META Peace Team New Meta site



Michigan Peace Team has changed its name to Meta Peace Team.  Now, when an organization that's celebrating 20 years of success changes its name, that's a big deal....and it better have some good reasons.  We do.

Whenever MPT travels outside of Michigan (let alone outside of the country) - which as you all know happens very frequently - we are greeted with people's surprise that we would be active outside of the State of Michigan.  In truth, MPT has ALWAYS been active outside these borders...Michigan just happens to be where we were founded.  For years (no exaggeration), we've been discussing how to clear this up, and a name change just made sense.  Our biggest hurdle, it seems, was determining just what to change our name to.  We decided to change our name to Meta Peace Team because of the inherent connotations in the definition of  "meta":
  • Meta comes from the Greek, and means transformation; a higher stage of development;  moving beyond; transcending; being more comprehensive; and having undergone metamorphosis.

Not only does Meta symbolize how we've grown and evolved over the past 20 years;  it also symbolizes the vision of what we see our mission to be:  to move beyond borders (both real and those we self-determine) to transform the world into the Beloved Community that Dr. Martin Luther King spoke of....To help bring about the metamorphosis of Ahimsa, or the power of love through nonviolence, that Gandhi spoke of.  We will still and always be MPT.  But with your continued help and support, we will consciously take away the barriers that stop the world from being the kinder, gentler, more just  and compassionate place that we hope to leave our children.  As always: We hope you'll join us.

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