48 young olive trees destroyed in South Hebron Hills

48 young olive trees destroyed in South Hebron Hills

4th October 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Operation Dove | Qawawis, Occupied Palestine
Yesterday morning, 3rd October, Palestinians discovered 48 olive trees destroyed alongside bypass road 317 near the South Hebron Hills area village of Qawawis.

The destroyed olive trees (Photo by Operation Dove).

The olive tree grove belongs to Ali Shetat from Qawawis and had been planted six years ago. At 10 am yesterday morning the owners, several internationals and B’tselem staff members gathered near the destroyed trees, waiting for the police. … Continue reading

Palestinians celebrate the reclaiming of their land

Palestinians celebrate the reclaiming of their land

4th October 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus Team | Burqa, Occupied Palestine

On Thursday the 3rd of October, a large group numbering around a 100 people, consisting mainly of Palestinians from the village of Burqa and the surrounding areas, as well as a smaller contingent of international activists and the press, celebrated the Palestinians’ reclamation of their land by planting olive trees on the ground of the former illegal settlement Homesh, situated on a hilltop next to the village.

Upon arriving at the site, there was an initial briefing encompassing both a short history of the area, statements made by the locals concerning … Continue reading

Cars burnt by settlers in Huwwara

Cars burnt by settlers in Huwwara

2nd October 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus Team | Huwwara, Occupied Palestine
In the early hours of 1st October settlers from the settlement of Bracha set fire to two cars parked outside the house of Edrees Shehadeh in Huwwara. This attack forms part of a sustained campaign of intimidation against the village, which includes the 2002 murder of Adnan Shehadeh-Howwara, the 21 year old son of Edrees Shehadeh. Adnan was shot to death by a settler as he was standing on the roof of his family’s house.

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Settlers burn olive trees in Sarta

Settlers burn olive trees in Sarta

27th September 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus Team | Sarta, Occupied Palestine
Settlers burnt around 35 olive trees in the Palestinian village of Sarta late on Thursday night, following the area being declared a closed military zone in preparation for the construction of a new settler road.

Illegal settlers and Israeli army invading Sarta (photo by Nima Musleh)
Around 60 settlers from the illegal Bruchin settlement and surrounding area, many armed with guns, set fire to the … Continue reading

Call to action: Join ISM for the 2013 Olive Harvest Campaign

Call to action: Join ISM for the 2013 Olive Harvest Campaign

22nd August 2013 | International Solidarity Movement | Occupied West Bank
At a time of regular settler violence in the West Bank, the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is issuing an urgent call for volunteers to join us for the 2013 Olive Harvest Campaign at the invitation of Palestinian communities.

Israeli soldier stands next to Palestinian farmers harvesting their olives
The olive tree is a national symbol for Palestinians. As thousands of olive trees have been bulldozed, uprooted, burned and destroyed by Israeli settlers and the military – according to … Continue reading

Israel starts illegal construction, destroying field of olive trees on private Palestinian land near village of Immatin

Israel starts illegal construction, destroying field of olive trees on private Palestinian land near village of Immatin

17th August 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus Team | Immatin, Occupied Palestine
Immatin is a village situated in close proximity to the annexation wall and flanked by the illegal settlements of Qedumim, Gilad and Immanu’el. Recently, three brothers from the village went to work on their land. However, when they arrived, they found that construction workers, under instruction from the Israeli authorities, were bulldozing and clearing areas of the land to erect electricity pylons. The brothers had not recieved any verbal or written request to use the land nor had they recieved any order that would … Continue reading

Video – Israeli settlers torch Hebron family’s property for eighth time

Video - Israeli settlers torch Hebron family’s property for eighth time

29th July 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Khalil Team | Hebron, Occupied Palestine
On Sunday, July 28, Israeli settlers severely burned land belonging to Hani Abu Haikel and his family in Hebron. Occupation soldiers, though at first trying to help stop the fire, ended up blocking the road so that Palestinian firefighters were delayed in reaching the scene. Several very old olive trees were destroyed in the fire which swept over immense swathes of land very quickly. In the video below, Hani Abu Haikel speaks about the incident and how Israeli settlers, soldiers and police work together to pressure … Continue reading

Settlers from illegal colony of Itamar destroy 1,500 Palestinian olive trees

Settlers from illegal colony of Itamar destroy 1,500 Palestinian olive trees

12th July 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus Team | Awarta, Occupied Palestine
On the morning of Thursday 11th July, villagers from Awarta found that 1,500 of their olive trees had been cut down over the last month by settlers from the illegal settlement of Itamar. When they attempted to highlight this crime with media coverage, the mayor and several journalists were detained for several hours by the Israeli military.

Tree … Continue reading

20 dunums of land and 200 olive trees set on fire by settlers in Sarra

20 dunums of land and 200 olive trees set on fire by settlers in Sarra

3rd July 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus Team | Sarra, Occupied Palestine
On the morning of the 30th of June, settlers from the illegal outpost of Havat Gilad rallied 100 settlers from the nearby illegal settlement of Qedumim to attack the land of the Palestinian village of Sarra.
Late in the morning, settlers went to the land located between Sarra and the illegal Israeli outpost and set fire to the land, resulting in twenty dunums of land burnt and two hundred olive trees destroyed. The Palestinian fire brigade arrived at the scene to put out … Continue reading

After the flames, only determination remains in Burin and Madama

After the flames, only determination remains in Burin and Madama

3rd June 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus Team | Burin and Madama, Occupied Palestine

On Monday 3rd June, around a dozen settlers from the illegal colony of Yizhar set fire to Palestinian’s fields in the villages of Burin and Madama, destroying at least 50 acres of arable land with olive trees. The settlers were joined by a jeep of border police when 40-50 Palestinians from the village of Burin came out to attempt to put out the fire, with some being stopped from doing so by the border police present.

As people from the two villages south of Nablus were hoping … Continue reading

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