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Are you ready for some football? it's a party! another Garden Plot Jackals track, with Blasphemy (aka Bosephus Blues) rappin about aliens and bilderberg delta-clearance level shit (aka paranoia & drugs) over DJ Deep Breathely's buzzy bass line and crazy sampled jazz flute & brass.

Machine of Your Mind by Garden Plot Jackals

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The no-single off of Garden Plot Jackals only album, Burn Yr Cash. some abstract poetics of societal metanoia by Cras & Rooster Doctor over DJ Deep Breathely's bumbling synths and textures.

ALLBLAQ! by Barely Free

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Another song off of Barely Free's Three Pounds of Flax EP1, the first of a 9-EP series. This one's pretty much just our experiences at a Black Bloc in St. Louis, MO.


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The opening track of Barely Free's new 9-EP series, entitled "Three Pounds of Flax", due out any day now on MothrasEgg Records. You are encouraged to visit for free music from this anti-cop-kraut-hop crew from St. Loser, Misery. Also featured on a free MayDay comp @

RockPapweScissors Radio - Episodes 1 - 13

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Curiously collaborative · Indignantly Independent · Disgustingly DIY

RockPaperScissors Radio is a weekly show presented for Australian community radio and podcasting alongside the monthly RockPaperScissors zine. Content developed and produced by the RPS Crew.  read more »

Commentary on 'The Criminalization of Student Protest at McGill'

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The author comments on their paper, which is readable here:

IIRSA - Animinimalista

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IIRSA (Iniciativa para la Integración de la Infraestructura Regional Suramericana)

IIRSAcando la madera de los árboles que quedan.
IIRSAciando sus bolsillos haciendo monocultivos.
IIRSAturando ciudades despoblando otros lugares.
IIRSAcrificando ríos y montañas con represas y minas que siempre contaminan.

IIRSAliendo a la calle a demostrarles que no queremos su progreso.  read more »


The Sketching Room

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Free the SF 8

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info from Committee for the Defense of Human Rights

Murder Charges Against Former Black Panthers Based on Confessions Extracted by Torture

Conspiracy count dropped against five of the eight – see details (December 4).

Nobel Peace Prize laureates issue International Call for justice for the San Francisco 8 – see full text (November 30).  read more »

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