Italian Animal Welfare Party

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The Italian Animal Welfare Party (Partito Animalista Italiano) is a minor animal rights and animal welfare political party in Italy. It was founded on 4 July 2006 and is led by Cristiano Ceriello.


The Italian Animal Party was created with aspiration to defend the rights of animals and in order to work in the Institutions and Parlaments so that the people and members would be able to build a new society that can gain more respect for Animalism and to create more awareness for animals and fauna in general. The program as a whole for the Italian Animal Welfare Party is centered around the idea of animal rights. The goal of this organization is to work together with the local authorities of the State by committing to founding and creating local organizations that will join in the effort to help to create a better relationship with animals. This organization works to enforce their statutes with a commitment that they have to the animals.[1] It is not represented in the Italian Parliament, the European Parliament, nor in any regional or provincial assemblies.[citation needed]


The industry of bullfighting in Spain, which is over 300 years old and a great part of the traditional Spaniard culture, is going into a recession due to the activism that has been brought on by animal-rights activists. The animal-rights activism against bullfighting was led by Partido Animalista. Silvia Barquero, a party spokeswoman of the Animal Welfare Party, said that the ban in Catalonia was in part a result of an Animalista campaign targeting Spain's northern regions, where bullfighting was never as popular as in the south.[2]


  1. ^ "P. A. I. : Italian Animalist Party". Animalista Italiano. Retrieved 22 May 2013. 
  2. ^ "Bullfighting in Spain Is Stumbling". The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 22 May 2013.