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NOLA Palestine Solidarity
NOLA Palestine Solidarity
NOLA Palestine Solidarity
NOLA Palestine Solidarity
NOLA Palestine Solidarity



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Sunday, 01 March 2009

For the Latest news from NOLAPS, please visit our blog:

Unity and Liberation: HipHop for Palestine Represents in New Orleans
Sunday, 06 July 2008
By Mai Bader


On June 14, 2008, a wide coalition of grassroots organizations – including NOLAPS (New Orleans, Louisiana Palestine Solidarity); INCITE Women of Color Against Violence; New Orleans International Human Rights Film Festival; and the Third World Coalition of American Friends Service Committee - held an historic event called Liberation Hip Hop, commemorating the 60th year of Al-Nakba; the dispossession of the Palestinian people.

June 10 demo a success
Monday, 23 July 2007
On June 10, 2007, 50+ New Orleanians stood up against racism and injustice and demonstrated for justice in Palestine and an end to Israeli Apartheid. Click here for photos of the demostration.
2007 New Orleans Human Rights International Film Festival
Thursday, 05 April 2007

NOLAPS is proud to be one of the founders of the New Orleans Human Rights International Film Festival.  this years festival promises to be one of the best, with a special focus on Palestine.

Please visit the site at for complete schedule, or click "read more" below to see the Palestine-focused films at this year's festival.

The geography of dissent: New Orleans and Palestine
Monday, 19 February 2007

From the Gulf Coast to the West Bank: New Orleans and Palestine: January 19, 2007

Originally from Electronic Intifada

Post-Katrina, NOLAPS continues the struggle for justice and human rights
Sunday, 29 October 2006

On Monday, August 25, 2003, 21 community members gathered for the first meeting of what would become NOLAPS ( New Orleans, Louisiana Palestine Solidarity).

For the next two years, NOLAPS presented a breathtaking array of events, from films, demonstrations and speakers to art shows, a Palestinian hip-hop show, presentations in high school and college classrooms, and a regional conference with US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. We met with local newspaper editorial boards, appeared on radio shows, set up literature tables at busy public locations, spoke at churches and more. We organized two Human Rights Delegations To Palestine, including sending nine delegates to the occupied Palestinian West Bank in the summer of 2004. We printed a book and a newsletter, released a film, and co-founded and helped coordinate two years of the New Orleans International Human Rights Film Festival....

Still resolved to tell Palestinians' story
Sunday, 22 October 2006
A remarkable article published in the Times-Picayune by Louisianan Michael Phillips, an English teacher in the West Bank.
A Postcard from ADC New Orleans
Thursday, 02 November 2006

View the short video postcard from New Orleans by Roxane Assaf, featuring ADC and NOLAPS activists affected by Katrina.

Latest from Electronic Intifada
Thursday, 02 November 2006

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