Politics wrap: May 16, 2013

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Politics wrap: May 16, 2013

The day of the leader of the Opposition's budget reply but, already, Craig Thomson is making things sticky for the government.

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PS. A reminder the leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott, will give his budget reply speech tonight at 7.30pm. You can watch a live stream of the speech on smh.com.au or theage.com.au where you will be able to see if the government's week long goading of Mr Abbott to detail his economic plan has worked.

Here's a hint - the opposition has repeatedly said it has no intention of doing so until after the pre election economic and fiscal outlook is released two weeks into the election campaign.

But don't be surprised if Mr Abbott decides that most of the government's savings measures - including the baby bonus - are not worth blocking.


As Ferris Bueller said: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you can miss it."

It felt a bit like that today. Was the budget really only 48 hours ago?


* Craig Thomson confirmed he has quit the Labor Party and will run as an independent on September 14;

* the opposition was happy to seize on Mr Thomson's varied pronoucements as evidence of the decay inside Labor; and

* the government had a field day with the opposition's decision not to grant Sydney Mp Michelle Rowland a pair so she could look after her sick baby (the pair was later granted).

That's it from me, Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen. Thank you to all our readers and contributors.

Parliament has a short hiatus next week but will be back (as will we) on Monday 27 May. Until then.....

.....given there were a few flapping ears about they probably didn't go into too many details.


Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey invite the media to film preparations for the budget reply address.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey invite the media to film preparations for the budget reply address.Credit: Andrew Meares


The leader of the opposition, Tony Abbott, and his treasury spokesman, Joe Hockey, do some preparation work ahead of tonight's budget reply speech (to be delivered in Parliament at 7.30pm)......

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey invite the media to film preparations for the budget reply address.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey invite the media to film preparations for the budget reply address.Credit: Andrew Meares

National Party Senator and lower house aspirant Barnaby Joyce says he wouldn't "cry himself to sleep" if Tony Abbott supported the government's cuts to the baby bonus in his budget speech tonight.


Between 12.16pm and 12.49pm I posted a series of updates about the migration legislation debate taking place in the Senate.

Immigration correspondent Bianca Hall has this story on what happened during the debate and its implications for asylum seekers.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard in Question Time.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard in Question Time.Credit: Andrew Meares

The legislation that provides for the Medicare levy increase to fund DisabilityCare has passed Parliament.

"With the increased Medicare levy's passage through the Senate, the lasting future of DisabilityCare Australia will be left in no doubt," the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, said in a statement issued a short time ago.

"DisabilityCare will end the cruel lottery that currently exists, where the care and support a person receives depends on where they live and how they acquired their disability. It is the most fundamental social policy reform since the introduction of Medicare."

That's it for Question Time.


The manager of opposition business, Christopher Pyne, is removed from Question Time for trying the patience of the Speaker, Anna Burke, one too many times.


Manager of Opposition Business Christopher Pyne leaves the chamber.

Manager of Opposition Business Christopher Pyne leaves the chamber.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

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