
Overland relies on its subscribers for survival. For that reason, the editors prioritise submissions by subscribers. While all work will be read, we cannot guarantee response times to submissions by non-subscribers. You can support Overland by becoming a subscriber.

Overland accepts unsolicited manuscripts from Australian and, occasionally, overseas writers. We ask all authors to submit their work via Submittable, an electronic submission manager. This facility allows authors to track the progress of their submission. It does require the creation of an account but this process is very simple.

Those wishing to submit material are strongly urged to read Overland first.

We do not impose formal word limits and occasionally publish very long essays and stories, but potential contributors should be aware that longer pieces are generally harder to accept.

Overland will not – except in special circumstances – accept submissions that have been previously published elsewhere, including on the internet.

Overland endeavours to reply to submissions as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the quantity received means that the process can take time and we ask contributors for patience.



The print edition of Overland publishes essays, polemics, memoirs, reviews and other hard-hitting articles with a strong cultural or political analysis. As a quarterly, it cannot carry news articles or other content that will date quickly. Because space in the print edition is necessarily limited, material submitted in this category must justify its inclusion on the basis of originality, style, theoretical profundity or similar basis –it must, in short, stand the test of time. Academic articles may be  refereed but Overland is a generalist publication and discourages specialist or narrowly scholastic submissions. The contributors’ budget for print editions varies but the minimum payment for non-fiction print essays is $400. Editors: Jeff Sparrow and Jacinda Woodhead.

Current Overland subscriber? Click here to submit your piece.

Not yet an Overland subscriber? Click here to submit your piece.
(Remember, you can support Overland by becoming a subscriber.)


Overland publishes new material most weekdays in its online magazine. Unsolicited contributions about politics and culture are welcomed. While the magazine is electic, the online format generally favours short, punchy and topical articles. The rate for online articles is $50, with occasional exceptions. Please note that bank fees mean we can only pay those with accounts in Australia. Editors: Jeff Sparrow and Jacinda Woodhead.

Current Overland subscriber? Click here to submit your online piece.

Not yet an Overland subscriber? Click here to submit your online piece.
(Remember, you can support Overland by becoming a subscriber.)




Overland publishes fiction by new and diverse writers (as well as some established authors) with a focus on work that is politically engaged, intellectually challenging and emotionally charged, across a range of genres and styles. We actively look for new work from emerging writers in regional Australia. The contributors’ budget varies but the minimum payment for stories published in the print journal is $400. The payment rate for stories published online may be different. Fiction editor: Jennifer Mills.

Current Overland subscriber? Click here to submit your story.

Not yet an Overland subscriber? Click here to submit your story.
(Remember, you can support Overland by becoming a subscriber.) 



Overland is seeking fiction from new and emerging writers (that is, writers who have not yet published a book of stories or novel with commercial distribution) for a special online edition. Contributors for this edition will be paid $100 per story. Submissions close midnight, Wednesday 16 October. The special summer issue will be published in early December. Guest online fiction editor: SJ Finn.

Current Overland subscriber? Click here to submit your story.

Not yet an Overland subscriber? Click here to submit your story.
(Remember, you can support Overland by becoming a subscriber.)



Overland publishes emerging, politically-engaged poets, printing their work alongside more established national and international progressive contemporaries. The contributors’ budget varies but the minimum payment for poems published in the print journal is $100. The payment rate for poems published online may be different.  Poetry editor: Peter Minter.

Current Overland subscriber? Click here to submit your poem.

Not yet an Overland subscriber? Click here to submit your poem.
(Remember, you can support Overland by becoming a subscriber.)


The Copyright Agency Ltd is authorised to collect charges for photo and electronic copying of published material. Overland distributes money received for copying in the proportion of 80% to authors and 20% to the publisher. Copyright remains the property of the authors.