
Quercus Agrifolia vol. 1 Issue 2

The Gentrification of the Mind, by Sarah Schulman

Contains full text of Sarah Schulman's Gentrification of the Mind

Free Niara (quarter-sheet flyers)


H.E.A.L. by The Infidel Collective - Flyer

The Infidel Collective Logo

H.E.A.L. stands for Human, Earth and Animal Liberation. We are all interconnected with one another and must recognize that every action we take has an effect on the world around us. Print out this flyer and post it everywhere.

STREET TRANSVESTITE ACTION REVOLUTIONARIES: survival, revolt, and queer antagonist struggle


Untorelli Press presents a compilation of historical documents, interviews, and critical analyses of STAR, a group of street queens in early 70s New York City who self-organized for survival and revolt. Contained within are pamphlets distributed by STAR, as well as interviews with and speeches by Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson.  read more »

OFC Zine #2: The Holidays Issue

OFC zine is a zine made by OCC's Feminist Club. Issue 2 is "The Holidays Issue". Content of the zine includes articles on how gender influences gift giving, being a daddy's girl, and new year's resolutions and weight loss - other content includes poetry, mini profiles on women, and quotes.

OFC Zine #1: The Halloween Issue


This is a feminist zine put out by OCC's Feminist Club. Issue 1 is Halloween themed! Inside you'll find articles about feminism, halloween costumes, and horror films as well as poetry and statistics about gender inequality

Brav_a #1 a queer-feminist teen-mag


Brav_a {spanish: fierce, rough, angry, brave} is a queer-feminist zine, with partly serious, partly ironic content about topics like love, sex, (body-, relationship-, hetero-, homo-) normativity, polyamory, the queer-feminist scene and much more in style of a teen-mag. The zine is bilingual meaning that about 50% of the texts/comics/etc. are in German and 50% in English.  read more »

Traning Men to be Rapists

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An explanation of how Rape Culture trains men to rape, and then excuses and normalizes it.

Nina Power - One Dimensional Woman

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One Dimensional Woman by Nina Power  read more »

ZERO: Anarchist/Anarca-Feminist Monthly, No. 5 (1978)- Part One

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part one of
ZERO: Anarchist/Anarca-Feminist Monthly, No. 5

Valentines Edition, No. 5 Feb/March 1978

Louise Michel (Rebel Lives) (Edited by Nic Maclellan)

Louise Michel

Louise Michel was the incendiary French leader of the 1871 Paris Commune. An anarchist and an irrepressible rebel, she spent much of her life on the run from police, in jail, or in danger of being locked away in mental asylums, as was the fate of so many feisty or defiant women. Known as "The Red Virgin," Louise was a great character from one of the greatest popular rebellions in history.  read more »

Red Emma Speaks: An Emma Goldman Reader (Edited by Alix Kates Shulman)

Red Emma Speaks

Alix Shulman has provided a truly elegant collection of Emma Goldman's speeches and writings. Shulman's introductions also display a rare and genuine knowledge of anarchist political thought. In her comments, Kates shows the relevance of Goldman's life and work for the contemporary world.  read more »

SCUM Manifesto by Valerie Solanas

SCUM Manifesto

"Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex." — Valerie Solanas

Voltairine De Cleyre Reader (Edited by A.J. Brigati)

Voltairine de Cleyre

“God is a lie, / and Faith is a lie, / And a tenfold lie is Love; / Life is a problem without a why, / And never a thing to prove.”—Voltairine de Cleyre  read more »

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