The Age - Forever Curious

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The curious few


Let’s take a moment to appreciate the curious. The wonderers.

Those who’d prefer to peer through a hole in a fence than block it up.

Those who not only ask the 'why?' but want to know the 'who?' 'what?' 'when?' 'where?' and 'how?' too.

Without them, nothing new would ever happen and no new trends would ever start.


Nothing ventured and, certainly, nothing gained.

Because good enough would be perfect. There’d be no need for great.


Inspiring stories are all around us, just waiting to be discovered.

Yet it’s only those with a curious mind that will uncover them.


Tell me more: Editor in Chief Andrew Holden blogs here about what Forever Curious means in our newsroom.



New weekday compact size

The Age weekday editions have now launched in a new, quality compact format. The change is in response to your demands for a more reader-friendly format and we're excited by the chance to create a new premium showcase in Australia for quality, independent journalism.

The new format is the same Age that you know and love, and our journalism is as strong as ever. Along with the more convenient compact size, the new weekday edition of The Age includes two new liftouts: Pulse on Mondays - the last word on health, fitness and wellbeing, and The Shortlist on Fridays - with weekend-ready news and reviews of the latest movies and stage shows as well as all your favourite music updates from EG.

If you want to know more, please see our FAQs below.


Learn more about our new digital subscriptions

We have introduced digital subscriptions to our websites and tablet apps. Here's what you need to know.

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Different packages
  • All readers receive 30 free articles every month
  • Subscribers receive unlimited articles
  • Exclusive access for subscribers to new products and features

All readers receive 30 free articles every month on our websites

Our subscription model lets everyone in Australia read 30 articles free on our websites every month. So you’re still able to visit on any device exactly as you do now and read any 30 articles.

Our international readers continue to have access with 10 free articles a month. The number of free articles for local readers is higher than the international article limit to reflect the readership patterns of our local audience.

Unlimited articles for subscribers

Those who read more than 30 articles a month will be asked to subscribe. By subscribing you will have unlimited access to our website, mobile and tablet edition plus access to special content, exclusive events and rewards.

There are five subscription packages to choose from, each catering to our readers' different news preferences. You can subscribe today at

Subscription package What the package includes
Web Access
$1 for the first month, then $15/month ongoing on any digital device
Tablet App
$0 for the first month, then $21.99/month* ongoing
The Age tablet app
(available via the App Store or Google Play)
All Digital Access
$1 for the first month, then $25/month ongoing on any digital device
+ The Age tablet app
All Digital Access + Weekend home delivery
$1 for the first month, then $25/month ongoing on any digital device
+ The Age tablet app
+ Saturday and Sunday newspaper home delivery
All Digital Access + 7 day home delivery
$1 for the first month, then $44/month ongoing on any digital device
+ The Age tablet app
+ 7 day newspaper home delivery

*$21.99/month for The Age for iPad; $17.99/month for The Age for Android

If you'd like more details, refer to our FAQs below.

Our tablet apps' subscription model

The tablet apps for The Age follow a “freemium” subscription model due to the way articles are consumed on a tablet device. Several sections including Front Page and Editor's Choice remain free to everyone, with others available only for paying subscribers.

Exclusive subscription benefits and new features

As well as getting unlimited access to our news and features, digital subscribers get exclusive access to:

  • Zoom: a new tool we’ve developed in partnership with the University of Sydney that’s a powerful way to search our archives.
  • shortbooks: a new series of interactive e-books curated by our journalists on a range of specialist topics.
  • Unique offers and event invitations through the Australian My Benefits rewards program.

Full access for print subscribers

Australian newspaper subscribers automatically receive full digital access in their packages if they have home delivery on two or more days a week. Subscribers can activate this benefit now and ensure uninterrupted access to our website, mobile and tablet editions.

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Hear from our journalists

Find out about our new digital subscriptions from the people behind the news in this short, 3 minute video.

A digital subscription will ensure you have unlimited access to the journalism you love on any digital device. And with the ability to cancel or change your subscription at any time without incurring fees, it’s a simple choice.

Forever improving

As we roll the presses on the new compact weekday editions of the newspaper, we have also rolled-out a new homepage for the website.

With the help of our readers we’ve created a cleaner look and a sharper way to organise our news coverage. It has now launched and it’s got everything you asked for.

To start with, it's easier to navigate - whether on a desktop, laptop or tablet. You'll find the stories you want to read, or the videos you want to watch, effortlessly.

We’re also providing more of the news you asked for: more world, more politics, more opinion and more commentary. And it’s now easier than ever to get your teeth stuck into business, lifestyle, entertainment and travel amongst our many other great sections. The homepage will respond to the news of the moment with different layouts and more updates as it comes to hand.

You can catch up quickly with what your friends are talking about and see the stories that are capturing the imagination of other readers. And there are new sections to shine the light on more of our original journalism and story-telling.

Check out our new homepage today

You can also for Age Membership and receive monthly updates about all future changes and developments.

The perks of being a subscriber

Subscribers of The Age contribute directly to our ability to deliver quality, independent journalism from a uniquely Melbourne perspective. We think that's worth rewarding.

My Benefits is our loyalty program for subscribers. It's dedicated to providing you with unique and exclusive benefits that you'd expect from Australia's leading news media organisation.

Through a series of live events featuring our journalists we will bring you closer to the stories that matter. Covering a broad range of topics from issues in the news to food and wine, arts and entertainment, business, science and sport, as a subscriber you will have direct access to our best reporters and the newsmakers themselves.

My Benefits also gives you access to the best of what's happening in and around our city, thanks to our extensive network of partners. We're securing exclusive pre-sales, ticket offers and additional experiences that will only be available to our subscribers and we’re adding more each day.

We also want My Benefits to save you money on the things you enjoy most. That means you can expect a range of exclusive discounts from Fairfax Media and its partners.

To reward loyal readers who aren't yet subscribers, we're now opening our competitions to Fairfax digital members. It's free to join for a taste of some of what My Benefits offers subscribers.

We want your subscription to The Age to be more than just your ticket to Australia's best independent journalism. With My Benefits it also helps you to discover more about the things you love.

See what's on offer now at

The Age in full, to fit your pocket

It’s hard to imagine 2013 without mobile technology. The number of smartphones bought in a year has just overtaken the number of desktop computers and in just a few years we’ve gone from something functional that took calls to something magical that does it all.

We know how important it is for you to know what’s going on whenever and wherever, so we have put our focus into producing a fully-fledged site optimised for your smartphone that works on all major devices and operating systems. It’s every centimetre The Age, just millimetres of the size.

There are more sections and sub-categories, an abundance of video and photo galleries, commenting and clever sharing with your friends, curated commentary but above all, continuous updates at your fingertips.

See for yourself by visiting on your phone and login to join in.

Just save the icon to your homescreen and it’s ready to go whenever you are.

Clue: Advance (8)

It’s not just the interactive crosswords that have been keeping the digits moving in the latest edition of The Age for tablet.

It’s the video in full HD. The unexpected in Editor’s Choice. Slideshows throughout the sections that are being tweeted, posted, shared and commented upon around the globe. Full screen images and in-depth profiles. A TV guide in real-time and evening videos at the right time as you sink into the sofa. From prime-time to tablet time one story at a time.

The Age for tablet is available from the App Store or Google Play. Download it now and experience the very latest in progress for yourself.

Discover more

Register your interest to keep track of the important changes as they happen. Understand what The Age's transformation means for you.

Welcome to The Age Membership

Register today for free Membership with The Age and receive a monthly update about all the changes and developments at The Age.

Thank you for signing up for The Age Membership.

As a member you'll be the first to know about our innovations, the important changes to come and what our transformation means for you. Once a month you'll also receive a selection of exclusive offers and competitions you can enter. In addition, in your account settings you can customize your news service to be kept up to date on the latest news and receive alerts on topics that interest you.

We hope you enjoy your enhanced Age experience.
