Tadamon! Bulletin

Political Prisoner Struggles in Palestine- Workshop-17 Oct. 2013

October 15th, 2013 | Posted in Other


Political Prisoner Struggles in Palestine

    Wednesday October 17, 2013
    Lev Bukhman Room
    3480 MacTavish, 2nd Floor
    Montreal, Quebec
    (Metro Peel)

This roundtabe discussion is part of Culture Shock! A co-presentation by the SSMU and QPIRG-McGill. For the full schedule, visit http://qpirgmcgill.org/culture-shock/

Join Tadamon! for a workshop exploring the struggles of political prisoners in Palestine. The historical context of political imprisonment in Palestine will be charted, the realities faced by prisoners will be reviewed, and administrative detention discussed. The workshop will also highlight resistance to political imprisonment both inside and outside of prisons, including the recent hunger strikes and mass demonstration. Discussion will then turn to the global BDS campaign against G4S and its complicity in securing Israeli apartheid.

For more information:
* QPIRG McGill
Culture shock

Tel: 514-664-1036

E-mail: info@tadamon.ca


Facebook event

Demonstration Against the Charter of “Quebec Values”

September 9th, 2013 | Posted in Other

Stand up against racism, xenophobia and discrimination!


    Saturday, September 14th
    Park Emilie Gamelin

To all Quebecers who love justice and equality, Marois’ Parti Québécois government proposes a new liberticidal, discriminatory and Islamophobic Charter.

Let’s walk together and show our rejection of Marois’ government charter.

Be present! Act now before it’s too late!

For more information:

Facebook Event:

Report Back: Librarians and Archivists to Palestine

August 27th, 2013 | Posted in Other

Librarians to Palestine Report Back


    Tuesday August 27th
    Concordia Community Solidarity Co-op Bookstore
    2150 Bishop Street
    (Metro Guy-Concordia)

    * We regret that this space is not wheelchair accessible.

From June 23 – July 4 2013, a group of international librarians and archivists traveled to Palestine to connect with colleagues in libraries, archives, and related projects. The delegation explored issues of access to information under occupation and colonialism in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and 1948 Palestine (Israel). The delegation bore witness to the destruction, theft and appropriation of books and historical documents, and was inspired by the many projects, institutions, and individuals engaged in daily resistance to settler-colonialism. Two delegates, Andrea Miller-Nesbitt and Maggie Schreiner, will discuss their experiences on the delegation, share some of the projects that were visited, and provide an overview of the next steps for the delegation’s ongoing solidarity work.

The presentation will be in English with whisper translation available.

Andrea Miller-Nesbitt is a librarian at McGill University. She is a former member of the Montreal chapter of Radical Reference and currently plays in the Chaotic Insurrection Ensemble.

Maggie Schreiner is an archivist at the Tamiment Library and Wagner Labor Archive, a collection of Labor and the Left in New York City. She also plays snare drum in the radical marching band the Rude Mechanical Orchestra.

This event is co-sponsored by Tadamon!

For more information:
Librarians and Archivists to Palestine

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/231463717001333/

Free Tarek Loubani and John Greyson!

August 24th, 2013 | Posted in Other

Join the Campaign to free Tarek Loubani and John Greyson


    To sign the petition and receive updates please visit:

Two Canadians, Dr. Tarek Loubani and filmmaker John Greyson, were arrested by Egyptian police on Friday, August 16 in Cairo.

They were en route to the Gaza Strip, where they are working on an academic and medical collaboration between the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and the main hospital in the Gaza Strip, the al-Shifa hospital.

Tarek Loubani is an emergency room medical doctor and assistant professor of emergency medicine at the University of Western Ontario (UWO). He is one of the architects of the Canada-Gaza academic collaboration, a project that has brought doctors from UWO to Gaza to train physicians in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS).

John Greyson is a professor at the Department of Film at York University and an award-winning film-maker. He is in the initial stages of working on a film to be produced in the region.

John and Tarek arrived in Cairo on August 15 with the intention of traveling to Gaza immediately. Given the volatile situation in Egypt, travel to the border with Gaza was problematic and they delayed their travel plan by one day.

John and Tarek entered a police station on Friday evening, as they were lost and needed help with directions back to their hotel. At this point they were promptly arrested. At 4pm Toronto time (10pm Cairo time), Tarek called his primary contact in Canada with the very short message: “we are being arrested by Egyptian police”.

Canadian consular officials have visited them where they are being held, and we have been told that they are “okay”. Currently their status or condition has not been confirmed, nor have friends and family been able to speak to them directly.

We demand that Egyptian authorities to release John and Tarek immediately.

Please visit the Facebook Page:

For more information:
Tel: 514-664-1036
E-mail: info@tadamon.ca

Political Prisoners’ Struggles in Palestine

August 2nd, 2013 | Posted in Other

Join us for a Tadamon! Interactive Workshop on Palestinian Political Prisoners


    Wednesday August 7, 2013

    Graduate Students Association (GSA) Lounge
    Concordia University
    2030 Mackay
    (Metro Guy-Concordia)

Join Tadamon! for a workshop exploring the struggles of political prisoners in Palestine. The historical context of political imprisonment in Palestine will be charted, the realities faced by prisoners will be reviewed, and administrative detention discussed. The workshop will also highlight resistance to political imprisonment both inside and outside of prisons, including the recent hunger strikes and mass demonstration. Discussion will then turn to the global BDS campaign against G4S and its complicity in securing Israeli apartheid. This workshop will be presented in English, with whisper translation available.

For more information:

Tel: 514-664-1036
E-mail: info@tadamon.ca

Demo Against the Prawer Plan

August 2nd, 2013 | Posted in Other

Stop the Ethnic Cleansing in the Naqab


    Friday August 2, 2013

    In front of Indigo Bookstore
    1500 McGill College (corner St Catherine)
    Metro McGill

Often referred to as the “Nakba in al-Naqab”, the Prawer-Begin Plan was adopted by the Knesset on June 24 2013, paving the way for the mass expulsion of Palestinian Bedouin communities from their lands in the Naqab (Negev) desert. Should it be fully implemented, the plan would result in the destruction of the confiscation of 800,000 dunums of land, the destruction of 35 unrecognized villages, and the expulsion of an estimated 70,000 Bedouins in what many are calling the single-largest act of displacement of Palestinian citizens of Israel since 1948.

On July 15th, thousands of Palestinians took to the streets from Haifa to Hebron to protest the implementation of the Prawer Plan. Despite mass arrests and considerable repression at the hands of the Israeli Occupation Forces, the struggle against displacement and dispossession continues. On August 2nd, join Tadamon at the Palestinian and Jewish Unity picket in front of Indigo Bookstore as part of a global day of action to demand an end to the Prawer Plan and demonstrate solidarity with Palestinian Bedouin communities in the Naqab.

For more information:
Tel: 514-664-1036
E-mail: info@tadamon.ca

From the Mavi Marmara to the Gaza Strip

June 14th, 2013 | Posted in Other

International Solidarity with Palestine


    Wednesday June 19, 2013
    6 pm to 8pm

    Café Artère
    7000 Avenue du Parc
    Metro Parc, or Bus 80

On May 31, 2010, Israel intercepted, boarded and attacked the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in international waters, killing ten and injuring dozens of activists. Comprised of civilian vessels, the Gaza Freedom flotilla had been carrying much-needed food, construction material, and medical equipment to the people of Gaza. In addition, the Flotilla had also aimed to break the brutal Israeli-imposed siege, which suffocates the economy, curtails reconstruction, constricts freedom of movement and affects every facet of day-to-day existence for the 1.5 million Palestinians living in Gaza.

Join Tadamon! for a discussion with Palestine solidarity activist Manuel Tapial to mark the three-year anniversary of the Gaza flotilla massacre. A member of the Cultura, Paz, y Solidaridad network in Spain, Manuel was aboard the Mavi Marmara at the time of the attack. The event will also feature a screening of “Flotilla: An Attack on Solidarity”, a short film that highlights footage captured at during the raid and documents the events that unfolded.

For more information:
Tel: 514-664-1036
E-mail: info@tadamon.ca
Website: www.tadamon.ca

Demonstration: 65 Years of al Nakba

May 5th, 2013 | Posted in Other

Join us on Mother’s day, May 12th, 2013, to Commemorate Al Nakba


    Sunday 12/5/2013 @1pm
    Métro Guy Concordia
    1455 de Maisonneuve, West
    Montreal, Quebec

This year, we commemorate the Nakba (the 65th anniversary of the very sad Palestinian catastrophe) on Mother`s Day in honour of all the mothers who struggle for social justice and for peace in Palestine.

Bring your flags, bring your pots and pans! Let`s make some noise for Palestine!

A poem by Mahmoud Darwish famous Palestinian poet in honor of his mother and Palestine.

My Mother

I long for my mother’s bread
My mother’s coffee
Her touch
Childhood memories grow up in me
Day after day
I must be worth my life
At the hour of my death
Worth the tears of my mother.

And if I come back one day
Take me as a veil to your eyelashes
Cover my bones with the grass
Blessed by your footsteps
Bind us together
With a lock of your hair
With a thread that trails from the back of your dress
I might become immortal
Become a God
If I touch the depths of your heart.

If I come back
Use me as wood to feed your fire
As the clothesline on the roof of your house
Without your blessing
I am too weak to stand.

I am old
Give me back the star maps of childhood
So that I
Along with the swallows
Can chart the path
Back to your waiting nest.

Defending the land – From Turtle Island to Palestine March 13, 7pm

March 4th, 2013 | Posted in Canada, Palestine, Events, Solidarity

    Closing panel- Israeli apartheid week

Presentations by Arthur Manuel and Monira Kitmitto

    Wednesday, 13 March, 7pm
    Location: Moot Court, New Chancellor Day Hall
    McGill University 3644 Peel (metro Peel)

This closing panel will highlight Indigenous land struggles and resistance on Turtle Island and will make links with the Palestinian struggle of defending the land and resisting Israeli occupation. Land defense as a way of resisting ongoing occupation and colonialism is integral to Indigenous decolonizing movements both in Turtle Island and Palestine.


Israeli Apartheid Week | March 5-14th, 2013

March 4th, 2013 | Posted in Boycott, Palestine, Events, Other, Solidarity

The Ninth Annual Israeli Apartheid Week!

9th annual Israeli Apartheid Week featuring inspiring conferences, workshops, film screenings, demonstrations, and cultural events to raise awareness around the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli apartheid.


Upcoming events
