Organizing Manuals

H.E.A.L. by The Infidel Collective - Flyer

The Infidel Collective Logo

H.E.A.L. stands for Human, Earth and Animal Liberation. We are all interconnected with one another and must recognize that every action we take has an effect on the world around us. Print out this flyer and post it everywhere.

Blockade, Occupy, Strike Back! (Half-Size)

Half-size reformat of a tactical zine that came out of the Montreal student strikes in the spring of 2012.

How It Is To Be Fun

A zine written to new participants in black blocs. Contains tactical suggestions and other practical advice.

Cover Your Forehead! And Other Lessons from Pax

Tactical lessons from the case of Portland area anarchist Pax's recent court case.

Community, Justice, and Solidarity

End Police Brutality in Providence

Communities of color across the US have historically been victims of police violence in various ways. This pamphlet offers analysis of police violence in our neighborhoods, proposes steps towards building alternatives to policing, and includes legal resources.

Toronto G20 Main Conspiracy Group: The Charges and How They Came To Be


This article focusing on the G20 Main Conspiracy charges was first released in the fall of 2011. It describes the policing and legal strategies of the State and the organizing model of those targetted, to gain an understanding of one of the largest campaigns of repression against anarchists in Canada so far.

Mass, The Left, And Other Walking Fossils

Mass, The Left, And Other Walking Fossils

This zine is made up of selections from the book Anarchy in the Age of Dinosaurs.  read more »

Collectives: Anarchy Against The Mass

Collectives Anarchy Against The Mass

This zine is a basic short introduction to collectives and the philosophy behind organizing collectively without hierarchy. It argues against the faceless mass-based organizing approach and in favor of a networked approach of small collectives with whom participants have affinity.

It's a reprint of an old article that appeared in Profane Existence.

For the Pacific Northwest Grand Jury Resisters

For the Pacific Northwest Grand Jury Resisters

Providing an overview of the situation surrounding the currently imprisoned Pacific Northwest grand jury resisters, this 72-page zine also functions as a timely primer on grand juries in general.  read more »

Tech Tools For Activists v2

Integrated Security: The Manual

by Jane Berry

This may be copyrighted.

Tech Tools For Activists Vol. 1


More up to date version here:

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