle of time that repeats...and some of these ancient cultures that we've revered up till now like Egypt tapped into this ancient knowledge," he said. The Sumerians portrayed the Anunnaki with wings, as an indicator that they had the power of flight, he detailed, and they depicted their craft, with the top portion separating from the main body, like a rocket. Martell believes that the larger astronomical cycle runs for 24,000 years and is connected to Earth being in a binary solar system. Assuming that our sun is orbiting another sun (possibly a brown dwarf), "when we're in the Golden Age, when the suns are at their closest points to each other, it does something to the consciousness, and the ability for us to expand our knowledge exponentially here on Earth," he continued, adding that when the suns are at their farthest point, we're in the Dark Ages. Further, a cataclysmic event may have made the lost knowledge of the Golden Age harder for us to trace,- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 461
Neuro Linguistic Programming
All Videos Will Be Posted At http://jetnews.us/forum/ So Thanks To All That Have Sub To Us...
published: 09 Aug 2013
author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Neuro Linguistic Programming
All Videos Will Be Posted At http://jetnews.us/forum/ So Thanks To All That Have Sub To Us - Thanks To All Of Are Jet Team For Making This Happen. Bandler: N...- published: 09 Aug 2013
- views: 215
- author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Eisenhower's Great Granddaughter, Speaks Out on secret Mars Colony Project
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of Pres. Eisenhower, made an appearanc...
published: 25 Feb 2013
author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Eisenhower's Great Granddaughter, Speaks Out on secret Mars Colony Project
Eisenhower's Great Granddaughter, Speaks Out on secret Mars Colony Project
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of Pres. Eisenhower, made an appearance as well, revealing that she was the target of a sophisticated rec...- published: 25 Feb 2013
- views: 5433
- author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Asteroid 2012 DA14
All Videos Will Be Posted At http://jetnews.us/forum/ So Thanks To All That Have Sub To Us...
published: 04 Aug 2013
author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Asteroid 2012 DA14
Asteroid 2012 DA14
All Videos Will Be Posted At http://jetnews.us/forum/ So Thanks To All That Have Sub To Us - Thanks To All Of Are Jet Team For Making This Happen. Maverick p...- published: 04 Aug 2013
- views: 518
- author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Approaching Catastrophes For Mankindall
Author John Jay Harper warned of massive changes to the earth, climate, and health that he...
published: 18 Jul 2013
author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Approaching Catastrophes For Mankindall
Approaching Catastrophes For Mankindall
Author John Jay Harper warned of massive changes to the earth, climate, and health that he sees coming due to solar flare activity and other factors. Solar C...- published: 18 Jul 2013
- views: 96
- author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Planet X Is Continuing Its Inbound Path In Our Solar System
Date: 08-2013
Marshall Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer,...
published: 15 Sep 2013
Planet X Is Continuing Its Inbound Path In Our Solar System
Planet X Is Continuing Its Inbound Path In Our Solar System
Date: 08-2013 Biography: Marshall Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer, freelance writer, television analyst and the publisher of YOWUSA.COM. He spent three years researching Nibiru flyby-related topics including: catastrophic earth changes, crop circles, impact events and future technologies. Author and publisher Marshall Masters shared his contention that 'Planet X' is continuing its inbound path in our solar system, drawing closer to Earth. Rather than a planet, he believes what is out there is a mini-constellation, with a brown dwarf sun at the center, that is currently about two Jupiter distances away from us. One of the outermost objects orbiting this sun has been observed and nicknamed "Bluebonnet," he said. In order for it to be observed, people have to adjust their view, not for the Earth's horizon, but the ecliptic-- the plane of the solar system, he stated. Masters said an associate of his captured an image of the brown dwarf from a high altitude viewing spot west of Peru back in May and that has helped his team calculate the path of Planet X. He suggested that the effects of Planet X have already played into Earth's extreme weather, but according to his estimate, from 2015 onward, disruptions will be far more intense, with a pole shift and drastic flooding taking place, such as Edgar Cayce predicted.- published: 15 Sep 2013
- views: 3992
Environmental Illness How To Find A Cure
Date: 01-2011
Some years ago, while living in London, Faye Hueston became myst...
published: 12 Oct 2013
Environmental Illness How To Find A Cure
Environmental Illness How To Find A Cure
Date: 01-2011 Biography: Some years ago, while living in London, Faye Hueston became mysteriously ill. Unable to find a cause for her strange symptoms, doctors dismissed them as psychosomatic. Eventually, a clinical ecology doctor identified her condition as a collapsed immune system, due to environmental illness. Author Faye Hueston shared the story of her personal struggle with environmental illness and the long search she undertook to find a cure.- published: 12 Oct 2013
- views: 236
The Idea Of The Amero Replacing The Dollar
John Truman Wolfe has been a senior credit officer for two Calif...
published: 09 Nov 2013
The Idea Of The Amero Replacing The Dollar
The Idea Of The Amero Replacing The Dollar
Date:06-2010 Biography: John Truman Wolfe has been a senior credit officer for two California banks. He is the co-founder of a prestigious Los Angeles-based business-management company where he oversaw the business and financial matters of some of the biggest names in Hollywood. Wolfe has a Master's Degree with Honors from San Jose State University and is the former Chairman of the Department of History at John F. Kennedy University. John Truman Wolfe is the pen name of Bruce Wiseman. John Truman Wolfe argued that the current world economic crisis is an international coup designed to take down the U.S. dollar and install a global financial machine. He named the Global Monetary Authority (GMA) as a "financial dictator of the planet" and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland-- as the central bank for such entities as the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, and Bank of Japan. In fact, "all 55 central banks on the planet are members of and junior to the Bank of International Settlements," which he described as being above the law. The idea of the amero replacing the dollar is a "red herring," said Wolfe-- "the global currency that is being rolled out as we speak is the SDR," a fiat currency of the International Monetary Fund. "The simple fact of the matter is that the fiscal economy of the United States has been dished off to a bunch of bankers in Basel, Switzerland," he declared. Their plan is to reduce the size of the US economy and remove the dollar as the world's reserve currency, he continued. Further, the current crisis in such EU countries as Greece was planned so that the bankers can 'come to the rescue' and push for more international control mechanisms, he said. To counteract the international bankers, Wolfe suggested taking back the printing of money from the Federal Reserve (whom he called "fiscal vampires") and backing US currency with actual products and real estate. He also called for oversight of international banking organizations and their regulations.- published: 09 Nov 2013
- views: 347
The Devil & Evil Spirits
Mark Anthony the "Psychic Lawyer," is a psychic medium specializ...
published: 09 Nov 2013
The Devil & Evil Spirits
The Devil & Evil Spirits
Date:11-2013 Biography: Mark Anthony the "Psychic Lawyer," is a psychic medium specializing in communication with spirits. He is descended from a long line of psychics and mediums that have been helping people connect with deceased loved ones for over 100 years. His book, "Never Letting Go," is the definitive guide to healing grief with help from the Other Side. Although he has inherited the ability to communicate with spirits, Mark has worked conscientiously to expand his psychic gifts to the fullest potential. This includes study at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College for the Advancement of Psychic Science in England. Mark is also a successful attorney and certified mediator, licensed to practice law in Florida, Washington D.C., and before the United States Supreme Court. He earned his law degree from Mercer University in Georgia and studied law at Oxford University, England. Mark Anthony for a discussion on the devil, evil spirits and hell. The devil exists but not in the way organized Christian religions have taught," he said, noting how the idea of a supernatural entity who controls people and is the central command of evil is primitive and contradicts monotheism. According to Anthony, the devil is a convenient scapegoat for frightening individuals into conforming to a particular dogma and for concealing the truth that evil is generated entirely by the human ego. "The devil is the evil that exist within all of us... we don't need a jerk with a pitchfork to motivate us to commit horrific acts of brutality, selfishness and evil," he suggested. There are some who people who embody pure evil, Anthony continued, citing the In Cold Blood killers written about by Truman Capote. He shared his own experiences with 'shark-eyed' psychopaths and sociopaths, describing them as cold unfeeling predatory creatures. Anthony said he saw this evil nature in a 13-year-old client whose father admitted that he was afraid his son might cut his throat as he slept. When a dark energy (murderer, lowlife, thug) dies it goes into the darker levels of the other side where it can be interpreted as an evil spirit, he added. The lower levels are farther from the light and separated from God, he explained, pointing out that spirits there are not happy there and must atone in order to emerge from the darkness. You cannot escape karma, he warned. Anthony reported on his paranormal investigation of a cavern below the haunted Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado, where he and his team encountered a female non-human spiritual intelligence. He said investigators sometimes mistakenly assume these being are evil. In this case the female energy took the form of a green light that enveloped one of the ghost hunters so she could study him, Anthony revealed. Many cases of so-called demonic possession often involve untrained channelers who have opened themselves up to lower level entities from the other side, he added. Anthony also spoke about his time at Arthur Findlay College, a school of Spiritualism and psychic sciences, as well as how he uses his psychic abilities in the practice of law. It is useful skill to have when choosing a jury- published: 09 Nov 2013
- views: 763
Approaching Catastrophes
All Videos Will Be Posted At http://jetnews.us/forum/ So Thanks To All That Have Sub To Us...
published: 04 Aug 2013
author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Approaching Catastrophes
Approaching Catastrophes
All Videos Will Be Posted At http://jetnews.us/forum/ So Thanks To All That Have Sub To Us - Thanks To All Of Are Jet Team For Making This Happen. Date: 01-2...- published: 04 Aug 2013
- views: 1665
- author: DiscloseTruthTV2
UFO Files, UK
Date: 06-2013
Nick Pope used to run the British Government's UFO project at th...
published: 08 Sep 2013
UFO Files, UK
UFO Files, UK
Date: 06-2013 Biography: Nick Pope used to run the British Government's UFO project at the Ministry of Defense. Initially skeptical, his investigation of newly reported UFO incidents and access to government files on the subject soon convinced him that the phenomenon raised important national security issues, especially when the witnesses were military pilots or where UFOs were tracked on radar. Nick also looked into other mysteries such as alien abductions and crop circles. He now continues his research in a private capacity and is recognized as a leading authority on UFOs and the unexplained. He has done extensive media work, has lectured all around the world and has acted as consultant on several TV documentaries. UFO expert Nick Pope talked about the final batch of UFO files released by the UK government. He dismissed the media's assertion that the Ministry of Defense UFO desk was shut down because there was "nothing of interest" found as a result of the study. Pope cited a sharp rise in UFO reports from 2006 to 2009 and the fact that many of the cases had prosaic explanations as two critical factors which likely led to frustration with the project and the decision to close the desk. Additionally, he observed that the UK's Freedom of Information act came into effect in 2005, which resulted in an overwhelming amount UFO document requests for the MOD. He theorized that the collection of UFO reports is still happening within the UK military, but that they are couched in terms which do not use the nomenclature 'UFO' and, thus, will not create an FOIA paper trail. Wikipedia Pope joined the Ministry of Defence in 1985. After serving in a number of different posts, he was assigned in 1991 to a section of Secretariat (Air Staff) known as Sec where his duties included investigating reports of UFO sightings, to see if they had any defence significance. At the time, while the Ministry of Defence stated that it "remains totally open-minded" about the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial lifeforms", it also stated that there was no evidence to suggest that any UFO sightings posed any threat to the UK or that they were extraterrestrial in origin. It is clear from material that Pope wrote whilst still at the MoD that he did not share the MoD's view that conventional explanations could be found for all UFO sightings. Pope's final posting in the MoD was to the Directorate of Defence Security. He resigned in 2006 and in 2009 MoD announced that UFO sightings would no longer be investigated- published: 08 Sep 2013
- views: 284
Youtube results:
Various Issues Related To The Web
Date: 09-2010
Lauren Weinstein is one of the "old" men of the Internet. He cre...
published: 25 Sep 2013
Various Issues Related To The Web
Various Issues Related To The Web
Date: 09-2010 Biography: Lauren Weinstein is one of the "old" men of the Internet. He created the PRIVACY Forum in 1992, and has been involved with Internet and other technology issues for well over 25 years, starting in the early 1970's at the first site on the Defense Department ARPANET (the ancestor of the Internet), which was located at UCLA. Weinstein is quoted as an expert on a wide range of technology topics and issues of technology's impact on individuals and society, by a wide range of newspaper and magazine articles, and participates in numerous local and network radio and television news programs, talk shows, and other venues where these issues are under discussion. Internet and privacy expert Lauren Weinstein spoke about various issues related to the web. Regarding a recent case where a Google engineer was fired for accessing private data, and then stalking some teenage Google users, there are checks and balances that could be put into place to lessen such occurrences, such as multiple staff people needed to access customer data, he noted. "Cookies" and other tracking technologies on the web are employed with customers knowing little or nothing about them, said Weinstein, who added that a recent Wall St. Journal investigation found some sites were quite intrusive, using more than 100 tracking tools on visitors. One of the best ways for people to protect their computers from viruses and malware is to keep their software up-to-date, as new exploits sometimes come in fast and furious,- published: 25 Sep 2013
- views: 266
Vanishing Dead
Date: 07-2013
Joshua P. Warren has spent 20 years breaking ground in the paran...
published: 04 Sep 2013
Vanishing Dead
Vanishing Dead
Date: 07-2013 Biography: Joshua P. Warren has spent 20 years breaking ground in the paranormal. He began publishing at the age of 15. At age 25, Simon & Schuster published his book, HOW TO HUNT GHOSTS, now widely considered a classic in the field. In 2004, he made the cover of the science journal, ELECTRIC SPACE CRAFT, for his work on the mysterious Brown Mountain Lights. Founder of L.E.M.U.R. Paranormal, and the Asheville Mystery Museum, he often corresponds for Coast to Coast AM, hosts the nationally-syndicated Speaking of Strange radio show, and is a regular personality on programs that have aired on the Travel Channel, Discovery, History Channel, National Geographic, SyFy, Animal Planet, etc. Through an open, imaginative mind, Warren tells the facts with a warm, respectful sense of humor, yet reduces them down to solid lab experiments to separate fact from fiction. A quick Google search demonstrates why his schedule includes major events regarding ghosts, UFOs, cryptids, psychic phenomena, time warps, and everything that presses forth the boundaries of "normal" reality. paranormal investigator Joshua P. Warren, who reported from Puerto Rico on bodies vanishing from local cemeteries and how it could be related to UFO/alien activity on the island. "There is this sort of growing sense that something is building up around Puerto Rico and, of course, we're right here in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle," he said. According to Warren, the latest weirdness involves 40 or so corpses that have disappeared from a small mountain graveyard. Locals believe something akin to a biblical resurrection is taking place, he revealed, noting that something more sinister may be occurring. The bodies may have been taken by people who practice a dark magical ritual to capture and control the spirits of the dead, Warren suggested. The ritual requires human remains to be placed into a caldron, wrapped in chains, and fed animal blood, alcohol or tobacco, he explained. The dead have vanished from an area where UFO activity has spiked, Warren continued. He spoke about tracking down a man who had accidentally captured an unusually-shaped UFO over his uncle's cattle fields. The man had been prompted to snap photos with his mobile phone after the animals began behaving strangely, Warren added. Residents of that region claim to have seen aliens as well. Warren shared a story about finding an alien in a jar at a bar (see below). According to a source there, a local farmer told the bar's owner about seeing a UFO land on his property and finding a dead alien the next day, he said. The farmer put the curious being into a jar of rubbing alcohol and it immediately shriveled, Warren noted. He also talked about other strange creature sightings in the area.- published: 04 Sep 2013
- views: 487
Monsters in American Culture
Host was joined by Professor of History, Scott Poole, for a discussion of how the monster,...
published: 30 Jun 2013
author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Monsters in American Culture
Monsters in American Culture
Host was joined by Professor of History, Scott Poole, for a discussion of how the monster, in all its various forms, has been a staple of American culture si...- published: 30 Jun 2013
- views: 74
- author: DiscloseTruthTV2
Arctic Sea Ice Has Grown To A Record Breaking Amount
Date: 09-2013
Robert Felix, a former architect, became interested in the ice-a...
published: 12 Sep 2013
Arctic Sea Ice Has Grown To A Record Breaking Amount
Arctic Sea Ice Has Grown To A Record Breaking Amount
Date: 09-2013 Biography: Robert Felix, a former architect, became interested in the ice-age cycle back in 1991. He spent the next eight and a half years, full-time, researching and writing about the coming ice age. He then concentrated on spreading the word. Robert's book, "Not by Fire but by Ice" has achieved international acclaim with readers around the world. Today, Felix continues his research, and is more firmly convinced than ever that the next ice age could begin any day. In fact, he believes it has already begun. Researcher Robert Felix spoke about climate change and a possible ice age. Just recently it was announced that Arctic sea ice has grown to a record breaking amount, and some 250,000 alpaca froze to death in southern Peru, while some 70,000 animals died in Bolivia. Even though we're told that we're experiencing global warming, "I keep insisting that we're heading into an ice age. And I think we're headed there faster than anyone realizes Felix believes the reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles is imminent and that their reversal causes environmental cataclysms which lead into ice ages. One of his two websites is Ice Age Now, which is where he peddles this facet of his theory of everything. Ice Age Now is mostly dedicated to global warming denial, survivalism (better stock up on dry goods and fuel), conspiracy theories (he believes the government is covering up evidence of the coming ice age), and abiotic oil crankery. The sidebar is a long laundry list of denialist PRATTs, which makes it like Skeptical Science without the rebuttals. The "news" section seems to exist mostly to document any time at which a snowflake falls anywhere in the world (proof of the coming ice age!) and parrot whatever the latest denialist idiocy is, usually something from Piers Corbyn or Tim Ball- published: 12 Sep 2013
- views: 390